Tony Ramos Brain Cancer Battle


 USD $13,590

Campaign created by Janice Ramos

Campaign funds will be received by Janice Ramos

Tony Ramos Brain Cancer Battle

Tony was at work out of state as a locomotive engineer and on October 27  he began feeling anxious, shortly after he began having a seizure.   He was taken to the local, small er where they found a tumor.  He was lifeflighted to UW Madison where it was discovered he had a glioma.  He just underwent a craniotomy November 21.  He has SMA (right sided weakness)and speech issues. They had to remove a part of his brain and were only able to get 95% of the tumor out.  We do know it is Glioblastoma, wildtype, unmethylated.  He began oral chemo and radiation treatments January 6.  He will have 6 weeks SOC, followed then by 5 more months of 5 days of oral chemo and 23 off.  

He was the wage earner in our family and unfortunately we do not have much put aside nor do we have a lot tucked away for our retirement.  He spent his first 7 years working for the US Air Force, he loves being a veteran.  He then spent the next 20 years working for the railroad while supporting his family of three adult children, one grandchild who lives with us, and his wife of 30 years.  One of our children is serving in the US Army and is unable to be home to help at this time.  Our oldest son has mental and learning disabilities. Our other adult child is independent but resides a distance away but assists every-time she can. 

Tony is upset that he cannot provide for his family. Tony is not able to return to work due to the seizure and craniotomy.  I am unable to work as I am now his full time caregiver and driver for all of his appointments  this cancer is TERMINAL.  

Our current hospital care has us driving to Rochester MN and La Crosse for his daily treatments. His future care will involve  a few trips to UW Madison.   Fuel costs, vehicle maintenance, medical equipment, prescriptions, and just day to day living expenses are not covered by railroad sickness benefits.  

After SOC is done we will be looking for another clinical trial for him, so funds will be used for those trials medical expenses, hotels, and travel costs for those trials.  

This is a major life changing event that we were not prepared for as it blindsided us.  Tony thought his job insurance included short term and long term disability but sadly it did not   This confusion was most likely caused from his brain tumor.  

The doctors have told us when his 30 days of SOC treatment is over we need to start taking trips to what he wants to see and do.  There is NO cure for glioblastoma, treatments can sometimes delay the inevitable, but he will never be cured.  

We are running on our faith and prayers   God is good, He knows what tomorrow holds, He will provide, and He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


Recent Donations
BLE 57 brother
$ 100.00 USD
2 days ago

May god be with you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
28 days ago

Prayers are up!!!

Homeschool Mom
$ 70.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for you and your family during this time. Stay strong!

Steve Bruno
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Kevin Sexton
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Div 202 brother
$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending prayers

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

BLET Div 32 Brother
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God Bless You, Praying in Jesus Name

Jason R Liimatta
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

You will never fight alone! In Unity and Solidarity, Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO

The Rock Foundation
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Sal Rodriguez
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Always liked working with Tony as a brand new conductor, and familiarizing engineer.

Mary Ann Bunya
$ 2000.00 USD
1 month ago

From one homeschooling family to another. We are praying for you all!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 month ago


Valentine’s Day, final radiation.

February 14th, 2025

Today Tony rang the bell!!  He got through panic attacks, fear, worry, all because of your prayers!   Thank you. We serve a good and loving God and we thank him for the blessings that this part of the journey is over.  

Tony still has three more nights of oral chemo then a month off.  Then begins the 5/23 of TMZ (oral chemo) at a much higher dose.  

We have been told over this next month he will be fatigued more than before, the skin on his head may become very irritated and burn like a sunburn, and we still have to watch for brain swelling, blood clots, etc as a result from treatments.  

He is a brave, strong fighter and we cannot thank God enough for answering prayers. All things are possible through God.  Your prayers mean the world to us… Thank you

What’s next, well Thursday we travel to Rochester to see the neuro oncologist and see what he has to say.   He has an MRI planned during this month off of all treatment and we are to meet with the rep from Optune about the TTF device.  Next week we were supposed to go to Northwestern, they phoned yesterday and pushed it back two weeks.  They are full at this time and will let us know if Tony will be allowed to participate in the study or not. 

This afternoon we signed our wills, so that part is done.   Go get a will please also get some POAs, especially for medical, you want your family to decide, not the hospitals.  

This weekend we are staying home and resting all weekend, doing some school work, and I will be shoveling the drive way.  

Thank you for the love, support and prayers!!!  

