USD $6,000
USD $6,000
Campaign funds will be received by Gareth Lamy
I grew up always knowing of God. My family started off catholic and converted to Christianity when I was 8. I also attended a private Christian school from 3rd grade to my senior year. Being in a Christian environment constantly made me feel like it was forced upon me and I didn't find a relationship with God on my own. Then I went to my first year at college and everything changed. I was on my own for the first time and was completely alone. I struggled to find friends and a solid friend group because I had to try to make friends for once (in a small private Christian school you have limited options for friends so you make friends with who you got out of necessity), I was an hour away from my family without a vehicle so coming home was difficult, and it is a secular school that didn't have a Christian church nearby. Eventually, it all spiraled out of control to the point where I was curled up in the fetal position, crying, rarely leaving my bed, and having suicidal ideations. The three things that got me through that was God, Community, and Music. I played some worship music and cried to God saying "God, I can't go on like this anymore. Something needs to change. Save me." At that moment, God answered my plea by having Brandon Lake's "Gratitude" and Crowder's "God Really Loves Us" play on my phone. I related to the heart of complete surrender and having nothing else left that Gratitude sang about and God Really Loves Us reminded me that I am not alone, God has not forsaken me, God is with me through it all, and God really loves me. I was also given the clarity to tell my family about the situation and ask for them to pick me up and bring me home. When I got home I was met with open arms and love from every one of my family members after feeling unloved and not cared about. From that point on, my faith and relationship with God was my own; through him, I was able to eventually go back to Plymouth and finish the school year stronger. Not only did my faith in God grow stronger but my passion for music did too as I was a part of the Guys Acapella Group for the rest of that year and I had a little worship time with God at least once every other day. Since then I have been home with my family, going to church again, and I even made some friends as I pursued my passion for music and performing by acting in a couple of local productions of some musicals and plays. I also went to NHTI the following year for an education major and I work two part-time jobs.
God is not finished with my story because in January my church was visited by an organization called YWAM which stands for Youth With A Mission. I will explain more about what YWAM is later but what I saw at church that day was a bunch of people my age on fire for God to perform a powerful 30-minute act, lead worship, and pray over people who came to the altar. In my time of theatre and performing, I have met 1 or 2 other people who claim to be Christian so when I saw those young adults perform I found my kind of people. Not only did I get that same notion but my mom and a family friend also said that that is something they could see me doing and urged me to check it out. After expressing my interest to one of the staff of YWAM they told me a little more about YWAM and where I can go to get more information and send an application for the following year. What I found out was that YWAM is for young adults to strengthen their faith and further the kingdom of God through YWAM's 3 phases. The first phase is their Discipleship Training School in Boston. For 12 weeks, young adults who got accepted live on campus and take a program to help them grow in their relationships with God, and learn how to be equipped in their faith to share it with others. Additionally, young adults will focus on the creative arts in worship, learning how to use their gifts in the arts to minister to others and bring glory to God. During that time, the young adults will also work together to create a moving production that they will perform during YWAM's second phase. Phase 2 is the outreach part of YWAM where young adults who completed Discipleship Training School will use what they have learned and put it into practice. The group will travel cross-country and internationally while visiting churches, performing their production, and spreading the good news. Phase 3 is Discipleship Bible School where young adults learn and go through the entire bible and receive teachings on each book as they go through them.
This all sounded perfect for me because I would get closer to God, be with other people my age who are also into the arts, be able to grow in my passion for theater and music, further God's kingdom, travel cross country and internationally, and learn how to use my gifts for worship (I have also been interested in joining the worship team at my church and this would help). So I sent in my application and a few months later I got notified that I was accepted. I am really looking forward to this new chapter and I pray that God can use me to help do great things but the reason why I am telling you all this and am here is because I need your help. Going to YWAM and paying for the Discipleship Training School and Outreach alone is $9000 (I am not planning on doing phase 3 or not yet at least) and that is not including the recommended $1300 they say I should bring to use the laundry machine or go out and do something fun with the other young adults. The payment plan they have says that I need to deposit $250 right after getting accepted, $750 by June 26, $1000 by July 26, $1250 by August 26, $1250 by September 26, $1500 by October 26, $1500 by November 26, and $1500 by December 26. As of right now, I have already paid off the first 3 payments and am about to pay the 4th one in less than a week all out of my savings but I need your help with the rest. I am currently working as many hours as my jobs can give me and have about $4250 left saved but I leave for Discipleship Training School on September 26th and I can't make much more money after that to help make the payments so I won't be able to pay for it all on my own and need help. Any amount will help and your prayers would be appreciated as well.
You're an amazing man of God, Gareth. Love you bro!
Ray and I are so excited for all God is going to do in and through you Gareth, it has been amazing to see how much you love to serve through Work Camp and now YWAM. May God bless you as you train and then go and share the Gospel with the world!
I am proud of you. I love you and am praying for you.
Go get 'em
Gareth. God believes in you and we believe in you!
Hi Gareth, I know your mom from small group. I wish the best for you and remember you are a Child of God and His plan is perfect! God bless you in everything you do.
Dear Gareth I’m so incredibly proud of you. This world can be difficult to navigate & I’m so glad you reached for God’s hand in your time of need. Please know I’m always here if you ever need anything. I cannot wait to hear all about your new adventures! You will be incredibly missed but we will have a place for you when you return. May God continue to guide & bless you!
Gareth, We are beyond excited for what God has in store for you!! You are LOVED and CHOSEN! Always remember…Jeremiah 29:11
Hey Gareth! Long time no see! I’m glad that you found the relationship that God always wanted to have with you! I’m excited to see how God is going to use you as well brother! I still have your phone number, we should talk or text some time soon to catch up. I have great testimony while I’m in college as well. I don’t have much, but I’m willing to give all to you! 1 Peter 4:10 brother!
So proud of you Gareth
You got this, Gareth! God bless you
Praying for you in this, Gareth! So excited to hear about what God has in store for you.
What an amazing opportunity for you! Blessings, Mrs Glasier
Praying you have an amazing experience!
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