USD $40,000
USD $2,766
Campaign funds will be received by Tiffanie Cartan
Dear Friends & Family,
Most of you know our story and the experience our son, Zander has gone through with his struggles with food allergies, Asthma and Eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE). We come to you today with excitement and hope for a new future for Zander that could change his life!
When Zander was 2 months old, we knew something was not right. He was covered from head to toe in a rash which later we found out as it progressively got worse was eczema. He would scratch himself until he would bleed and did not sleep at night. After endless doctors’ visits and tests, we found out he had 14 food allergies, most of which are anaphylactic (life-threatening). As new parents, hearing this was difficult, scary and stressful. We tried to find our new “normal,” which entailed steroid treatments, “wet wraps” for his skin, elimination diet for Mom and Zander, and carrying an epi-pen. Just when we were in a routine and his eczema was under control, his throat began to bother him to the point that he was not eating and at the cusp of “failure to thrive.” We were introduced to a GI doctor at this point, and after two endoscopies, we found out he also has a disease called Eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE), which inflames his esophagus when eating certain foods. Little did we know, this was going to be a long journey for Zander, not only in his recovery of his severe eczema, but also retraining our entire family HOW TO EAT, WHAT TO EAT, and how to save his life if he should have an accidental food allergy reaction and/or Asthma flare-up. We were stressed and terrified as new parents.
Fast Forward to now. Zander is 10 years old. We seem to have a pretty good handle on how to manage his allergies. A few hospital visits and scares here and there, such as being on a hike and having a yogurt snack accidentally spilled on Zander’s arm and watching his arm become covered in hives while at the top of a mountain. Reminders are daily for a food allergy family. There is continuous label reading, modifying every meal made, bringing your own food to events, and for some of us, not being able to go to 99 % of restaurants. Reflecting on the last few years, we feel he is “surviving” not “thriving” when it comes to growing strong and healthy.
When I ask Zander to explain the life of a food allergy kid, he will tell you the parts that are hardest are the family gatherings, birthday parties, holidays that are all centered around food. He has learned to be resilient in these times, but there are moments when he is still just a kid who wants to experience the same things his friends and family experience.
There was a recent moment that stands out, which inspired us to look deeper into finding options or a new direction for Zander. He got into the car after school one day, and as soon as the door shut, he broke down into tears. He managed to say “I tried to stay strong mom, but it just made me so sad. Today the entire school got a special treat at lunch, and it looked so good and I really wish that I could know what it tastes like. Why did God give me food allergies?” (Our heart aches for him in these moments)
When we did some more research, nothing seemed fitting for Zander with all the allergies he has. It wasn’t until his 10th Birthday party we had at his favorite restaurant, Intentional Foods (one of the two safe sit-down restaurants he can go to). The owner of the restaurant shared with us that their daughter, who also has life-threatening food allergies, was in a treatment program that is putting her allergies into remission. We did not waste time and started to find out more about this program located in Southern California. It was true! Their program is world-renowned, and helping children put their allergies in remission!
We discussed the possibilities with Zander, and he was ecstatic imagining life without food allergies! He was on board and wanting us to find out when we could get started.
We had our first consultation over the phone with their launch team. We learned that people come from all over the world for this treatment. It is not fully covered by insurance and could cost us approx. $40,000-$50,000 to complete with travel costs. It can last anywhere from 2-4 years or longer. It will be an intense few years. However, in the end, Zander will be close to graduating high school and starting a life where accidental exposure to his allergens will not be a life-threatening issue. He will even be able to eat his allergens in large quantities should he decide he likes them. We will head to California every 8-10 weeks for our treatment and will be in a strict daily regimen. We are ready to take this on and put up a fight against these allergies that have restricted Zander and our family for so long, and have caused so much fear, anxiety, and worry. The thought of sending our son to college or even out on his first date without the fear of allergies is a world we couldn’t even imagine.
With our humbling hearts, we come to you today to share that we are going to need help to pull this off, but we do believe that with our incredible village and God on our side, anything is possible! If you are in a position and able to help us financially or spiritually (we need our prayer warriors out there too), we would be so grateful. Please keep us in your hearts and prayers as we start the process to get through this next chapter. Please follow us through our journey as we begin this fight for food allergy freedom for Zander!
So happy and excited for Zander!
Keep going, Z! ❤
Great-uncle John was proud of you, Zander!
Happy Birthday and congratulations on passing coconut! 🌴🥥 I look forward to being able to collect charms and show support!
