BCPS Employee Class Action Against COVID Mandates


 CAD $500,000


 CAD $16,891

Campaign created by BCPS Employees For Freedom Society

Campaign funds will be received by BCPS Employees For Freedom Society

BCPS Employee Class Action Against COVID Mandates


As B.C. public servants we are committed to upholding the rights of all peoples, as protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We are profoundly concerned by the implementation of mandatory proof of vaccination policies in our workplaces, the violation of employees’ medical privacy and human rights, and the associated coercion, discrimination and censorship of employees by public sector employers.

These infringements on the rights and freedoms of workers are grave threats to our democracy and the livelihood of all Canadians. Medical coercion and the violation of human rights are contrary to public service values.


BCPS Employees for Freedom is a registered not-for-profit society in the Province of British Columbia. We are a diverse group of public servants who stand together for medical privacy and bodily autonomy to protect our colleagues, families, the communities we serve and future generations.

We are leading a legal campaign to bring about accountability and justice for the B.C. government’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate for B.C. Public Service employees that resulted in hundreds of unnecessary wrongful terminations, thousands of early retirements, and the violation of 38,000 public servants’ medical privacy and bodily autonomy. We hold regular member meetings and advocate on behalf of current and former public servants of municipal, provincial and federal government organizations, and publicly funded non-governmental organizations, in British Columbia.


After a span of over three years, all mandates are lifted, but terminated public employees were not extended an invitation to return to their positions.

Class Action Certification Hearing: April 2025

BCPSEF Vice President Jason Baldwin is the representative plaintiff in a class action lawsuit filed in October 2023 on behalf of all unionized BC Public Service (BCPS) employees affected by the B.C. government’s 2021-2023 proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate. 

The certification hearing date for the Class Action has been scheduled for April 2025. Although the action has been launched by one plaintiff, it is being brought on behalf of all unionized employees of the BC Public Service harmed by the Province’s vaccine mandate. As such, it has the potential to assert the rights of tens of thousands of unionized public servants in British Columbia. The plaintiff has filed this action because the Province’s COVID-19 employee vaccine mandate, enacted by executive order of the provincial Cabinet, was contrary to public service employees’ Charter rights and violated their medical privacy and bodily autonomy. In April 2024 an Amended Notice of Civil Claim was filed. Baldwin and Perepolkin-Ferguson (United Health Care Workers of B.C.) class action certification applications joined. Both claims on behalf of affected B.C. public servants and health care workers will seek certification together

Our legal campaign is a critical, precedent-setting fight to ensure the preservation of all workers’ employment and Charter rights in British Columbia and Canada for generations to come. 

BCPSEF is actively fundraising to support the costs of the legal process. The most important step in this legal battle is to ensure the class is certified. For that, the plaintiff must show the court he has the financial ability to fund the case. This is why BCPSEF is supporting this action and asking people to help raise funds for the plaintiff. If the plaintiff can’t demonstrate the ability to cover these costs, the class action will not be certified, leaving thousands of affected employees affected by the mandates with no legal options for recourse. 

BCPSEF depends on donations to fund our efforts and are very grateful and sincerely thank everyone who gives any amount they can. By donating towards the class action, you are participating in a collective effort to uphold and defend individual rights and freedoms. Anyone can make a donation to BCPSEF to help support our Mission and any British Columbia resident may become a BCPSEF member.

Visit the BCPS Employees for Freedom website for more information.

With gratitude and hope,
BCPS Employees for Freedom Society

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 CAD
10 days ago

Thank you for all your hard work!

$ 7.00 CAD
19 days ago

Wish I could donate more... This is a crucial step in bringing forth justice.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 month ago

We have to do this and we can! Don’t let them get away with violating fundamental rights and freedoms.

Brad Kurucz
$ 20.00 CAD
1 month ago

Our freedom's and way of life are under attack in so many ways. Fight the good fight!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 CAD
1 month ago

Keep Fighting

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

Thank you for taking this on. We need to ensure it never happens again.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
2 months ago

$ 25.00 CAD
10 months ago

Thank you for everything you are doing to protect our fundamental freedoms! The government was wrong and they know it! They are just hoping we forget

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
11 months ago

Every person with a job should be concerned here - employment law has been gutted in this province.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Brad Kurucz
$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

The saying goes Put up or Shut up. I'm just not the shutting up type. Let's hold this criminal BC Government to account!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Praying for some justice in this country!

mauro clinaz
$ 20.00 CAD
1 year ago

$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

Time for those responsible to face the music !!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 1500.00 CAD
1 year ago

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

God Bless

Brad Kurucz
$ 20.00 CAD
1 year ago

Many hands make light work. Who else can spare the cost of a few trips to the coffee shop? This is an important fight people!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 CAD
1 year ago

Give 'er gas!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

You have won already!


