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Michelle Efendi’s Legal Defense Fund


 USD $10,000


 USD $5,757

Campaign created by Elinor Actipis

Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Efendi

Michelle Efendi’s Legal Defense Fund

One of Massachusetts’ most visible freedom fighters is being persecuted by the judicial system and had to flee the state. Please support this mother of four young children and help support her case, given the sacrifices she has made for all of us!

Michelle Efendi was forcibly and unlawfully arrested when she peacefully entered a covid vaccine card checkpoint tent outside the Massachusetts State House without a vax passport on March 1, 2022. Watch the shocking video of police slamming her to the ground.

Michelle was targeted by the Massachusetts regime prior to her arrest. Her movements were monitored online and off because she challenged Boston’s vaccine and mask mandates. Michelle’s name and picture were disseminated to government agencies in an effort to stop her from practicing constitutionally protected activities. She was notably added to Mayor Michelle Wu’s infamous “enemy list.

For protesting the State House’s vaccine requirement, Michelle was charged with trespass and disorderly conduct. She’s also falsely accused of assaulting a court officer she briefly walked past when entering the outdoor tent. Michelle is threatened with at least six months in prison for these “crimes.”

Almost two years later, multiple judges and prosecutors still refuse to dismiss these charges. They have denied motions and access to evidence for Michelle’s defense. This undoubtedly relates to District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s public solidarity with Mayor Wu. He co-signed a February 2022 press release which claimed Covid protesters were violent white supremacists and called for an immediate end to their behavior. Just recently, DA Hayden was one of the “Electeds of Color” who joined Michelle Wu, despite concerns about anti-segregation laws, at her extremely controversial no-white people Christmas Party that was held in a city-owned building.

It’s clear there’s a two-tiered judicial system. In 2023, there were 38 similar arrests at the State House. Dozens of climate protesters pulled down their pants and disrupted legislative proceedings. Unlike Michelle Efendi, though, their charges were dismissed. Some never had to appear in court even once.

Although Michelle is prohibited from going to the State House as terms of her bail, anyone else can, thanks to her and Shawn Nelson (fellow protestor). Just three days after the initial incident, the State House’s vaccine card requirement was dropped. Since then, there have been many in-person testimonies and hearings freedom fighters attended without showing proof of vaccination.

Michelle is proud of her achievement … but it’s not without cost. She was aggressively arrested, shackled, and jailed for challenging the vax mandate. Immediately following the arrest, six reports were anonymously submitted to the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Estranged family petitioned for guardianship of her children. Because of the witch-hunt and the concern for their children’s safety, Michelle’s husband relocated her and their children out of Massachusetts. They have suffered financially because of this move and endless proceedings. And a case that should have never happened drags on.

Being unvaccinated is not a crime. Please donate to Michelle’s legal defense so she can get charges dismissed, pay for public records fees to uncover evidence against her, fund travel expenses to and from Florida for court hearings, and have her named cleared so she can fairly pass future background checks!

Michelle continues to experience rough treatment from the judicial system. Most recently, it was ruled she will be forced to travel from Florida to Massachusetts for a hearing, instead of holding it on Zoom--even though she is the mother of an infant and can't pump.

Recent Donations
Kristy Hacisabanoglu
$ 50.00 USD
24 days ago

Jo Armata
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Give them Michelle!!

Doug MacLeod
$ 222.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Thanks for being a freedom fighter for all of us.

Lynette Baker
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

I'm sorry this has Happened to you...

Mark Robinson
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Wish I had more. Fight!

Michael Tracchia
$ 110.00 USD
1 month ago

May God continue to hold you and your family in the palm of his hands.

Charlie Adams
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Mayor Wu has halted prosecution for that which you've been accused. I can't put URLs in here. Just look up Boston Mayor Wu stop prosecuting larceny

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Good luck. Keep fighting.

Mark Robinson
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Boy, is Trump correct “they are coming after you”. Lawfare is rampant.

Mark Robinson
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Robert Bourne
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Thank you for sticking to your just cause. Shame on the DA for persecuting you and promoting the dangerous vaccines.

