Supporting The Hodges Family


 USD $12,950

Campaign created by Dacia Covatch

Campaign funds will be received by D’Lacey Hodges

Supporting The Hodges Family

The support system around The Hodges Family this week has been absolutely amazing! You all are a true gift from God during this storm and we are so appreciative of your help, love and support. We had no idea when a friend started the meal train the outpouring of support it would have. We have decided to start this fundraiser to help them pay for any of Josh’s medical expenses and supplies he may need throughout his healing process. 

For any here who don’t know the story, Saturday, April 22, Josh had, what he thought was, an ocular migraine. Sunday morning when he woke up it was still hurting. When he got up to go to the bathroom he started having other symptoms and Lacey immediately called 911. He suffered a severe stroke and was admitted into emergency surgery to remove a large clot that covered his carotid from his neck up into his brain. He was doing well until Monday night when he stopped responding to commands. They took him in for another emergency surgery where they removed a piece of his skull (that will be replaced later) to allow for the swelling in his brain to have somewhere to go and release some pressure inside his head. Since then he has been responding to commands, even giving Lacey a few of his own by patting the bed to let her know he wants to hold her hand again. He is wiggling his right toes and his right eye is starting to respond to light. They’ve been able to lower his ventilator and even switched it to cpap for a short while on Tuesday. These progressions are nothing short of a miracle from God with the help of the amazing neuro doctors at Mercy hospital and the village of family and friends surrounding him. 

Thank you all for every prayer, donation, text, call, and share over this journey. We truly appreciate each and every one! 

Dear Lord, 

Please watch over Josh as he continues to heal. Wrap your arms around him and his family. Bless those who have helped him on this journey and are watching out for his life and well being. Let Lacey and his girls feel your extra love in their hearts and the peace that You are near. Thank you for all you have done and all that you will do. 

We pray this in Your name, 


Recent Donations
Julio Suarez
$ 1000.00 USD
10 months ago

Vickie Carson
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Continued prayers for Josh, you and your family. Thank you for sharing the great things God is doing in Josh’s life ( and yours!!). I hope you have a Merry Christmas!!!🙏✝️🎄

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Kory and Anna
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Incredible progress! Sending continued prayers!

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

Elizabeth and Molly
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for all of you everyday!! Love and Hugs!! ❤️🙏

Jamie Bleything
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending prayers!

Madison Davis Family
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Through soccer Teiler has become part of our family. When someone in our family has a need we help any way we can. We are sending prayers and good energy Josh's way

The Hoopers
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for Josh and family every day! Keep fighting the good fight!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

We are continuing to pray.


6/23 8:30om update

June 24th, 2023

 - Josh is getting all settled in at home, and we couldn’t be happier to be back with our girls! Lots of movies and snuggles so far. Today has also been full of phone calls and scheduling Home Health and doctors appointments. Josh’s Home Health nurse will come out tomorrow to check vitals and meds. She’ll come out once a week. And then he’ll have an OT, PT, and ST that will each come out to our house a few times a week to continue his rehab. Our hope is that he will get approved for outpatient rehab quickly so he can work on some of the bigger equipment that can help him to learn to walk and move again. Since I can safely transport him by car to get there I don’t think it will be long. 

Tonight I cut Josh’s hair and trimmed his beard and gave him a shower. Then he asked for me to park him in front of the computer. He’s got a lot of catching up on the world to do! He’s still not replying much to texts, so if he doesn’t respond to you don’t worry. He’s very much wanting to use electronics like he used to, but they still overwhelm him. Especially typing, as his hand eye coordination is a little off still. But that’s getting better every day and he’s getting on devices more and more. His therapists said the more he can use electronics and devices the better because they stimulate his brain. 

Please continue to pray for continued progress for Josh. I can already see changes of him acting more and more like himself since getting home and I think being here is just going to help that. Please pray for the pain in his left side. The more and more that side wakes up the more and more painful it is. It hurts sometimes to even brush up against that side. His doctor is trying Lidocaine patches, but we may have to try something else. I just worry about the side effects of some of the nerve meds, so please pray for wisdom and clarity on that decision. Please pray for his eyes to continue to improve. Please pray for me as I am learning how to be a primary caregiver. His therapists prepared me a lot, but it’s a lot different when you’re on your own at home. We’re getting it figured out. But please just pray for strength and patience through all of this (from both sides). Please pray for the girls. I think us being back home has come with a lot of happiness but also a lot of reality and sadness just seeing how different things are right now. They have been huge help though and I’m so thankful for them. Please pray that everything falls right into place with Home Health and that we are assigned therapists that will push Josh to get better and not cause his progress to stall. We want to keep moving forward. And please pray for all of his many upcoming doctors appointments. For us to get to them safely, and for Josh to get on a good regimen to help anything like this from happening again. Also pray for the girls and I as we also find the right doctors, as we have all 5 now been diagnosed with blood clotting issues. So crazy! We appreciate you all and all your love and support through all of this! #Hope4Hodges

6/12 7:30pm update

June 13th, 2023

 - Today during therapy the therapist had me get Josh to a standing position from his wheelchair. Our goal was to pivot him over onto a bench. He instead wrapped his right arm around me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek then stood there hugging me for a minute. 😄🥰 The therapist then had him sit and put his hands on my shoulders, in which he started to give me a massage. An old lady behind us goes “I want that kind of physical therapy!” 😂 We’ve had fun figuring this all out together. It’s tough at times, and I’m sure Josh gets frustrated having to depend on me so much right now, but we’re trying to make the best of it. We’ve managed to work together to get him fully dressed and in his wheelchair just the two of us, and down to the cafe to have breakfast together the past two mornings. It’s not the life we have known, or even the life we want forever, but it’s our life right now and we’ll try our best to make the most of it. It’s temporary, and he’s improving every day, so we are thankful with where he’s headed. Maybe some day our life will look closer to how we once knew it before, but I know we’ll be a lot closer because of all of this. 