Update Valentine’s Day, final radiation. Image
February 9, 2025

February 9th, 2025

I try to keep this updated more often but I am so busy.  One thing I have noticed is at the beginning of a journey everyone is wanting to help, be there, call you, and now four months later I feel like not many follow up, check in on us, or offer a meal.  Yet, next thing I know, God has some blessing for us.  Right when I feel this way where I am feeling alone, God has someone call to check in on us, or a surprise package arrives at the door for my husband.  

Tony is down to his last 5 radiation and lower dose TMZ treatments.  He will get about a month off before he begins the much higher dose of TMZ 5/23 treatments for the next six months.  He also has his follow up MRI in March.  I guess we are nervous but we know our GOD is in control, He knows the results, and that comforts me knowing He has this in His hands.  

We heard back from two clinical trials, the one in Kentucky will not work for us. The hospital is in network, but not the Dr.  I must say this Dr. was very nice and told him to really push for the Northwestern trial vs his.  He said if he doesn’t qualify for the Northwestern trial then his is the next best.  So that being said Tony has an appointment the 18th at Northwestern.  Pray.  Pray for safe travels, treatment options or recommendations.  

Last week Tony had ZERO panic attacks, ZERO.  Prayer works, thank you for praying.  He is excited about this being his last week, yet a bit on edge as this has become our “normal”, a way of feeling like his cancer is under control.  Only God knows and He is in control.  

I need to add a few links, not sure how well this will work here, but I update his facebook page more often than anything.  So here is the link for that. Hopefully that works   If not please search on Facebook for Tony’s brain tumor journey.   Also, we do have an amazon wish list, these items are his brain foods, supplements, and some skull caps for Optune treatment.  Amazon is:  So what is Optune: it is a device GBM patients wear on their heads, TTF.  Tumor Treating Fields.   This is a device that it looks like Tony will be wearing.  Sad thing is it must be for 18 hours a day minimum every day.  

Next month we have to decide on Homeschool curriculum, at this time it is looking like I may start a separate fundraiser for curriculum.  I have been using Abeka and The Good and the Beautiful.  I love both, especially Abeka phonics/LA, but Abeka is expensive, though I feel a very complete curriculum, pricey.  So, I will probably looking at curriculum from both but getting only what I absolutely need from Abeka, vs TGAB, as TGAB is free for download.  So Abeka will probably be Bible, Social studies, and possibly the LA as the little one seems to do much better with their phonics.  TGAB will be math, dinosaur science, and I don’t know. I am just not 100% sure, I need to start looking at that.  

Please keep sharing our journey with others, mostly because we need the prayers.  We pray God blesses you and your families this week.  Stay warm, from Sunny Wisconsin, The Ramos Family.  

Update February 9, 2025 Image

February 3rd, 2025

Thank you for the prayers.   Tony’s return to week 5 radiation was a big success.  Normally Sunday nights and Monday are always filled with panic attacks followed by tears after the treatment.  Today we were about 2 miles from the clinic when his nerves finally got him.  He opened the calm app and listened to a session about anxiety over treatment and did great.  So thank you for praying and God did answer.

Today we spoke with University of Kentucky Lexington regarding one of two clinical trials Tony is interested in.   Bad news is this location is 9.5 hours from home….  They think we would be able to stay at the Hope house which helps with stays but mileage, gas, meals and back to copays are a factor.  This trial is using Optune, TMZ (oral chemo), and Pembrolizumab/or placebo.   We have to be there every 3 weeks…. Mayo Rochester eventually is to start this trial but it is on hold right now with no start date yet.  

The other trial is at Northwestern and it involves surgery, removing a portion of his skull, replacing that with a plate with 9 arrays that are designed to open the blood brain barrier so that the meds can actually get delivered to the brain directly.   At first Tony didn’t want this option but more and more he feels that this is the one.  We have yet to hear back from NW, we have been trying for about a week.  This is closer to home and because they are a center of excellence our insurance reimburses us for gas, mileage, some of our hotels, etc.   again we have copays but…. 

The Dr we spoke with today said both of these trials would be excellent for him and he must get on one right away to give him a fighting chance.   This month off could be very bad in terms of staying “stable” with the tumor growing again.  

Pray, pray God guides Tony with what to do!!!

Update 2/3/2025 Image
Week 4 isn’t so good

January 28th, 2025

Sunday night the hair loss Tony is experiencing from radiation hit him hard.  Yes he is a man, yes he always kept his hair short but this is t him voluntarily cutting his hair.   This is radiation…. 

Early Monday morning he became fidgety for two hours before being able to fall back to sleep.  That day at radiation it seemed like forever in the waiting room and it was…. He had to stop the procedure due to a severe panic attack from the mask. 

