Tara Hansen Fight Against Breast Cancer Fund


 USD $50,000


 USD $12,254

Campaign created by Kim Landry-Ayres

Campaign funds will be received by Tara Hansen

Tara Hansen Fight Against Breast Cancer Fund

Life has a way of throwing curve balls at us when we least expect them. 

I am writing this because my younger sister Tara Hansen has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be undergoing a double mastectomy on March 24, 2022.

During her recovery period, neither Tara nor Erik will be able to work, nor do they have benefits to assist with extra medical and basic living expenses. Plus, the insurance they do have will not cover all of the medical expenses they are about to ensue.

Tara and Erik are gentle, giving spirits and all-around good human beings.  Anyone who knows them, knows they never would burden others with their difficulties.  They live life with a “Pay it Forward” attitude and are so very generous with whatever resources they have to help others in need. 

This fund-raising page has been started to hopefully lessen the stress of trying to "fight this fight" and not feel defeated by the financial debt they will be incurring in the process.

We are grateful for any amount of monetary assistance you would be comfortable donating to them during this difficult time.  And if you are unable, we would be grateful for any prayers and positive thoughts you could send their way for a speedy recovery.


Kim Landry-Ayres

----------- Message from Tara-----
Words cannot express our gratitude during this very challenging time. We are so thankful for all prayers, and any assistance to get back on track again. 

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. We will overcome this life challenge with prayers, support, courage & strength. We are very grateful for our Family & Friends. 

 God Bless, Love & Light 

Recent Donations
Someone Who Loves You
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

We missed you all for Thanksgiving. We are so proud and praying for huge success with "Mama Joanie's". I hope this will help as you are both getting this going. I am sending you a book via Amazon that I hope you both will read! Love YOU Both! Luke 6:38, John 2:10, and Hebrews 13:16

Eliza Stevenson
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Thinking of you!

Andrew Bolin
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Wishing you strength, peace, and brighter days ahead.

Pilates Funds
$ 300.00 USD
6 months ago

Lean on God completely and Trust HIM to give you the strength to do what you need to do. ISAIAH 40:29 says, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." and remember Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct thy path". I Love You Sis!

Anonymous Giver
$ 750.00 USD
1 year ago

Love you! BLB

Jan Meyer
$ 47.00 USD
1 year ago

Hi Tara- I am a friend of your sister Kim. I am sending you prayers of peace, health & joy. Love Jan

Kelli McMahon
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Tara, we send healing to you in the name of Jesus! “The things I do, you will do and GREATER” -Jesus

Clients from Mission Accomplished
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Tara & Erik this is a donation from several clients here at Mission Accomplished. Mary F; Dyanne V; Jan B; and Phil M all sending you lots of love and prayers.

Shelly Frank
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago

Karen S
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Linda and Bob Mitchell
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Merry Christmas Tara and Erik! Sending lots of love and prayers your way for Gods healing powers to touch your lives.

Linda and Bob Mitchell
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending prayers of comfort and healing. God Bless you and Eric!

Kent and Anna
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Lou and Dee Fernandez
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Keep healing! Love to both of you.

Center for Spiritual Live
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Lynn and Steve Jaffee
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Sending love and healing

Bruce and Lisa Joss
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
2 years ago

Response from Campaign Owner:



#15 Ups and downs, twists and turns... knowing we are in good hands on this ride!

December 23rd, 2024

Matthew 17:20 There comes a moment when you must quit talking to God about the mountain in your life and start talking to the mountain about your God. You proclaim His power.

Hello Everyone! My apologies on the time between posts; the year flew by!

And wow it’s been a roller coaster of a year! On the downward slope, I’ve experienced some depression as I continue to deal with on-going "bone pain" from the facet arthropathy which attributes to insomnia; but fresh air, staying active, and practicing positivity is helping, along with a low dose sleep aid to get more than 3-4hrs of sleep, so I can heal more efficiently. 

My September Benefit Sale was decent but not as successful as I hoped.  However, I am very grateful to all who supported me at my sale especially my friend Linda for her huge help & support.  And any of the clothing, bedding, household items and furniture that did not sell, I donated directly to people in need.

Thankfully God is in control of my ride and the upward climb lead to my recent bloodwork & scans looking great! The newest Signa Terra blood test, to check and see if there are any circulating blood tumors in my blood stream (scale is 0-10), I was a 0!  Awesome Christmas GIFT!