Two Donors Offer to Match up to $30,000K for Class Action Lawsuit

February 2nd, 2025

BCPSEF is THRILLED to announce TWO anonymous donors have offered to match all class action donations received between December 1, 2024 and February 24, 2025.

  • Donor #1 is a BCPSEF member who has generously offered to match donations up to $5,000K.
  • Donor #2 is a member of the public who has generously offered to match donations up to $25,000K.

The two matching offers are NOT mutually exclusive. If BCPSEF receives $5K in donations by the deadline, Donor #1 will match that amount, and the $10K total can be included in the donation match for the $25K offer.


MEDIA RELEASE: B.C. Public Servant & Health Care Worker Class Action Lawsuits to Seek Certification Together

January 22nd, 2025

For Immediate Release: January 16, 2025

VICTORIA – The certification hearing for two class action lawsuits, launched on behalf of civil servants and health care workers who were affected by the provincial COVID-19 vaccine mandates, will be held April 28 to May 2, 2025 in B.C. Supreme Court in Victoria.

The representative plaintiffs for the lawsuits are members of the BCPS Employees for Freedom Society (BCPSEF) and United Health Care Workers of BC Society (UHCWBC), respectively.


BCPSEF Presents: A conversation with Nick Osmond-Jones & Jonathan Kay

January 3rd, 2025

Belief. Ideology. Truth. Lies. 

Ideological capture and a seemingly progressive secular religion have come to dominate the civil service and public institutions in Canada and in British Columbia. Is this rigid belief system now teetering on the brink, or is it becoming further entrenched in B.C.’s public service and endangering the lives, liberty, and prosperity of the people whom the government purportedly serves?

BCPS Employees for Freedom (BCPSEF) is pleased to host this conversation with former B.C. public servant, Nick Osmond-Jones, and editor of Quillette magazine, Jonathan Kay. 

About the Meeting

When: 4pm PST, 7pm EST, January 26, 2025.

Where: Online via Zoom

BCPSEF member meetings are open to members only. Any resident of British Columbia may become a non-voting member of BCPSEF. Voting membership is open to any B.C. public servant, current or former, who has worked for a municipal, provincial, or federal government organization, or a publicly funded non-governmental organization in the province. To become a member, visit our BCPSEF Membership page. If you do not qualify to become a member and wish to attend the event, please contact admin@bcpsforfreedom.com


Judge allows B.C. government workers’ lawsuit against COVID mandates to proceed

December 6th, 2024

'Our legal campaigns are a critical, precedent-setting fight to ensure the preservation of all workers’ employment and Charter rights in British Columbia and Canada for generations to come,' celebrated the British Columbia Public Servants Employees for Freedom.

Nov 27, 2024


'Not against vaccines in any way’: Group labelled ‘anti-vax’ by BC NDP says party ‘mischaracterized us for political advantage’

December 6th, 2024

The president of BCPSEF whose conversation with BC Conservative Leader John Rustad dominated the election news cycle for several days has claimed the BC NDP “mischaracterized us for political advantage.”

2024 10 11


Comment: We need to try to reduce divisiveness in our society

December 6th, 2024

Terms like “anti-vaxer,” “conspiracy theorist,” and “COVIDiot” were far too common.

Dec 2, 2024


BC Covid Mandates Spark Class Action Litigation

December 6th, 2024

2024 07 30

You might have heard last week that the B.C. government, four years after the start of COVID-19, declared an end to its public health emergency and vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. Your reaction to the news, depending on your perspective, might have ranged from, “Good, it’s outrageous how long that took,” to, “What a reckless decision, I can’t believe they’re putting our health at risk like that.” Or maybe it was a shrug. COVID? Is that still a thing?

Last Friday’s announcement by B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, seems to bookend one of the most divisive periods in B.C.’s history, as seen by the range of public reaction to it. But is it really over? The division, that is.


True North – Lawyer arguing unions colluded with government to impose vax mandates

December 6th, 2024

A B.C. lawyer representing civil servants forced off of work due to vaccine mandates will now represent over 200 union members against the unions they say failed to defend them.

May 15, 2024


Fired BC Public Servant Firefighter Fires Back!

April 9th, 2024

I lost friends, family, my savings, my reputation, and the primary reason I live where I do.


Terminated. BC Group Takes Province To Court Over COVID Firings

March 2nd, 2024


'We're not giving up': BC public servant fired due to vaccine mandate says lawsuit is 'just the beginning'

January 25th, 2024

A former BC Public Service worker who is suing the provincial government and Dr. Bonnie Henry over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate has spoken of his “disbelief” at being fired.