I don't know you guys but I work with Veronica and saw she shared this on her story...As someone who has a food sensitivity (just recently diagnosed as an adult) I can't imagine having so many severe food allergies as a kid and not being able to enjoy things with friends/family. I hope this treatment gives your son the opportunity to enjoy some of the things he couldn't before. 🩷
We will be keeping you in our prayers .
Praying for you guys.
Praying for you.
Good Luck Zander !
You got this Zander!!!! We love you and wish you the best!!❤️
I am praying for your family!
With love
Sending my best wishes to Zander and praying this works well for him!
Go get ‘em, Zander! 😊
Best wishes!
Praying. How is Zander doing? Please let us know. Maribeth and Noah
Praying this is everything you guys need and hope for!!
December 19th, 2024
Celebrating 🎉 1 year anniversary of TIP!
It has been one year since we started TIP. I say “WE” because it certainly takes a village to make this happen, and we could not have done it without your love, support and prayers!
December 3rd, 2024 Zman and I (Mom) headed back to LGB for his 2-day appointment. At the one-year they do bloodwork, so this has been the dreaded appointment he does not look forward to. They took 6 vials of blood…yes there were some tears and fears involved. He looked white as a ghost when they were drawing the blood so he quickly drank some juice at the same time. When that was completed, he had his food challenges (buckwheat & ghee). Zman says “ghee is disgusting”…he has been doing it as a shot (10 ml) “to get it over with,” he says. He passed both!!
Once we left the clinic on Day 1, we headed to Noble Bird, his favorite SoCal Food Allergy-Friendly restaurant. He eats SO much when we are there!! It’s good to see because normal he eats very little.
To celebrate his one year, Zman got to experience the Intuit Dome for a Clippers game! No better way to congratulate him on his commitment and daily hard work with this program! He really deserved a night of fun! He got on the Jumbotron and his photo with a few players!
Day 2 was the most exciting day so far in TIP…Zman finally was introduced to two of his highest anaphylactic allergies (one he had a severe reaction to as a toddler). He tried flax and chestnut and did not have a reaction!! He now doses these everyday in a gummy. He continues to eat ALL the other foods he has passed every day as well.
What a great trip and an Amazing year!!
September 26th, 2024
Zander just completed his 5th TIP Visit out of 24 Visits and coming close to our one-year mark with being in the program! Here is the most recent update…
Food Challenge (Day 1):
Donkey’s milk 90 ml and Pumpkin seeds were challenged today. He passed both!!! This means he will have to move donkey’s milk over to his daily maintenance (drinks 90ml every day for next 10 weeks). Pumpkin seeds are now uncapped, which means he can eat as many as he wants! Just in time to enjoy some roasted pumpkin seeds for fall 🎃
Our trips are always two days, so there is a little downtime where we can try to find something fun to do to get his mind off of his second day. The second day is usually when he has to try new foods. This trip he had his first anaphylactic food to be introduced to. Both of us were a little nervous going into it, but we always say a prayer 🙏🏻 and that seems to calm the nerves.
Food Challenge (Day 2):
Clarified Butter (aka Ghee) & Buckwheat are both on his anaphylactic allergen level…He passed both today! These two are now his daily dosing foods, with buckwheat being in a gummy form for 8 weeks and then he has to consume buckwheat flour last two weeks before his next visit.
It was a successful visit! We will be back to Long Beach clinic beginning of December. As always, thank you family and friends for your support and prayers! We can’t do this without you! As they say… “It takes a village”💚
August 15th, 2024
🇺🇸 Happy 4th it was, as Zman continues to work towards Food Freedom! 💥
This TIP Trip our family of 4 went and stayed a little longer to celebrate the 4th of July with family and friends. Zman always enjoys the TIP trips when we can make it into a “vacation” rather than the entire focus on his clinic appointments. Since it is summer, we took full advantage of this time to be together and make it fun for him.
This time he challenged Mare’s milk and poppyseeds and was introduced to pumpkin seeds and donkey’s milk! He still votes on Camel’s milk being “the worst” of all the milks he has tried.
Day 1 & 2 of his appointments went smooth. It wasn’t until after we headed back to our vacation rental that we noticed a farmers market that we were walking through and enjoying the yummy smells…little did we know, those smells ended up causing Z the to have a reaction!! First he had a nagging cough, then he started to get a wheeze (all of this happened within 5 minutes of returning to our room). He then asked for his inhaler. Of course it was nearing bedtime…all of us nervous and wondering what was causing reaction. Was it delayed from his appointment? Nope! Dad went down to farmers market to investigate and found that they were roasting nuts!! Three of which were his top anaphylactic allergies!