And as I have said in the past besides being in nature, my four-legged friends are my most beneficial therapy... And recently we were blessed to rescue & add a new member to our pack. Her name is “Mia” and she came to us from Mid America Boston Terrier Rescue (an awesome rescue organization who adopts out to 13 states, they are in need of finding forever homes, fosters, baby sitters, transporters & donations) Our girl Mia, is a beautiful 5 1/2 year old sweetheart.  She along with Walter & Gracie give me purpose and a better daily routine with lot's of activity.  I sometimes wonder who rescued who; they are certainly angels sent to watch over me.

Another very positive thing happening is Erik’s new dream project “Mama Joanie’s Pizza”(named after both our Moms).  Erik has always wanted to have his own pizza gig, and with the generous investment from his brother, he has been able to get this started.  The ultimate goal is for him to be able to do this fulltime here close to home and not have to commute 3hrs a day to Grand Junction adding to his already long 10-11hr shifts.

Due to our "full plate", we sadly were unable to meet up for our "sibling" Thanksgiving family reunion in WI.  Nevertheless, we have been blessed with several Christmas miracles including: good health, a new fur-baby family member, a pizza biz opportunity, a recent broken accelerator on my car had to be fixed & an angel paid my bill, then my pups had their annual exams & bloodwork and our angel-friend veterinarian Dr. V. covered the bill. 

We Thank God and are forever grateful for all the angels in our life, helping us along on this journey. Thank you to all for your prayers, love and support!  We will continue to do our best to always pay it forward when we are able!

We wish you all a Blessed Peaceful Christmas & New Years

Love & Light

Tara, Erik, Walter, Gracie & Mia

Update #14 Looking at ALL the Blessings

July 28th, 2024

Hello Everyone! First I want to say, Thank YOU ALL! I would not a be where I am without everyone’s prayers, love and support. For most part, I’m feeling ok and doing my best to be strong and to power through my daily obstacles. I stay active-walking my pups, and doing lots of chores inside & outside (the list seems to never end).  I am most guilty of not resting my mind and body enough. The side effects of the medications seem to have worsened with hot flashes to night sweats, body aches & fatigue. The most debilitating is the lower back pain from the facet arthropathy in my spine.  Acupressure massage and using IncrediWear brace seems to give some relief but it has been a challenge to rehabilitate; insurance allowed for some professional PT and thankfully the therapist taught me home exercises to continue but it is still difficult to figure out the best daily routine and to know whether or not I am doing everything correctly.  I am hoping to locate a Pilates instructor to have more in-person accountability and someone able to critique and ensure I am doing the movements that I need to do correctly. I know I need to get my core muscles stronger in order to be able to safely build more muscle overall.

Recently, I had another health scare when a giant swollen lymph node appeared in the left side of my clavicle-neck area. This is the compromised side because of lymph node removal & radiation from the double mastectomy's.  Thank God the ultrasound was unremarkable, and just showed the left side having slower function that backed up the flow; probably a reaction to all the mosquito bites I've been getting this summer! Then to add insult to injury, my Lymph system was put to the test, when I was bit by a dog on my right wrist & knee but again thankfully it wasn't more serious and I'm all healed up; so I know my Lymphatic system is working!

Other things I am grateful for: my hair is growing better but I'm choosing to keep it short since it's still soo HOT! I finally gained some weight with a higher protein nutrition plan to prime my body to build some MUSCLE back!!

I’ve been preparing for another benefit sale to help with my cost for extra therapies and supplements. I'm very busy finishing my own crafting projects & pricing items to hold the sale on the 3rd wknd in Sept.20st &21nd (Fri-Sat).  I have a friend who is joining me (her husband is also a Cancer Survivor Warrior) and she will have a couple of table of items as well.  I'm still collecting more pet items for the pet section of my sale which I plan to donate all of those  proceeds to Mid America Boston Terrier Rescue (we adopted all of our Boston fur-friends from this rescue, so they are close to my heart).

My goals now are to continue to lean into God with prayer, to be positive, to stay strong with good nutrition & regular exercise, and to pay it forward helping and teaching others whenever the opportunity arises.

We are forever grateful!  God Bless You & Keep You!

Love and Light,

Tara, Erik, Walter & Grace

Update Update #14  Looking at ALL the Blessings Image
Update #13

April 23rd, 2024

Hello everyone! I apologize it has been awhile since my last update.

Foremost, I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers, love & support. In general, things are improving, I feel better in some areas, while I have continued challenges in other areas.  Some days I feel strong enough to handle whatever life throws at me, while other days I pray to have more strength mentally and physically.