Tomorrow Josh is having a brain CT done in preparation to meet with his neuro surgeon on Thursday to discuss placing his skull back in July. Please pray the CT looks great so we can get the go ahead for the surgery. Please also pray that this surgeon gives Josh’s Dr the go ahead to remove his peg tube. It hasn’t been used in weeks and is just in the way at this point. We really want it removed before we leave rehab, because we know it’s going to get harder to schedule it and get in somewhere to get it done once we are home. Please also pray for Josh’s left side to start moving. They did X-ray his left hip because it’s been hurting so much. Thankfully it didn’t show anything serious. Just some arthritis, but they think the majority of the pain is just from it waking up and trying to work again. Please also continue to pray for his eyes and his vision. His right eye is starting to open more and more every day. We only have 10 days left here, and we are hoping to make the most of them! Please pray for more and more progress. Thanks so much! #Hope4Hodges

6/7 9:45pm update

June 8th, 2023

 - Today was cram packed with therapy and a stroke class. Josh is getting stronger and stronger every day with sitting and standing. He still has to have assistance with standing, but does most of it on his own. He’s also getting a lot better in speech. His speech therapist has been working on his response speed, and quizzes him a lot on math and word problems. She also had him write a little today (see previous post), and that’s gotten so much better over the past couple of weeks! He’s struggling a bit with focus and attention, and gets very easily distracted or zoned in on one thing and shuts everything else out, especially when he’s tired, but we’ve been told that should get better with time. His therapists all seem very pleased where he’s at right now!

Still no updates on the kidney stone issues. The X-ray wasn’t super clear, so we’re waiting on some other testing. Please just pray that that resolves itself. 

They did do an ultrasound on Josh’s left leg today, since it’s been hurting. They felt like it was likely the leg waking up and the muscle tone kicking in causing the pain, but they are taking all pain very seriously because of his clotting issues. Thankfully there were no clots! I’m so relieved!

Another praise…Josh woke up feeling his left hand today!! It hurts, but he can feel it! That was the last body part to wake up. He still can’t move it much, but feeling is a great start! All in all it was a good day! Tomorrow is also cram packed, but we want to fit in as much as we can in our last two weeks here! The house prepping is under way, and we are so excited to get home soon! 

Please pray for this kidney stone issue to resolve. Please pray for all of the clots currently in Josh’s body to dissolve and cause no harm, and for no more to form. Please pray for his gut issues to continue to improve. Please pray for his left side to start moving. Please pray for his right eye to stay open more and for his vision to improve. And please continue to pray for more and more improvement every day. Praying for a miracle! #Hope4Hodges

6/2 7:15pm update

June 3rd, 2023

 - Therapy has been kicked into high gear, and we have been so so busy! I have been going with Josh to as much as I can so I can also learn to do everything he needs when we get home. His day starts around 5am with morning vitals checks, and then they usually come in around 7ish to get him dressed for the day. Yesterday he had an hour of Occupational Therapy, an hour of Physical Therapy, an hour of Speech Therapy, an hour long stroke class, and 30 minutes with the Neuro Psychologist. Plus breakfast and lunch in the cafe, and dinner in his room. It is SO nice not having him in bed all day though. But by evening he is exhausted. And so am I! 🤪 It has been so good for him though and I can see so much improvement already. He still has a long way to go, but every day I see more and more of him coming back. 

Today he has started opening his right eye more! It is a little lazy and doesn’t full track with the left eye yet, but we tried an eye patch on the left eye tonight to see if we can get the right one to get stronger. It’s forced him to open his right eye more. He even used his phone for a bit with it. He can see out of both eyes…but has some peripheral issues with seeing very far to the left with both. Images just cut off at a certain point for him. So his speech therapist is also working with him on his sight and scanning things to the left to make sure he sees everything.  

I have had many people comment on me not posting as much lately, but less news is a good thing, because we’ve been so busy and things are going well! I usually post at least every evening with a recap (except last night…I pulled my lower back and just couldn’t get it done), and sometimes throughout the day. Mornings are usually just too busy for me to post anymore though, and with him sleeping through the night better now, there’s just nothing for me to update on since my night time posts. I love that so many of you are invested though, and we appreciate all the support more than you know! 

Tomorrow Josh’s mom is going to come spend the day at the rehab so I can go home and start prepping the house for when Josh comes home in three weeks. We still don’t know exactly what equipment he will need (a lot can change in 3 weeks from now), but there are a few projects I can at least get started on. We are so excited to get him home! (And a tiny bit nervous as well, but we’ll figure it all out)

One big prayer request I have right now, and something I don’t talk about a lot, is for our finances. Josh is getting short term disability, and his job has been amazing through all of this, but starting next week his pay cuts to 80%. We should be okay, but there’s a lot of unknown right now with insurance and things. Josh is our only income, and it just doesn’t make sense for me to try and get a job right now when I need to be his full time care giver. So please just pray that our finances stretch and we don’t have to stress over that. So many of you have donated money to our GiveSendGo, and we are beyond appreciative for that!