Jason Kunst
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Praying the lord Jesus blessed your struggle

Michael Tracchia
$ 230.00 USD
5 months ago

They want to make an example of you, it's hard to push back against the system. You've made a good fight of this and there's no reason to be ashamed, to call it a draw, your lawyer would most likely be able to cut a deal with the court, for you to plead out, for a short period of community service, to be served in Florida. The risk of a trial and not being with your children is to great.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

You are a hero. Keep fighting.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

Wait upon the Lord!!! He will work for you!


Revisiting the goal

June 21st, 2024

It is with great humility, and by the direction of her legal team, Michelle must increase the amount of funding requested.

Yesterday’s court proceeding only further proved the District Attorney’s office, and judge/s, are partisan against Michelle for protesting vax mandates.

Judge Steven Key ruled against Michelle’s requests for evidence and ordered the proceeding to trial, thus, denying Michelle due process. Despite the unlawful arrest occurring more than two years ago, Michelle and her legal team still don’t know critical details re: alleged victim (like who exactly is it), when the alleged crime actually occurred, the names of the dozens of officers involved, etc. The judge dismissed these aspects as being important. 

This particular judge has acted as judge, jury & executioner since the beginning against Michelle.

An appeal to another court is needed. This requires more legal work, filing fees, etc. Additionally, written transcripts of the previous denials are needed and they are extremely costly (they should be free but they’re not - that’s a whole other issue). 

Furthermore, if this case is not miraculously dismissed, either now or because of the appeal, Michelle will be required to travel to Massachusetts, at least, two times, for a hearing and trial. It’s bad enough Michelle’s husband, the sole provider, has to take off work for each zoom hearing Michelle must join. No work, no pay. But two actual trips to MA will be travel costs and extended time off work. 

In full transparency, almost all of money already raised has gone to the costs of two lawyers for the past 2.5 years legal battle.

Michelle regrets this was not an open and shut case dismissed - like the DA has done for every other kind of protester. But that’s the unfortunate reality. Michelle’s legal team has compiled statistical analysis demonstrating this point.

Michelle is preparing to reach out to media, again, in hopes to increase public pressure to drop these charges. It was extremely time challenging trying to make media contact, before, and then the actual interviews also required her husband to take off work so she could have quiet on the “set.” If you can assist in the effort to connect with media, we’d be so appreciative. 

With all news said, we thank you for your prayers, donations thus far, and understanding more of each is needed. 🙏 

This is not just the State vs. Michelle. It is a battle for all to have medical and religious freedom. 

Update #25

June 15th, 2024

Today, 836 days after Michelle’s initial unlawful arrest, she had another kangaroo court hearing.

Michelle’s lawyer continues to argue District Attorney Kevin Hayden is selectively prosecuting Michelle along with the few others who peacefully protested Wu mandates.

Her lawyer provided stacks of evidence. Hundreds & hundreds of people w/ similar or more egregious charges have been simply let go. That’s because their content is agreeable to the DA. Meanwhile, Michelle was aggressively prosecuted for more than two years before they ever entertained a deal. 

Whenever Michelle has hearing, the prosecutor continually says, “I’m not familiar with this case, this is actually so & so’s case.” Can you imagine if Michelle's lawyer repeatedly said they were unprepared?

Today’s Judge said we should return on June 20th to argue motions. Please pray the DA suddenly gains some integrity and dismisses all charges without any conditions. 