    I’ve recently had a few new challenges... Hot flashes have morphed into night sweats, although not fun, I’m praying this is a sign of being one step closer to natural menopause, which means I might eventually be able to stop the meds that suppress my ovaries. The "back-pain-issue" (facet arthropathy L1-L4&S1-S2) was improving with on-going physical therapy and Pilate exercises, but has relapsed over the past couple of weeks 😖 because of a recent fall I took while working with a rescue dog. I try to expect the unexpected, but this time I was caught off-guard and the dog spooked and took me down! Thank God, I didn't fall directly on my back! It has been difficult for me to gain the much needed muscle mass on my body, despite trying to eat a "Protein Forward" diet and doing weight-bearing exercise, it has just not been easy to stay on my routine. Plus, sleep continues to escape me, forcing me to go back on a sleep aid to help me get the much needed 💤's.

    On a positive note, I’ve been able to get back to walking and caring for dogs, lot's of dogs (mine, some friends and clients and rescues). I am also preparing for a smaller scale Benefit sale the end of the summer (to offset the costs of my continued therapies). This time around I will know to ask for some help!  I continue to pay it forward- running errands for others, walking rescue dogs, collecting items needed & volunteering for the upcoming animal shelter fundraiser.  My husband continues to commute to work in Grand Junction, and we all commute to GJ weekly, for my appointments. And in the meantime, I am praying, staying positive, eating healthy & being as active as I can, so my back improves and I won't need to go to those appointments as frequently.

We are forever grateful!

God Bless, Love & Light

Tara, Erik &Pups

Update Update #13 Image
Romans 12:12 "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer"

December 22nd, 2023

Merry Christmas! And Happy New Year ALMOST!
Wow we can’t believe it’s already the end of 2023!
We feel very Blessed with everyone’s prayers, love & support throughout this year. 🤍🙏🏼
Tara continues this journey with hormone suppression therapy & aromatase inhibitor, the various side effects from all of the therapies and medications seem to have leveled out (or perhaps toleration has increased).
Tara says, "Sleeping better with sleep aid (that I hope to wean off eventually); hair is growing back (curly-wavy like when I was younger), but I decided to keep a short haircut for ease;  I'm continuing massage & physical therapy, both really helpful for my pain and mobility! Of course my pups are my most effective therapy!
I recently had a scare, with really bad back pain that would not resolve and some bloodwork that was a bit troubling. The oncologist was concerned it could be an indication of metastasis, so had to go in for a CT scan. Thank God she was wrong. The CT scan showed facet arthropathy in L1-L4,L5-S1 of lower back; a problem that could be due to a combination of past minor injuries, the estrogen hormone suppression therapies (which are "pushing my body into Menopause), and then the straw that 'broke this camel’s back' was my self-induced over exertion as I single-handedly put on a benefit sale this Fall to help raise money for my own therapies & the Mid America Boston Terrier Rescue. I am proud of myself for organizing, creating art pieces, setting up and working this event, but it took me months to recover, mentally & physically.  So learned a hard lesson there.
I will need to get a bone density scan done sooner than later, to determine what the long-term plan is going to be to protect my bones, heart and brain.  My sister is continuing to help me figure out the lifestyle actions I can take to make a difference; like increasing protein intake, getting proper minerals and other supplements to support lean mass and bones, strengthening my core and improving my posture (I am hoping to get a referral for additional PT and professional Pilates instruction), strength training, and using proper support devices when needed. I will be incorporating these things over the coming months and into the new year."

We are hoping to make a family trip in 2024 to visit my sister in Wisconsin, so fingers crossed we can manifest that!  In the meantime, we are forever grateful for God, our family & friends giving us support during this "roller-coaster-like" endeavor.

Wishing Everyone Peace & Joy this Season!
In Love & Light
Tara & Erik & Pups
Update Romans 12:12  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Image
We Rise by Lifting Others

August 25th, 2023

Hello everyone, Apologies for the lack of updates for a while, "Time Really Does Fly"... My sister is physically, mentally and spiritually doing well, and handling some ongoing side effects like a champ. She and her husband Erik are still facing some financial challenges with general bills and affording therapies and supplements that are not covered by their medical insurance. Tara receives a monthly ovarian suppression injection and takes a daily oral aromatase inhibitor. She requires massage and PT therapy monthly to work on areas affected by radiation treatments. I’m very proud of my sister, she does her best to remain strong & positive on this journey. And she continues to be a blessing to those around her, always assisting whenever and however she is able to. She is a living example of "We Rise by Lifting Others". Tara has been working very hard for months crafting, refurbishing & repurposing items to have an Extravaganza Benefit Sale next month. Tara, Erik & her pups are forever grateful for prayers and any assistance during this continued challenging time. Thank you & God Bless
Update We Rise by Lifting Others Image

December 28th, 2022

Hello Family & Friends!

My apologies for not posting an update sooner-Time Sure Flies By!

