Chayal’s Angels Campaign - ‘An army for an army’


 ILS ₪100,000


 ILS ₪120,401

Campaign created by Natasha Cohen

Campaign funds will be received by Natasha Cohen

Chayal’s Angels Campaign - ‘An army for an army’

Hello my name is Tasha and I need help in my important role delivering emergency supplies and services to IDF soldier bases in dangerous territories.

I am personally fundraising for essential car maintenance of transport vehicles delivering emergency supplies and services to IDF soldier bases in the North and South of Israel. 

These special vehicles are needed for deliveries to IDF bases in the North and South of Israel, which provide, clean water, medical supplies, aid and support to those young IDF soldiers that are risking their lives to protect others.

Since the unspeakable tragedy of October 7th 2023 in Israel, I realised a deep need to get out to our soldiers and help. Originally from London I have been in Israel for 12 years and this is very much my home. The constant tragedy and trauma that is happening is deeply affecting every single person in Israel.

So here's how I wanted to help. I immediately started offering to drive needed items and soldiers to base’s all over the country. Within a couple of days hundreds of people needing help to transport essential items to army bases or army bases themselves needing support and transport for soldiers somehow got my number and my phone rings all day with requests for aid, soldiers who need rides, and all sorts.

Being out on the roads each day for 12+ hours means I am seeing the effect of the result of the atrocities to our soldiers first hand and speaking to them directly to be see what is needed and be able to help them with their physical and emotional needs. Whilst it was mostly food and driving soldiers in the first week or two, the needs changed fast and thick.

Most of the people serving in the IDF right now are reservists, who have finished duty months sometimes years ago and started their lives and their families. They and are understandably not in the shape you would need to be to fight this long and hard battle. In recent days I have come to understand that there is a deep need to help the soldiers get through this physically, so they can fight this war. So in addition to driving from base to base with aid, I have been speaking to officers, organising teams of therapists to help them physically and taking them into base. I currently have 18 physical therapists (masseuses, chiropractors, physiotherapists, acupuncturists etc) who have come/are willing to come and donate their time and skills to helping our soldiers.I am collating a bigger list but the support so far from them wanting to donate their time has been truly amazing. I already have bases spreading out my details and the calls are coming in hard and fast.

I do not intend to stop until our soldiers are home and our nation is safe, I drive 6-7 days a week, 10-16 hours a day, wherever I'm needed, North and South and this trips are highly dangerous as you can imagine. That's a lot of gas, car maintenance etc.

My goal is to ensure that these brave soldiers have the necessary resources to carry out their duties effectively and safely. I can only do it with your help, my car is covering long distances daily and needs to be maintained. It is the life line to many IDF bases in which I am supporting. I have special privileges to be able to enter the designated bases, so, anything that is needed and requested by them is delivered personally by me mostly alone and sometimes with my team directly to the intended bases.

The money you donate will go directly to covering all of these costs, as well as allow me to continuously purchase clean bottled drinking water and medical supplies for the soldiers as well as transporting physical therapists to bases to deliver treatments and safely transporting soldiers from/to their bases.

By supporting my cause, you will not only contribute to the maintenance of essential vehicles, but also play a crucial role in providing, clean water, medical supplies, treatments aid and support to those young soldiers that are risking their lives to protect others.

Join me and make a difference in the lives of our dedicated IDF soldiers.

Thank you for your generosity and support at this crazy time.

Tasha x

Recent Donations
A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
14 days ago

A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
1 month ago

A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
2 months ago

A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
3 months ago

Bonnie Connie
₪ 200.00 ILS
3 months ago

God Bless you abundantly

Anonymous Giver
₪ 17.00 ILS
4 months ago

A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
4 months ago

A proud angel
₪ 50.00 ILS
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
₪ 100.00 ILS
5 months ago

Kol hakavod and keep up the good work!! X

₪ 180.00 ILS
6 months ago

Farah Vessal
₪ 1000.00 ILS
6 months ago

In honor of all the volunteers who are helping our brave soldiers.