Update #24

May 3rd, 2024

Michelle’s court hearing did not go well, this week. Judge Steven Key denied the prosecution’s motion to dismiss the charges even if Michelle were to accept community service. This is the same judge who, 2 years ago, denied the prosecution’s motion to dismiss the trespassing and disorderly conduct charges (which would have left the assault). This is the same judge who let an illegal immigrant go that then raped a disabled person. The same judge who was moved throughout court houses to preside over other Wu/vax protesters cases in the last two years. Judge Key denied Michelle’s request for a Bill of Particulars. That would require the Prosecution to give details of the what they claim the alleged crimes are (where, when, how, ex). The Judge said this was all in the police report. Judge Key was reluctant to even hear the Selective Prosecution Discovery Motion argument. He said other protesters were different than Michelle because she “forced her way into the State House, past metal detectors” and hurt people. This is a lie on so many levels. Michelle walked peacefully into a tent. She was only taken into the State House in handcuffs. The Judge said he would take the Selective Prosecution Discovery motion under advisement (meaning he would make the decision later) and the next date was set for June 14. The Judge really wants this to go to trial, however, that’s not what Michelle wants. A bias Judge like him instructs the jury how to interpret the laws. Additionally, how can Michelle be expected a fair trial when she is repeatedly denied evidence for her defense? Furthermore, Michelle would be forced to go to Massachusetts. Being away from her children would be emotionally and physically difficult for them. It would also be financially troubling for her family as her husband would be forced to take off probably a week off of work for her trial and travel. The money you have helped raised has already gone to her first lawyer’s fees and then her second lawyer’s fees. In two years, that has totaled $4,250. Michelle’s husband and her appreciate so much that this has been now covered. With that said, the continuing costs are expected to rise. That includes for public records, court transcripts and the expected travel, at least. They thank you for your prayers, support, commitment to challenging this unlawful “policy” and unjust lawfare.

April 16th Hearing Summary

April 19th, 2024

Yesterday, a hearing was held. Michelle was able to attend via Zoom. Her lawyer, Bill Gens, previously submitted a motion to request discovery to show selective prosecution. Yesterday’s hearing was to argue that motion. Bill Gens described statistical evidence how DA Kevin Hayden let hundreds of other protesters go in his short administration EXCEPT for the four or so who have protested Michelle Wu’s vax mandates. For various reasons, it was clear the judge did not want take a position on the motion and instead encouraged the prosecution to “talk” with Michelle’s lawyer about resolving the case. The prosecution presented a slap in the face offer of 40 hours community service. Not even other protesters with alleged felonies have been given that high of hours, continuing to prove DA Hayden still wishes to punish Michelle because of his bias. A status hearing is scheduled for 2 weeks to review the decision but Michelle refuses to take any plea, deal or offer because being unvaccinated is not a crime. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. 

Yesterday’s court hearing

March 14th, 2024

Yesterday, Michelle had a court hearing. She was allowed to appear virtually. Her attorney filed motions describing selective prosecution by DA Kevin Hayden. The evidentiary hearing was scheduled for April 16th. The judge seemed reluctant to allow to her appear via zoom but he agreed. 

Rhetorical question - but does DA Kevin Hayden want Michelle & her family, and the other Wu / vax protesters to be financially ruined before he’s willing to resolve their cases?

Michelle found this Instagram post showing Suffolk District Attorney’s office with Judge Coffey. She is handling some of the Wu/ vax protesters cases that DA Hayden refuses to dismiss. Judge Coffey created “homeless court” which allows people to be treated differently in the legal system if they’re poor. 

Michelle has a low level crime. She and her husband are being financially devastated by their needing to move from Massachusetts due to Hayden’s lawfare against her. Again, rhetorical question, but why won’t they resolve her and the other Wu/vax cases? Answer: because of Hayden’s bias and political motivation.

Thank you everyone for supporting Michelle and her family. It’s been a blessing and very necessary. 

Update Yesterday’s court hearing Image
DA Kevin Hayden’s bias

March 11th, 2024

Today, a new picture of DA Kevin Hayden & Boston Mayor Michelle Wu was released. 

It prompted a search that unearthed a tweet of DA Kevin Hayden brazenly declaring his harshest contempt for anti-vaxxers and those who protested Wu. He also was pleading to repair dialogue with Wu. 

Michelle Efendi alleges Hayden is selectively prosecuting her and other Wu/ vaccine protesters because it’s his ideology and to serve Wu. 

DA Hayden is selectively prosecuting 8 - 10 Wu/vax protester cases. All misdemeanor charges. 0 dismissals. All cases are still pending litigated 18 - 24 months. 

There have been 213 different protester cases in same time period. All but 7 have been dismissed, usually within 90 days & often prior to arraignment. Those 213 included felonies and repeat offenders. 

There is no reasonable reason, other than selective prosecution and bias, that Hayden would be pursuing these cases. He’s conducting lawfare! 

