Campaign Image

Operation Burning Edge


 USD $35,000


 USD $21,174

Campaign created by ANN VANDERSTEEL

Campaign funds will be received by ANN VANDERSTEEL

Operation Burning Edge


Experience war correspondence firsthand from invasion across US Southern Border.  Witness provable small and massive camps, and “colonias,” such at that being constructed for up to 200,000 aliens in Liberty County, Texas.  Colonias are permanent alien towns, including the massive Colony Ridge settlement north of Houston.  

This invasion is facilitated by the US Government.  You will see this firsthand.  With specific locations you can drive to and see with own eyes.

Join famed war time correspondent and green beret, Michael Yon with new media journalist and Host of Right Now with Ann Vandersteel, to engage with and report on the reality of this war zone while meeting reliable sources across CBP, Sheriffs, local LE, members of Congress as well as "migrants" who supposedly are coming to America for a "better way of life".

It is time to present the truth of this globally architected destruction of America. 


- Top of the line Military Grade Communications Gear

  • Ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, and satellite comms.
  • Starlink for broadband communications and broadcasting

- Various sensors, including $500,000 cooled thermal camera attached to an $80,000 fifty-foot mast.   

- Image intensifiers, handheld thermal scanners, high quality low-light optics including the most modern optics platforms.

- IR spotlights & detectors

- Helicopter coverage 

- Multiple aviation options including helicopters and various fixed wing aircraft allowing for video capture and real-time thermal imaging.

- Advanced drone technology with FAA certified Drone pilots.

- Advanced audio and video equipment for discreet and overt audio/video capture

- Multiple vehicles, RVs, and staff with military trained security

Follow Michael & Ann on Twitter  

Recent Donations
Benefits For America
$ 10.00 USD
11 days ago

Ann, Thank you for your boldness. I grew up in Maitland & want to introduce you to Gary Moffatt, 38 Special’s drummer. Great American, like you and me. BFA just released a health share -The Combo Plan. Please consider posting and we will donate $10/ mo, every mo for ea new membership for as long as they keep the coverage. Rates start at $265/m

Linda Gehring
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 8.00 USD
13 days ago

James Robert Vaughn
$ 10.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
19 days ago

Hi Ann You are a strong woman prayers for your safe journey in NC. All my best Dianne Wagner

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 35.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for God's discernment and your protection. Thanks for your defense of our Constitution!

Sharon Salimbene
$ 47.00 USD
1 month ago

Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed.

Benefits For America
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Ann, Thank you for your boldness. I grew up in Maitland & want to introduce you to Gary Moffatt, 38 Special’s drummer. Great American, like you and me. BFA just released a health share -The Combo Plan. Please consider posting and we will donate $10/ mo, every mo for ea new membership for as long as they keep the coverage. Rates start at $265/m

Linda Gehring
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 8.00 USD
1 month ago

James Robert Vaughn
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Dr Jones
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless you and your battle to stop this invasion! “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing “ Edmund Burke cir. 1794

Sharon Salimbene
$ 47.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for God to wake up the masses. Thank you both for your courage,

$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Ann, thank you for all you do. Give Big Honey a hug for me. Loco

Benefits For America
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Ann, Thank you for your boldness. I grew up in Maitland & want to introduce you to Gary Moffatt, 38 Special’s drummer. Great American, like you and me. BFA just released a health share -The Combo Plan. Please consider posting and we will donate $10/ mo, every mo for ea new membership for as long as they keep the coverage. Rates start at $265/m

Linda Gehring
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 8.00 USD
2 months ago

James Robert Vaughn
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Sharon Salimbene
$ 47.00 USD
3 months ago



September 21st, 2024


Operation Burning Edge is successful because of the crowd funding that provides the resources needed to travel places, investigate and then report across as many media platforms as possible to educate the court of public opinion. Thank you so much for walking with us in this endeavor.

The clear state of our border is exposed in this full length documentary in which Michael and I contributed a lot of the b-roll and will also be featured in the follow up piece coming out next month.

“This is Treason” Trafficked can be watched in a trailer and in full length.

Go to to get your link and use the promo code Vandersteel to save 15%. 

