You're the Hero
Posted by BRIEYA MIKALE on January 31st, 2022
Aimee Osmulski
Jul 12, 2022, 9:11 PMI agree that we are all heroes in our own way. Some may rescue animals, while others may be fighting Goliath aka Uncle Sam and his cohorts. I will proclaim that I am and will continue to be a hero for our children!! I have written a book trying to wake people up to the truth, I have done videos trying to show the same what did I get for my efforts? I have been attacked on many different levels such as the IRS withholding funds as a sort of punishment, I have had my phone and laptop hacked into and disabled nothing will stop me short of death and that is the Creator's decision when is my time to go. If we all work together, there would be NO STOPPING US!! Remember that WE FAR OUTNUMBER THEM, and they cannot silence us all!! Much love, keep up the good fight and GOD BLESS US ALL!!
Christine Conrad
Mar 26, 2022, 2:31 AMWe each do simple 'pastoral care' in our daily walk. Naming it takes courage. To consider your gifts of time, talent, and when able treasure is such a benefit to those who God puts on your simple LIFE PATH. I give voice to a simple truth. If there is a need that recipient is part of the gift. They need accept the gifts offered by those with ability to give. It takes both someone to give and someone to receive for a gift to be completed. May you offer gifts from your ability. And never forget that God is with you while you are being generous. You are NOT invisible to God. I am silent2hear God's reply to my prayers! AMEN!