BC Arbitration Ruling in Favour of Unvaccinated Workers Could Mean End of Vaccine Mandate: Former AG

January 16th, 2024

BC Canada is the only remaining province to maintain the vaccine requirement for health-care workers:


Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry named in class-action lawsuit

December 9th, 2023

Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry named as defendant in class-action lawsuit over her role in COVID-19 vaccine mandate:


MEDIA RELEASE : Plaintiff Launches Class Action Lawsuit

November 30th, 2023

VICTORIA – The BCPS Employees for Freedom Society (BCPSEF) is pleased to announce a class action lawsuit has been launched by representative plaintiff and BCPSEF member, Jason Baldwin, on behalf of all unionized employees of the B.C. Public Service over the Province of B.C.’s proof of COVID-19 vaccination mandate imposed on provincial government employees in November 2021. The plaintiff’s claim is against the Province of B.C. and British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry.

The plaintiff has filed this action because the Province’s COVID-19 employee vaccine mandate, enacted by executive order of the provincial Cabinet, was contrary to public service employees’ Charter rights and violated their medical privacy and bodily autonomy.

Although the action has been launched by one plaintiff, it is being brought on behalf of all unionized employees of the BC Public Service harmed by the Province’s vaccine mandate. As such, it has the potential to assert the rights of tens of thousands of unionized public servants in British Columbia.

The action claims the Public Health Officer committed the tort of misfeasance by:

    having no basis in fact to justify the information, data, and advice she provided and upon which the Province relied to develop its employee vaccination policy, and
    wilfully or recklessly ignored known potential risks of adverse events associated with the COVID-19 vaccination in providing advice to the Province.

The action further claims the Province violated employees’ rights under s.2d — freedom of association — of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and that forced disclosure of private medical information violated common law and statutory privacy rights.

The plaintiff seeks compensation through an award for aggravated and punitive damages. The plaintiff has retained counsel Umar Sheikh of Sheikh Law to represent him in this matter.

BCPSEF Presents: A Conversation with Alan Cassels

October 24th, 2023

Independent health policy researcher Alan Cassels joined BCPS Employees for Freedom members to discuss the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on public health policy in British Columbia. Mr. Cassels shared a variety of experiences and reflections from his 30-year career as a researcher, award-winning communicator and advocate for evidence-based drug and healthcare policy. He discussed the need for individual citizens to question and critically appraise the claims of Big Pharma, public health officials and governments in mass marketing medical interventions at the population level.

Watch the video here:


We’re very grateful to Mr. Cassels for joining us as our guest.

You can follow him on Twitter at: @AKECassels

BCPSEF Presents: A Conversation with Former BC Attorney General Suzanne Anton, KC

October 17th, 2023

On June 26, 2023, Suzanne Anton, KC, former Attorney General of British Columbia, joined BCPS Employees for Freedom members for a wide-ranging conversation on COVID-19 mandates. Ms. Anton covered a number of topics, including her take on government’s response to COVID-19, restrictive public health measures, lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandates, mass terminations of B.C. healthcare workers and public servants, and the lack of strong evidence and legal justification for these actions.


We’re very grateful for Ms. Anton joining us as our guest. You can follow her on Twitter at: @SuzanneAnton

Our story so far

April 11th, 2022

Dear BCPS Employees for Freedom (BCPSEF) Supporters,

Please find this brief summary of the key actions we've taken to defend the medical privacy, bodily autonomy and constitutional rights and freedoms of B.C. public servants to date:  

  • . May 16, 2022 (anticipated): B.C. Supreme Court judicial review of the constitutionality of OIC 627 and HR Policy 25 (i.e. the Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate). 
  • . April 1, 2022: B.C. Supreme Court dismisses petition for injunction. 
  • . March 25, 2022: Judge hears B.C. public servants fighting vaccine mandates in court. 
  • . February 23, 2022: B.C. public servants file court petition to halt vaccine mandate terminations. 
  • . February 22, 2022: First B.C. public servants terminated for not complying with the Mandate. 
  • . February 18, 2022: B.C. public servants facing termination over vaccine mandate speak out. 
  • . February 6, 2022: BCPSEF sends second open letter to Lori Wanamaker to end the Mandate. 
  • . January 17, 2022: First B.C. public servants receive final termination warning letter. 
  • . November 29, 2021: B.C. public servants share impact statements
  • . November 22, 2021: First B.C. public servants put on unpaid leave for not complying with the Mandate. 
  • . November 10, 2021: B.C. public servants send open letters to their unions
  • . November 7, 2021: B.C. public sector workers stand in solidarity against medical coercion.
  • . October 26, 2021: B.C. public servants send open letter to Lori Wanamaker.
  • . October 5, 2021: Head of the BC Public Service, Lori Wanamaker, announces Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate for 38,000 B.C. public servants or face termination. 

Thank you for your ongoing support and donations!

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