Please also pray for Josh’s right eye to continue to open and track with the left. Please pray for his eye sight and his peripheral issues. Please continue to pray for his tummy…his tummy issues are improving, but we are still trying to figure out what works best for him. Tonight he refused dinner because it’s hurting again. Please continue to pray for his strength to improve every day, and for his trunk and head control to get better. Please pray his left side starts moving. Please pray that he is able to remain optimistic and see the progress everyone else is seeing. Please pray we are able to get the house ready for when he comes home. And please pray for some of the more private issues he’s dealing with that I don’t post about out of respect. We appreciate you all so much!! #Hope4Hodges

5/31 Noon update

June 1st, 2023

Sorry it has been a while since we have posted an update here but there has been so many blessings happening! Here is the most recent update! Josh will be going home in a few weeks and is going to need a lot of medical supplies and equipment. All your donations are making a huge impact on helping them get everything they will need to make like comfortable for Josh! Thank you! 

 - Josh’s Occupational therapist ran in our room to grab me today and took me to the small gym to see this!! 🤗 Look at that rockstar!! He said “Josh, you are blowing my mind today!” Last week he couldn’t even sit up without two or three people supporting him. He’s doing amazing! He also talked his speech therapist’s leg off about our trips to South Africa, and had me show her pictures. His talking is becoming very clear and his voice is getting a lot stronger. He even had some inflection in his tone today, and less monotone. She was so excited for him! I’m so excited to see where he’s at in 3 more weeks here! Every day just gets better and better. #Hope4Hodges

5/18 9am update

May 18th, 2023

 - Last night went better than any night we’ve had here so far. I’ve been begging the nurses to just let Josh sleep. They normally come in and give him his meds anytime between 10 and midnight, talk super loud, and flip on all the lights multiple times a night to adjust him in bed and take his vitals. I had one tech come in and flip on the overhead light at 2am once and talk loudly asking Josh to wake up so he could just take his blood pressure. 😵‍💫 They had also been running his feeds and fluids all night, which just makes him need to go to the bathroom all night, and he just gets super agitated and restless once awake. That plus all the alarms going off from his tube feed getting stuck or empty just has made for awful nights here (among many other things). And they wonder why people get their days and nights so messed up in the hospital. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Yesterday they made the changes to give him his meds at 8pm, turn off all pumps and alarms, no vitals taken through the night, no tube feeds during the night because he’s been moved to a diet by mouth, and they only came in the room once when I called them to come adjust him. SO much better! I know most of their patients here need those things through the night, but he’s about to go to rehab where they won’t do that. That icu delirium is real, and we’ve been trying to fix that by getting him on a better day and night schedule. His brain can’t heal if he doesn’t get adequate rest. And he can’t do therapy if he’s sleeping all day because he couldn’t sleep all night. I’m thankful they’re taking my input and are listening to me finally. It’s frustrating trying to advocate for a loved one and feeling like you’re being gaslit or not heard. I won’t pretend to know everything about what these nurses do by any means, and I do appreciate them so much, but some of this just seems like common sense to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ The past day or two have been a lot better here. Praying for another restful night tonight, because I know we both really need it!

Please also pray that insurance approves our transfer to Mercy Rehab for tomorrow. As of this morning the rehab has not heard back yet. Please pray everything just falls into place. 

Thank you all so much for all the support and sweet comments and messages about my post last night. I read every single one of them and they meant a lot. Some days are just harder than others and this is something I’ve never been through before, so I’m just taking it day by day. Sometimes typing out my feelings helps me to process them. So thank you for allowing me to be raw and vulnerable during this difficult time. I appreciate you all more than you know!

Prayers for a good day! #Hope4Hodges

5/15 9pm update

May 16th, 2023

 - We have learned that Melatonin is not Josh’s friend. Not only did he not sleep well last night, he was a complete zombie all day today and unable to participate much in therapy. He did get to eat some vanilla pudding in speech therapy, and did pretty well with that. I’m hoping he gets approved for more food by mouth this week. He also got to sit and stand in the neuro chair for a bit. He had some visitors today, and interacted a bit with each of them, which was nice to see. His sister got him to talk and joke and smile quite a bit, which I loved! I love how he always perks up for family. I just wish he’d do it that much for the nurses and therapists! As of right now our discharge from here is set for Friday, with our move to Mercy Rehab. Just waiting on insurance approval. I’m very ready for the move. This place hasn’t been bad necessarily…let’s just say it’s a very different level of care from what we were getting in the icu, and I’m very thankful I’m able to stay here and advocate for him. I think Rehab will be much better for him. I was able to buy him a whole new wardrobe for rehab today with all the gift cards so many of you have sent. (Thank you!!) He mainly wears just jeans at home, so he needed things that were comfy and easy to move around in.

Please pray for a restful night tonight and that he is able to participate more tomorrow in therapy and be more alert. Please also continue to pray for his brain to heal, for him to gain movement on the left side, for his right eye to open, and for continued progress and improvements. Please also pray as they switch his blood thinner medication and that he will have no bleeds or complications on it. We appreciate you all so much!

5/11 10:30AM update

May 11th, 2023

 - The trach is out!! 🎉🥳 We are also moving to the LTAC (AMG) today!! It’s just one floor up, but a big step towards his recovery. It will be so nice to have a room with a window he can actually see out of and a change of scenery. I’m so happy for him!!

