AUD $250,000
AUD $172,390
Campaign funds will be received by HRLA
At one such meeting in May, a question was asked why Dave Pellowe wasn't afraid of offending indigenous people, and the truthful answer was given without any reference to individuals or groups of people - just teaching about the competing Truth claims of Christianity and animism; and the unChristian, racial divisiveness and rebellion of Aboriginal separatism.
A gentleman was there who claims to be a Christian, who almost immediately threatened legal complaints about human rights violations. He has complained to the Queensland Human Rights Commision that he feels racially and religiously, humiliated and vilified by an impersonal, factual analysis of Aboriginal religion and the public fruit of racial separatism.
A congregation of Christians applauding and saying Amen to Christian doctrine is not a mob incited to hatred against an ethnic group. It is not anything close "racism".
Now, in a grievance industry where the process is the punishment, Dave Pellowe is being hauled before the authorities to apologise for preaching the Gospel (that there is no other Way or Truth to be saved other than the Good News of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the Apostles, and all other religions are therefore false). The gentleman also demands Dave be re-educated on the history of Aboriginal massacres and other black-armband narratives about European settlement.
But preaching the convictions and Truth claims of Christianity, the doctrines upon which our nation was founded and which morals are interwoven in our jurisprudence and political heritage, is now considered a human rights violation?!
Agree or disagree with those precepts, like or dislike the tone of the preacher, but there is no democracy of any desirable quality when every Australian citizen cannot equally and fearlessly debate and publish his beliefs in public. This is a threat not just to the reputation, career and family of one man, but to the liberty we once assumed was protected by courts and parliaments.
The anti-discrimination industry has created a perverse incentive for grievance activists and professional victims to make frivolous complaints without any cost if they lose. Some complaints are withdrawn before the verdict, but the process itself is the gruelling punishment inflicted on ordinary people living authentic Christian convictions. It can happen to anyone, for any reason - not just public figures.
The Human Rights Law Alliance is a religious freedom law clinic fighting defend those unfairly targeted and being persecuted for their faith; targets who don't get the unlimited funding which complainants do, but who are indirectly placed in hostile territory by trigger-happy, litigious, victim-mentality created by anti-Christian government policies.
This fundraiser will go towards Dave Pellowe's defence, and any funds leftover will then be given to HRLA for their critically important work in general. It is vital, for the sake of our culture and democracy as well as the freedom to preach the Gospel, that HRLA have a warchest of funds to make taxpayer-funded tribunals understand Christians and other right thinking people are not easy targets whenever presented with such frivolous, trivial and contrived complaints.
The critical time is now. Please give your best gift today and share this campaign widely, because the fight for political and religious freedom is heating up and will only get hotter as together we try to save Australia from State-imposed paganism and mandatory wokeism.
Prov 28 v 1 -The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.
Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
God's wisdom, grace and blessings be with you.
We'll done. Godspeed in fighting against this completely ridiculous, unjustified, lawfare attack.
We give thanks to the God of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, praying always for you!
Gods light shine brightly!
We stand shoulder to shoulder, knees bowed low ..... and eyes wide open! .... that we may all live to stand in Truth another day.
November 12th, 2024
Six months ago a gentleman began a legal trial against me because he chose to take offence at my criticisms of traditional Aboriginal religion and modern rebellions against Australia.
The punishing process has now conlcuded, and I will be discussing it tonight live on The Bolt Report on Sky News Australia at roughly 7:20pm AEDT / 6:20 AEST.
If you would like the full details & comments now without waiting, you can read the article I've written on DavePellowe.com.
Thank you for your support, thank HRLA for their tireless, effective legal defence of so many religious freedom cases, and above all thank God, from Whom all blessings flow.
September 11th, 2024
Many people smarter than me are saying if the law which passed in the Qld Parliament last night had been in effect already, I'd be in serious danger. I've written about it just now, and am asking you to read it, understand the impossible to overstate threat, then sign the petition if you can but above all - share it. In an election like this and having lost some ground in the polls, the Opposition must be made to be motivated to abolish this law with urgency - not dally around it like the federal coaltion did with the (also bad) religious freedom bill.
Here's the article and update. I think you'll agree Orwell is wondering when we stop considering him inspiration for actual legislation. https://goodsauce.news/labor-just-made-it-illegal-to-preach-christianity/
September 6th, 2024
Thank you to everyone who has supported both my defence for the right to hold and teach religious beliefs, and the defence of many other future targets of vexacious lawfare like this.
Mandatory conciliation at the Queensland Human Rights Commission was held yesterday morning, and required an investment of about 3 hours.