Thank goodness everything turned out ok, but to think that inhaling something could cause such a reaction is frightening and really assures us that Z is where he needs to be, doing this program for an important reason: the safety of his life!!
Zman’s Highlights
☀️🌊🏖️Beach time& learning to boogie board
🐦 Meeting our “Family”@Noble Bird
🇺🇸4th of July Parade & 💥 fireworks
🐪 Being told I am done with camel’s milk for awhile
✈️ Getting to sit in cockpit of plane
April 20th, 2024
Camel’s milk 20 ml and Chia seeds were challenged today, as well as oats. We know he is not allergic to oats and eats them weekly, but his blood work and scratch showed otherwise, so he had to prove he was not allergic by doing an outright challenge. He passed everything!!!
♥️Little Brother and Dad joined us on this trip!!! They got to see everything Z does.
Since Z has asthma, they monitor him closely through breathing tests every so often. Today he did a test and all his numbers looked good.
Today Z was introduced to Mare’s milk and poppy seeds. Since he passed these, they now become apart of his daily dosing which he does every day after school. His Camel’s milk and chia seeds he passes yesterday become his “maintenance foods” which he has every morning before school.
🤔Why does he have to add these unusual milks to his diet?
This program is all about dosing small amounts of similar proteins to get your body to tolerate them so you are able to ingest your anaphylactic allergens. Since Z is highly anaphylactic to cows milk (dairy), we are working our way through similar proteins to get there.
🤨What other milks does he have to dose before dairy? After camel and mare, he will have donkey milk, sheep yogurt, and goat milk. We have been told donkey milk is only able to be sourced through Italy, and is VERY expensive (one mom told us she spent $700 to get her shipment). This is one of the reasons we have our Give Send Go page…it takes a Village and all the help we can from family and friends! We can’t do this without you!
✈️ “Little Bro got to see for the first time what I do and where we stay and take his first cab ride.”
🎬🎥🍿Since we had the whole family along this time, we came a day early and went to Universal Studios. 🌧️“It was fun that it rained all day and made the lines shorter.”
🚲”I liked having D with me for the exercises at my appointments.”
🐦 “Taking Dad to try Noble Bird” (Our favorite allergy-friendly restaurant)
Since Zander passed Camel’s milk, ALL DONATIONS YOU MAKE, you will receive a camel charm you can add to your keychain! Please send us a message to let us know where to send your charm!♥️
All donations, are appreciated 🙏🏻 no amount is too small! Our cab 🚕 rides coast $10-$18 to and from the clinic. Finding special foods for Z while we are there adds up! Hotel, airfare, and specialized foods he is having to dose through the program are not covered by our insurance.
We normally do not have time for “entertainment”…this trip was a one-time special occasion with Dad and brother joining us to show their support for Zman.
February 18th, 2024
Introducing…Lucky Charm Chains!!
This week only $23 donation towards Zander’s Campaign will get you his “Lucky Charms” keychain and 3 starter charms!
It is Zander’s Birthday 🎂 this week on the 23rd, so all this week you can get your Keychain! Your donation will help us tremendously with the costs that our insurance does not cover. We will be traveling every 10 weeks for the next 4-5 years for his appointments, and these expenses certainly add up fast!
🍀What is the Lucky Charm Keychain?
Cleverly named by Zander, this is our way to say thanks and also to help as a reminder to everyone when they see their keychain and charms to pray 🙏🏻 and remember not only Zander, but other people out there who are challenged with food allergies.
Zander is currently working towards “Food Freedom,” which is ultimately remission from his 17+ anaphylactic foods he has avoided since he was 2 months old!
Each food challenge he passes, we will introduce a new charm to add to your keychain! (No worries if you are out of state…we will ship your keychain and charms to you at no extra cost).
!!Please share our campaign!!
Please spread the word…share Zander’s story and our campaign with family, friends, your plumber, your hairdresser, your neighbors! By doing this, you not only help Zander, but it also spreads awareness and helps other “allergy families” connect and learn more about this new program to put food allergies into remission!
February 6th, 2024
We made it to our appointment through a flight delay and the big storm in California!
It’s Official…Z got his dosing gummies today!
