Help Zion Get A Service Dog


 CAD $45,000


 CAD $7,259

Campaign created by Chelsea Watkins

Campaign funds will be received by Chelsea Watkins

Help Zion Get A Service Dog

This is a campaign to raise money for our 6-year-old son, Zion Watkins, to get a service dog. Zion has had a uniquely intense medical childhood after being born at just 24 weeks, which has left him needing additional support as he grows. He was recently diagnosed with autism, is non-speaking, has adrenal insufficiency, occasional hypoglycemic seizures, and anxiety in certain social settings. Getting him a highly trained dog from Aspen Service Dogs in Edmonton, AB could allow him to better:

- detect low blood sugar, reduce the risk of seizures, and gives us the awareness to give emergency medication

- reduce anxiety during his regular doctor's appointments, bloodwork, therapy sessions and unexpected changes in daily life

- attend church, school, family gatherings, and events

- remain calm when experiencing sensory overload or meltdowns

- reduce risk of running away, or not returning when called

- be able to sleep at night after his regular health check wakings 

- help communicate his needs to those who don’t understand him

We really appreciate that you are considering helping Zion, and our whole family, by donating. Your donation will help cover costs for several important areas:

- a professionally-trained and government-qualified service dog, bred and trained specifically to serve Zion

- all 2 years of dog training and initial fees

- dog trainer expenses

- travel expenses for Zion's family to go to Edmonton for one week of in-person training

- expenses for Zion's dog trainer to come to BC and stay for one-week in-home training

- ongoing dog expenses/house accommodations 

Specifically, the dog is $30,000 and total travel expenses (Watkins family, dog, and dog trainer) are an estimated $15,000. Anything raised over that will be used toward associated expenses or for Zion directly. For larger donation amounts over $500, please message Chelsea on how to receive a tax deduction.

Thank you for any way that you are able to help! We can’t say enough how thankful we are for your support in helping get Zion this very valuable companion. God has been so faithful to Zi, and we are beyond thrilled to see His goodness yet again in Zion's life as he gets placed with such a special dog and friend!

The Watkins Family

Recent Donations
Rob and Gwen Fiola
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Sue and Gord
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Cannot wait to see you with your very own dog Zion.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 CAD
1 year ago

$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

Can%u2019t wait for Zion to get his dog. %uD83D%uDC96

$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

Can%u2019t wait for Zion to get his dog. %uD83D%uDC96

$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

Can%u2019t wait for Zion to get his dog. %uD83D%uDC96

$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

Can%u2019t wait for Zion to get his dog. %uD83D%uDC96

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 CAD
1 year ago

With all my love, so this puppy may be the perfect 4-legged companion for Zion!

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 CAD
1 year ago

This is going to be one special puppy for one special boy!!

Rebecca Kyriakou
$ 200.00 CAD
1 year ago

Can%u2019t wait for Zion to get his dog. %uD83D%uDC96

Anonymous Giver
$ 375.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 375.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Cheering for you❤️

$ 500.00 CAD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 330.00 CAD
2 years ago

Phil and Julianna Rouse
$ 100.00 CAD
2 years ago

Nicole Pelletier
$ 150.00 CAD
2 years ago

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Esther Nijsse
$ 300.00 CAD
2 years ago

Grade two and three class at Abby CC
$ 100.00 CAD
2 years ago


Update #1: Breakdown of Payments Needed

December 1st, 2022

Hello friends & family!

First of all, a huge thank you to those who have so lovingly (and thoughtfully) already given to Zion's service dog. We truly can't tell you enough how much it means to us. 

I've had a few questions about a breakdown of when payments are needed for Zion's dog, so thought I would do it here.

Stage 1: $5,000 CAD - Due as soon as possible to put Zion on the official waitlist for a dog.
From here, the team at Aspen will wait until they have a dog that is best suited to Zion's needs. They want a natural fit for both Zion and the dog, to make it as natural a bond as possible.

Stage 2: $10,000 CAD - Due 12 months after the first initial waitlist payment. 
The first year of training for the dog is more general service dog training, making sure it is qualified provincially to be a service dog.

Stage 3: $15,000 CAD - Due when we pick up the dog, up to 24 months after the first initial waitlist payment.
After the first year of training, Zion's service dog will do intense training that is specific to Zion. We submit videos, pictures, saliva samples, pieces of clothing, and more from Zion so that they can train the dog specifically to what Zi smells like or reacts to. It really is incredible! 

Stage 4: $15,000 CAD (estimated) - Due when we pick up the dog
This is not required by Aspen Service Dogs. This is something we are saving up for ourselves as well, but would be thankful for any help with.

 We are required to pay for the following when we pick up the dog once its training is complete:
- our family to fly to Edmonton, Alberta for 1 week
- our accommodation and meals for 1 week
- flight for Aspen dog trainer back to BC with us for 1 week of home training
- accommodation for 1 week for Aspen dog trainer in BC during 1 week of home training
- flight for Aspen dog trainer back to Alberta after 1 week of home training

I wish I could properly describe how life-changing this dog will be for Zion and our family. There is so much inside of Zi that we know is just waiting to burst out, and a service dog is just one way that he can feel more comfortable, be able to engage socially, and reduce the risk of emergencies. 

Aspen shared this video of a little girl they worked with, and although it's not exactly the same as Zion, it did make me very emotional thinking of him and how a dog like this would help him:
Aspen Service Dogs: Not Just Pets

We appreciate every prayer and financial support more than you know. Thank you for loving our family in this very real way. It means the world to us!

- Josh & Chelsea

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.