Last night Josh spiked a 102 fever, so please keep praying for those fevers to stay down. They had been doing better, so we aren’t sure why he had a spike, but they may just be a struggle for a while. 

Please pray for a smooth transition to AMG today. And continued prayers for his blood clots, fever, and healing of his trach site. #Hope4Hodges

5/10 9AM update

May 10th, 2023

 - When the neurologist comes in the room and says “Today is a GREAT day! I’m very excited for everything I’m seeing!”, you know it’s going to be a great day! Josh’s Ct this morning of his brain showed lots of improvement! No more bleeding, reduced swelling, and decreased density! He got his staples out today (plan is to replace his skull in about 2-3 months). His fevers have been down for over 24 hours. His blood pressure and pulse are finally starting to level back out. He got his peg tube yesterday and got his NG tube out of his nose. He got his catheter out. Talks of getting his trach out today. All positive steps in the right direction!! God is good!! The only concern still today is the DVT in his right arm (occluding the veins from his armpit to his hand). They wanted to give his body enough time to heal after surgery yesterday, and do the Ct of his brain to make sure his brain bleed had stopped before starting any anti-coagulants. But we’ve been given the go ahead to start them! Please pray that these clots don’t cause any issues and will just dissolve easily and go away. There is also talk of us moving out of here and to an LTAC very very soon…possibly even today! 😳🤗 

Todays prayer requests: Please pray for this DVT (and any others he may have that we aren’t aware of due to his blood clotting mutation). Please pray the anti-coagulant meds help to easily dissolve it and please pray it does not cause any complications or break off and go anywhere else. Please pray for Josh’s trach removal to go well and for him to have zero complications adjusting to no longer having it. Please pray for his labs and vitals to continue to stabilize and improve. Please pray for him to gain more energy and motivation to work hard with therapy to gain his strength and abilities back. Please pray for him to feel comfort and peace during all of this and please pray that depression and anxiety won’t take over. Please help us with our transition to an LTAC, and please pray we are placed wherever will be the best fit for Josh and his current needs. And please pray that Josh’s movement and abilities will come flooding back to him so he can feel whole again. Thank you! #Hope4Hodges

5/8 9:45AM update

May 8th, 2023

 - Josh’s stomach is still showing some distention, so the GI Dr has decided to hold off on the peg tube placement until at least tomorrow. I’m glad they’re being cautious though. Placing a peg tube in an unhealthy stomach can set him up for a lot of issues. Please pray for the distention to go down. 

Josh has had some good alert moments this morning. He mouthed “I love you” to me this morning and blew me a kiss. I love those sweet moments. ❤️ 

They hooked him up to the speaking valve during speech therapy today. It takes a lot out of him to talk, but we got a few things out of him. He said he’s in pain, but refused any sedating pain meds. I think he’s definitely ready to be more alert and less tired all the time, even if that means hurting some. He also said he’s very thirsty. Hopefully he will get his trach out soon and can have something to drink! Speaking will get easier as he builds up his strength. It just takes time. 

He’s doing great still on just light oxygen through his trach. They even kept him off the vent last night and he did great! The next step is capping it, then removal! Please pray he does well with capping. I know he’s so ready to get that trach out asap!

I bought him some stress balls on Amazon and he’s loving them. He squeezes on them constantly, which is a great thing to build back his strength. Every little bit of therapy and stimulation we can get him to respond to the better!

The progress is slow, but we were told it would be, and I’m so happy to see every little improvement along the way. All the doctors and nurses love checking in on him, even if he’s not on their schedule for the day. He’s definitely made an impact here! ❤️



May 7th, 2023

- Two weeks…two weeks since everything happened. Two weeks we’ve been in the ICU. Two weeks since our whole world was completely turned upside down. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d say those words. But here we are. And I feel like we’ve only just begun our long journey back to whatever our new “normal” will become. So much uncertainty, so many questions, and still so many raw emotions. But I do know one thing.…God‘s got this. If there’s anyone that loves Josh more than I do, it’s God. He never promised to not give us more than we can handle, but he did promise that we’d never face these obstacles alone. I feel Him in every part of this. From Josh’s daily progress, to the way He’s brought our family closer together, to all the help and support we’ve received, to the unfathomable amount of people praying for Josh and our family (many we’ve never even met), to the numerous doctors and nurses at the hospital that have told us how much Josh’s story has touched them. To the people that have stepped in to help us with our yard, providing food, sending gifts and cards, taking our kids places, doing our laundry, coming to the hospital to bring us coffee and a hug, watching our dogs…I could go on and on. Never in my life have I seen God so BIG! To be completely honest my Faith was greatly struggling before this. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe (I always have), and I was praying daily. But I was just going through the motions. I had somehow steered away from that deep relationship with God I once had, and was letting everything else take precedence in my life. It’s weird to call anything this traumatic a blessing in disguise, but I do feel that there are parts of it that have been. And I hope that through this journey, wherever God takes us, we make Him proud. I am a firm believer that there is a reason and plan for everything. It may not be our plan, but God knows what He’s doing, and I just have to trust Him on this. Thank you all so much for all of the prayers. We feel them and believe whole heartedly in the power of prayer. Please keep them coming! Josh still has a long road ahead of him, and we appreciate all of the love and support more than you know! #Hope4Hodges

