Tata’s Calling in Cameroon to Transform Lives


 USD $395

Campaign created by Chelsea Bates

Campaign funds will be received by The Great Commission Initiative Inc.

Tata’s Calling in Cameroon to Transform Lives

Hey yall!

Chelsea and Danny Bates here and we had the honor and privilege to not only meet Tata but to hear his story and wow! The Lord is moving in him in ways that you will not believe…but he needs your help to move further.

Tata is a pastor from Cameroon. He does most of his work as a pastor at Praise Baptist Church in Buea, where the university also resides. There, he holds services three times a week to help connect his community to the Lord with about 400-600 people in service every week.

The commute where Tata, his wife and 5 children reside, along with 10 others who he is currently helping house, is 55 minutes from Buea and a dangerous path to travel. Yes….55 minutes there and back AT LEAST 3 times a week to bring the word of God to his community. 55 minutes to get educated. 55 minutes to preach the gospel. 55 minutes to get water.

In speaking with Tata and hearing his needs to help broaden his reach and better help his community with not only growing in faith but meeting basic needs, we need you all.

Your dollar goes a long way in Cameroon and as little as $20 will collectively soar for Tata’s community.

your donations will help aid:

Roughly about $7,200 for a well in Tata’s town so his family no longer has to put themselves in danger each day for their basic human right of having water; severely lowering their risk of kidnappings when having to walk 55 minutes to and from clean water (which his household has already fallen victim to).

$ for/towards an off road accessible car that does well on their terrain so it can help transport Tata to reach other communities to hear the word of the Lord and have their life be transformed and choose a path of righteousness, rather than the trouble most youths face. With kidnappings being rampant, this vehicle will ensure the safety of his family to and from church, school and clean water.

$ for food. A lot of the crime is passion-fueled out of desperation and hunger. What would you do to feed your family? Most in the town and surrounding towns have no jobs and idle hands. Idle hands are the devil’s playground. Most crimes are fueled by hunger. By transforming hearts through Tata’s ministry, AND being able to feed his community, they have a better chance of fighting crime. Your dollar goes a long way here to feed the young women, men and children that go to his church every week. 

$ for supplies in schools-paper, pencil, bibles and clothes.

$ to expand their building to accommodate more people as they are quickly outgrowing the space they are currently in.

$ for solutions when they run out of power (which is often) ie: generators, solar panels etc….

$ for programs to help teach trades once out of the universities-eliminating desperation for money and food. Giving people a sense of calling and fulfillment to not only do something they can be good at, but also provide for their family.

We have met and spoken with Tata and we feel a deep desire to help beyond just our capacity alone. Coming to America and getting a visa is no easy feat. Going BACK to Cameroon once already here is known to be “foolish” but this shows Tata’s passion to better his community. The corrupted government takes all their wealth and circulates it amongst the top, leaving none left for its citizens. We have a way to get the money directly to Tata, with no fees taken out via The Great Commission Initiative, which Danny’s mother is on the board of-a legitimate payment transaction. The government gets no access to it. Tata gets full funds to help better the lives in his community and make a difference.

If you find it in your heart to donate, please do. We understand it’s easier to think about what is going on here in the states…but now you have a real chance to put faces to the people you are donating to and get to know where your money goes and see how it’s helping their community. Tata and Praise Baptist Church are doing everything in their power to help out their community, they just lack funding for the resources they need to soar. That’s where you and I come in!

Please share this with your small groups, churches, Bible studies, work friends, best friends and family. Every single dollar helps and goes a long way. No dollar amount is too small. Share, share, share so we can enrich the lives of people beyond ourselves. People that are desperate for help and using it for good. People fueling souls and feeding bellies.

Thank you so much for helping God move through us. Together we can make a difference.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
14 days ago

Matthew Albrecht
$ 20.00 USD
17 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
19 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
19 days ago

Bless you, Tata!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
19 days ago


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