The conciliation conference was surprisingly draining and emotionally taxing. I am blessed that HRLA was in the room with me to advise and guide me through the process. Their wisdom has been invaluable. Please continue to give generously and share the campaign page, DefendingDemocracy.au.
I have given my word to maintain only the confidentiality of the complaining gentleman's opening remarks and responses. Everything else I will summarise here. The fact is not much else happened, as we were kept waiting and wondering what on earth the conciliator and complainant could be talking about for an extraordinarily long amount of time. We can only speculate it was hard to get the gentleman to move from impacable outrage to reasonableness. When the conciliator returned he agreed to conclude the matter is, "unable to be conciliated."
The conciliator remarkably chose to open with the neo-pagan acknowledgement of "Country"! This is reportedly their normal practice, and not peculiar to our meeting.
I cannot describe the conflicting anguish of emotions I felt at being subjected to imposition of false religious observance. On one hand, this was the entire locus of conflict: the incompatibility of authentic Christianity with the religious truth claims of indigenous aboriginal beliefs about the spiritual connectedness of everything (animism/pantheism) as a basis for sovereignty.
Was I seriously being expected to endure that, give silent assent or reverence to such idolatry, with the QHRC's full knowledge of my clearly articulated objections and conflicts of conscience?
I was painfully aware of the potential for the conciliators and the complainant to wrongly think me hostile and aggressive if I interrupted him to politely ask to be excused. I don't even know if I could have been polite, as hard as I would have tried, such was the spiritual and emotional turmoil of being torn between Christian conscience and Christian "niceness".
I have to confess, I chose wrongly. I bit my tongue, and said nothing, and let everyone there think I was fine and in agreement, submitted and compliant with imposed paganism.
I had to repent as I processed this internal turmoil in the ensuing minutes, and determined quietly that if there are any further meetings, I will give advance notice that I need to be excused from such ceremonies, however short they may be, because #ImNotPagan.
HRLA will now ask the Commissioner formally to dismiss on grounds that, "The commissioner must reject a complaint if the commissioner is of the reasonable opinion that the complaint is:
(a) frivolous, trivial or vexatious; or
(b) misconceived or lacking in substance.
Alternatively, God's will may be that we are required by the complainant to defend authentic Christianity and provide evidence in court - & for the whole nation to hear testimony - of the inescapable and irredeemable content of traditional indigenous religious beliefs.
Perhaps we may even obtain a valuable precedent ruling aboriginal rituals an unlawful imposition of religious observances in contravention of our constitution and international covenants on religious freedom.
This much is now certain. It is past time that people of Christian conscience refused to give polite assent to the ceremonies & rituals of false religion.
It is past time we all declined to have these imposed on us and simply say, #ImNotPagan. 🤷🏽♂
May Jesus Christ alone be glorified and lifted up for all nations, tribes and tongues to confess His singular, uncompromised, unshared Lordship.
This is a photo of a prominent display on a wall in the National Musuem, Canberra. I've had some conversations with more sincere and civil people who have insisted there is nothing pagan about traditional aboriginal religion. The evidence to the contrary is abundant and popularly accepted and promoted.
Acts 17:30
August 19th, 2024
It is truly humbling to have been considered worthy of suffering dishonour for the sake of the Name of Jesus Christ (Acts 5:40-42), higher than every other name and every false religion, alone worthy of all honour and glory.
Australia is rightly shocked at how easy it is to weaponise offence and punish unacceptable discourse and debate. And we've truly had enough, those of us interested in Truth and willing to be uncomfortable for the sake of sharing in it.
DOZENS of high calibre speakers and champions of justice and liberty have answered the call to urgently gather and rebuke the oppressor - the cynical and opportunistic attacks on freedoms fundamental to our representative government and the preaching of the Gospel.
YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW by sharing the excitement and the urgency of the hour and participating in Australia's biggest ever online political rally for free speech, as well as inviting every friend you know. You can watch and donate at DefendingDemocracy.au. It is scheduled to begin at 7pm east coast, and 5pm west coast.
There have been plenty of stories in the media, and some of them are linked at the bottom of that page as well, but this represents a rare opportunity to focus the nation's attention on a major problem with our justice system - its weaponisation by too easily offended actors at the enormous cost of the fearless pursuit of Truth.
Enough is ENOUGH!
See you at 7pm Tuesday night.
God bless you and Australia,
Dave Pellowe
August 16th, 2024
SAVE THE DATE! Join Dave Pellowe and Damian Coory for Australia's biggest ever, online political rally as we raise $1 million dollars in 3 hours to strengthen the indispensable work of HRLA, the shield against the sword of government wielded so frivolously by grievance activists.
Speakers already confirmed include:
Live from 7pm AEST, Tuesday 20 August.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.