5/6 9:45AM update

May 6th, 2023

 - Josh had a pretty restful night once they were able to get him calmed down. His fever broke over night, but is coming back up some today. They are going to try the med again today they think helped. Please pray it breaks again and stays gone! Josh fought the vent quite a bit last night, so today they took him off the vent and just have his trach hooked up to oxygen, but he’s breathing completely on his own! This is another step closer to him getting his trach out, so please pray he continues to do well! So far so good! All in all not a bad morning! Please continue to pray for his nerves, for improvements and healing, and for him to have the strength and motivation to try harder in therapy this weekend. #Hope4Hodges

5/5 update

May 6th, 2023

5/5 10:30AM update - Last night was a better night. The nurse was able to recognize Josh starting to get anxious and was able to give him something to calm him before it got out of control like the night before. He rested well through the night after that. And so did I for once!

His levels improved through the night, so the new antibiotics seem to be working! Huge praise!! Please pray his blood work continues to improve and this infection is wiped out once and for all so he can start to improve and heal from this stroke. 

The GI Dr has decided to wait until Monday to place his feeding tube in his belly. His stomach issues are somewhat improving, but they just want to make sure it’s a lot better before placing the tube. 

Physical therapy came by this morning and worked more with Josh. He is still fighting a lot of sleepiness and dizziness, so getting him to do much is hard. He has started shaking his head no and nodding yes more today, which will make it so much easier for him to communicate. I also got a hug again (my favorite part!), and he blew me a kiss. 🥰 

Praying for a day of improvements and no setbacks! 🙏🏻

5/5 9PM update - Today was a little rough. We are starting to see some real depression and anxiety signs in Josh, and while it’s to be expected in all of this, it’s very hard to watch. I had to get in his face and give him a very heart felt pep talk today. He didn’t want to participate much in speech therapy. He’s just in too much pain to talk. I discovered that he has thrush, so the Dr put him on meds for that, and I’m hoping that helps some. I know how painful that can be. This is just all so much, and I can only imagine what must be going through his head. To be so cognitively there and aware, but unable to talk or move your body has to feel absolutely terrifying and so frustrating. Please pray for peace and comfort over him during this time. We need him to WANT to participate in therapies to get better and move forward. Please also continue to pray for his fever to go away and stay away, for his blood pressure and pulse to even out (they have been all over the place), for his stomach issues to settle so he can get his peg tube Monday, for his blood test results to improve (also all over the place), as well as for this infection he’s fighting to go away. He just has so much going on. Please continue to pray for a miracle.

5/3 11:30AM update

May 3rd, 2023

- HE TALKED!! Oh my gosh my heart is so happy!! Speech therapy came and hooked up the adaptor on Josh’s trach and asked him some questions. His voice is very very deep, weak, and raspy/growly. But he was able to tell them he’s in the hospital, that it’s Spring, that he’s in pain and that it hurts to talk. He looked at me and said “that’s my wife”, and looked at his mom and said “that’s my momma”. He told me he loves me twice. He said he sounds like the guy from SwingBlade. 😂 They asked him his favorite foods and he said Hamburgers and Chick Fil A BBQ sauce (IYKYK…the man loves his Chick Fil A BBQ 😂). His voice is still very different, but I was so happy to be able to make out what he was saying! And was so happy he was able to answer everything they asked! They were shocked at how well he did! Yesterday he could hardly get out anything, so this was a huge step, and I can’t wait to hear him improve more and more every day!

They also are doing a breathing trial on him today to see how close he is to weaning off his vent. They switched it to c-pap mode, and so far he’s doing really well! Please pray he continues to do well on it and can come off the vent soon!

5/2 9:45PM update

May 3rd, 2023

 - Today they just let Josh rest. He’s still fighting something in his gut and is still spiking fevers (102 tonight), so they just wanted more time for him to heal and rest. We still aren’t sure if his gut issues are from an infection or caused by the stroke, but they are covering all bases to get it knocked out.

It was great to hear him try to talk today during oral therapy. I can tell he is very eager to figure this all out and get better. I’m sure it has to be so frustrating to be 100% there mentally, but physically just not being able to get your body to cooperate. He will get there though. He’s stubborn enough and has the drive enough to get back as much as he can. So I know he will work hard.

They also turned his vent to room air, so we are hoping to start the weaning process soon to get him off of it. If he can be off the vent by the time we leave here he may just be able to go straight to in-patient rehab vs long term acute care, and I would much rather him do that. So please pray he can get off the vent quickly!

Tomorrow they plan to get him up in the neuro chair to just be upright for a while. I think that will be really good for him, and a nice change from being in bed the past 10 days.

Tonight he told the nurse how old he was, by using his fingers. And also what month it is. He’s always amazing us by how much he can tell us just by using his fingers and squeezing our hands. He’s definitely in there, and that makes me so so happy.

