Get it done Maria!


 USD $40,000


 USD $16,908

Campaign created by Jennifer Imperial

Campaign funds will be received by Maria Imperial

Get it done Maria!

Maria is on a journey to beat stage III cervical cancer! But, not all cancer treatments are covered by insurance. Intravenous (IV) vitamin C are $400.00 each and the doctor wants her to get 4 a week! Yikes! Can you pay for a half of an IV Vit.C treatment? Ozone therapy is $250 a week and the doctor prescribed 2 a week. Helping with these therapies would be so beneficial to Maria. I'm thankful for any monetary gift that you can give at this time.

We all know Maria; she's going to keep working as long as she can to cover as much costs as possible. But we really want her to stay at home and let her body heal as she goes through therapies. Please help if you can. Every little bit will add up and get her on the couch ;-), right where we want her! Maria was just married 2 years ago, lives in Gainesville, TX and is a lineman. Her dream is to live a long life with her husband, dogs, and horses. She has some horses for rent (yes, that is a thing), and for sale, to help with the costs of her treatments. We are all on hard times, with so many basic necessities constantly rising in price. Imagine covering extra cancer costs at this time. Thank you for any help at all. 

Recent Donations
Wendy Berrett
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Thinking about you and praying for a full recovery. You’re one strong, kick woman!

Mikaela Combo
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

$ 25.00 USD
1 day ago

Sending love to one of the most incredible people I know

Jerry and Micki
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

$ 30.00 USD
13 days ago

Sending healing energy to you Maria. You can do this! 🤗

Doonan Family
$ 200.00 USD
20 days ago

Dale Darlene
$ 200.00 USD
23 days ago

Praying for strength and healing

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
26 days ago

God bless you Maria‼️ May you go from strength to strength; full and complete recovery!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Daily Prayers for Maria

Stuart Moss
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Thinking of you Maria ~~ you are always in my daily prayers. Sending a big hug!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago

May you feel God’s love and peace. Our hearts and prayers are with you.

Janis Nestor
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for you, your family and wisdom for your doctors. There is such power in prayer and we pray for your healing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
1 month ago

May our Lord's grace and healing power sustain you and your family.

Guy and Cheryl Veni
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying the Good Lord surrounds Maria with his perfect healing grace🙏🏻

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for a complete recovery. May you feel our Great Savior by your side as you go through this trial. God Bless you.


Update #14, Cancer Treatment at Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders

February 12th, 2025

Maria finally received a phone call today that let her know that she is going to start her chemotherapy tomorrow. We were waiting on the insurance to accept the treatment plan that the doctor submitted; It is a little different from the standard protocol. She will not have to get the harsh triple chemo.

Maria is on her own mostly, as her husband has been working out of town. He has not been home since she has been back from Mexico. Thankfully, it looks as if some aunts and/or uncles will be able to stop by here and there, and help for short times. She has had so much to do, taking care of her home and property, while she is dealing with this cancer.

Thank you for your financial assistance thus far, and for all your prayers and well wishes. Your thoughtfulness and generosity make our hearts thankful every day, and we are full of gratitude.

Update #13, Home from Sanoviv

January 17th, 2025

Maria and I left Sanoviv on the 15th, and she had a great report from Sanoviv. The tumor has been broken up in places, and a large portion of the middle of the tumor has been liquified and will be absorbed by her body (not causing more spread, because those cells are dead). The tumor circumference is almost the same, so basically, it is dying from the inside out. Maria saw her radiologist the day after arriving home, and he was very positive about the radiation getting rid of the tumor from this point. Although he would like her to have some chemo to shrink it a bit more, because then he could use a stronger radiation with fewer treatments, and demolish it!

Maria spoke with her oncologist today and will see him next week. She is willing to try another chemotherapy drug, but not the triple cocktail that is generally used after metastasis. We are remembering that her NC oncologist told us that the mixed cocktail of the chemo drugs is too harsh for Maria; she would use one chemo drug at a time to get this smaller, and maybe they would let her do so since she has had significant change in the tumor.

Your prayers and support are very uplifting to Maria. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We appreciate every one of you, and I hold your prayers close to my heart.

Update #12, At Sanoviv Medical Institute

January 7th, 2025

Maria’s treatments are going well, and she is halfway through the cancer program here at Sanoviv. She continues to see the specialists* that I mentioned in update #11, and she has found that the “quiet room’ has her favorite therapies. You can look up the wonderful quiet room treatments on the link on the bottom of this update. (Copy and paste in browser.) Once the link is open, you can hover over ‘About Sanoviv’, and you will see the Bioenergetic Department listed. They are difficult to describe in this small space.