He came out in complete tears again.  I held him, when he sat down I dropped to my knees in front of him face to face and just comforted him.  Seemed ok through the day and then again 2 am can’t sleep.  At 530 he caved and asked for some meds to sleep and calm his mind.  Woke him at 845 and he is not feeling well.  Still in a panic attack.  He wants to have his mask redone so they can put eye holes in it.  Did give him zofran too because he is sick to his stomach.  Labs are good, no fever.  14 left.  In a few minutes 13 treatments left.  

I am a bit tired but I can rest lasted today when he does.  Dishes can wait, sweeping a floor can wait.  Pray he will be able to cope and that he will pray to God while going through his treatments to ask for help, comfort, and strength.      

Update Week 4 isn’t so good Image
Halfway through radiation

January 27th, 2025

On Friday Tony completed 15 of 30 radiation treatments.  Halfway there.   Saturday he began showing he was tired more and today, well today has me thinking he may need his dexamethasone upped.  He would be asked to get a water out of the fridge and after a few times of asking he would go to the cupboard and pull out a cookie sheet.  Had a very hard time writing tonight, answering questions he needs to do for speech therapy.  For example one of the questions was name items you sit it, he only answered chair.   Right next to where we were was a couch and recliner.   Most questions he had no answer for.  His right leg is swelling again too.  He says he feels no pressure in his head, but I will talk with the doctor to be safe.  

He also began losing his hair this week where the radiation beams are hitting.  He was fine with it, me I was crying about it.  Tonight we are watching a show with a woman going through chemo and her hair falling out, it hit him and he broke down.  

Emotionally Friday and Saturday were rough for me.   I am trying to live in the moment and not worry about the future, but the fear is there, the fear of we are one day closer to my being a widow.  I know I should t think that way, but it’s hard not too.   So please pray for me to focus on today, not what God has in the future.   

GBM stinks, not matter how I look at it, it stinks!! It had robbed my husband of his railroading career, ability to drive, taken some of his speech and vision, some cod price function, emotional control, intimacy, yes intimacy.   The future is he will most likely lose more and that’s what I cannot focus on today, but the here and now.  Yet I have to be prepared mentally, physically, and with household needs.  Like a way to get him to standing (the chest straps), commode, bed pads, men’s diapers, hospital bed, etc…  

We were forewarned the next several weeks are going to get harder for him, lots of exhaustion, hair loss, loss of memory, he will permanently lose his ability to learn anything new.  So please keep praying.  

May God bless you today and this upcoming week   I will try to do better with updating this week!!  We love you all!!

Update Halfway through radiation Image
Brrr -16 at 7AM

January 21st, 2025

We pray you are all keeping warm today. Yesterday paperwork was signed to start the approval process to begin Optune when radiation is completed.  Pray for insurance approval.  

We also were provided a list of clinical trials to begin looking at to start right when radiation is completed.  We need prayers about this.  His radiation oncologist said this isn’t his department it is for Med Onc.  The one med onc said “you aren’t newly diagnosed so none are for you”.  We contained the National brain tumor assoc and shared what she said and they said too what we read that yes he is eligible because they start after his radiation is completed.  So now we will send these to hi Med Onc in Rochester and get his recommendation on what to do next.  

This week is going fairly well right now.  Mentally he is improving and you can see and hear it, PT and OT is evident to see too that they are working as his movements are much better.  

All this being said, we know what can still happen since he is in radiation, memory, speech, exhaustion, digestive issues can all happen.  Plus when the tumor begins growing again we can see problems there.  So right now we are happy and praising God for these wonderful days He has blessed us with!  

Thank you everyone for your kindness, generosity, sharing our journey, but especially thank you for the PRAYERS!!

Update Brrr -16 at 7AM Image
Week 2 of 6 completed

January 20th, 2025

Good evening on this very cold Sunday evening.  Tony has completed two out of six weeks of radiation treatments.  So far so good.   He has had a few bumps but all is doing good.

He Is back on Dexamethasone because he was starting to feel seizure like activity so to be safe to help with the brain swelling he is in a low dose for now.  

Saturday we got in the car and took a local road trip where we saw a waterfall and managed to visit/look at the correct military cemetery in Preston, MN.  It is a very nice spot where this cemetery is, but I absolutely hate how close the graves are to one another and how you literally walk on top of those burried to get to the site you want…. I don’t know why that bothers me, I guess it is just respect for the persons body..  

We are finishing up our wills, have to make a few modifications but those will happen this week and then we should be good to go.  

Super cold start to our week but this is normal for Wisconsin at this time of year.  Radiation all week, oral chemo all week, but tomorrow is lab day so please be praying about his labs.   So far he has been blessed but we have been warned that week three is where things start to change and life becomes more difficult and challenging.  

Thank you to everyone for the prayers and support you have shown us through this journey!  