I miss him more than I can even express, but seeing little glimpses of him like that give me hope. Praying for his gut to heal, his fever to break, his brain swelling to go down, for him to be able to move his left side more, to open his right eye, to wean off the vent, to start to talk, and to make more and more progress every day to get him as back to normal as possible so we can get him home. #Hope4Hodges

5/1 8PM update

May 2nd, 2023

 - I feel like this journey is a constant two steps forward one step back scenario. Today has been pretty eventful, as you’ve seen from my previous posts today. Tonight’s update won’t be super long, because I’m having to wear gloves right now (and a paper gown) until we get confirmation on whether or not Josh has c-diff, and the gloves make it a little hard to type. But I just wanted to thank you all so much for all of the prayers! They are appreciated and felt more than you know. Josh is having issues with his stomach, and while that isn’t super uncommon after a stroke, the fact that he is having these super high fevers (up to 104.2 today), slightly high white blood cell count, and rock hard super inflated belly has been a major cause for concern today. The doctors are doing everything they can to get it figured out and give him some relief. Tonight his temp is down to 100.5, and he seems a lot more comfortable, so we are thankful for that! He also is a lot more alert because they’ve discontinued his narcotics and sedation (as to not add to the stomach issues further), so I’ve been getting some good hand squeezes. Please pray tomorrow is a better day with no fever, less belly issues, no pain, and more progress. #Hope4Hodges

5/1 afternoon prayer request and praise -

May 1st, 2023

First, a prayer request because that is most urgent. Josh continues to spike fevers, his white blood cells are slightly elevated, and today his heart rate keeps spiking into the 150s, so they have decided to do head and abdominal CTs to make sure there isn’t anything going on that is of concern. Please pray everything looks okay and that these symptoms go away! Or that if they do something it’s very easily fixable. Just no more set backs please! 🙏🏻

Praise…he sat in a chair!! It took 3 nurses to get him up and hold him there, and I’m not sure how aware he was or what was going on, but it was so nice to see him sitting up! Physical therapy will start daily now, and we are praying for progress!!

5/1 morning update

May 1st, 2023

 - 55 STAPLES!! That’s how many I counted on Josh’s head when they removed his dressing this morning from his skull removal surgery. Wow! 🤯 It looks really really good though! He will have one awesome scar for one miraculous story!

His fever got up to 103.4 last night, so please keep praying for his temp to come down and stay down. It’s down to 101 this morning. Neither of us got much sleep last night. He was a lot more alert after being taken completely off sedation, and he only wanted me to comfort him. So the nurses kept waking me up to be with him. Which I love…but may need a nap today. 🥴 Haha I will stand there all day every day of it comforts him. Please pray today for pain relief, reduced fever, and more steps forward and not backward. 🙏🏻 #Hope4Hodges

4/29 Tonight’s prayer requests:

May 1st, 2023

- Pray Josh’s fever breaks for good. If it continues to go up when he’s not sedated then getting his ventilator out will be postponed. - Pray for God to cover Josh with peace and calmness. I can feel his anxiety and frustration when he’s alert. He’s very aware of things going on and around him, and I’m sure that’s terrifying. - Pray for him to regain movement on his left side. He is showing some signs that he might be trying to move his hand and foot, and we know he can feel them. So please pray for movement to be restored. - Pray for his eyes. He has only ever opened his left eye part way. And we don’t know what kind of vision he might have in either eye. His right eye is no longer as dilated and is responding to light, so that’s promising, but he has shown no attempts to open that side yet. - Pray for his swelling to continue to go down. They discontinued the meds to reduce his brain swelling today. So pray they won’t need to restart them.
4/30 8:15AM update

April 30th, 2023

 - We spoke with one of the surgeons this morning, and he has recommended possibly doing a tracheotomy on Josh today. They don’t like them to be on the vent for longer then 7-10 days because of the damage to vocal cords and things, so the trach would be the temporary next step to making him more comfortable and moving forward with therapy and being able to wake him up more. It would also allow them to be able to suction any secretions easily if needed. He is currently on room air on the vent, so the breathing isn’t really the issue as much as handling his own secretions. They just aren’t sure how his swallow and coughing reflexes are and if he can clear his airway without aspirating. That’s their biggest concern. However, the surgeon is leaving it up to his doctor, and we won’t see her for probably a few more hours. So we’ll see what she says. Please pray that whatever they decide is the safest option for Josh and what is best for him at this time. While I would love for him to have no vent or trach, I just want whatever will be safest for him. #hope4hodges #hodgesstrong #fightlikejoshupdate- Josh will be getting the tracheotomy today! Pray for an easy transition and some ease on his comfortability. 
4/29 afternoon update

April 29th, 2023

 - I’m not going to sugar coat things today. Today has been hard. And not because anything is particularly wrong (other than our world being turned completely upside down this week), but because this is just such a hard thing to go through. Some days I’m okay, and others I can’t stop crying for anything. Today is one of those days. I think that’s why it’s taken me so long to make a post.Josh is doing as to be expected…it’s just a very very long process of healing. And it’s teaching me a very hard lesson on patience. I just want my Josh back, and I want him back now. Today he’s mostly been sedated and resting like yesterday. The hope is that the more he rests this fever will finally go down and his body and brain will calm down, and it will be safe to take him off the vent. The doctor is talking about even trying some breathing tests on him as early as tomorrow to see if he’s ready for it to come out. Please pray he passes with flying colors. The more he’s off sedation the more the vent really really bothers him, and I know he’s beyond ready to be done with it. This afternoon I got to sit with him for a while and they paused his sedation so he could be more awake. He kept trying to write something in the palm of my hand, but I couldn’t make out what it was. He also communicated that the music I had playing next to him (because I was trying to be a sweet wife and drown out the monitor noise) was annoying. 😂 He communicates a lot through hand squeezes right now. He also communicated that he wanted me to stay with him (and would pat the bed if I’d walk away so I’d come back), and that he didn’t want to be sedated. Unfortunately his fever began to spike and he started shaking hard, so they turned it back on. But not before we had quite a while to ourselves and I got lots of hand squeezes and arm rubs. I hope he doesn’t get tired of me kissing all over his sweet face and hands, but I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. We’ve had lots of visitors today, which I love. I’ve needed those extra hugs today. The amount of love and support we’ve had surrounding us has been incredible. This evening please pray that Josh’s fever will break for good and won’t spike when he’s not sedated. Please pray for continued rest and healing. Pray for swelling to go down (His left side of his face is a little swollen today, which is new. The surgery was on the right. We think it’s from how they’ve been laying him on his left quite a bit to keep him off the right side while he heals.) Please pray for our girls. They have been incredible. And please pray for me. I think the shock is starting to wear off and the reality is setting in, and I’m just struggling a bit. But God’s got this, and He’s already done such incredible things. I have no doubt He’s going to do a lot more, and I’m beyond blessed to have a front row seat to watch this miracle unfold.
Todays specific prayer requests (4/28) -

