Monthly Goal:
USD $1,000
Campaign funds will be received by Grace Mathews
Hi, Grace here. Thank you for your interest in supporting me as a missionary! I'm so grateful you're here! Let me tell you a little bit about my story.
After High School, I took a six month trip called a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with the non-denominational missions organization Youth With A Mission (YWAM). My life was forever altered in those six months, as I saw God do wild and crazy miracles and turn peoples lives around. I spent the three month training phase in Rogaland, Norway, and spread the Gospel in Nepal, Thailand, and Ethiopia.
After returning home, I had a new fire burning in my heart for the Holy Spirit and the Gospel. I was living a missional lifestyle on my own in college, but eventually I had an encounter with the Lord and I felt a great awakening in my spirit. I yearned for more, and I wondered if I would be satisfied if my savior came back tomorrow. I could hear God calling me into the mission field, and after some weeks, I obeyed and withdrew from college.
I decided to leave it all behind and step into the unknown. I knew I wanted to join as staff at YWAM, since I know and love the ministry so well. While we were in Nepal, we ran into some YWAMers from Fire and Fragrance (FF), and I was in awe of what a genuine, worshipful organization it is. In September of 2021 I joined FF in the San Francisco Area. It was an incredible time working with Francis Chan's ministry, Crazy Love, and doing street ministry every day. After that I served two more quarters with them at their main base in Hawai'i. I have loved my time serving in the states, but I have felt a tug on my heart for a long time to take a bigger step and go international.
I am now serving with YWAM Brazil! The base is called Monte das Águias, and It's in the state of Paraná. The Lord is moving here!
I am so grateful for your partnership with me, whether it's a one-time gift or monthly. I would very much appreciate your prayers as well.
Hey Grace, Praying for you in Jesus name! The Manley family
Hey Grace, Praying for you in Jesus name! The Manley family
We love you!!
We LOVE you
Remember no matter how crazy or bad things get God has a plan and Jesus is Lord.
This is an extra one-time gift to support you and your ministry.
We LOVE you
November 13th, 2024
Our team was blessed to spend the second segment of this outreach in Foz do Iguaçu, a Brazilian city on the border of both Paraguay and Argentina. Our contact there was Love Church, and we walked alongside them in this time in evangelism, services, church events and fellowship. Love church had a conference, VOW, and a retreat, Reset. We served at both in practical ways and had communion with the church members. We crossed the border of Paraguay to have Bible studies and do street evangelism. In the church itself some of us joined the worship team, some helped in kids class, in the welcome team and the sound booth. We performed skits and shared words with small groups. We also wrote prophetic cards for evangelism. Many of the students say that they can’t decide if they liked serving at Nova Laranjeiras or Foz better, we are marked by Love Church’s passion for evangelism and stewardship of the prophetic gifts. We were excited to see physical healings during their house of prayer!
As we prepared to share the Gospel in Paraguay, many of us were practicing our Spanish and wondering how communication would flow. We spoke to many people that night in a public park, and the vast majority of them were Brazilian! We were able to give words, pray for people and encourage them, in Portuguese! And at the end of the night we saw the fruit of salvation. Praise God!
Currently on our way to Paraguay! Pray for safety, guidance and endurance.
October 20th, 2024
Our first week of outreach has been genuinely incredible. It is a gift from the Lord and this team is full of passion and talent (a psychologist, a lawyer and much more). This week at the Nova Laranjeiras YWAM base we settled into their slower, very relational rhythm of ministry. We led most of the prayer, worship, Bible studies and meetings at the base which is great practice for the rest of our trip. Before outreach started all nine of us were given a device called a Proclaimer that has portions the Bible downloaded in an Indigenous language to play for those who don’t read (which is many). We went out for door to door evangelism in the village, and we’ve given out about half already. I am forever marked by the reactions people had receiving these. One woman in particular was sitting next to her husband smiling at us as we spoke with him for a long time. Her daughter and her don’t speak any Portuguese, nor do they read Kaing, so the family Bible was only used by the man of the house. But when we pressed play on the proclaimer her face changed completely, she was enthralled. And now the whole family has access to three chapters of the Word of God, but because we’re not satisfied with that, we will be facilitating Oral Mother Tongue (OMT) translation of the Bible tomorrow. The main translator of the village poked his head into our living room window to encourage us today. “I thought since I speak Portuguese I didn’t need a Bible in Kaing, but when I heard the first Bible story in my mother language it entered so much deeper than it ever had before.”
I was invited to come back in January to help facilitate an American team, and I’m really hoping that could work out. Pray for that, pray for the translation process, pray against spiritual attacks on our minds and bodies. Thank you!!!