Update Week 2 of 6 completed Image
January 14

January 14th, 2025

BBRRRR it is cold.  -20 with wind, typical January weather.  The last two days Tony is showing some fatigue, his right shoulder has a rotator impingement issue because of his mobility issues as is his left ankle.  

He has been down the last two days, but today I told him how Bethany and I would pass out small Starbucks gift cards and a Bible verse to soldiers when we would travel to visit our son at Ft. Bliss.  I told him how many really appreciated the kindness and several would chat with us about the verse they received.  

In our daily hospital bag I have a small stack of those verse cards, no more Starbucks as that is money we need to watch carefully.  Anyhow, I showed Tony the cards and he took some, they called him back for treatment.  After his treatment I was called back because we had to see the doctor today.  Mr Grumpy now had a huge smile on his face!!!  

He was passing out the Bible verses to everyone!!!  Many appreciated the cards, a few scoffed afterwards in the cancer waiting room, but it made Tony’s heart glad and he is happy again!!!

Day 7 of radiation down, 23 to go.  

Update January 14 Image
Week 1 check

January 13th, 2025

Week one of SOC is almost completed. Tony will take TMZ #7 tonight at 9. Tomorrow starts week 2 of 6 for radiation and TMZ chemo.  

We watched church from home, To y was accepted into the church for membership.  He was very happy and emotionally touched by it.  

Today was a roller coaster of emotions from him.  Sad, happy, worried, apologetic, fear, you name it.   Next Sunday, though I like the day of rest we will have to stay busy to keep his mind busy.  

We pray you all have a safe, wonderful week and that you stay warm!  God Bless you all, the Ramos Family

Update Week 1 check Image
3 of 30

January 9th, 2025

I am running on fumes.  Day 3 of radiation is done, day 2 of 72 oral chemo done last night.  Tony is having panic attacks during the night.  Started Monday 1230-0430 am.   Same hours Tuesday.  The doctor told him he needs a therapist (we are on wait lists), to use his calm app, and temporarily he can use lorazepam.  

Our son called tonight and I didn’t take his exciting news the best.  He was on his way to sign a contract with the reserves, 12Y I believe he said, for the next 3 years….  I was just asking and who now will help me the last few months with your dad….  I was looking forward and thinking he would be home to help and give me a bit of rest.   He is an adult and a married one at that so it is between him and his wife as far as the decision is.  

We do have some great news.  Two of the four health systems seeing Tony have put us on financial assistance which is a huge blessing. We are waiting to hear from one hospital and the ambulance service that had him for those bills and if they will grant assistance.  That being said Money is still going to his medical bills like prescriptions, transportation costs daily to the hospital, medical equipment that we have to get as time goes on, and things he needs for his care.  So basically our co-pays are covered at the clinic only.   Yet, it is a huge blessing and now we will be able to look outside our area for future clinical trials.   

We are so thankful for all of you!!!  We would not have gotten this far without your help and especially the prayers.  Prayer works!!!

Update 3 of 30 Image
Day 1 of 30

January 6th, 2025

Tony had his first radiation treatment today.  It did NOT go well for him.  He came out in tears, shaking, and extremely anxious.  They literally strap his legs to the table where he cannot  move them and then take and lock his head down in his “cage”.  He literally is bolted to the table and the mesh was so tight on his face when he came out I could see the crosshatch pattern in his face.  

I stopped what I was doing, stood up and just held him in my arms trying to comfort him.   He has 29 more of these to go.   

Visit with drs today too didn’t go well other than the neurologist. So Neurologist:  Tony has been having seizures for over two years we found out, the tumor was a  bit larger than a golf ball and a lot of his past behaviors were from the tumor… so the tumor has been there much longer than UW said.. He is luckily on a low dose of keppra but we can double his dose if we need too.  I do like the neurologist I think.  The neurologist is very concerned about the radiation because he has 2 arteries in the resection.  He is extremely worried about a stroke/blood clots.  We relayed this concern to his oncologist and basically they were saying it’s rare… it’s rare.. same as necrosis……  

Now, I am at the point I think most oncologists are car salesmen.  

I do not like the one we met today…. The same old you will do SOC before anything else.  No trial will save you etc basically is what we got.  Yes we know GBM has NO cure but he can live with it for a little while longer if we can find the right protocol for him…Some have lived 2, 5, 7 and longer years. 

The NP agrees about using integrative meds and consulting with them but the rad oncologist who has 30 years, lets say it didn’t go well when I called him out for lying to me about the age of SOC. 

I asked about his genomic studies on the tumor and he was basically like I don’t care….  Basically again go do your own research and try to find a clinical yourself.  I asked him about the two the genomic study suggested and he just again… I wanted to ask about CeGat and MRNA technologies  but knew at this point it was done with him.