April 28th, 2023

-Josh’s stomach has become very distended. It could just be air from not moving around. But the Dr has ordered a CT of his abdomen to make sure. Please pray that’s all it is and that they can get the swelling down. The Dr said this is her main focus today. -Josh is starting to show signs he is trying to move his left arm, hand, and foot. We can see the muscles trying to work. Please pray he gains more movement on that side. The Dr said this would be an absolute miracle considering all the damage to the right side of his brain. He keeps rubbing his feet together, and we asked him if it feels weird because he can’t move the left one and he gave a thumbs up. -We can’t seem to get his fever to stay down. It’s a central fever controlled by his brain, so the only way to get it to go down is to keep him sedated and keep his body calm. Problem is, he has to be a lot more alert to come off the vent, and I know he really wants that. -Please pray for continued (complete) healing and progress. He’s doing amazing!!
4/28 9AM update

April 28th, 2023

- Last night was the first night I think any of us really got any rest in the past 5 days. I think just the relief of knowing he was doing so well let us all finally let our guards down just enough to be able to get some much needed sleep we all needed. Josh was sedated again last night to also allow his body to relax and heal. We haven’t seen the Dr yet this morning to see what today’s plan is, but I will keep you updated! Your prayers are working!!

April 28th, 2023

WHAT. A. NIGHT!! 🥰 I can not even begin to tell you how much I needed this evening. God is GOOD!!❤️❤️❤️Josh has been sedated most of the day. After yesterday’s high fever, his doctor just wanted his brain and body to have time to rest as much as possible. This evening they decided to pause the sedation and get him to wake up some for his neuro check. Only problem was…he wasn’t responding. If you remember, him not responding a couple nights ago ended him in the OR with major brain swelling and having part of his skull removed. So you can only imagine how panicked I started feeling. They started checking on him every 30 minutes or so hoping the sedation would wear off, and he’d be more active, but he still was not responding much. I just happened to be in the room a little later when his respiratory therapist came in to check on his ventilator and one of Josh’s eyes opened. I got right in front of him and started talking to him and a tear ran down his face. 😢 I started to walk away and he patted his belly for me to come back. He started holding and rubbing and squeezing my hand. 🥰 One of my favorite things he does when he’s alert.The nurse came in a few minutes later and I told her that he was being more responsive and her response was “that’s great, but I need him to show me”. So she starts asking him her usual “Josh, squeeze my hand…wiggle your toes, give me a thumbs up etc” and again…no response. Until she asked him to give her ANY finger and he flipped her off!! 😳🙈🤣 She just about died! She said “Josh are you just not doing what I’m asking you to because you’re tired of me?” And he gave her a thumbs up. 😂 I knew that man was stubborn but man!We started telling him that the more he can show the doctors and nurses what he’s capable of, the faster he can get his vent out. That’s when the jazz hands, Pistol Pete pistols, fist bumps, and lots of lots of laughs ensued. His nurse was so in shock at what she was seeing she text his head neurologist and asked if we could face time her. Who then Josh also proceeded to flip off. 😏 She was shocked and SO excited! Just 4 days ago she had told me he likely wouldn’t make it, and that if he did he would be very disabled, and not capable of doing much. Our nurse even said she was going to cry she was so amazed and excited! He even lifted his entire right leg up off the bed! He was holding and rubbing my hand and my face. Started crying when I mentioned the girls…Omg he’s in there!!! He’s still with us! 🤗🥰We asked him if he was aware of what happened, or remembers us telling him, and he gave us a thumbs up. His sister then asked him to give us a thumbs up if he likes it when we explain it all to him, or to give us jazz hands if he’d just rather us sugar coat it for now, and he gave us some major jazz hands. I get it. Knowing must be really really scary. He’s been through so much. Several times he acted like he was trying to talk. The Dr said if he continues like this he will have it out really really soon. I just am so amazed at this man. Truly a miracle. The nurse just keeps walking around with the biggest smile on her face saying “that was incredible!” I’ve said all along “My God is bigger than this, and my Josh is stronger than this”. Tonight I am just so overwhelmed with happiness, gratitude, and hope. I needed this night. Keep fighting, Josh!!
4/27 6:30AM update

