Monthly Goal:
USD $250
Total Raised:
USD $630
Raised this month:
USD $500
Campaign funds will be received by Generations Cubed Inc
In the summer of 2019, as a High School sophomore, I spoke to senior citizens in my community. I realized that many of our seniors wanted to remain independent but were struggling to cope with daily activities such as the occasional doctor visit or using their smartphones to stay in touch. The pandemic and associated lockdowns transformed their desire for independence into isolation and despondence.
These conversations led to Generations Cubed, a software startup that I co-founded with a team of enterprise software veterans in 2021. Our goal is to promote self-sufficiency for seniors through connected caregivers and caring communities. Through Generations Cubed, family members of seniors can facilitate episodic help for tasks such as grocery shopping, transportation, or technology assistance, through a network of community volunteers and paid services.
While our software was being built, I decided to grow my understanding of seniors through volunteer events. Our technology office hours events allowed seniors to drop in so student and adult volunteers could assist with their technology questions. One participating senior remarked: “Understanding how to fix devices when they’re offline, or not responding. I push the wrong settings and worsen the condition. The logic of some settings defies me. Online banking can be difficult.” Our high school volunteers and I were able to form meaningful friendships with seniors despite our age differences. So far, we have delivered 50 hours of community impact through these events.
I also spoke to about 100 professionals in volunteer non-profits, Church Groups, Senior Centers, Corporate Social Responsibility programs, High Schools and Paid Care Agencies. While the intent to help seniors was evident in all these conversations, I noticed that help for seniors in this ecosystem was hard to find. As a result, serving as the connective tissue for the senior care ecosystem is the primary goal for the Generations Cubed platform.
In early 2024, we launched our software in IOS and Google Play app stores and are actively on-boarding volunteer groups and non-profits to use the platform.
Generations Cubed is a Delaware public-benefit corporation with a mission to promote self-sufficient seniors by connecting them or their family members with a caring community of volunteers and paid-service providers. We believe that three generations (High Schoolers, their parents, and the seniors the latter care for) can be enriched through meaningful interactions in a caregiving setting. Simply put, generations enriched, Generations Cubed!
Our software consists of (app store links below):
The consumer app is used by family members to create 1-1 requests (e.g. transportation, technology assistance) for a senior they care for and to register for community events hosted by a senior center, a volunteer group or a corporation. The provider app is used by adult volunteers, parents of high schoolers and paid service providers to respond to and serve 1-1 requests from family members and to volunteer in community events. The organization admin app targets administrators of volunteer groups, senior services, and corporations to on-board new volunteers or paid providers, keep track of services delivered by them and organize community events.
We have bootstrapped our product development so far and have launched the apps listed previously. We need your support to operate and maintain the Generations Cubed platform. Our operating budget includes costs of cloud services (AWS, GCP), software development, App Store subscriptions, business licenses, and cyber insurance. Our current budget is $1000 a month based on expected rollout in select US cities.
As a public benefit corporation, our mission of self-sufficient seniors through caring communities and connected caregivers is paramount. We hope you join us to make Generations Cubed a worldwide movement that lasts through the generations.
Thank you so much for your support!
Shriya Anant
Co-founder and Chief Impact Officer
Wishing you all the best
Great job shriya
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