Start a School for Ugandan Kids!


 USD $35,000


 USD $50,860

Campaign created by Jennifer Biyinzika

Campaign funds will be received by Global Seeds of Hope

Start a School for Ugandan Kids!

Hi Everybody!

Current Project:

In the village of Butende, Uganda lives a predominantly Muslim population. Teenage pregnancy, child marriages to old men, and a lack of hope for the future is what characterizes this community.

We are creating a school to give the children in Butende a good future. The K-12 school will be Christ-centered, promote a reading culture, champion critical thinking, and ensure each child graduates with skills (soft and hard) that they can bring into the marketplace. These will be leaders in their community, fathers and mothers, doctors and farmers, and they need the knowledge, skills, character, and faith to succeed.

In our first year, we will be bringing in 50-75 kids and starting them out with the basics - preschool and kindergarten. We begin class at the end of February 2025.

The Story Behind Global Seeds of Hope:

Some of you know our story and what brings us to Uganda, but let me share a quick version with you: Joel grew up in Uganda, experiencing the same poverty as many of the kids in Uganda. His saving grace was being good at school. A few scholarships and friendships later and he was spending his college years working on the communications team for government officials. This is when God got a hold of him, and he became serious about his faith. So in 2017, he quit his job in government and began looking for the most effective way to help kids just like him in his home village. The answer wasn't easy to find. After attempts at an orphanage and times of gathering kids together for Bible stories and homework help, he eventually rediscovered the power of education.

At the end of 2018, Joel traveled to America to meet with friends and raise awareness for his work with kids. That's when he met me (Jennifer). I was currently going through the theater and storytelling program at a Bible college in Colorado. My goal was to use the things I was learning to help kids discover who they are in Christ and achieve their full potential in life. I grew up in a Christian home, but spent most of my teen years believing God was disappointed or angry with me. After finally accepting that that couldn't be further from the truth, I didn't want any other child to have to go through what I did.

By the time our visions joined, the goal had grown from simply education to transforming a culture. Hence, Global Seeds of Hope was born. Our desire is that by creating opportunities (seeds of hope) for people in developing nations to have success in the areas of family, education, health, and finances, God’s love for them will shine through and generate a better tomorrow.

The Current Progress:

In 2019, we acquired a piece of land in Butende, Uganda that has become the construction site for a school. Thanks to many generous people, there is a well on the property that will supply all the water for the future school. Five classrooms are under construction right now and have reached roofing level. We now need to roof, put in a ceiling and floor, drywall, paint, put in bathrooms, outfit a kitchen, and purchase furniture before the start of classes.

$35,000 is needed to finish the project.

Here’s how that breaks down:

  • $16,000 finishes the five classrooms.
  • $9,000 puts in bathrooms.
  • $10,000 outfits a small kitchen and purchases furniture.

How can we raise a whopping 35 grand?? Prayer, getting the word out, and never underestimating the value of a little bit given in good faith. If 3,500 people give $10, the goal is reached. If 1,400 people give $25, the goal is also reached. And if one person gives $5, that’s $5 closer to giving children in Uganda an opportunity to learn.

Thank you so much for partnering with us!


Joel and Jennifer Biyinzika

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10600.00 USD
14 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 10000.00 USD
14 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 20000.00 USD
2 months ago

Bill and Judy
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Jennifer and Joel come visit us in Bend OR when you are in the states. Blessings

Vilma W
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praise God for your faithfulness! Prayers 🙏 for your mission in Uganda and May all Glory be to Our Lord!

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Mandy Monty
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Keep up the amazing work for the kids 💖🫶🏼🇺🇬🌎🙌🏼

seamus conroy
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Gateway Baptist Church
$ 10000.00 USD
3 months ago

Naomi Stahnke
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Marian Hostetler
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago


Campaign Update #1 - The Roof

November 23rd, 2024

The roof is going up! So exciting!

Thank you to everyone who has given to the project so far. We may be the ones in Uganda right now, but you are a huge part of this endeavor!

We are about a third of the way toward our goal. Finishing out this campaign will mean all the one-time costs in order to open the school will be met.

Joel and I will be coming back to the States from Christmas to February, so if you want to meet up in person to discuss the project, feel free to reach out.

Please pray for us, the construction, and the little ones who will be filling these classrooms.

- Jennifer Biyinzika, Global Seeds of Hope

Update Campaign Update #1 - The Roof Image

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