USD $60,000
USD $29,646
Campaign funds will be received by Jamie Sanchez
The Drip Café in Denver Colorado is facing an anti-Christian value campaign aimed to close its doors. The self-described campaign began even before the opening of the café in early June, 2023.
The Drip Café was opened by Jamie Sanchez in support of the program, "Project Revive", a project dedicated to creating jobs for the homeless community in Denver, Colorado. Project Revive was created by Jamie as part of his Non Profit organization, Recycle God's Love. The common goal of The Drip Cafe and Recycle God's Love is to spread the Gospel and the love of Jesus Christ through helping the homeless cummunity of Denver.
The café seeks operating expenses so that no matter the damage done by the protests, the business may weather the storm, in hopes that Christ may be glorified.
Recycle God's Love displays its Christian values online. The group the Denver Communists have latched onto this public profession of faith as their reason to protest The Drip Café. The text the group has latched onto as ammunition to fuel their campaign was pulled from the website of Recycle God's Love under their "What We Hold To Be True" page.
The campaign against the Café has posted online that it has driven away dozens of customers on multiple occasions. The sidewalk outside the shop is consistently chalked with phrases like "F*ck off bigots" and "Anti-Queer Establishment" with arrows pointing toward the business. The shop front has been graffitied with spray paint saying "Bigots F*ck Off". Two shop windows have been broken. Megaphones are used to blast customers inside and outside the establishment from the sidewalk, and to yell "boo" and "shame" at anyone entering or leaving the Café. The people have blocked the doors to the establishment and stop almost every customer, telling them falsely that the Café is anti-gay, spreads homophobia, exploits homeless labor disguised as charity while also holding signs outside displaying the same phrasing. The campaign has posted false information about Jamie online and also about individuals who even associate with the Café. Reddit and social media are littered with individuals organizing "1 star" review bombs to prevent the shop from generating positive google or yelp reviews. The shop gets constant calls spewing horrible messages, including calls for the owner to "self-delete". "Protestors" follow individuals associated with the Café to their cars and take pictures of their license plate information. The campaigners have taunted the Café with chants of "You're not gonna make rent next month!". They have stated to news organizations that "Our goal is to drive them out... We want their business to not exist". Further, they have stated "We will stop protesting the Drip Café as soon as they close their business...".
The Café seeks to maintain it's mission and not be discouraged from serving the homeless, simply because of a select group of individuals. Note: It is not the LGBTQ community campaigning against the café, but a select group of self-declared "Intolerant Left Communists".
A message from Jamie Sanchez (Owner). "I am calling on the Body of Christ to support us during this time of attack by this anti-Christian group. For over 10 years, my team and I have been serving the homleless community in Denver out of the love we have felt from Christ. The Drip Cafe is meant to be a huge blessing for those struggling with homelessness. The communist group says they won't stop until we close. I am saying I will never back down from the Holy Scriptures of God our Creator".
Any initial funds received will be used for operating expenses such as:
- Rent and utilities for the duration of the lease.
- Labor costs.
- Food costs and material expenses.
- Building maintenance due to vandalism.
Any further funds received are intended to be put towards the following:
- Legal Expenses if such situations arise.
- Security (specially for First Friday events).
See the following news articles for more information on events surrounding the café:
Daily Caller Article: https://dailycaller.com/2023/07/13/drip-cafe-christian-denver-communists-protest-lgbt/
Christian Post Article: https://www.christianpost.com/news/communists-harass-christian-owned-caf-for-beliefs-on-sexual-sin.html?utm_medium=web-push&utm_content=headline&utm_source=onesignal&utm_campaign=2023-07-13
Westword Article: https://www.westword.com/news/drip-cafe-denver-christian-coffee-denver-targeted-again-by-demonstrators-17293349
Denver 7 Article: https://www.denver7.com/news/front-range/denver/new-christian-ministry-coffee-shop-protested-against-over-anti-homosexuality-stance
Portal Graca de Fato Article: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cu2Va9PpREt/?img_index=1
Their evil, and intolerance will be used by God to bolster your cause. The irony is, had they not made such a fuss I would not have the knowledge or awareness to support your organization. Keep up the good work. I pray for your victory and that those who were your enemies will come around to your vision.
Thankful for what you are doing for the city of Denver. God Bless you and protect you!
Their evil, and intolerance will be used by God to bolster your cause. The irony is, had they not made such a fuss I would not have the knowledge or awareness to support your organization. Keep up the good work. I pray for your victory and that those who were your enemies will come around to your vision.
