USD $4,000
USD $1,050
Campaign funds will be received by Ethan Coco
To those who spend the time reading this, thank you. *If you want to know exactly what your funds will be going towards, a helpful table at the bottom of this message will explain.*
It has been over twenty years since I first gave my heart to God. Since then I have learned beyond any doubt that He is the greatest thing I could ever live for; deity turned man with a heart for us beyond all comprehension and clothed in a righteousness I cannot hope to ever obtain on my own. Throughout the decades of struggle in sin, hearing God's voice prophetically, seeing the signs of His work physically made manifest, and holding fast to the Word in a world rapidly rejecting it, I can confidently say I have never heard God this clearly point in a direction and say "Go forth".
There is a volunteer operation that our church is contributing to; an outreach for pastors and communities in Kenya, needing all the support and manpower they can muster. At first I was hesitant due to the personal cost- giving up next to everything for my first excursion overseas for Christ is a task I hadn't encountered before. Luckily for me, even in the throughs of my flesh driving my mind and heart to abandon God entirely, He showed himself.
The amount proposed by the coordinating church member for the group travelling there to cover everything was around $2,000. Due to some poor financial decisions, I was rather broke, unable to heed God's call. At the moment I may have given up and called off the trip, I found an old letter from the mail I never opened, been sitting on my desk for months; finally got around to cleaning my living space and came across it. A reimbursement check for my dropped college courses to the tune of $1,845. I was stunned.
For context, around Christmas, I had gained enough cash from multiple different parties to purchase my passport and contribute $150 to the trip's budget. Guess what I had in my personal bag at that moment? A tip from a customer at work from two days prior, $5.
The entire time I have been running from Him, doubting His work, and calling for a sign for Him regarding this trip, He was setting up the pieces to deliver the EXACT amount I needed. My family was baffled, I was opening up my heart to God for the first time in ages, having prayed constantly for a moment that defined God changing my life for the better. This was just the beginning.
Every step of the way after, I was blessed to follow the Lord's command to go: my passport got expedited right on time to book the tickets, my career goals aligned directly with the trip's itinerary, a church prophetic word telling me in no uncertain terms "The call is for you". It was almost as if the Lord was slapping me awake so I wouldn't miss the plane.
I have been a changed man since then, and will hopefully continue to change while I'm there. I desperately needed to be closer to Him, to understand His living and active Word, and in that regard I have unmoving faith He will accomplish that and more.
With this in mind, I am not coming to you for the funds alone. Every dollar donated will be placed in the coffers of Christ, to further His will in my life and those around me. You will be directly contributing to the true salvation of a now-repentant sinner. It is all about the relationship, and I cannot wait to see where this takes me from here.
Now regarding the aspects for which this money will impact significantly:
This trip will last roughly three months, with multiple major faith-based events happening on campus at Clarence Matheny Ministries (cmlti.co.ke to learn more about their goals and ministry). Everything you donate will either go towards the trip's expenses or to continuing the growth God will give me there back in the U.S.
$1,000 for the plane ticket home
$500 for food expenses
$1500 towards blessing the families graciously allowing me sanctuary while I am onsite
$1000 for ministry opportunities while in Kenya
Once again, many blessings and thanks to each and every person who decides to contribute. I will attempt, if the donations allow you to send a message along with it, to get a prayer request from all of you that I shall keep in mind and intercede for all the days I am there. Keep in mind the ministry opportunities in your community that He may be subtly or like I was pushed towards moving in. To Him be the glory and honor and praise, and may His will be done here as in His Kingdom, Amen.
- Ethan Coco, a sheep in His flock following His voice
What an exciting chapter to your journey! Your great faith and humble heart are such an inspiration. We are eagerly anticipating witnessing your journey! Sending much love
Ethan, I know God has great things in store for you. I'm so excited for you. We love you!
Our message is private also , if you can manage that.: we love you so very dearly. We have always known God had a call on your life and that He was going to do great things through you - because you have a tender heart for the lost, the hurting and even the belligerent. You love them all as God does. Great things to come! We love you, Gramma and Pappaw Coco
I am So excited for you Ethan and I will be Praying for you on each step of this Journey. I know God will do Great things and His Plans for you will come to pass !!! I Love You !!!
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