CAD $33,333
CAD $721
Campaign funds will be received by Yayoi Takemoto
Protect the children.
Protect the people who can not protect themselves.
Since 2020, as UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights) states, "Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law...Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.(29)"
We, as a group of living men and women, assembled locally to impact nationally and this is the story of 4 of us and where we are at today and how we got here.
From the very beginning, we have always taken the action to act under duty of care, which is our responsibility (Rome Statute Section 15/25, the Law of War manual section 10-18, Criminal Code of Canada 15) to halt the massive crime scene in "ONTARIO, CANADA.
Knowing that this is a premeditated war crime, we followed and continue to follow, the Law of War Manual section 10-18.
We have been exhausting all peaceful alternatives to demand a halt the war crimes on the civilian population by the Hostile Belligerent and as the military laws supersedes civil law, we continue to act in peace and neutrality.
An action step we took was to send business letters to the so called "authorities", who claim jurisdiction based upon fraud and oaths sworn to the Crown. We gave them the opportunities to perform their duties in the war that is upon us.
We are political prisoners being persecuted by a communist/fascist functioning judiciary wesponized by the Trudeau war crimes syndicate.
They have already took away our livelihood over the last 5 years, but we are continuing to act under duty of care, and fulfill our responsibility. (Rome Statute 15/25)
The 4 of us, from our local group of living men and women have been putting the truth (child trafficking, human trafficking, weapon manufacturers, COVID-19 bioweapons, frauds, trafficking by bonds, treating the living men and women as "legal entity" and so on) on the public records (the court = the bank) to halt the ongoing war crimes by the liberal crimes syndicate.
Due to our lawful actions and putting the truth on the public record in the corporation of Ontario Court of Justice, as well as demanding a halt to the war crimes being perpetrated, we 4 were attacked and persecuted. Our personal property was seized and has not been returned....
We were unlawfully detained and arrested. The agents of the corporation of Ontario/Canada even had DNA samples taken from each of us.
The systems are deeply corrupted.
:Daniel:Oke has been unlawfully imprisoned…..and myself and the other 2 have been unlawfully imprisoned intermittently for the weekends.
Why, you ask?
All for sending business letters to halt the crimes....
And the agent of the corporation of Ontario Court of Justice stated, "You over reported."
As we know our duty, we used only our own financial resources to continue the work we’ve done without ever asking for any sort of donations…..until now.
I now find myself in an extremely challenging situation and in need of support from you.
Not only to keep our home for my husband to come back to, we need funds to appeal our trusts as Habeaus Corpus.
If you are not aware of what we have been doing as a local assembly, we have submitted our Peace Treaty (12.4) and Grand Jury indictment.
We truly appreciate you taking the time to read this message and learn who we are and what we’ve been doing.
It is your financial participation that will be helping to protect the next generations and assist us to continue to be doing our part.
Dan & Yayoi: You followed your conscience and did what you believe is right. God will honour your commitment. Many people are praying for you. Your needs will be met. One day, looking back you will say, “We did the right thing and I am glad we followed our conscience!!
Send you love and strength.
January 26th, 2025
We are so grateful to all of you who are assisting us every day and every week.
January 26th, 2025
They blocked :Dan to call his wife.
December 25th, 2024
:Dan and :Yayoi heard each other's voice since December 3rd. 2024.
Best Christmas Gift :Yayoi could ask for. ❄️🎄✨️🎁🌟☃️
Merry Christmas, all!
December 24th, 2024
:Yayoi does not have any restrictions to see :Dan, but she got denied access to see him. She is working on her end to figured out to visit and see her husband.
December 24th, 2024
:Yayoi does not have any restrictions to see :Dan, but she got denied access to see him. She is working on her end to figured out to visit and see her husband.
December 22nd, 2024
:Dan was originally in 8F (range) newer area, recently got "collapsed" and moved to 1J, older building without any privacy.
He mentioned about Toronto Sun article https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/hunter-immigration-consequences-unlikely-for-man-linked-to-deadly-401-crash
This man robbed a bank, trying to escape, drove highway 401 the wrong way, killed 4 people.
He got 5 months and a half + 2 years of probation.
:Dan got 6 months and + 3 years of probation, plus DNA sample taken for sending (registered mails) business letters with evidence.
We can all question...what is going on?
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.