Maria had a good, challenging fitness class today. She was upgraded from ‘light’ exercise to ‘medium’ exercise. That doesn't mean she'll be lifting big weights, but they are helping her to build muscle as she can. She also was able to get her dental work complete (her teeth got weak from the chemo she did August- October). Good health starts in the mouth. Maria did start receiving the vit C (75g) 2 times a week. She is still getting the hyperthermia, both regional and whole-body. Last time, her whole-body temp got up to 103!

We found out more specific information about the tumor that is on her lung. Well, turns out it’s not on her lung, but rather in her lung. The lung is then pushed outward to the pleural space, and pressing on the rib, and this pressure is what is causing the terrible nerve pain. Maria met with a specialist, and they may do a nerve block, but first, they are trying a different approach by changing up her medications. The last two nights she slept well, so we are thankful!

I like to say that everything is rosy, but it’s difficult to be away from your home when there are responsibilities to take care of. Maria relies on her friends a lot, and I thank them all tremendously. They take a big stress load off her.

It’s hard to know just how to thank everyone for their help with Maria’s journey. You encourage not only Maria, but all of us. We are so appreciative; thank you very much.

*At Sanoviv, you are assigned a 7-member team to work with you, including a medical doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, chiropractor, biological dentist, fitness professional, and bioenergetic specialist.

Update #11 Maria is in Treatment

December 29th, 2024

Maria arrived at Sanoviv Medical Institute on Christmas day. She has undergone many alternative type treatments, that when combined, their goal is to beat this cancer and heal her immune system. Hyperthermia is one of the main methods they use, both local and whole body. With the whole-body treatment, they heat the body up to 101 degrees for one hour, (not her favorite treatment). While she is in that heated state, there is an IV chelation going, a detox solution to help remove excess metals from her system. Maria also has been receiving TCM IV, an immunotherapy. She often will have an IV running while she is engaged in another therapy as they enhance each other. She should be receiving the high dose vitamin C this week.

They also take care of dental & nutritional needs. Maria has engaged in some bioenergetic therapies and has seen the chiropractor. Sanoviv really looks at the whole body. She has seen the psychologist and a mind-body therapist. She’s been assessed for her physical strength so they can make a physical exercise plan for her. Some supplemental health products that are hard to find in the US, they are using here. Vitamin B-17 is available online in pill form, but not many doctors give it to patients in IV. Here they do, so they can make it most effective.

Overall, Maria is doing better here. Although her pain is not completely resolved yet, she has gotten her GI cramping taken care of. We hope to get this breakthrough pain resolved soon.

I thank everyone for your prayers and financial support for Maria. You give Maria hope and bring a sense of comfort. Thank you so very much.

Update Update #11 Maria is in Treatment Image
Update #10, Another Chapter

December 14th, 2024

Hi to all Maria’s amazing friends and prayer warriors. As Maria’s cancer has rapidly grown and spread we’ve realized that she needs aggressive treatment quickly. After much research into options here and abroad, we’ve decided the best option is for her to go to Sanoviv Medical Institute. She would so appreciate your support in helping her get there. More details on her state and travel are below.

Maria wanted to have surgery to remove the tumor on her posterior lung, but her new doctor instead recommends chemotherapy. If you don’t know, once you’ve had a round of chemo, and it didn’t work to rid you of your cancer, the next time chemotherapy is delivered, it is much more powerful, and therefore potentially damaging to the body. Maria’s oncologist in NC told me that if Maria needed to do the harder chemo, her chances of survival were low. My conclusion is that the chemo is very, very toxic; to not only the tumor, but to all the other cells too.

We have searched far and wide for cancer centers that have treatment methods that are less toxic and therefore more effective for Maria in her weakened state. Here in the US, these clinics are very popular, and they cannot get Maria an appointment soon enough. So, we have broadened our search, and we have decided on Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico (

Maria will have 3 weeks of care there and they will follow up with her for a year post treatment. The cost of Maria’s treatment is $43,700.00. Following this treatment Maria will go to a cancer center in the US which will likely cost as much or more than Sanoviv. The cost is very high but so are the stakes. Maria has cashed in her investments for this treatment and is selling assets to try to fund follow up treatments. I’m sure you can imagine how hard that is on her, feeling like she’s selling her future. Any amount that you can help would be so meaningful to her and her family. Our vision for Maria is a long life that she’ll need to plan for ❤️

Thank you for encouraging Maria and giving her hope. You are truly a blessing to her.