We again have conflicts with medications and when to take them.  Nurse vs pharmacist   We are going with the pharmacist.

I am frustrated, tired and just want to live with my husband and enjoy our time together.  Expected prognosis from this Dr with treatment is 12-14 months.  One at Mayo Rochester says 20-24.  I know they cannot truly tell us, I just want honest answers about care, want them to care about his life and trying to help him live a longer life and I don’t feel like that’s their goal. 

Only God knows for sure about Tony and his prognosis.    

Update Day 1 of 30 Image

January 6th, 2025

Today Tony was baptized in our church.  Next week the church will vote on his membership.  We unfortunately will not be able to attend church for the next few months due to his chemo and radiation beginning tomorrow. The chemo will wipe out his WBC and RBC. Thankfully we will be able to attend church from home and watch the service on YouTube.  At 1:03:50 you will be able to watch his baptism.

Tony is such a changed man with Jesus in his life. I pray God will bless us and continue to work in our lives!  

Thank you everyone for praying for us and supporting us through this trial.  God has blessed us.  Please let us know how we can pray for you!

Update Baptism Image
Family See you Later

January 4th, 2025

Yesterday we made a 2.5 hour trek to MSP  to return our son and daughter in law to the US Army. They are both stationed at separate posts right now so this was their first Christmas as a married couple and they were both able to spend it together here at home with us.  

Our son missed saying good bye to his wife in November when she PCSd to Washington state because he came home on emergency leave when Tony had his seizures.  

I felt bad for him missing that moment but Jessie was needed here to help get the house ready for the journey ahead, to help me try to navigate the VA system and other things to try to help.  

Those first weeks now seem such a blur, so long ago and almost easier but… very stressful.  God is what has gotten me through every step of this journey  

Right now, we are planning to take a trip at the end of March.  We are supposed to be  going to Ft Bliss to help our son move back to Wisconsin for a few weeks before moving out to be with his wife. Jessie is praying we will be able to make the drive to Washington with him too!  Both of these trips will depend on Tony getting permission to travel as he will be on oral chemo and how “healthy” he is at the time.  

Watching Tony say see you later to our son was sweet, yet hard.   Tony wasn’t a very involved father when they were little, nor a very involved husband but GOD took a hold of him and has changed him.  God gave Tony a family and Tony truly appreciates God for our family, the chance to live and love his family, and being loved.   

Tony starts SOC this Monday, January 6.  Please be praying for his health, the doctors to be truthful and to provide the best/appropriate treatment for his GBM, and  for the stress our family is facing, especially for all of us being separated physically from one another.  Also, one more prayer request, Jessie has his last gunnery ever this month, be praying for his safety and that of his troop/platoon.  

Praying the Lord bless and directs your footsteps this year,  Janice and Tony

Update Family See you Later Image
God Bless you in 2025

January 1st, 2025

Happy New Year to you all.  We pray the Lord blesses you and your family this year.  If you have to walk a hard road this year we pray the Lord will lift you up and help you through the “mud” as He has been doing with us the past two months and I am sure through 2025 for us.  

Friday we pick up Tony’s chemo meds on our way to MSP to return our son and daughter in law to the army.  It was such a blessing having them home during this Christmas season.  Honestly, Tony’s speech, physical weakness, and fine motor skills improved a great deal while they were home.

January 6 Tony will begin SOC (standard of care) for the GBM.  6 weeks of radiation and chemo, followed by 6 more months of chemo, 5 days of pills 23 off.  Please pray for his health, blood counts, side effects that could happen during treatment. 

We are planning a trip at the end of March to Ft Bliss as our son will be ETSing from the Army.  We are planning to fly down, help him pack and drive back to Wisconsin where he will get his affairs in order.  Followed in a month or two with him moving to JBLM in Washington where he will join his wife Greta.  

Thank you so much for all of your support, prayers (especially the prayers), and for sharing Tony’s battle!  

Update God Bless you in 2025 Image
Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2024

Wanted to say Merry Christmas to everyone from our family to you and your family!!!  

Yesterday we went to the Rotaty lights with our granddaughter, youngest son and his wife.  Tony loves the lights.  After we drove through the park we parked and walked through some of it.  Tony saw the horse drawn carriages and asked if we could ride them.  God truly blessed us as Greta and our son Jessie had enough cash in them for the ride. (We left our wallets in the car). Tony really enjoyed the ride through the park.  

Today his GMB isn’t helping him much, he is confused some thinking the gifts aren’t all under the tree, picking up crumbs from the table and either eating them or putting them on the food item they came from.  He is very fixated on what he is doing and cannot divert to anything else until what he is doing is done.