My sister Tara continues on her "Healing Journey". She has conquered a ton of challenges this year!-(Bilateral Masectomy, Radiation Therapy & now in the midst of Hormone Therapy(ovarian suppression) and Oral Cancer Therapy (aromatase inhibitor). Beyond the medical remedies; she's finding her way through the mental, emotional & physical maze as well, trying her best to stay active & positive during this recovery process!

Nothing compares with HUGS for TRUE HEALING! In November Tara was able to come visit me in WI for a couple of weeks!  And we had SPECIAL surprise! Our brother (and his wife, drove from AL to WI).  Tara had no idea-she was in complete shock & speechless when she saw him standing in my driveway! We had a wonderful time- reminiscing, hanging out, playing games, and working out,..All of us had not seen each other for more than 3 years. It was the best gift/therapy for all of us!

While she was visiting, I helped her develop daily workout routine to build her muscle strength and mobility; She was already feeling stronger in just a couple of weeks! We discussed her nutrition/supplement plan and we had her set up for some energy healing, massage & animal therapy (feeding/loving on baby yaks, new foal & miniature horses (living in "Green Acres" has its benefits); not to mention "puppy love" from Samson).

Tara& Erik still have to travel to GJ several times a month for physical therapy, medical injections & possibly other support therapies like acupuncture. She is enduring every side effect from the cancer medications-zoladex(ovarian suppressant) & Letrozole(armotase inhibitor)-body aches, headaches, hot flashes, hair loss and insomnia! She is praying to get more sleep soon! Sleep-the most important of all! She is trying different combo natural supports to develop best routine to help. (Yin yoga, sleepy time tea, melatonin, L-tryptophan, white noise/bio-aural beats, warm Epsom salt baths) currently only maxing 4 hrs./night!

Erik recently had to look for work out of state to make enough to cover bills.  I am personally hoping to talk them into relocating closer to me in Eau Claire (I know it would be a big move for them but I am praying that God opens up a clear path, that makes that a reality!)

Tara & Erik are praying that 2023 will not be as challenging as 2022!

We are all praying and holding FAITH for Good Health, JOY, Love, Peace & Abundance

We are all grateful for the support, prayers & monetary gifts that help with medical bills, supplements & therapies to assist Tara in regaining her health so she can put this event in the rearview mirror and start imagining a new chapter with an awesome future ahead.

Thank you, God Bless

Wishing you all the Best  in 2023!


Update Update #10  TIME FLIES! AND A YEAR IS GONE!  Image
Update #9

August 26th, 2022

Hello Everyone

I told Tara I would do a quick update...  Since Tara officially finished her radiation treatments, she has had her port removed and that is healing up.  She's been seeing her physical therapist every other week and that is going well. Tara has also been adding more daily activities and getting back into a daily exercise routine as well.

She has started the next step in her plan which is the hormone therapy...they are giving her a monthly injection to suppress her ovaries and then she is orally taking an aromatase inhibitor.  So far, she seems to be tolerating this without much side effects, other than, some fatigue and headaches.  We are crossing our fingers & toes that will be the extent of the side effects.

So its been nice to not have to do the long drives to & from Grand Junction every day, and to now get back to things she loves doing, like hiking with her pups!

Thanks Again to All of You!

In Love & Light


Update #8 Radiation Completed

July 10th, 2022

Hello everyone... Sorry we haven't updated in quite a while.  Tara was going through some very intense radiation sessions daily for 25 straight sessions (minus the weekend days)... so that amounted to almost 6 weeks of driving to Grand Junction daily.  It was truly wearing her out physically and mentally.  She is officially done with that part of this "Obstacle Course".  Now she is taking a little time off to rest, heal & recover while she is weighing the pros and cons of the next phase of drug therapies that have been presented to her.  Please keep her in your prayers, she needs all the strength, courage and wisdom you can send her energetically!

In Love & Light


Update #7 Radiation has begun

June 1st, 2022

Hello friends & family

I just spoke with Tara and she is doing well.  She had a good check up with her surgeon and she is healing well from surgery.  She will have her first consult with a PT who specializes in working with those recovering from breast cancer, to help her with movements to build back strength and avoid adhesions or lymphedema in the future.  Tara has also started her 25 sessions of radiation (these will be mostly consecutive, minus the weekends)... She is on her 6th session today, she says the radiology team is fantastic and so far the sessions, although slightly uncomfortable have been easier than she expected.  She says she is a little more tired than usual (but that could also be due to the long road trips daily to & from the clinic in Grand Junction).  So far no issues with skin burning. Taking one day at a time.

She is very thankful to everyone who continues to keep her in their prayers.