We need house parties watching this together so people understand what has come to our land and get prepared for what lies ahead.

God bless you,



September 13th, 2024

Please support the new documentary "TRAFFICKED" as part of the THIS IS TREASON docuseries.  The work of Michael Yon and Ann Vandersteel can be seen in various portions of this series.  Your support continues to fund the work in this great awakening of humanity to the ills and treason being committed by our own transnational criminal organization - the U.S. government.

Update #5 - The Mel K Show

March 14th, 2024

Watch Ann and Michael on The Mel K Show 

Ann & Michael joined Mel K to bring an urgent update on the INVASION headed to America.  Clearly the enemy is being identified. The United Nations and their well funded NGO’s (non governmental organizations) like IOM (International Organization on Migration), HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) Doctors Without Borders, and more are all behind this war.

Tune in and take notes.  It is getting very serious.

Update Update #5 - The Mel K Show Image
Update #4

October 19th, 2023

Team Supporters Operation Burning Edge:

I have been traveling this week educating people in Illinois & Texas both in person and in media regarding the extensive damage being done by the weaponized human migration as being manifested through the Biden border policies. Many are concerned about the war in Israel and the effects of the displaced people from that horrible conflict.  We need to keep perspective that it is the government who is creating this conflict in the hopes that it leads to full engagement and WW3.

The Military Industrial complex worldwide stand to profit greatly (as they always have) if this conflict escalates dragging in additional countries like the U.S., Russia, China, Syria and Iran.  Frankly this is already a proxy war between the US and Iran while the BRICS nations gather strength through energy policies, collaborating to exclude the petro dollar and building their sound money system with gold backed basket of currencies.

The longer the U.S. continues to be owned by the central bankers, the worse our financial plight will be.  It is being reported that many banks are not taking Treasuries and allowing people to cash them in. Yesterday gold was up $40 / ounce at one point. Biden got slapped in the face when his meeting with Jordan was cancelled but still managed to give $100M to Hamas disguised as humanitarian aid after he gave Ukraine the weapons cache Trump gave Israel. Per the WEF guidelines, and the pleasure and glee of the central bankers and MIC, that warmonger is funding both sides of this conflict.

The Palestinians fleeing Gaza will undoubtedly be headed to the US and many will enter by passing through the Darien Gap. Michael Yon and I have already witnessed Hezbollah coming through, so it seems reasonable that this regime would welcome Hamas as well.  Never let a good crisis go to waste, use the cover story of war to create a need for migration to "safer" grounds.

Serious Question: Why don't the displace Arabs go to the Arab countries closer by before making the dangerous journey throght the Darien Gap?

I will be headed back down to Central America next week to meet up with the Operation Burning Edge team as we will be meeting with members of various governments in those countries for further assessments, briefings and hopeful collaboration to end this madness.

Thank you for your continued support. This is a team America effort to keep the truth coming out of that region so we the people can better plan for our future.

In Truth and Freedom,

Ann Vandersteel

Update Update #4 Image
Update #3

August 22nd, 2023

Thank you for your generous contribution to Operation Burning Edge. Really means a lot to the team who is with me as we gear up to expose all the evil at the border.

Currently we are in Austin, TX doing media with Alex Jones and Mike Adams. Alex Jones’ hit on Friday has generated a huge response and he asked us to come back this Wednesday and host the full 4 hours for him. We already have an incredible guest line up. Here is a link to that hit on Friday...

Yesterday we brought members of congress, TX Reps Morgan Luttrell and Brian Babin along with San Jacinto County Sheriff Capers up in a helicopter to see the massive migrant community in Liberty County, TX being built to house up to 200K illegals in slumlord conditions. The developer of this project has donated $1.4M to Greg Abbott thus far that we can find. State of the art schools have been developed for these children which will double as indoctrination camps.

As a review: In McAllen, TX we met with ranchers and various members of TX National Guard who are providing valuable on the ground background information. We were out again all night till 5am this morning monitoring illegals with UAC (unaccompanied children) coming in across designated “Wildlife Refuges”. 