I will take whatever he has for the day as I am just blessed to have another day with him. Very blessed we are spending the day with our children and granddaughter today!! 

Tomorrow he has scans all day in Rochester and they will get the machines set up for his radiation treatments to begin next week.  They will make his head harness for radiation too, be praying, he doesn’t like his neck being touched and the head piece may have to touch his neck. 

Merry Christmas!  

Update Merry Christmas Image
Cold hard truth

December 21st, 2024

Tony has GBM wild type. There is no simple way to say it, but it is terminal at some point. GBM is gonna destroy him. It sends tentacles throughout the brain that aren’t detectable until you can see him and this is how it spreads everywhere. Right now he is set to start standard of care January 6 Today we called MD ANDERSON asking for a second opinion on treatment. We are hoping to hear from them on Monday.

MD Anderson is in Houston Texas, which is 3 Day Drive.  We really want the second opinion and to see if there’s any other clinical studies that he might be eligible for this will be his first treatment battle against GBM.

Since his surgery, Tony has improved, but we know with the radiation and the chemotherapy he will regress. We know his moods are gonna get worse. We know he’s gonna get sick. He’s gonna get tired this has Tony wondering if he should even continue with treatment so I’m asking for your prayers to help Tony decide what to do.

I would like him to try treatment so we can get as much time as the Lord will give us to live together, but also to make memories and to do things he would like to do before the Lord calls him home

I need you all to please just share this everywhere you can. I understand if you can’t donate but if you could just pray for us and just sharing, it helps get this out. The funds are planned to pay for travel expenses to and from lacrosse mail, Rochester mayo, and if we can get into MD Anderson, also to pay medical bills co-pays prescriptions January 1 is right around the corner and it starts a brand new benefit here which means we have to start right back with a deductible. Start right back with co-pays and percentages until we meet the maximum amount of pocket. Then once we reach the maximum amount of pocket, we still have to pay our co-pays Each week that he’s in radiation. We are looking at roughly $600 a week and just co-pays that doesn’t include the 20% we have to cover plus the deductible upfront of 750.

This is a very expensive Cancer and we’re trying to give Tony time. He needs to get things in order but to make memories with all of us I know he would like to go to Fort Bliss, where our one son station to see him. He’s never been there. He also would like to travel to JBLM in Washington state Where our son‘s wife is stationed.  They got married this last September at Fort Bliss before she had to PCS. They are hoping to have a ceremony next spring early summer after our son leaves the military in April and we’d like to travel to be able to see that.

Please pray that God will bless us that God will bless Tony and help him make the decision about treatment. He’s actually listening to me say all these things right now and just saying Fort Bliss and see our son gets get married I think is reason for him to want to try to fight for a little while

I’m not gonna lie. This is hard. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I am so overwhelmed. There’s so much paperwork so much research on top of caring for my husband and it’s going to get worse. I understand he will eventually decline and it’s gonna be very very difficult to care for him

Please keep praying for us and I thank you so much for all the support you have given us. We love you all very much and wish you all a very merry Christmas on Monday. We have a surprise for you that we hope to share. God bless you all.

Update Cold hard truth Image
Cold hard truth

December 21st, 2024

Tony has GBM wild type. There is no simple way to say it, but it is terminal at some point. GBM is gonna destroy him. It sends tentacles throughout the brain that aren’t detectable until you can see him and this is how it spreads everywhere. Right now he is set to start standard of care January 6 Today we called MD ANDERSON asking for a second opinion on treatment. We are hoping to hear from them on Monday.

MD Anderson is in Houston Texas, which is 3 Day Drive.  We really want the second opinion and to see if there’s any other clinical studies that he might be eligible for this will be his first treatment battle against GBM.

Since his surgery, Tony has improved, but we know with the radiation and the chemotherapy he will regress. We know his moods are gonna get worse. We know he’s gonna get sick. He’s gonna get tired this has Tony wondering if he should even continue with treatment so I’m asking for your prayers to help Tony decide what to do.

I would like him to try treatment so we can get as much time as the Lord will give us to live together, but also to make memories and to do things he would like to do before the Lord calls him home

I need you all to please just share this everywhere you can. I understand if you can’t donate but if you could just pray for us and just sharing, it helps get this out. The funds are planned to pay for travel expenses to and from lacrosse mail, Rochester mayo, and if we can get into MD Anderson, also to pay medical bills co-pays prescriptions January 1 is right around the corner and it starts a brand new benefit here which means we have to start right back with a deductible. Start right back with co-pays and percentages until we meet the maximum amount of pocket. Then once we reach the maximum amount of pocket, we still have to pay our co-pays Each week that he’s in radiation. We are looking at roughly $600 a week and just co-pays that doesn’t include the 20% we have to cover plus the deductible upfront of 750.

