Wells the Warrior


 USD $5,000


 USD $4,190

Campaign created by Hannah Butler

Campaign funds will be received by Hannah Butler

Wells the Warrior

Our dear friends Kate and Mark Laux welcomed their fourth baby, sweet Wells on October 25, 2024. He is now fighting for life with a significant brain bleed at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. Your compassionate donation will help offset medical costs as well as basic needs such as food and gas expenses when they travel home as they can to see their other three children. We are believing the Lord to perform a miracle, please be in prayer with us for Wells's complete healing! 

“Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow wells of living water." John 7:38

Recent Donations
Kelli Gresham
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Kim Coffman
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Thinking of you during this challenging time. Sending prayers.

Bill and Sherrie Schreck
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

We pray Gods healing for your sweet baby and Gods peace for your family.

Krista Wachtman
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for His healing touch on your sweet little Wells!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Wells

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Our God is a healer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Nye7hwfyh4

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
2 months ago

Rachelle Koehnke
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Continued prayers for healing, comfort, strength and wisdom!

Christi Mahler
$ 30.00 USD
2 months ago

Covering Wells and your whole family in fervent prayer. Isaiah 43:2

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

You have SO many people praying for you constantly! Continuing to pray that you see God's mighty power at work in Wells.

Karen Ouwenga
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Wells and all of you!

Zach and Sam Zeleznik
$ 320.00 USD
2 months ago

Samantha and I are praying continually for Wells. Your strength is found only in the Lord. He is in control. God, hear our prayers!

Stacey Franks
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Send prayers to you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Prayers for Wells to our sovereign God.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Taylor White
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

The name Wells is reserved for the strongest of babies there is. Our son Welles also fought for his life in the PICU. Praying for complete healing and strength for you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

The Brasfields
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

You all are being held close to heart.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Mark and K-Bone: Huge prayers over Wells. Praying for healing and miracles. Also praying for you both. For stamina and strength as you love Wells and your other kiddos. And prayers over your kids. That they will feel your love and God’s peace. Love Beck Dawg and family .


Update #4 | 12/9/2024 | First Outpatient Appt

December 11th, 2024

Thank you all for continuing to follow the Laux family and pray for them. 

This past Monday, Wells had his first outpatient appointment with gastroenterology.

Here is the update from Kate. 

We are so happy to report we heard great news today! Wells’s liver enzymes and bilirubin levels were significantly down from Friday and both doctors were thrilled to see that. We were supposed to have clinic appointments for the next several weeks but upon seeing how much progress he’s made, they changed our plan to bi-weekly outpatient lab draws and said as long as his labs continue to trend downward we won’t have to see gastroenterology again. 

The results on the cholestasis panel are still out but the doctors said because his labs look so good he doesn’t anticipate any significant findings from that (which he’s said all along). 

Thank you for praying. We are relieved and so thankful to have such a good report.

Update #3 | 12/6/24. | Heading Home!

December 7th, 2024

From the Laux fam: 

We are so grateful to every single person who’s been praying for the victory of our sweet Wells. When we say that has been everything to us, we mean it.

We’re thrilled to report tonight that our mighty man is heading home! Thank you Lord. 

Since the last update, Wells has continued to make incredible progress. Shortly after being extubated he was moved to a general pediatrics/neurosurgery floor, where both teams were following him. Kate was able to nurse him and feeding has gone well, despite doctors saying it could be a significant hurdle due to his age and the number of days he was intubated. 

Wells also had a liver biopsy a few days ago due to elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin levels and the doctors reported yesterday there were thankfully no major findings from that. 

Please continue to pray for Wells. Five different medical teams will be following him over the course of the next several months. Pray that there will be no new findings moving forward, that our ears will continue to hear good news, and that his brain will continue to develop perfectly without any impairment or delays.

Thank you for faithfully covering us.

Update #2 | 12/1/24 | Small But Great Update

December 2nd, 2024

Since the last update Wells continues to have good days! Today was a huge day as they were able to remove his feeding tube AND extubate him this evening. And the best part, mama and baby are reunited. 


For continued stability in Wells's blood pressure, blood sugar, and breathing. May there be no cause for any concern through the night and for the remainder of his time at Nationwide. 

That Kate would be able to nurse him soon and he would have no issues feeding. 

Continued healing over his brain. 

For continued strength and perseverance in our friends, and for healing and comfort for their hearts. 

Thank you faithful friends for your support of our brothers and sisters in Christ.

May His name be glorified through our suffering. 

Update Update #2  |  12/1/24  | Small But Great Update Image
Update #1 | 11/29/24 | Tiny But Mighty Wells

November 29th, 2024

First of all, the Lauxs are incredibly and sincerely so thankful for all who are fervently praying for them and touched by the donations. Be encouraged friends, as God continues to answer our prayers according to His perfect will. And it is His good and perfect will that Wells is still with us and God has given him the resiliency and might to continue this fight. Thank you for your faithfulness friends in lifting them up in prayer, for in such a time as this, it can be so difficult to know what to pray. Yet we, in the Holy Spirit, are interceding on their behalf. Praise God for such a great cloud of witnesses. 

Now onto the updates. 

Since his admittance on October 25th, Wells has made incredible progress. Already down to only 3 meds, a nurse herself exclaimed, "That is incredible progress!" Yes, it is ma'am because of the God we serve. He has an audience and they and we are all invested. 

Key Highlights & Prayer Points:

-After receiving an MRI yesterday, the bleeding in his brain has stopped and his body has started to reabsorb that blood. As a result, the pressure in his head is also decreasing. Pray this continues! 

-Though he does have damage in his brain, neurology seems cautiously suspicious that they would see significant delays and they attribute this optimism to the plasticity of the baby's brain (praise God for that design!). Pray against any and all longterm effects, delays, and difficulties! Pray that his brain would effectively rewire tasks to the undamaged parts of his brain! Pray for upcoming MRIs to show remarkable progress in healing, may it shock the doctors. 

-Wells is off his blood pressure medication now as well as all IV nutrition. He is able to receive breastmilk via feeding tube from Kate! 

-Pray that his body would continue to release fluid in order to get his body to a place where they can continue to decrease vent settings and eventually get him extubated. 

-Mark and Kate have not held Wells since they arrived- please pray they would be able to hold him soon as I know their hearts need it, and Wells needs it too. 

-The Laux fam is together in Columbus as a family for the holiday weekend! Praise the Lord they get to be together.

Update Update #1  |  11/29/24  |  Tiny But Mighty Wells Image

Prayer Requests

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