October 16th, 2024
We are officially on outreach!!!! We are off to a great start, and I’m so glad to be co-leading with my friend Jotta! We are currently serving a little YWAM base in an indigenous community. We have the opportunity to evangelize, support the base in emotional and practical ways, and even help facilitate the oral translation of the Bible with one of the people groups here as we were trained recently!!! After this we are serving with a church in Foz do Iguaçu, and lastly in Paraguay! Pray for every step we take to glorify the Lord, that God would prepare the hearts of those we would encounter, and that we would see salvations and disciples making disciples! Here is a tentative schedule:
October 14: start of outreach, arrived in Nova Laranjeiras
October 28: leave for Foz do Iguaçu
October 29: apply for renewal of tourist visa!!
Tentatively: November 12: leave for Paraguay (we could stay another week)
December 3: arrive back at the Monte das Águias base for debrief
December 6: graduation
Back in the states before Christmas
Back in Brazil week of January 20 to do it all again!!
August 23rd, 2024
I’m back at it again! It is a treat to come back to the base and work with my former students, many of them stayed as staff or are doing second-level schools. I’m leading an outreach to cities here in the state of Paraná. I have seven students so far, and they are praying about a staff to support me. We will work with indigenous tribes in Nova Laranjeiras (I scouted out the base last week), and will evangelize in the heavily Islamic populated city of Foz do Iguaçu. More updates to come! We leave the second week of October. God bless you guys, and never stop sharing the Gospel right where you are.
(photo is the YWAM Nova base which is surrounded by indigenous tribes)
June 29th, 2024
You guys! God is so good!! Outreach was incredible. It truly was a handpicked team, and what a gift to be able to work with people who truly are passionate about missions, specifically the Middle East. All of the students currently plan to go long term in missions! Woot woot! We were able to share Jesus in whatever way we could, and support long term missionaries who are constantly walking in discipleship. Was is easy? Not a chance. But unreached people gained first-time access to the Gospel, so needless to say it was worth every hardship. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. So I will! As soon as I get my visa I’ll be back in Brazil to staff the Fall DTS. Thank you to all who follow along and support however God leads.
Pray for the seeds planted in the Middle East to be watered and harvested. Pray for the new believers to stay close to Jesus and be encouraged in the faith. Pray for the students as they transition out of this experience back to “normal life”. Pray for my visa, that it would come right when it needs to. And that my time home would be a time of recovery and spiritual preparation.
April 15th, 2024
It’s been a whirlwind week here at JOCUM Monte das Águias, and it’ll only get crazier until outreach (T-12 days!). We are planning, replanning, and finishing up our training to take the love of Jesus to the Middle East. We had another Muslim nation training yesterday, and we are putting some cultural differences into practice starting now.
We pressed in to the Lord hard to raise tickets for each member of our team, and in the end we had enough for eight out of nine. That was hard for us, but as we processed I truly believe it was God’s plan all along for that student to be on the South American team. We are so grateful for the way the Lord provided for us! It’s beautiful to watch the Brazilians jump up and down and celebrate at every donation, no matter the size!
I’m at the point in my Portuguese where I’m challenging myself to share the Gospel in every Uber ride! Amen, many good conversations when people can’t run away, haha.
I’ve felt a lot of stress and pressure as outreach gets closer, some of which is normal, but lately I’ve been feeling pretty attacked, like the enemy would use any excuse to convince me to give up and go home, like it’s just too much and I’m more of a burden to the team (I’m the only one who isn’t fluent in Portuguese and I often need translation help). I’ve been seeing similar struggles in other members of our team. But as I look back to the beginning of the outreach of my DTS, and the time just before going to San Francisco, I remember feeling the exact same way. I had every reason coming to mind not to be sold out and do what God was calling me to, but look at all the people who wouldn’t have been reached, wouldn’t have come home to Jesus if I had taken the easy route. The enemy comes with the lie that the easier life is the better one. But I know that being pushed out of my comfort zone is the the will of God, and therefore the best place to be. The Lord has called me to this team for a reason, and we all need each other in the body of Christ.
All that to say, I am overall very excited for outreach, praying constantly for what God will do when we’re there! These are particularly excited and involved DTS students, We are also praying a lot for the conflict in the Middle East and keeping an eye on the situation as we plan.
Join with us in these prayers, praise God for the provision, pray for open doors in the nations and pray against attacks. We know the enemy won’t steal our peace!
