Beneath Sheep's Clothing the documentary


 USD $100,000


 USD $8,789

Campaign created by Julie Behling

Campaign funds will be received by Julie Behling

Beneath Sheep's Clothing the documentary

Hi, I'm Julie Behling and I'm the author of the book "Beneath Sheep's Clothing - The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America." I am working with a filmmaker to take the content of my book and make it into a documentary so that I can reach many more people with a crucial and timely warning against Marxist incursion in our schools, our entertainment, and even our churches here in America.

In the late 90's, I was a missionary in Russia for a year and a half. I came back to the states and got a dual master's in Russian Language & Literature and Russian & East European Studies. I wrote my master's thesis on underground Christian movements in the Soviet Union, their survival tactics, and the tactics of the Soviet state in stamping them out.

In 2008, I began noticing the same tactics that the Soviets used to remove Christianity as the major ideology of Russia, happening here at home! The more I looked, the more alarmed I became! I wrote most of my book from 2009-2011, but I completed it just last year. Hardly anyone reads books these days - especially lengthy books on history - so it became clear that I would somehow need to make at least some parts of my book into videos in order to reach a larger audience. Thankfully, a documentary filmmaker reached out to me soon after I published my book and we began the process of making "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" - the documentary!

Before we fundraise to make a visually beautiful and highly persuasive documentary, we need a documentary trailer that is worthy of the project. I am conducting this campaign to raise $10,000 to pay my filmmaker for work he has already completed for the documentary, without pay so far, and to fund the completion of the trailer. We will then use the trailer to find an investor so we can complete "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" - the documentary in 2023!

"Beneath Sheep's Clothing" - the documentary will:

Educate people on the true nature of communism - what it did to the people of Russia and the former Soviet Union, and most especially how it treated Christians who didn't comply.

Focusing on the Soviet Union, the documentary will illustrate how Marxism takes over a nation's culture so that communism can take hold, then show how this has been happening under our noses in America for upwards of a century or more, but reaching a fever pitch in recent months and years.

Lastly, it will not only educate the audience on what we can do to peacefully take back our culture in America, but with a novel outreach strategy, we will arm our audience with simple and effective tools to create a huge uptick in awareness in their local areas. These tools will include segments of the documentary itself, among other things, and will be designed to create the most positive change possible!

If you are a parent of school-age children, a Christian, or a freedom-loving American - this documentary is for you! Please donate and SHARE this link broadly with like-minded friends, family, and colleagues so we can raise the funds we need!

To show our gratitude, we have some gifts for those who make donations in the following amounts:

Donate $15 or more and I will email you the PDF's to three home lessons I created for parents to teach their teenagers about freedom, tyranny, and the ideology of wokeness (valued at $59.97). Just as we can't afford to not educate our kids about the dangers of internet predators and porn, we can't afford not to teach them these crucial lessons.

Donate $50 or more and I'll email you the home lessons plus give you access to watch the documentary for free online once it is released.

Donate $100 or more and you'll get the home lessons plus early access to "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" - the documentary, AND I will mail you a signed copy of "Beneath Sheep's Clothing" - the book.

If you are unable to donate but would still like to help, please share this fundraiser link in Facebook groups and other places where others can see it!


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
1 month ago

Emanuel Orlando
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Most important film of our time.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Erica Peacock
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Canadian Mama
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you Julie and team for getting this truth out into the world for such a time as this. Grateful for your courage and tenacity and perseverance.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you for all of your hard work in bringing this information to light.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Jesus Christ is coming soon and everything that can be done to wake up the people and bring them back to God, I am happy to help. The truth is in the word of God . Must churches in the USA has been infiltrated, especially the mega churches , among others. The law of God stands , while the pastor has been indoctrinated to believe it was done away with after Jesus Christ resurrected.

$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Max Beauchemin
$ 35.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Joyce Dickerman
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

I pray prosperity of purpose and opened heart and minds to an ever cascading spiraling circle of those who can truly hear and see the truth and take the courage and empowerment to move in a massive Godly way. I pray protection and an enlarging momentum to your most important work! In Jesus’ Mighty Name.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

The Lynn King family
$ 100.00 USD
7 months ago

Please let us know how to share.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

The Wofford’s
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
10 months ago


Britt Dewey Balkcom
$ 63.00 USD
11 months ago

Exciting to see the documentary, this is critically important work

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

Kevin and Cathy Smith
$ 1000.00 USD
11 months ago


Beneath Sheep's Clothing will be available MAY 23!!!

March 1st, 2024

I am happy to announce that Beneath Sheep's Clothing is almost finished and our global online premiere will be on May 23, 2024!!  Tickets are available now at!!

THANK YOU to everyone who has donated any amount over the last year!!  It is because of YOU that we were able to keep going working on the film when things looked bleak!

Any donations we receive now will help us with funding for promoting the film and putting together some very special content to help our viewers take targeted actions that can make a real difference in rooting Marxist agendas out of our institutions, culture, and society!

EXCITING NEWS!! We are bringing James Lindsay to St. George, Utah on June 17!!

May 19th, 2023

I am happy to announce that my documentary crew and I are bringing James Lindsay to St. George, Utah in on June 17!!  I will interview him for "Beneath Sheep's Clothing," the documentary!  And then we will put on an event (in-person AND livestreamed) called "America's Marxist Cultural Revolution."  I will first share how Communists overtook just about every aspect of culture in the Soviet Union, and what the consequences of that were.  Then James Lindsay will give an overview of the Chinese Cultural Revolution, then go in-depth on America's on Cultural Revolution going on right now.  Then he will discuss solutions to the mess we are in.

This special event will take place in St. George, Utah from 7-9 PM on June 17 at the Abbey Inn conference center!  You can attend in-person (first come, first served) and also watch via private livestream online.  Tickets for both in-person and livestream will be a $15 or more donation to "Beneath Sheep's Clothing," the documentary!

Update EXCITING NEWS!!  We are bringing James Lindsay to St. George, Utah on June 17!! Image
Our Documentary Trailer is here!!

May 5th, 2023

Thank you so much for your donations and prayers!!  I am happy to announce that the trailer for Beneath Sheep's Clothing, the documentary, is here!!  

Watch it Now!!

We are now shifting gears to raise funds for Phase 1 of production.  We are seeking $100,000 to allow us to travel to several locations around the country to film key interviews, which will constitute 80% of the documentary.

Our goal is to complete the documentary by the end of 2023. In order for that to happen, we need sufficient funding ASAP. Up to this point, our dedicated crew has worked nearly for free.

A donation in any amount is welcome! In particular, at this time we are looking for:

- 100 people to donate $1,000,

- 20 people to donate $5,000,

- 10 people to contribute $10,000, or

- One person to fund the entire $100,000, or potentially all expenses for the entire documentary!

Update Our Documentary Trailer is here!! Image

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