April 27th, 2023

- Josh had a somewhat restful night (thanks to lots and lots of meds to calm him). His temp has gone from 103.3 to 100.8. So it’s better, but still not where we want it to be. They ended up sedating him last night, but decided to hold off on putting him in the Arctic Sun thing to cool him because his temp was coming down. If it goes up again though they may try it. He just has to be heavily sedate for him to use it, because it’s incredibly cold and uncomfortable. So it’s kind of their last resort option. This morning Josh is fighting the vent some. He’s trying to take breathes between when the vent gives him breathes, causing weird shallow fast breathing and his O2 to drop into the 80s. He can pretty much breathe on his own at this point (keeping the vent in is allowing his body longer to heal, and allowing him to gain more control over swallowing so she doesn’t choke or aspirate when he comes off of it). Today please pray for Josh’s body to relax and allow the machines to do what they need to do so he can heal. I think at this point he’s just becoming more and more aware of things and is fighting everything because he’s so uncomfortable (even sedated). We need him to rest and heal.As of about 7:45 this morning his temperature is down to 99.7! Your prayers are working! Keep praying! 
4/26 midnight update

April 27th, 2023

This evening has been a bit of a rollercoaster. Josh has had a low grade fever since he got here. But tonight it decided to spike up to 103.3, and nothing seems to be getting it to budge. The doctors think it is a central fever caused by all the brain trauma. A high fever with everything Josh already has going on can be very serious, so they are throwing everything at him they can to try and get it down. He was just given a slew of meds (including being re-sedated) to try and get his body and brain to calm down, and they are about to also put him in something called an Arctic Sun to hopefully get his temp down. Throwing everything they’ve got at him to get this down, so please pray it works! He just can’t have a fever that high right now and it be safe. Aside from this evenings temp troubles, Josh actually has had a pretty good day! His personality is starting really come through, and it’s so like Josh to be in such a critical state and still making people laugh. One of my favorite moments from today is when he was asked to wiggle his toes on his left foot (the one he can’t move), and he put his right foot behind the left one and used it to wiggle his left toes. For a moment he tricked the nurse into thinking he was suddenly able to move his left foot, until she realized what he was actually doing and we all got a good laugh. He now does it every time he’s asked to wiggle his left foot and toes. 😅 The nurse also made a pretty funny political statement (on purpose to get a rise out of him) trying to get Josh to open his eyes on his own, and his left eye shot open so fast and he glared at her. 😂 (iykyk 😜) But probably the best of all today was when his old college buddy came to visit and I told Josh he was in the room and Josh held up a fist for a fist bump (twice!!), and then gave him a thumbs up. He’s not given anyone a fist bump yet, so that was awesome to see! You could tell he knew exactly who was here and was communicating best he could. I love seeing glimpses of his funny personality shine through in the midst of all this nightmare. He’s so incredibly strong. And I couldn’t be more proud of him. He is still very very sick, but these little moments give me such hope. I’ve had such peace in my heart today that can only be from God. I’m usually a pretty anxious person, and I haven’t felt a bit of anxiety today, which has been such a blessing and has allowed me to be strong for him. He has an incredible team caring for him, and I know God has him.He is still on the ventilator. And tonight had to be re-sedated to allow his brain and body to calm down since this fever has made him shake so bad and raise his heart rate. But I’m choosing to focus more on the funny and positive moments from today, because I know there are many more to come, and I’m so so ready for it! ❤️

April 27th, 2023

- Today has been a pretty uneventful day, until this evening and Joshua has spiked a 103 fever. He has had a low grade temp since we’ve been here, but this spike is concerning, and they can’t seem to get it to come down. He has had Tylenol and is packed in ice packs. They are trying one other medication and then I’m not sure what else. This temp can’t get any higher or issues could arise. A sputum culture showed some bacteria in his lungs yesterday, and he has been on an antibiotic, but they aren’t sure if the fever is from that or from all the inflammation and trauma. Please pray it goes down! He’s been doing so good and we don’t need this setback.
4/26 8:45AM update

April 26th, 2023

4/26 8:45AM update - Praises for a good night with no set backs! 🤗 Joshua is getting a lot more noticeably uncomfortable, but that makes a lot of sense with not being sedated and well aware of everything. He is still intubated and has so many ivs and wires all over him. He’s a stomach sleeper, and has to sleep on his back right now. And he’s tied down, so he doesn’t pull anything out. Not to mention he just had two major surgeries, a major stroke, and has so much going on internally and externally. But even still, the nurses keep mentioning how cooperative and sweet he is.They’re talking about trying to get him off the vent ASAP, which I think will help a lot, and was honestly a conversation I expected to have much further down the road, so the fact that he’s doing well enough to even consider that makes me so incredibly happy!He can squeeze hands and answer questions that way. So he was able to communicate that he was in pain last night and they got him more meds. He was also able to communicate that he was hot. He has a fever and is shaking, so they kept covering him up thinking he was chilling, but he was able to take his right hand and completely take the covers off. And when I asked him if he was hot he squeezed my hand hard. I’m going to go home here in a bit and shower and bring his phone back and play music for him. I’m hoping that helps him to relax.I’m just so thankful to see him so responsive! Please continue to pray that his fever will break. That his sodium levels stay down so he can continue the brain swelling reducing meds. That they are able to get him as comfortable as possible. And that we face as few setbacks as possible. He is making great progress, and I can definitely feel him fighting. Last night he kept threading his fingers through mine and rubbing my hand with his thumb like he usually does when we hold hands. He’s in there! And he’s fighting! Keep it up Josh!

Prayer Requests

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