February 17th, 2024
Great news! I’m staffing an outreach team to the Middle East!! We leave Brazil in early May. We are working with those displaced by the earthquake last year, and with various other ministries. More updates to come soon. From now on, you’ll need a link to access this blog, so let me know if you ever need it again! We'll probably have to change some things about communication and posting as these are closed nations.
Please pray for the hearts of those we will encounter on this trip, that God would be preparing a way for us. Pray for favor with the visa, every time I go to the office they tell me something different.
Love you guys!
January 30th, 2024
It's hard to believe our students arrive this week! I've been praying for them by name, and I'm preparing to be the 'go-to-gringa', helping the internationals adjust to the language barrier and culture shock. I'll also be giving English classes, while taking Portuguese. I'm getting used to life as a DTS (ETED in Portuguese) staff, and falling in love with this base and its lovely ministries. People (including non-believers) come from far and wide to go through our high ropes and team building program. We have a wonderful outreach/school for children at risk, and it's given the whole base a good name in the community and opened doors for the town. One of the many schools here trains youth for the circus, and I look forward to performances in our very own circus tent! It's beautiful to see all the avenues of impact. I never could have dreamed up a circus for Jesus! We're going to be translating the DTS classes to English and Spanish. I will find out soon what country I'll lead a team to!
Pray for the students, that God is already working in their hearts and making the way for them. As always, pray for favor with the visa process, I already will probably have to come home just before the end of DTS for visa reasons. But! God provided a way to extend through lecture phrase here in Brazil, which was up in the air for a bit there. Love you all.
December 28th, 2023
I'm so incredibly excited to be staff of a DTS that will start this February. It's called Multicultural, with a focus on connecting with and reaching a culture that's not your own. I'll be the only native English speaker, and I'll help the the relationships with international students. I'll be leading a three month outreach, and afterwards serving the mercy ministries at this wonderful base. The Lord could not have directed my steps in a more clear or supernatural way, and I'm so expectant to see what He has in store.
Pray for my next visa application! And that God would already be working in the hearts of the students and those we will encounter in outreach.
November 4th, 2023
Saturday, December 30th, 11:00 AM
10424 Indian Lake Blvd S, Indianapolis, IN, 46236
You are invited to join me for an update brunch in Indianapolis! I will be sharing about all God is doing in Brazil, and having a Q+A followed by a time of fellowship. Come at 11:00, or come early at 9:30 to hear my Bible Overview. I’m looking forward to seeing you!
November 1st, 2023
I’ve graduated the Bible Immersion phase! Praise God for this opportunity. Now I’m in leadership school, serving the base and hoping to be staff for a new school starting in February, I find out sometime in January.
Last week we had the wonderful opportunity of a break. I went with several friends to stay with the family of one of them. This family has a specific call to host missionaries, so we were blessed so much to be one of the first groups there. We were able to shop for some things we can’t find in the jungle, and we took the opportunity to evangelize every step of the way. Each one hour Uber driver had to listen to us talk about Jesus the whole time, they all had questions and all let us pray for them. Our team saw healings, salvations and reconciliations in parking lots, basketball courts, and nail salons. We pushed each other to give prophetic words constantly. And I felt so much more prepared to answer questions after Bible Immersion! I even shared the Gospel once in Portuguese, very simply to a child, and by the grace of God. We helped with a couple events at the local church, and watched God move in São Paulo. Outreach lifestyle, my friends!
I’m coming back to Indy for Christmas! I’ll announce the date for my update night soon!
Chase the presence of God daily, and never forget the heavens are open :)
September 23rd, 2023
You guys! I'm so excited to share with you something that happened last Saturday. My friends and I went into the nearby town of Registro to hang out. We ended up praying over and getting words for several people. We met some people outside of their Baptist church, and we prayed over each other and the church and encouraged them. Then, just as we were about to turn a corner, my friend said, 'you guys, I want to pray for healing!' and we turned and immediately saw a man on crutches at the end of the block. He let us pray for him, and started testing out his injured foot. He was crying, slowly handed us his crutches and said there was zero pain left. We walked him through what he was feeling in his heart and he recommited his life to the Lord. He still left with the crutches, but he was trying it out still, hitting his foot on the ground. Pray for this man and remember to keep an eye out for what God wants to do in the seemingly mundane.
September 7th, 2023
September 7th, 2023
I am so grateful for YWAM schools. It's a gift to dive into the Bible together! This week, as we start the prophets, our speaker is actually the founder of Discipleship Bible School, a Dutch man named Jo van Bakel. This humble man is having a meal with each and every small group while he's here, taking time for all +/- 130 of us. I appreciate that the DBS and Worldview quarter are requirements at this base, instead of the normal requirement of just DTS, giving them well-rounded/biblically literate staff, but I've also been through a LOT of schools lately, and I'm itching to do some more hands-on stuff. Most people on base don't actually go to church on Sunday morning, and I've heard a couple times 'We go to church everyday'. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the capital 'C' Church not being in the building Sunday morning, but I do think it's a great way to be connected to the local community and be good stewards of the land God has given us. We don't usually leave campus Monday through Friday, so I want to be intentional and take initiative on the weekend to have communion with locals.