Thankful for what you are doing for the city of Denver. God Bless you and protect you!
Thanks for all you Do Jamie and Team. God is doing great things through your missions and your heart!
Their evil, and intolerance will be used by God to bolster your cause. The irony is, had they not made such a fuss I would not have the knowledge or awareness to support your organization. Keep up the good work. I pray for your victory and that those who were your enemies will come around to your vision.
Thankful for what you are doing for the city of Denver. God Bless you and protect you!
Their evil, and intolerance will be used by God to bolster your cause. The irony is, had they not made such a fuss I would not have the knowledge or awareness to support your organization. Keep up the good work. I pray for your victory and that those who were your enemies will come around to your vision.
Thankful for what you are doing for the city of Denver. God Bless you and protect you!
Love from California!
Their evil, and intolerance will be used by God to bolster your cause. The irony is, had they not made such a fuss I would not have the knowledge or awareness to support your organization. Keep up the good work. I pray for your victory and that those who were your enemies will come around to your vision.
Thankful for what you are doing for the city of Denver. God Bless you and protect you!
God bless, you're located in the pit of . Sadly, CO is known for its support of destructive liberal ungodly policies. I hope that the local churches step up and help out.
I think what you are doing is wonderful, I love coffee and I love Jesus! ☕️⛪️
July 17th, 2024
Although God has been blessing peoples lives through The Drip Cafe, we are still under siege from The Denver Communists. They have not stopped. This photo shoes the mockery they create towards Jesus. Please Share our story. We stand for The Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we want to keep our doors open.
June 17th, 2024
Huge PROJECT REVIVE update! Scott just got approved and moved out of the shelter, and into his new housing with our partners at Open Door Ministries. He has a bed as of last week. Praise Jesus. After 2 months of working at The Drip Cafe, God has been faithful in rewarding him for staying steadfast in taking the opportunity with Project Revive seriously. Scott has stayed sober, been in the Word, and attending a home church regularly, and saving up his money for rent.
As Scott transitions into full time work here at The Drip Cafe, we need financial support that will go directly to helping cover costs to keep him in the program. We know God began this good work, and will finish it. We want to Revive more individuals in the days and months to come. God is doing an amazing work here.
We are calling upon the Body of Christ throughout the world to join us in Project Revive by making a monthly commitment of $15-$20. You can be a hero in Project Revive! Will you join us! 🙌🏽🙏🏽
May 29th, 2024
March 13th, 2024
Well this time we were hit with a burglary over Sunday night at 2:30am. He broke in and stole our cash register and an iPhone. They drilled the lock out which alone cost us $300 to replace and key match. Police responded to our alarm system but the criminal was long gone by then, as he left very quickly. Thankful for the local Denver PD.
God stays the same and protected us from worse scenarios. We stand firm on His word and His promises.
Psalm 37:8-11
Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land. In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there. But the meek shall inherit the land and delight themselves in abundant peace.
December 22nd, 2023
Wow, what a year it has been! We are so greatful for the support of the Body Of Christ. The Denver Communist possy continues to pester us monthly. But God is bigger. Their protest hurts the sales of the busy day of our month, but we trust God has a good plan. We are excited to announce that we are entering into the stages of hiring someone for our project to help homeless individuals out of poverty. Would you concider a year end gift to help us kick this project off? Thank you for helping us spread the Gospel. God bless you and your family. And Merry Christmas.
October 21st, 2023
August 23rd, 2023
We really appreciate the support! Our goal in opening The Drip Cafe was to provide jobs for the homeless community in Denver through our project. Since the radical communist group has targeted us for our Christianity, and aimed to shut us down, we haven't quite hit our projected goals to financially support that portion of the mission. Please continue to share our story, and help us Stand On The Word! God be with you.
August 20th, 2023
From Jamie Sanchez:
"Thank you all for helping us this far on our journey to stand firm in the midst of hate coming from the communist radicals here is Denver. We are able raise enough to fix our broken windows that were broken by these "peaceful " protestors. Our goal is to spread the love of Jesus, even while being persecuted by anti-christian groups. Your continued support will help us show this evil force that we will keep our doors open and serve in love, because we have God and the Body Of Christ behind us as one. Donations will be used for rent, staff wages and supplies to help us deploy the Gospel in new ways here. Thank you for Standing On The Word with us."
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.