Tomorrow, Michelle has a hearing. She will be present via zoom and prays her attorney, William Gens, will be in the courtroom to schedule a hearing for the discovery motion. She thanks everyone for your continued support. 

Update DA Kevin Hayden’s bias Image
Protesters weren’t violent

February 29th, 2024

It took 219 days and many appeals to the Secretary of State, but Michelle finally got some police reports for outside 15-17 Augustus Ave. This is how peaceful protesters, like Michelle Efendi, always acted outside Mayor Wu’s house - verbal in nature & at no point violent. HOWEVER, that didn’t stop Ayanna Pressley from penning a damning press release on  February 1, 2022. District Attorney Kevin Hayden co-signed the press release claiming protesters were violent and had no place in society. One month later, on March 1, 2022 (almost 2 years ago exactly), Michelle and Shawn Nelson were unlawfully arrested. They remain charged and have never been offered any type of deal. This is completely contradictory to how DA Hayden acts to protesters of other causes in Suffolk County Boston. 

Update Protesters weren’t violent Image
Yesterday’s Hearing

February 21st, 2024

Another & stressful morning, yesterday. My new lawyer’s assistant called me 5 mins before the hearing to say the lawyer was out sick. This left me to fend for myself virtually. I still had to appear before a judge to accept a new court date. If I didn’t attend, I would be considered default. For the past 3 months, I’ve been stressed out, having been told by a vicious judge that zoom is unacceptable & I must come back to MA. For 2 hrs, I sat in the zoom waiting room. Finally, when I was let “in,” BOOM! - Error message & kicked off. My life flashed before my eyes. I figured they’d declare a warrant for my arrest, especially without anyone else there to defend me. After 25 more mins of waiting and more calls to the court, I was now in front of the judge. Luckily, a different than the last guy I had been having. This judge and his clerk said they had not heard from my lawyer and I’d have to ask him to set a new court date. Done. Gavel banged. More unlawful, undue hardship — all because I refused to show a vax passport 2 years ago. Later in the evening, the assistant texted me saying my new date would be March 12th. So, I continue to wait. Meanwhile,I witness on social media, protesters of other causes in Boston, climb lamp posts, dump dry cement, block traffic, etc, all without penalty. Additionally, I am aggressively seeking public record requests. It is extremely challenging. I am being denied over and over. More Americans should be engaged in this battle. 

Michelle in The Federalist

February 9th, 2024

Michelle was portrayed in The Federalist - Read Here

Update Michelle in The Federalist Image
Shemane Nugent - Faith & Freedom Interview

February 5th, 2024

Michelle appeared on Shemane Nugent’s show, Faith & Freedom which streams on Real America’s Voice. 

Watch the replay here:

Update Shemane Nugent - Faith & Freedom Interview Image
Mentioned on Coffee & Covid!

February 1st, 2024

Michelle was mentioned on Jeff Childers’ popular substack Coffee & Coffee.

Update Mentioned on Coffee & Covid! Image
Update #15

February 1st, 2024

Michelle was written about in the publication, Wrong Speak, by writer Kim Coulter. 

Michelle Efendi's Prolonged Battle: A Story of Perseverance Amidst Constitutional Rights Violations

Update Update #15 Image
Court is on Zoom! - LIKE A YO-YO!

January 24th, 2024

Michelle got renewed permission to be on Zoom for the next court hearing! Date changed to February 20, 2024. Michelle and her husband feel like yo-yo’s! It’s a game of chicken with the courts, apparently. Multiple times now, they’ve threatened she has to go to Massachusetts, then at the last minute her new legal team has been able to get in front of a more amenable judge for reconsideration. Although her lawyer says not to worry, Michelle can’t help but be concerned. As a mother of four, this prolonged injustice is taking is daily nightly toll. Michelle thanks you for your support and asks for your prayers. 

