Let Debora Hear Her Mother's Voice


 USD $32,675


 USD $878

Campaign created by Gordon Caylor

Let Debora Hear Her Mother's Voice

(Castellano abajo)

Debora Martin has never heard her mother's voice, a bird song, or other children playing.

Because sign language isn't widely used in her impoverished area, she has no possibility of meaningful communication with the outside world.

She waves people over to play with her--she loves playing "shop-keep"--but other children don't know what she wants.

She has little to no chance of having her own job or living alone as an adult, and because she has other developmental disabilities and no contact with an extended deaf community, she may never have a family of her own.

But all that can change. 

Debora's physician has recommended a cochlear implant surgery, which is a small device in her brain that would give her the ability to hear. To begin catching up with other kids at school. To learn her mother's name.

Unfortunately, the surgery would be $31,500, an impossible sum that would take a lifetime for a family like Debora's to save--not to mention transitional therapy as she learns how to use her newfound hearing, which could cost another several thousand (and that's without mentioning payment processing fees!).

That's where we come in.

We're US people of faith who met Debora and her family through joint ministry work in Paraguay. We've known and supported Debora's extended family for years in wonderful ministries like Barrio Parque church and Project Paraguay, and when we watched Debora struggling, we were heartbroken. We've invited other folks on board to guarantee financial accountability, and we're dedicated to providing you reports and receipts so it's clear exactly what's going on at all times. Debora needs our help, and we're willing to do what it takes to make sure she gets it, securely and honorably.

In Paraguay, the indigenous language has two words for "we," one "ore," which means "just us not you"-we, and one "njande," which means "all of us, you, too"-we. 

When we say we, hopefully you'll allow us to include you, too. 

Will you be part of our "njande"?

With hope,

Gordon, Kean, Mike, and Jen - The Debora's Ears Team,


Melissa, Lazaro, and Melanie - Debora's family


Débora Martín nunca ha escuchado la voz de su madre, el canto de un pájaro ni a otros niños jugando.

Debido a que el lenguaje de señas no se usa mucho en su zona empobrecida, no tiene posibilidad de comunicarse significativamente con el mundo exterior.

Le hace señas a la gente para que juegue con ella (le encanta jugar a la "tienda"), pero los demás niños no saben lo que quiere.

Tiene pocas o ninguna posibilidad de tener su propio trabajo o vivir sola cuando sea adulta, y debido a que tiene otras discapacidades del desarrollo y ningún contacto con una comunidad sorda extendida, es posible que nunca tenga una familia propia.

Pero todo eso puede cambiar.

El médico de Débora recomendó una cirugía de implante coclear, que es un pequeño dispositivo en su cerebro que le daría la capacidad de oír. Para comenzar a ponerse al día con otros niños en la escuela. Para aprender el nombre de su madre.

Desafortunadamente, la cirugía costaría $31,500, una suma imposible que a una familia como la de Debora le llevaría toda la vida ahorrar, sin mencionar la terapia de transición mientras aprende a usar su nueva audición, que podría costarle varios miles más (y eso sin contar). ¡mencionando tarifas de procesamiento de pagos!).

Ahí es donde entramos nosotros.

Somos personas de fe estadounidenses que conocimos a Débora y su familia a través de un trabajo ministerial conjunto en Paraguay. Conocemos y apoyamos a la familia extendida de Débora durante años en maravillosos ministerios como la iglesia Barrio Parque y el Proyecto Paraguay, y cuando vimos a Débora luchar, nos rompimos el corazón. Hemos invitado a otras personas a participar para garantizar la responsabilidad financiera y estamos dedicados a brindarle informes y recibos para que quede claro exactamente lo que sucede en todo momento. Débora necesita nuestra ayuda y estamos dispuestos a hacer lo que sea necesario para asegurarnos de que la obtenga de forma segura y honorable.

En Paraguay, la lengua indígena tiene dos palabras para "nosotros", una "ore", que significa "solo nosotros, no tú", nosotros, y una "njande", que significa "todos nosotros, tú también", nosotros.

Cuando decimos nosotros, con suerte nos permitirá incluirlo a usted también.

¿Serás parte de nuestro "njande"?

Con esperanza,

Gordon, Kean, Mike y Jen - el equipo de Debora's Ears,


Melissa, Lázaro y Melanie - la familia de Débora

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

I hope this helps. You deserve it.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

joshua kean Wimmer Hyltoft
$ 300.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
7 months ago

$ 15.00 USD
7 months ago


Jen FinelliVeldhuyzen
$ 173.00 USD
7 months ago


Update #3 Why I want to help Debora

February 13th, 2024

Why would someone from the US want to be part of the life of a little girl in Paraguay?

Watch here. 


(PS: Then, print out campaign posters to share with your friends here!)


December 6th, 2023

Here's a full link to where you can download all the posters in PDF and PNG to share with people who care: https://icedrive.net/s/RDBf9y4uG2PG6FY3zTzXkvWz6GTQ

THE COST BREAKDOWN: The official bill that's keeping Debora from hearing

December 6th, 2023

We are budgeting for the surgery, plus additional transitional therapy to help her adjust to the dramatic change.

Update THE COST BREAKDOWN: The official bill that's keeping Debora from hearing Image

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