This is a very expensive Cancer and we’re trying to give Tony time. He needs to get things in order but to make memories with all of us I know he would like to go to Fort Bliss, where our one son station to see him. He’s never been there. He also would like to travel to JBLM in Washington state Where our son‘s wife is stationed.  They got married this last September at Fort Bliss before she had to PCS. They are hoping to have a ceremony next spring early summer after our son leaves the military in April and we’d like to travel to be able to see that.

Please pray that God will bless us that God will bless Tony and help him make the decision about treatment. He’s actually listening to me say all these things right now and just saying Fort Bliss and see our son gets get married I think is reason for him to want to try to fight for a little while

I’m not gonna lie. This is hard. This is the hardest thing I have ever done. I am so overwhelmed. There’s so much paperwork so much research on top of caring for my husband and it’s going to get worse. I understand he will eventually decline and it’s gonna be very very difficult to care for him

Please keep praying for us and I thank you so much for all the support you have given us. We love you all very much and wish you all a very merry Christmas on Monday. We have a surprise for you that we hope to share. God bless you all.

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Mayo Medical and Radiation Oncology

December 19th, 2024

So we saw both Oncology departments this week.  Tony is enrolled in a clinical study.  It is nice, it has PET scans to see if they can pick up on the cancer better than traditional MRI and CT.  There is also a short and a traditional arm in this study.  The traditional protocol is 30 radiation treatments, 30 oral chemo at the same time, a month off then 5 months of the oral chemo 5 days, 23 off.  With scans every 2 months for the remainder of his life.  The short arm is the same amount of chemo and radiation in the first month but in either 5 or 10 treatments.  So basically the short arm has a months worth of chemo in 1-2 weeks vs 6, and the radiation 30 treatments worth in 5-10 treatments.

We are waiting to find out if in the short arm or traditional arm.  The short arm will be cheaper in the long run with co-pays, however on the 1st it is a new plan year so we are right back to paying the deductibles first, then 80/20 until max out of pocket is met plus and always the copays...  $40 for specialty visits.. 

Next Thursday he has PET and MRI scans at Mayo and we go from there.

One med onc DR. says 14-15 months life expectancy...  One med onc says as soon as we see it back we hit it with another trial, then another, then another...  The Rad ONC says we are changing the terminology to IF the cancer comes back...  It is a glioblastoma, wildtype.  So please pray.  

Tomorrow is our first interview with railroad disability.  Everyone is telling us it is going to take well over a year to get. Pray they will expedite his case.  He cannot return to the railroad as he had a seizure and NTSB says it is a 10 year disqualification event.  So... Yeah, he is in fact disabled from his career.  

We were $50 over (November paycheck because he worked up until 10/27) being able to get energy assistance for this month so we will keep trying.  I am again going to be applying for more assistance through the state to try to get BadgerCare+.  But I have applied to 3 medical centers out of the 5 we have had to use for financial consideration.  

Please pray and thank you everyone for your support.  If you wouldn't mind sharing our journey we would be very grateful to you.  Merry Christmas to your family from ours.  

Katy Hearn and followers

December 15th, 2024

I can never ever say thank you enough for the generosity and sharing my husbands struggle.  

I wish I had good news but we did learn it is a glioblastoma wildtype, and non mgmt (I believe that’s the correct acronyms).  

For two years my husband has had a hand twitch and he ignored it and blamed it on caffeine withdrawal and long hours at work, 23/7/365 on call, working all hours day or night.  

Monday we are to get a phone call from his neurologist surgeon and then have a va appointment to see if he can get disability or medical/caregiver help, followed by a medical oncology appointment.  Wednesday we have radiation oncology.  We also need to call an attorney this week to get our wills and trusts made.  

Please pray God gives us time to get the things we need completed and that He guide Tony, the Drs and I at making good choices about treatments or what nots.   

I thank God for everyone that has donated to help us during this horrible time of our lives.  Thank you!! 

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Update #5, Mayo pathology

December 13th, 2024

Woke up this morning to Tony feeling emotionally off.  Opened our emails up and found a test result available.  Though it doesn’t say a lot, it does tell us what he has for brain cancer.  Glioblastoma….  Next Monday and Wednesday are his appointments in Rochester at Mayo with Medical and Radiation Oncology.  Pray we will get more details then in regards to prognosis and how to best attack it.   

Thank you for the continued prayers and support.  I will post more next week when we know more.  PT went well today and he literally gave us work to do at home and we will check back in next month.  