Update Court is on Zoom! - LIKE A YO-YO! Image
Judge vax protesters let’s illegals go

January 24th, 2024

It was recently discovered that the same judge who refused to dismiss Michelle’s charges in September or October 2022 (date must be checked), let a dangerous illegal immigrant out of custody. That man man went onto allegedly rape a disabled person. This matter made international news. Judge Steven Key not only was biased towards Michelle, but also other Wu/vax protesters in Boston. It seemed that Judge Key was purposefully being moved to different courts to appear in their cases. Why is this judge being peaceful free speech citizens and lets lawbreaking non-citizens go?

Update Judge  vax protesters let’s illegals go Image
Mom facing jail for no Covid shot!

January 17th, 2024

Mom facing jail time for trying to enter Massachusetts State House without proof of COVID shot — latest article. Pls read & share. 

Update Mom facing jail for no Covid shot! Image
Judge AGAIN forcing Michelle to MA from FL

January 17th, 2024

Today, Michelle had a court hearing on zoom with her lawyer, Attorney Bill Gens.

The hearing was AWFUL. 

Both Attorney Gens & Michelle were both on zoom. Attorney Gens via zoom because of the weather conditions in Boston. Michelle via zoom because she is in FL. 

When finally in front of Judge Richard Sinnott, Attorney Gens asked for a continuance so he could obtain and review documents from Michelle’s previous council. They agreed on February 2. Judge Sinnott then said he wants both in person for the next hearing. Attorney Gens said Michelle resides in FL and this would be a simple hearing, not trial. Judge Sinnott then accused both parties of not being present on zoom until 10AM. Michelle and Attorney Gens both objected. Michelle had been present since 8:30AM and Attorney Gens on time since 9AM. The Judge confirmed this with his clerk but said, “I still want you both here so there’s no confusion.” He then banged the gavel. 

This is devastating news for Michelle. She asks for your prayers that this case is dismissed and/or she can be on Zoom to defend herself from these unlawful charges, at least, while being present for her children. Additionally, she asks for any assistance for the fundraiser so that if the zoom decision cannot be reversed, she may have financial assistance to travel to Boston from FL. 

SonsOfLibertyRadioLive Rumble Show

January 16th, 2024

Michelle was interviewed on SonsOfLibertyRadioLive Rumble Show with Tim Brown. Starts at 6:30 min mark.

Digging Deeper interview

January 16th, 2024

Michelle was interviewed by UK podcaster, Darren Denslow, about life before, during and after vax mandates. Listen here:

Update Digging Deeper interview Image
Michelle's Interview on Street Talk w/ Stiletto Dee

January 13th, 2024

Michelle was interviewed on Street Talk w/ Stiletto Dee on January 11, 2024. Together they reviewed reviewed video clips of her protests and arrest. They, also, discussed the selective prosecution vax protesters are experiencing and why. Many who watched said this was the most comprehensive interview, yet! Start watching at 19 min mark. 

No travel to MA! - for now!

January 13th, 2024

Great news! Michelle's new legal team got the judge to agree to a Zoom court hearing for this week's session. It would be BEST if District Attorney Hayden dismissed the whole thing! - but until he does, Zoom, please! Hopefully, they won't continue to threaten this forced travel. They've done so a few times. 

Update No travel to MA! - for now! Image
Naomi Wolf recognition!

January 9th, 2024

Dr. Naomi Wolf responded to Michelle's outreach & allowed an opinion piece to be published in the Daily Clout. Hopefully, this story will reach many new people, especially media! 

Update Naomi Wolf recognition! Image
Michelle front page of Boston Broadside

January 8th, 2024

Thank you to the Boston Broadside for writing about the selective prosecution! Read here

Update Michelle front page of Boston Broadside Image
Michelle on Unsafe Spaces

January 2nd, 2024

Watch Michelle unpack her journey from Bernie Bro-ette to (alleged) conspiracy theorist and (avowed) freedom fighter!

Michelle talks to Dr. Drew!

December 21st, 2023

Check out Michelle's interview on the Dr. Drew show and learn about the dirty dealings in Mayor Wu's Boston!

Dr. Drew appearance December 20 at 6 pm EST!

December 19th, 2023

Watch Michelle talk with Dr. Drew about her ordeal on his show: Wednesday, December 20 at 6 pm EST.


Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • I have another unlawful court hearing tomorrow. Please pray that the DA sees error of his ways & dismisses all charges.

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