“Dosing”means he takes the food every day for next 10 weeks, until we return to the clinic, training his body to be tolerant for his next food challenge of the actual food. He also has his daily Maintenance Foods to eat. “Maintenance” are foods he has already challenged and passed in the clinic and has to continue to keep in his daily diet to continue training his body to know that these foods are “safe.”
After today’s food challenge appointment he is now…
Dosing: Chia seed(in a gummy) & Camel’s Milk
Maintenance: Millet, Coconut, Quinoa
👉🏻Also in his daily diet he HAS to eat an apple, a pear, a stone fruit, and mustard seed. He also does SLIT (treatment for environmental allergies) daily with his Xyzal and other vitamins. You should see his plate in the mornings!!! Breakfast is no longer “quick”
Mom’s lesson in denatured camel’s milk…
That’s right…Camel’s milk!!! I learned today how I need to prepare camels milk for Z’s dosing. We came home with powdered camels milk ($$) that I will prep with boiling water and a whole step-by-step process. I got stopped of course by TSA on flight home!!! I guess powdered Camel’s milk in your bag might look a little suspicious. 🤣
(In his words..)
🌧️ Rain storm in Long Beach, and running to our 🚕 cab in the rain ☔️
🐪 Trying Camel’s milk “Tastes like grass and is gross”
💚Tried first dosing gummy (chia) and got to take home all of the dosing gummies for next 10 weeks
😊”Quinoa was good”
Thank you all for your continued prayers 🙏🏻
and supporting Zman’s journey by spreading the word to your family and friends. Through this site we have referred a new family to the TIP program, so keep sharing this campaign with others! We want nothing more than for other kids like Z to have this experience and opportunity to put their allergies in remission!!
💟If you select “follow” on this campaign, whenever I update after every appointment, you can follow along and see what he is challenging and adding to his diet.
January 6th, 2024
Launch Appointment was a two day visit. Launch Day 1: They placed a patch with 52 antigens on his back that stays on for 24 hours. He then did a Pulmonary Test to check his lungs and breathing.
Launch Day 2: Z did so great today! He got his patch taken off first and then he had his first food challenge: millet 🌾 They mixed it with dairy-feee chocolate. Next it was time for exercise. They take vitals after this and moved onto his next food: coconut. He loved the taste of coconut 🥥. Again, back to exercising for several minutes, followed by vitals check. Congratulations Z on passing your first two challenges! Now he has to eat coconut and millet every day until our next visit. Mom will need to get creative so he doesn’t get sick of his maintenance foods.
First visit down…24 to go (54 months)!!
Z’s doctor is very good with him. She helps calm his nerves.
We brought Nana along, which was so nice to have her there for support and encouragement! 💜
Z’s highlights:
🐳Aquarium of the Pacific
🚕 Interesting Taxi rides
🐦 Noble Bird Restaurant- trying Brussels sprouts for first time and LOVED them!
🍔 In and Out Burger
🏨 The Cove Hotel
✈️ Getting used to flying-writes a prayer before every flight to try to calm his nerves
🍽️ Passing his food challenges!
October 26th, 2023
And so it begins…
It was a full day…flying from PHX to Long Beach, CA for Z’s first in-person appointment and then heading back home the same day!
We finally made it! It was a very long, emotional and exhausting day, but so much to be thankful for! Zander had scratch test (5 panels, 49 foods) on his back…it was uncomfortable for him. Seafood and beans had surprisingly the low numbers, which is good. However, we have to wait to compare to his bloodwork and patch testing results. His other foods we knew he already has allergies to (dairy, seeds, nuts, wheat, etc.) still showed a reaction to (large hives). Again, we will have to wait on the full report.
Zander ended his appointment with his blood draw, which he was dreading. He said the nurse who drew his blood “She was the best I have ever had draw my blood. She is good at her job.”
When asked what his favorite part of the day was, he said “Walking to In and Out for lunch!” Haha!
Our flights, cab rides and finding our way around Long Beach was a positive experience and a first of many to come.
Zander wants to thank you all for your prayers and encouragement!
The “Launch Visit” is scheduled for first week of January. During this 2 day appointment visit, Zander will have patch testing done, pulmonary function testing and his first food challenge. We will leave this visit with his dosing (medication). The dosing is in the form of gummies he will take every day.
Please share Zman’s campaign with your family and friends! We are just beginning our journey and need your help. Lots of prayers needed! Copy link and share. Also, please follow and share his Instagram account, @foodfree4z for updates.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.