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Update #4

December 12th, 2024

Went to Madison Monday for Neurosurgery followup.  All is good so far just waiting on the molecular testing results.  He has to have an mri at 3 months and followup with her then but otherwise he has now been referred to Neurology with Mayo and they now will be the ones to determine if he can come off of the seizure medicine in the future.  

He was to have OT today but our little one has a bug of some sort so thought it best to cancel.  

We cannot thank everyone enough for the support you are giving at this time.  Please keep praying, some days are hard with our thoughts.  

Even if you cannot give anything please just pray and please feel free to share this with your friends, colleagues, and on social media.  We really do appreciate everyone. 

To those in the railroad we pray for your safety and pray you will enjoy some holiday time with your family, it is an odd year having Tony at home for the holiday, though he is sick, it is a blessing that we will get to have him with us this year.  

Update #3

December 8th, 2024

This week was filled with appointments and next week is much the same.  Tony began OT, his right arm, especially shoulder is very weak.  He is not happy with this hunk of clay they gave him, but he is doing the exercises daily, 3 times a day, 2 sets at a time.  

OT, PT, and Speech therapy copays are $25 each.  Monday he will see neurosurgery again and that copay is $40. Tuesday he goes back to the dentist for 3 fillings, and has 2 OT appointments as well as 1 PT appointment next week. The following week our cancer speciality appointments begin in Rochester.  

Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far.  Please share with your colleagues and friends.  Tony really misses his coworkers at the railroad, he misses his job a lot.  

Our son and his wife will be home soon for HBL so we are hoping those few weeks our appointments can be to a minimum to keep us from being able to spend time with them before they return to their posts. 

Still waiting on results from the tumor, they sent it for molecular testing, they are suspicious that it is a higher grade than originally thought.  I will probably begin working on rr disability forms, they will old us it take 444 days to be processed.   In 5 months sickness runs out so…. 

Funds that we receive from your help will go right now to pay the medical bills that are coming in from Genesis Health, life flight, ambulance, UW Madison, Mayo La Crosse and Rochester. Sad thing is January 1 is right around the corner.  

He received his final paycheck from the railroad, (pay was from 10/27) after 600 in deductions he was paid $58.   So tomorrow when I file RRSI I will have to figure out where that goes on those forms.  

Pray for our stress levels, my calendar is filled with black and lots of to do lists.  

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Update #2

December 3rd, 2024

Today was the first outpatient speech appointment and to say I am happily surprised is an understatement.  In one week the difference is so amazing to see.  Last week when we left the hospital Tony had a very difficult time looking at an illustration and telling you anything about the scene.  Today he pointed out everything in the scene and used complete sentences.  He can recognize objects and describe them, can read and write, the only two things are getting thoughts out to spoken word and recalling what was read while reading.  

His therapist understood our concerns about cost and making sure his cancer treatment appointments are priority, so she gave work to be done at home with biweekly check ins.  We could not have asked for better help and understanding.  

Friday will be just first outpatient OT appointment and we are hoping they will be just as understanding with needing to do as much work at home to help us with our financial burdens.  PT is one week from this Friday.  

We have heard from Mayo, the referrals are there and in 3 days should be able to see the appointment requests begin.  Please pray we can do radiation treatments locally but we do understand if we must travel daily to. Rochester for treatments.  

Pathology is not ready yet, the Dr. phoned yesterday asking for permission to do molecular testing.  Of course we said yes.  She did say it is definitely a cancer of the brain but as far as stage and subtype we are waiting still.  

Thank you to everyone for the prayers, meals, donations, we are very humbled by the amount of support we are getting.  Right now money collected will be going to pay the medical bills that are coming in.  

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God Bless You!!!

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First 48 at home

November 27th, 2024

Tony is recovering, it will be a long process, but daily he is improving. We cannot thank everyone enough for providing meals, donations, getting items we need, the visits, the modifications to our home, and most importantly the prayers.  

Tony is resting right now and I try to take the opportunity to clean, deal with forms/work stuff for him, or play with the little one.  

I have learned his verbal cues for when he gives the wrong answer but mostly when he is tired.  He likes to forget about his right hand so today I have had to remind him gently to use it.  At one point I held his left hand to prevent him from using it. 

We did get a recliner yesterday on a very good clearance price and the man loves his chair. It really is more comfortable than the outdoor couch we use. 

Please keep praying for patience, endurance, strength, good sleep (for me too please), and healthy stress relief. 

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Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • We learned it is a glioblastoma, help us to accept Gods will in whatever the outcome is.
  • Please pray for Tony’s SOC (standard of care) that is to begin January 6. Radiation for 6 weeks along with oral chemo.