Anonymous Giver
₪ 180.00 ILS
6 months ago

Tovah Singer
₪ 115.00 ILS
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
₪ 650.00 ILS
6 months ago

Linda Blankfield
₪ 500.00 ILS
6 months ago

Moshe Vessal
₪ 1800.00 ILS
6 months ago

In honor of the brave Israel Defense Forces. May the almighty watch over them, protect them and keep them safe.

Robin and Larry Cohn
₪ 600.00 ILS
6 months ago

Howard Makofsky
₪ 150.00 ILS
6 months ago

₪ 200.00 ILS
6 months ago

Thank you and all your angels!

Rochelle Gildar
₪ 150.00 ILS
6 months ago

Thank you for your steadfastness and big heart


That’s 3000 treatments!!!

January 15th, 2024

Week 11 - 3 bases completed and OVER 300 treatments given out that brings us to a total of 3000 treatments to date and counting! 

We even brought along the Netflix Jewish Matchmaker Aleeza Ben Shalom to give advice to our soldiers!

Update That’s 3000 treatments!!! Image
1500 IDF soldiers treated!!!

November 26th, 2023

I am happy to share that 1500 soldiers have been treated in the last 4 weeks!

Thank you for your support and please keep sharing and supporting Chayal’s angels so we can keep going.

love Tasha x

Update 1500 IDF soldiers treated!!! Image
We’ve made it to 1000 soldiers!!!!

November 17th, 2023

3 weeks ago I led the first trip of Chayal’s Angels into a base to treat soldiers! 

So far we have treated 1000 soldiers (and that’s before we even start today!) 

We won’t stop, till our soldiers are home. And even then I’m working on how to make sure we can support them after……

If you can please share our link or connect us to whoever may be able to help keep us going 🙏🏻

Thank you for your generous support.


Tasha x


Update We’ve made it to 1000 soldiers!!!! Image
Thanks for the Tshirts! Go Team Chayal’s Angels!

November 12th, 2023

Chayal’s Angels, An army to support the army! 

If you wanna keep us going please keep sharing

Update Thanks for the Tshirts! Go Team Chayal’s Angels! Image
Wow, we now have 40 therapists! Meets Chaya's Angels!

November 12th, 2023

Meet some of the Chayal’s Angels, An army to support the army! 

So honoured to be bringing these therapists around to IDF bases to keep them going! Please keep supporting us to support them 

Special thanks to @emmtheo for the design and to @shanasaka for gifting these t shirts to the team! 

We now know this is gonna go on a while and the amount I’m trying to reach is only gonna get me to mid Jan. I know it’s hard, But I am so honoured to be your deliverer 🙏🏻 

If you wanna keep us going please keep sharing

Update Wow, we now have 40 therapists! Meets Chaya's Angels! Image
600+ soldiers have been treated in the last week and a half!!!

November 10th, 2023

As of today we have treated over 600 soldiers in the last week and a half, What a beautiful accomplishment! 

Every single soldier can’t say thank you enough, and every single therapist has said the same. By going to give treatments it’s keeping us sane and by receiving treatments the soldiers are also gaining a space to breathe, heal and be held! 

Together we are one, together we get through this but most importantly together we will win 💪🏻🇮🇱💪🏻 

Please help us keep helping the soldiers by donating what you can, or sharing the link with a couple of people, or anything else you can think of.


Update 600+ soldiers have been treated in the last week and a half!!! Image
We now have 30 therapists helping over 100 soldiers!

November 4th, 2023

This photo feels so powerful to me!

Today at the base one of the incredible therapists coming with me treat our soldiers and keep them going through this was @arieljasmyne used Gua Sha to help them. This soldier asked her to do it specifically in the shape of a Magen David (star of David)! 

Come home safely and thank you for protecting us! Please pray for every single person serving the #idf

Thank you for your donations.

Much love

Tasha x

Update We now have 30 therapists helping over 100 soldiers! Image

Prayer Requests

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