EUR €12,000
EUR €277
Campaign funds will be received by Jonathan Roos
Good day Brethren in Christ 👑🙏♥️ I am greatful for this platform.
Hereby i place a request for your graceful succour in providing me a chance to recover from being homeless nearing 7 years. To give some background;
Ive been home challenged since 2015 with sometimes the luck to find temporary accomodation away from the streets in between. The longest homeless period started in greece where i lived on the streets of Athens for 1 year.
conditions where absolutely hell like to say the least, while sleeping in parks, benches, anywhere i could possibly find some peace, i managed to stay alive by finding supermarket garbage. besides great sleep deprevation i had also gotten a scaby infection (those are parasitic bugs that enter under your skin and eat you up alive) it drove me near completely insane countless times. i only survived this year by the most High grace. which ended the torture in December 2016 with access to the drug ivermectin that killed the bugs. in between 2017 and 2019 i had many very rough challenges while traveling often living in the worst of circumstances. for a while in 2018 | had a little roofed place however it was ridden with black mold and i got severely ill after that, many diseases started in that period which i still haven't recovered from as | write this feb 28 2022. In early 2020 i had a tent and stayed in France, it broke shortly after and after that | slept in caves, abandoned houses under bridges, trees etc.. for a while sleeping under a pine tree with barely anything was my home for a while in the Pyrenees i could barely sleep in the freezing nights, reason | survived is because there was a little hotspring nearby to warm up in and wild rosehips to eat however i weakened allot it became too cold there and ended up in Lisbon, there i had the toughest winter yet, first | couldn't find a place and slept any and everywhere it was a little windfree. this got me in trouble with police when i entered a appartements mailbox halls to warm up in because i was numb from freezing weather out. i was usually forced to walk the entire nights to keep death from hypothermia away.
eventually | found a cardboard fridgebox and a sort of large window pane near a abandoned shop to put it. this i filled with any isolation material | could find and in there somehow managed to survive winter. food i got from supermarket trash containers.
after that i managed to find some work in the most harsch conditions on farms, only in exchange for a bed, and barely any food. some wouldn't even give food at all. so i basically just worked for a bed and ate anything i found in the area. usually wild orange and some figs.
then in October 2021 i found a 12 tribes community, this is a Christ worship based community, i was greatly overjoyed at first it felt like family, however the work was for immensely long hours 6 days a week, they assigned me to work in their industrial bread factory, my condition was already greatly weakened from being homeless so many years without a chance to recover, and after a month there i couldn't function anymore hence had to leave the highly pressured environment.
then found another farm, cutting wood, they said i could stay the winter however he suddenly told me to leave in the middle of winter. the owner clearly had less then benevolent influences hence i prayed for them and left. then i ended on the streets of Madrid ( December) this was another incredibly harsch period because temperatures where below zero and i didn't have the luxury of a cardboard box like last winter in Lisbon. maby nights i thought i wouldn't survive. i Eventually found a homeless shelter there that had temporary accomodation. while being there sleeping with around 200 other homeless people in a large dormitory | got very ill. it was the strongest illness i had gotten yet. high fever headaches and completely lost all sense of taste or smell which is still mostly gone today. The conditions were terrible there, could barely breath at night, the dormitory had no open windows, the smell from unwashed homeless was highly unsanitary. i had to leave this shelter.
God guided me to a forest where i found a hole in the ground and made a shelter with plastic tarp, ive been there for the last 5 weeks. at night i stay warm by making a fire if weather allows, and surrounding myself with hot rocks.
just your prayers would already be of tremendous support. that i may recover from being in survival mode for almost a decade and start a new life . the funding goal would allow me to atleast rent accommodation for hopefully long enough to recover sufficiently to be in a state where i can be a workforce again. and to finally receive medical assistance. after 1.5 years of having a gofundme i have recently raised the goal from 3k to 12k this is because 3k wouldn't allow me a sufficiently solid chance at recovery to rent a place for long enough to truly recover the body from 7 years of abuse, (actually started in 2003 when i got chronic fatigue that lasted over a decade hence it is over 19 years now that i didn't have the tools to take proper care) i calculated 12k would truly allow for all the providence required for a full recovery.
ive also been wearing the same clothes for years most are black and half burned now from sleeping with fire heated rocks i have barely anything to wear as of writing this update today 9 march 2022.
Great gratitude for anyone who took the precious time to read about my life. May the most high Grace Always Accompany you !
i don't know how to add images here besides header hence see the updates on my old gofundme page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/graceforlife
Yah Bless you Brother.
May the Holy Spirit be with you under God and Jesus Christ
November 6th, 2024
Good day dear supporters,
It is currently my 5th winter houseless,
the conditions have in many ways been more challenging then ever.
first a great forest fire nearly engulfed my tent , i lived in the smoke and it was hard to breath while raining ashes on me for a week. however i had no other safe place to go. eventually the fire was nearing fast hence i managed to go to the nearest city (porto) there i lived on the street for weeks, the agony was great because my tent i had to throw away because it got shredded by bushes. hence i slept on the streets in a tarp, however then rainstorms got me soaked and i had to throw away many clothes because they started molding.
i barely survived this period for lack of clothing food or a sleeping bag.
eventually i managed to aquire a 20yrs old vintage tent for a small price due to a donation.
for the last weeks ive been surviving in the wild again. my main challenge is finding sufficient food and drinking water . also most nights ive been unable or barely able to sleep because it was simply too cold.
fortunately a fire and heating rocks provides a few hours relief from the cold if it doesnt rain too hard to start a fire.
my current goal is food and a good sleeping bag or blanket. if i can aquire these the chances of surviving winter look good. my health however has days where its low and all i can do is sleep.
I am praying to find work im able to do, unfortunately im stuck abroad and dont understand the local language, my health pbysical and mental health condition is also far from being able to work. (ptsd and panic attacks plus chronic fatigue and quite a few other issues)
However I am greatful to have found a bible and trust God may one day hava mercy upon me and lift me out of these tribulations into a safe housing opportunity to recover.
I doubt anyone will read this, nonetheless my greatest of Gratitude for the precious time of those who do.
May the most high holy fire and God's grace always surround and fortify you all with protection and supply you with a ever flowing abundance of heavenly miracles 🙏❤️🔥🌌
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