But at the same time, Jo spoke on Isaiah today, and that wonderful chapter 6 was really speaking to me. Isaiah asks the Lord; "How long, Lord?" And God essentially communicates to Isaiah that he won't be alive to see the fruit of his labor. Would I be willing to stay here if I don't see a single salvation? Am I focused on numbers instead of souls? It's good to ask these questions, let Him search my heart. Jo said, "obedience is success," and I know the Lord has called me here. And I am willing and ready for this season of preparation and character building, I want to be pressed and come out different than I went in, ready for whatever comes next.
In other news, I'm really pushing myself in Portuguese. Today I laughed at a joke for the first time, and I've had a couple more conversations without English. I can't wait until I can share the Gospel and pray in this beautiful language. It's hard to decide to sit with non-English speakers at lunch, when sticking with the handful of Americans takes so little brainpower, but I'm looking forward to the day I can translate for the speakers, because I feel in my heart it is coming.
Whether I get to stay at this base long term, I'm committed to this country. Pray that my visa gets approved, as their laws are changing this year. Pray against an outbreak of chickenpox on base (it's always something, I swear). Pray for the people of Pariquera-Acu, that this city would be wrecked for Jesus, and that I would be filled with the boldness and courage of the Lord to be a part of it.
August 27th, 2023
Heart update! It is so good to be in a community that loves the nations with such vigor and treats each other with such love and honor. I think I’m really finding it a little too good to be true. I went to San Francisco in the fall of 2021, and Kona this past fall, each time hoping to go on as staff. Each time I got a no. It’s been a long process to not take on that rejection and keep going towards what I feel the Lord has called me to, and it hasn’t been easy going back and forth all the time without putting down roots and staying with the same people. Even though I know God called me here, sometimes it’s hard to trust that I’ll really get to stay here. It’s still a process of letting go of my fears of the future and just living in the moment. I know that no matter what, He is in control, and He called me here for a reason, for however long it will be and whatever role I’ll be in. And I have to remember how God has moved in the communities I’ve stayed in each time, every life given to Jesus is so so precious, every person discipled is such a victory. God is so good and I trust Him with it all!
Other stuff:
It’s been a really good week! I had my first conversation in just Portuguese yesterday! I’ve been teaching English in a casual setting. We’ve read, heard lectures on and written about 18 Old Testament books so far. I fall more in love with the Word everyday and already feel more equipped to share it with the world.
Please pray for me to put roots down and be present, for health over this soggy, mildewy, campus, and for us to be a light in the city.
August 13th, 2023
Last night we got to serve at an event in the nearby town, Pariquera-Acu! Praise the Lord their mayor is a Christian and wants to see revival on the streets. There was worship, prayer, and a great turn out. We set up a prophetic room for anyone to go in and get a word. My friends and I met a family and prayed over them, I was able to give a word through translation, it’s nice to have bilingual friends! One of the singers found out I didn’t speak Portuguese and pulled me up on stage to sing with him, he said to the crowd; “an American in Pariquera-Acu! That is rare!”. And some random people even took pictures with me afterwards, haha, which opened the door to have more conversations about God. All in all, there were 9 salvations last night, praise God! The harvest is ready!
August 7th, 2023
It is so good to stand on the promises of the Lord!
Over five years ago he first called me to Brazil, and now here I am, a part of a Brazilian ministry, Dunamis. Dunamis is a missions movement that merged with YWAM. I’m in the state of São Paulo, in a more rural area. If the Lord keeps the doors open, I plan to be here for a long time. It has been a big adjustment here, especially with the language. But I’m learning more everyday, and you couldn’t imagine a more welcoming group. There’s about 120 people in my section of the ministry, about 110 are Brazilian and the rest of us are from the states. I’m so hyped up to see the passion of the Brazilians, to learn from them and join into the great commission with them. Right now I’m in a Bible intensive they require from everyone who joins the base, which I think is awesome. Pray for me as I navigate culture shock! Praise the Lord, He is so worthy.
May 29th, 2023
May 23rd, 2023
Yay Roatan!