Update #9 Haven't finished the race yet.

November 24th, 2024

Happy November and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Maria is home in Texas, and has established care with The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders near her home. She will be having a PET scan on Tuesday to take a look at a second tumor that has formed on her posterior lung (in the plural space outside of the lung). This was found right before our trip, so Maria decided to have it treated in Texas. She will know more and will have an update on a plan shortly after the scan. Please continue to keep Maria in your prayers, she is still on her short term disability and continuing to do the natural paths that we believe help in healing so any contribution is helpful. Thank you form the bottom of our hearts.

Update #8 Finally going home!

November 4th, 2024

Maria and I are supposed to be in Texas right now, but she needed to stay in NC for one more immunotherapy treatment. It was complicated to get everything lined up at the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders in Texas, where she will be receiving follow up care near her home. They could not line that up in time. So after the treatment here next week, the following immunotherapy treatment will be in Texas. Immunotherapy should be every 40 days going forward, whereas it has been every 21 days.  

We will be heading to Texas with Scout and Bailey after the immunotherapy. Thank you again for walking this walk with Maria, and feel free to see our Facebook pages for any further information. I'm counting on her good friends to look after her, and will post monthly, until Maria has her PET scan in January. Thank you and God bless.

Update #7, Hopeful End in Sight

October 8th, 2024

Maria had a treatment break mid September and was able to fly home to Texas for 4 days. An MRI was the first appointment upon her return as the doctors wanted to try brachytherapy (internal radiation). But it was revealed that the tumor is not quite small enough for it to be effective. So instead she has more external radiation, in a more pinpointed position, and restarted chemotherapy. This is scheduled for 3 weeks, in which she is in the middle of now, and hopefully this will get rid of any remaining tumor. Then Maria will need to have a procedure on the 25th of this month, which will hopefully let us know if there is any tumor remaining, (but it’s not 100% percent accurate).

However, we will know more precisely after a PET scan in 3 months. She needs to wait 3 months following treatments to make sure all inflammation is gone, to get a great picture.

Maria hopes to be going home around the end of the month. We will be driving with her 2 dogs.

Thank you so very much for your support, prayers and caring thoughts.

I will always remember the kindness and generosity I have experienced from everyone, in support of Maria. I will post again if something comes up, and/or when Maria is on her way back to Texas. Thank you, thank you! This has been a journey I wouldn't wish upon anyone, and all the support on this site has been extremely helpful, reminding us we are not alone. I am forever grateful!

Update Update #7, Hopeful End in Sight Image
Update #6

August 25th, 2024

Maria has now completed 3 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation here at First Health Cancer Center in Pinehurst, NC. She has been having some good, and some not-so-good days. We have restarted the Vitamin C, and she is receiving high dose infusions on the days following Chemo. We are doing red-light sauna therapy once a week. We will do more if she can; Maria is finding it difficult to sit in the heat for the recommended 45 minutes. She has also had therapeutic massage to help. All these extra therapies keep her system moving, and help her to get rid of the toxic cancer die-off.

Maria was able to sell the horse that she had on the market, so we are thankful for that. So she is not in a "critical" need for funding now, hence why I've lowered her goal. She has a lot of outstanding bills to pay from Texas Oncology (which is frustrating because they hardly helped her at all - the reason why she is here in NC). Maria had not completed her out of pocket maximum, and she is receiving some pretty large bills. She also may end up with a few from NC. We want friends to know that the emergent need for money is gone, but any help in paying down her cost is, of course, a gift that is cherished. We will always be grateful for all the help we have received; the prayers for Maria, and for the love that you continue to share.

Update #5

August 10th, 2024

Maria has completed her first week of Chemotherapy and radiation treatments. She has chemotherapy before radiation on Mondays which takes 4-5 hours. The remainder of the week, only radiation treatments, which take less than 30 minutes. She has treatments scheduled through September 12.

I thank everyone for their prayers and donations. Every single one has touched our lives and made this journey manageable. I am going to decrease our needed monetary amount for this month though. Maria still has needs, but we are trying to be good stewards of donations and making them go as far as possible. This month, the money is helping Maria to cover all the costs involved with her hospitalization last month. She will be taking supplements also, which help make the chemotherapy more effective, and we will re-assess in September.

We are working on getting her vitamin C infusions going again, once a week, starting next week. This is best used the day following chemo to reduce the toxicity of the chemo drug and extend the free radical burst needed to off more tumor cells. I've read that the vitamin C specifically targets the stem cells that the chemo leaves behind. We have done a lot of research and finding that there are a few items that keep coming up in all the books; these we take a closer look at.