In Love & Light


Update #6 Just a BUMP in the Road

May 8th, 2022

Hi Everyone...  I was waiting until we had more news to do an update... but sometimes things seem to move slowly in the medical world.  Tara's Oncology team had wanted to do some additional testing before they made a final recommendation on how to move forward with treatments.  Tara had a CT scan and lot's of blood work.  Everything had come back clear except there was a very small spot on her liver that they were unable to determine if it is scaring from an old broken rib injury, or a benign hemangioma or something more.  Tara requested an abdominal radiology specialist to read the original scan and he requested an MRI to hopefully clearly identify this spot as a non issue.  Tara had the MRI on Thursday and we hope to know more after she meets with the Oncology Team next week.  I will post more when I find out the details.  Until then continued prayers and positive thoughts are much appreciated.

In Love & Light & Happy Mother's Day to ALL the MOM's!


Second Opinion & Withstanding the Storm...

April 24th, 2022

Tara is recovering well from surgery.   Since surgery, Tara & Erik have seen two different oncologists from two different oncology groups, to discuss treatment plans.  The ONCO test results were much better than initially expected, so there were some additional testing diagnostics that the new team wanted, before the final decision is made on additional treatments necessary.  We are hoping for the best case scenario, which will be the need for just spot radiation and hormone therapies without chemotherapy.  We should know more in a week or so.  The oncology team that Tara & Erik have decided suited them best, is a group in Grand Junction. Unfortunately, this will require ALOT of driving back & forth (approx. 100 miles round trip each time), and once radiation begins that will mean a daily trek to & from the clinic for at least 25 treatments in a row (yikes)!  However, Tara & Erik are very happy so far with the attention and care that this team is providing; so it will be worth the extra "windshield time".

Thank you all for your prayers, good vibes and any donations that have been made!  It is truly making this journey and process much smoother and keeping the unnecessary stress levels down.

Love & Light


Update Second Opinion & Withstanding the Storm... Image
Update #4 Just a quick check in update

April 9th, 2022

Happy Saturday! I just wanted to give a quick update.  Tara is healing well at home. She is doing really well physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She just got her drain tubes out this week.  She said that was very painful but luckily it was a quick procedure.  Right now she is slowly working on gaining mobility back in her upper body.  Tara is scheduled to have a medical port (for chemo)..and this procedure will take place in about a week or so.  She will be meeting with the oncologist and oncology radiologist soon after that procedure to set up the treatment plan which will begin we believe at the end of the month/beginning of May.

Tara & Erik are so appreciative of all the love, prayers, and gifts sent to them.  

Thank you all so much!

Love & Light


Update #3 "I Get Knocked Down...But I Get Up Again! Never Gonna Keep Me Down!"

March 31st, 2022

Hello Friends

Post-Op recovery in progress... The surgeon called with the pathology report...The tumor was very large and was infiltrating, they successfully removed all with clean margins and in process also took four lymph nodes for testing. Unfortunately one of the lymph nodes came back positive for cancer, so the "fight" is still on... Tara & Erik will be meeting with an oncology team within the next week or so to make a plan of action.  We do not know what that will entail as of yet, more than likely some form of radiation, chemo or both?  Once we know, I will give another update.  "We get knocked down...we get up again! Never gonna hold us down!"  

Thank you for continued prayers and good vibes!

Love & Light


March 26th Two Days Post Op

March 26th, 2022

Hi Everyone!  I want to first say \"thanks so much for the prayers and support for my sister!\"  I just spoke with Tara this morning.  She was discharged from the hospital yesterday evening.  She had a good night sleep at home and is feeling good, pain is being managed well. Erik is taking good care of Tara, and the pups are assisting.

Tara also says, \"THANK YOU SO MUCH to all\"!  She has received several cards and flowers and Get Well Wishes, and she appreciates that so much!

Tara thinks they will hear sometime next week about the lymph nodes biopsies that were done during surgery and will find out more about what comes next.

Love & Light


Tara's Surgery

March 25th, 2022

Hello everyone

I just wanted to put a quick update about Tara\'s surgery.  She went in yesterday Thursday March 24th 7:30am CDT for pre-op prep.  The surgery was delayed for a couple of hours so she did not go into surgery until almost 1:30pm.  The surgery took approx. 3.5 hrs.  Tara was pretty sick from the anesthesia.  I spoke with Erik when they were moving her to her room.  He said her pain is being managed well.  She was pretty \"groggy\" and they were hoping she would get some good rest overnight in the hospital.  That is the extent of what I know. I will get another update on here once I have a chance to speak with Tara, hopefully later today.

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support!

Love & Light


Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.