Thank you again for the prayers and financial support.  We simply cannot do any of this without your help. Tomorrow we meet with Senator Bob Hall with Texas State Senate to discuss the child trafficking intel we have received including names and addresses of 8600 children being trafficked in the United States. This mission is developing and we will keep you posted!

God Bless you all !

In Truth and Freedom,

Ann Vandersteel & Michael Yon

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

August 14th, 2023

Currently we are in McAllen, TX where we have met with ranchers and various members of TX National Guard who are providing valuable on the ground background information.

Our recent meeting with a Federal Whistleblower who has worked in NGOs (non governmental organizations) since 2015 has been explosive!  He explained how the whole NGO system works to incarcerate, traffick and profit of children that are imported over our open borders.  You can find more on this reporting on Ann's program, Right Now with Ann Vandersteel on Brighteon TV ( https://RightNow.News )or on her rumble channel

We were out again all night till 5am this morning monitoring illegals with UAC (unaccompanied children) coming in across designated “Wildlife Refuges”. Ann almost stepped on a massive rattlesnake and then found herself feeding stray dogs hanging around the makeshift border processing facilities.  

Catholic Charities is very much involved in the trafficking of children and sadly we are seeing Customs and Border Protection Agents used to facilitate. While many say they are just doing their job, they mostly agree that this administration is awful and they do not support Biden or HHS Secretary Mayorkas. Do recall that we exposed they do not have valid oaths of office on file according to 5 U.S.C. 3332.

Patterns are emerging and Antonio Aguero is proving to be a valuable border resource with his expert analysis. Once word emerges that illegals are coming across the Rio Grande River, Customs &. Border Patrol wait in their pick up trucks, make shift tents are erected and air conditioned busses appear in just the right quantity to transport the migrants to processing facilities. This is a highly coordinated operation. And YOUR TAX DOLLARS at work!

Prior to arriving in McAllen, we were situated adjacent to Spacex on the beach in southern Texas on the TX / Mexico border. We ran night operation as with the full moon illegals will be coming across in mass. With the optical support from TRAKKA SYSTEMS we are gaining valuable footage both, night vision and thermal imaging, that will help us assess the invasion operations at large.

Your support helps get out to the public:

Footage of up close and personal things like illegal immigration, human trafficking, drugs, cartel operations and wars, CBP and LE involvement /the status of the wall

Find cartel scout positions, report to CPB of their status and location

Uncover and expose RINO Abbott’s support of Colony Ridge - a migrant subdivision being built by Harris, one of Abbott’s biggest campaign contributors. It will house 250,000 illegals - probably to build the army for the UN inside our border.

Tie the NGOs to the Federal Government and UN running this unconstitutional immigration / invasion operation

We have self funded this operation to date. This is a legit military style run op and we have media from Bannon’s War Room, The Daily Wire, Real America’s Voice and many others sending journalists to meet up with us along with current and former Tier one operators and several Generals who want the intel we will be gathering. You will see our footage everywhere. Of course, I will be on Brighteon nightly reporting at 8pm ETalong with breaking segments throughout the day on as information is very fluid.

You can follow our reporting here:

8pm ET on Brighteon TV


9pm ET:







We head westward tomorrow on to Laredo and El Paso before crossing into New Mexico. Your prayers are welcome!

In Truth and Freedom,

Ann Vandersteel and Michael Yon

Update #1 ---->. It's GO TIME!

July 27th, 2023

Hi Team America!

It is T-10 hours and we are set to roll at 0400 am Friday morning from Plant City Florida. I will be driving to Texas with Matt Werner (former Marine) and his brother (another former Marine) as we make our way in the tactical observation truck with a night vision capable water cooled camera on an 80 ft mast seen in the picture below.  THIS IS A SERIOUS OPERATION!

The power grid in Texas is already on a Level 1 alert - and this is the biggest grid in Texas. We are close to power failures in Texas and yes we are headed right into the storm.

America is on her knees and my team intends to get to the root of it all and expose the corrupt politicians whose policies and payoffs are allowing this to happen. Get ready, this is going to be some epic reporting.

Please share our Operation Burning Edge campaign with your friends and family. We are self-funding this one month trip along the southern border from TX to CA.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support.

In Truth and Freedom,

Ann and Michael

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