The photo is the beautiful, Texas evening sky viewed from Maria's front porch while I was there. I'm sure she misses the view. Thank you again.

Update Update #5 Image
Update #4

July 25th, 2024

We decided to move Maria here to NC asap since she still hadn't started treatment. Of course it was up to Maria, but she is letting us help out. I was very worried when I saw her critical labs drawn on July 11, and called quickly around in my area, to make sure she would; 1. be covered by her insurance, 2. have supplementary treatments (thanks to her sister in law for this), and 3. could get in to treatments quickly.

All this happened with a few phone calls, and much praying. The oncologist at First Health agreed that her labs were critical and that she should go to the ER asap upon arrival. Maria just missed the airline computer glitch on Friday, that left thousands stranded. We got her to the ER around 1pm on Saturday and she was admitted. She had to stay through yesterday, Tuesday the 23rd! Over that time, she needed 5 units of blood, a couple bags of iron, and lots of electrolytes to rebalance. Her calcium was super critical (15.1) and we had to bring that down. The high calcium has created a small issue with the kidneys, so she will get stents in both ureters. She needs to be able to eliminate all the tumor die off. She still has lots of inflammation that we are addressing with diet and supplements.

Maria will see radiology tomorrow morning, followed by the oncologist (who evaluated her in the hospital). We hope to have a good schedule for treatment by Friday. 

I am so very thankful for all the prayers. A very stressful time was LESS stressful, simply by everything falling in to place. Praise God! 

Update Update #4 Image
Update #3, Not as Well

July 17th, 2024

Hello friends, 

I was fortunate to be able to visit Maria the first 2 weeks of July, and am disappointed with how she is doing. Her pain is not managed well and she can't get sleep because of that.  

Her pain was also bad enough, that it was very difficult for her to sit for 90 minutes both to and from infusion treatments, along with the 3-4 hour treatments.  Although the vitamin C infusions are important, so is her mental health and sanity.  Maria is not eating well at all and has become very thin, and weak. I kept encouraging her to walk and do gentle rebounding, but it was difficult for her. Maria has some ozone therapy that she can do at home, and I plan to help her ease into a few more supplements that help with pain and nausea. She still has not started the chemo, nor radiation.

I thank everyone for all you help with donations and prayers. We appreciate every single dollar, but even more so, every single voice lifted up to our Lord. We are blessed to have many generous friends and family. With great gratitude and much love. 

Update #2, Go Maria!

June 27th, 2024

Great news regarding Maria’s status! The infusion treatments that she has been getting, and supplements included, are on the right track because they have been helping to keep the cancer at bay, and even lessening it in her lymph nodes. Her most recent Petscan revealed that she has only 4 obvious cancer filled lymph nodes, whereas before, they counted six. Oh! I am so thankful for everyone’s prayers and donations.

Maria will start chemo soon, and we will send an update when this happens. And to keep it lighthearted, (and since Maria is a Tex-Mex kinda girl): What do you call cheese that doesn't belong to you? Nacho cheese!! LOL

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Update Update #2, Go Maria! Image
Maria update #ONE

June 17th, 2024

First, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who is helping with prayers and donations. We are full of gratitude, and humbled. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

June has been a busy month for Maria. She got her port for chemo inserted and was "mapped" for her radiation treatments. She will undergo 5 weeks of continuous treatment of both therapies. Chemotherapy once a week, and radiation 5 days a week. This should begin in July. Maria is continuing with the ozone therapy and vitamin C infusions. She will need more iron infusions also, and to continue with the many recommended supplements to keep her immune system strong. We really want to make sure her body is ready for the cisplatin (chemo drug), that she’ll be receiving.

We raised our monthly amount needed, to $4,000, due to the lack of insurance coverage for the 3-4X weekly vitamin C infusions and the ozone treatments 2-3X weekly, but we are doing what we can to come up with funds. Maria has successfully “rented” a mare out, which is now carrying a foal for another. Those funds will help with her treatments as well.

Her dad (pictured with Maria), and I got to visit with Maria for a long week in early June. Maria drives over an hour to treatment, which is difficult due to her ongoing back pain. I drove her while I was there. When Chris and I were at her place, we helped her to relax some, while we knocked out some projects that she had wanted to get done. 

Thank you again for all your help. Every single donation is important, and we are forever grateful for your help with this. Thank you.

Update Maria update #ONE Image

Prayer Requests

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