It has been a gift to be here, and to see what the long term missionaries John and Bev have going on. It feels like we've done so much since I came here, but at the sweet and slow Central American pace. I flew in on Tuesday, and on Wednesday we had a vision meeting for a halfway house for the rehab program John and Bev are involved with. The rehab program lasts around 4 months, and transition housing would really help the people in the program reintegrate back into society afterwards, and not end up back in the program.
We then went to a women's bible study, where I met a woman who is a self-proclaimed mix of Mother Teresa and Tupac. She runs the largest animal shelter in Honduras, and we got to visit it on Thursday. Anyone on the island can bring their pets to the vets there. That evening we went out for street evangelism, and our minds were blown. The very first person we spoke with was a woman who so ready to give her life to Jesus you could hardly believe it. Her eyes widened and jaw dropped when we told her that she doesn't have to keep trying to clean up her mess before coming to Jesus, rather He wants her just as she is, and would lead her gently on the path of righteousness. She prayed silently to confess her sins and accept the Lord. As soon as she finished, a dove landed in the tree next to her. I will never forget it. Her whole family is made up of believers and regular church attenders, and we connected her with the pastor, so hopefully she will be joining them. Praise the Lord!!
Friday we had a missions team come in who work at a rehab clinic in the states. They gave a lot of helpful insight into what type of transitional housing works. On Sunday we set up church which takes place in a functional restaurant, so it took a few hours to get ready and awhile to tear down. Those in the rehab came, many expats and some folks on vacation.
I have more mosquito bites than I can count, met far more people than I'm able to remember, and I am very grateful for my generous and hilarious hosts. More to come!
February 26th, 2023
Hello friends!
I am currently in Indiana (for a bit longer than I’d like and I’m itching to go back on the field). I am making solid plans to move to Brazil by September, and carry out my 2 year commitment there. I’ve applied to dozens of YWAM bases and I’m waiting to hear back from some. In the meantime, I’m going to stay with some missionary friends in Roatan, Honduras, internship style for a few weeks. More updates to come!
November 18th, 2022
October 27th, 2022
Hi friends! Wow, has life been sweet lately. BUSY, but so sweet. I feel the Lord honing my evangelism techniques, and I'm examining the way I approach the lost. This past week some friends and I were out spreading the gospel, and felt a pressure I had put on myself to see a number of salvations, and have testimonies rather than seeing the souls in front of me. I was working through this with the Lord, and the next day I found myself naturally in conversation with a tourist. I asked her about her story, we'll call her Maria. "Maria" told me she was culturally catholic, but had joined the Jehovah's Witnesses. As she began to read the word of God for herself, she found herself questioning if some of the things she was being taught were truly biblical. She addressed her leaders to discuss this, and that was the end of her time with the JWs. I shared with her a little about the lessons I had learned in life about the difference between religion and relationship with God. I asked her if I could pray for her, and she said she had kidney stones, so I prayed that they would dissolve and that God would bring her into deeper relationship with Him. She asked for my number and has reached out for a couple times since. She asked me if there was anything she could read or watch to learn more, and where could I send her but back to the Bible? I told her I would pray the Holy Spirit would give her deeper revelations of the word of God. (I also turned her onto the Bible project). I believe the Spirit touched her when we prayed, that she is truly hungry, and that Lord is feeding her!! Please pray for the people we encounter, even those I met last year and am still in contact with. And I want to encourage you, if the Lord has touched your life, be unashamed of the Gospel and always have the good news on your lips!!
My second update is this, I am seeking the Lord in where He is calling me after this year in Fire in Fragrance. I have had Brazil and South America as a whole on my heart, and I am looking into opportunities to move there long term, possibly involved in jungle treks, and getting the Word of God to people who have never had such an opportunity.
Be blessed, and always reach out to me if you want to talk more!
October 1st, 2022
Here on campus!! A magical place where hours of worship and prayer sets fly by. We have been serving our fellow missionaries from day one, I’m on the 5:30 shift for breakfast (for around a thousand people!), and we will be volunteering two days for the Iron Man Race World Championship this week at 4 AM, so pray for our sleep! Actually, in true YWAM fashion, a few of us have not been allotted beds yet, so pray for that as well. There are nearly 80 of us in the Track this year, so it is so fun to start to meet all the new faces of these young people of God. Thank you all for your support and don’t ever hesitate to reach out to talk more!!
September 25th, 2022
Hey guys! I am so excited to leave on Thursday to start my second leadership track! It’s the same as East Palo Alto, but it will be in Kona, Hawaii. Like last year, it will last until mid December, and then I will hopefully staff a DTS in January! Thank you so much for your continued support!
October 16th, 2021
October 3rd, 2021
September 17th, 2021
August 13th, 2021
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.