USD $5,000
USD $1,120
Campaign funds will be received by Harmony Roundy
My mom has been suffering from chronic and consistent pain for as long as I can remember. Neck, foot, knee, head, and especially and always: back. She currently has a combination of advanced arthritis, degenerative disk disease, and scoliosis in her back. She's tried many things, but ultimately all that the Western, insurance-covered, medical establishment can offer her are: pain management drugs and surgery.
She's already had surgeries on her feet and toes, an ankle, and a knee replacement, but though she's been recommended for and even scheduled for back surgery, she has never gone through with it due to various concerns and legitimate fears about its efficacy; founded both in statistics and in her own experience with these previous surgeries. Her feet, ankles, and toes continue to give her trouble and be weak, and her knee replacement was incredibly difficult with an extremely long recovery period, did not even relieve her pain but tragically made it worse, and even more tragically, because it left her with completely different length legs, has caused an exponential increase in her lower back pain, which is now at levels she's never before experienced.
She's no longer eligible for shots, her pain management drugs are no longer sufficient, and the only solution being offered to her by her doctors is surgery which only has a 30% chance of success and which ironically requires her to get off of her pain medication that while insufficient is at least providing some relief. In other words- her situation feels impossible and bleak.
There are some promising solutions for relief outside of allopathic medicine, but of course, as we all know, these are not covered by insurance and cost more than my parents can afford right now. She's interested in decompression, stem-cell therapy, and even simple at-home relief options like a decompression table, grounding sheets, and mineral testing and supplementation. She would try anything with promise if only she had the funds to do so.
Her pain has become all-consuming and completely debilitating. She spends almost all her time now in bed. She is barely able to function. Even taking a shower or bath and getting dressed has become an almost insurmountable task. As you can imagine, this impossible and seemingly hopeless situation has deeply affected her mental and emotional health. This is no way to live, and it obviously comes with the devastating secondary effect of diminishing her will and desire to live. But the two little boys in that picture, and the rest of her children and grandchildren, very much want her to live; and not to live like this, but to live well and live long. We want her to be able to continue to be the highlight of these little boy's weeks, to let them put stickers on her cheeks, read them stories, and make them giggle like no one else can. At 64 she could have another 20+ years ahead of her, though 20+ more years like this understandably has little appeal for her.
The long and short of it is- she needs your help. We’ve been praying for her relief for years but God hasn’t taken away her pain. Maybe that’s so God could give you an opportunity to be his hands on earth. As a leader in my church has said, “Prayers are answered … most of the time … by God using other people. Well, I pray that he’ll use us. I pray that we’ll be the answer to people’s prayers.”
Any amount you can donate to help her access alternative solutions will be greatly appreciated and bring her closer to a life she can be excited about again. Thank you for anything you can do.
(Please also feel free to share any possible solutions you know of that might help her.)
We do hope that you find relief from the pain. We send our love, and prayers for healing.
Prayers for your mom!
I know how frustrating and difficult chronic conditions are. I wish you all the best and hope you can find answers! I will keep you in my prayers!
Praying that you can find healing!
God bless you and may He answer your prayers for relief of your terrible pain. I am praying for you. You are loved , I can tell from the words written here.
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