USD $3,210
Campaign funds will be received by Chelsea Weyer
After 5 months of managing her pain and condition worsening , we’re faced with an ER visit and Chelsea back to square one . Please do whatever you can to help support us on this next phase of her healing journey.
My wife Chelsea , and mother of our three children , has received a scary diagnosis from the doctor .
She was told she has liver disease , and some concerning issues going on with her gallbladder, including stones , an infection, and a blocked valve . She is unable to eat any food without being in severe pain, she’s weak, disoriented and physically exhausted from the discomfort.
With the dr suggesting immediate removal of the gallbladder that didn’t set well with us , if you know us you know we try to do things as natural and holistic as possible.
We are reaching out for help, with prayers, shares , or financial donations. Chelsea isn’t able to work in her condition, up until the diagnosis , she provided child care in our home five days a week, had other online businesses, and also homeschools our children and takes them to all sporting events and extracurricular activities.
We are hoping to raise funds to be able to get second and third opinions, to source out some treatments like red light therapy , ESWL treatment , and anything else we come across that may help her recovery and healing, and for me to be able to take time off work as needed for appointments , treatments , or finding help with the kids care .
Also for Chelsea to be able to focus on healing and not have any other stress related worries , if you know Chelsea , you know how she gives 110% all the time , so this is extremely difficult for her.
When It comes to the one you love , you don’t want money to stop you from saving them.
This has been a complete and utter shock , to myself and my family . We are scared , and reaching out for help. I couldn’t imagine my life without her , and I’m asking for your support in making sure that’s not the case .
Thank you for your time , well wishes , healing energy , and thoughts , and donations .
Prayers for complete healing
Sending all my healing prayers 🙏🏻💖
Get well sista!
Praying for complete healing over your body Chels! And that you and your family feel his physical hands through everyone surrounding you guys!
Looking forward to seeing you guys thriving on the other side of this.
Chelsea & fam- praying for health and healing for you! Keep your spirits up, you've got this 💪
Chelsea, I’m so sorry you and your family are going through this right now! Sending lots of healing prayers your way!! ♥️
Your family is in my prayers , wishing you a speedy recovery .
We are praying for you sweet friend! All your hard work will pay off and you’ll be back to a pain free life filled with caring for your wonderful family, baking sourdough and being a chicken mama in time!
Praying for wisdom from the medical professionals.
I love you so much Chelsea! The strongest, most loving and badass woman out there, you got this. Praying for complete and total healing. And comfort to Tristan and all of the little ones. ❤️
Praying for complete healing! 🩷
I love you sweetheart ❤️
November 18th, 2024
Unfortunately after months of what we thought was a close to full recovery . Chelsea has landed herself back in the ER , with severe abdominal pain and vomiting . At this point , we’re unsure what happens next. It’s going to be a long road , whether Chelsea chooses to go holistic or choose the western medicine route for surgery. Please send prayers , support , keep us in your thoughts , send donations if you can or share this fundraiser . Thank you
June 21st, 2024
Hi there , this is Chelsea .
Unfortunately my body is not done , I’m exhausted , I thought I was on the mend , now it seems like there are issues within still , along with some kidney issues . Please pray, share donate . I need to get back to the holistic dr for treatments and evaluations and unfortunately can’t afford it without your help.
May 30th, 2024
Hello everyone , it’s been two weeks that Chelsea has been out of bed . Shes no longer in constant pain. But the healing journey is still at large . We’re just in the beginning .
All the funds raised so far have been distributed to homeopathic medicines , detoxes, cleanses, a water machine suggested by her holistic Dr , the in person Dr appointment and all lost wages due to Chelsea being bed ridden for two weeks.
The healing journey continues , shes worried we won’t be able to afford in office treatments and appointments to come . Chelsea has picked up her 40+ hour a week child care job to help supplement income . It’s very taxing on her , and she’s getting wore out fast without much time to heal. Please continue to pray, share, donate , send all positive energy vibes and prayers our way.
we have a long road ahead
May 17th, 2024
Well today was eye opening , and pretty terrifying at the same time. Today we went to Chelsea’s first in person holistic dr appointment . That was possible because of you all and your donations and prayers .
Today’s visit costed us $978.62 and this doesn’t include any future visits or future treatments . So we will leave the fundraiser up for continued prayers, shares and donations.
We’ve learned today that we have a long road to go , all tests lead back to serious intestinal issues, gut issues , digestive issues and toxic overload so mix that up , with gallbladder disease and liver disease . We’ve got a pricey healing journey ahead .
We have a game plan, there are natural medicines that have been ordered today to start the healing process with this holistic medicine doctor. We are planning a future appointment with this doctor to do IV treatment , and some kind of alternative non evasive acupuncture treatment as well. There are several other in office treatments, it’s overwhelming, and very expensive, so we’re taking it just a day at a time .
I wanted to come here and give an update because again we couldn’t have gotten this far without your help .
May 10th, 2024
Yesterday Chelsea met with the surgeon ,
He said as of right now he DID NOT want to remove her gallbladder. This is wonderful news. This means with all the prayers and donations made toward holistic healing and all Chelsea’s hard work and efforts are working .
The surgeon went over her results of her most recent ultra sound and blood work. Here’s what he said. The enzyme levels of the blood on the organs are still extremely high because they are diseased . But as of right now , it poses no IMMEDIATE threat. Because the findings on the ultra sound show no more infection, and no more clogged gallbladder. But still show diseases liver and gallbladder.
We will continue the holistic healing , and we will continue the updates , and We are still going to the holistic dr next week.
The fight isn’t over , every day is a new day, and with the help of you all, our amazing friends family and community we are able to continue her holistic healing journey , thank you .
We can not begin to explain how thankful we are for you all ❤️🩹
keep the prayers for healing going
May 9th, 2024
Chelsea had a follow up ultrasound and blood work done yesterday, she was waiting for her doctor to call to give her the results before having me share an update, the doctor still hasn’t called . Which is odd to us , but this is what we do know .
There were MORE stones in her gallbladder on the ultrasound, she could see them,but since her dr hasn’t called that’s all we got .
She also reviewed her blood work in her patient portal , and with the help of some friends who are nurses they were able to specify what we were looking at, and all the organs enzymes levels are dangerously high, what that means we’re not sure.
With your donations , we’ve been able to seek out help via telehealth from a healer , and a holistic doctor , who shared the protocol and products to help her heal naturally one step at a time. We set an appointment for an in person holistic doctor next week. All the products , cleanses , and treatments have been sought out and purchased because of your help. Holistic healing isn’t cheap and we couldn’t do it without you , so thank you.
Thank you so much, with continued donations , we will continue to seek alternative treatments , opinions elsewhere maybe a GI specialist , and healing remedies. Today was a good day for Chelsea , as she was able to eat a few foods without a flare up. But truly it’s one day at a time , and the battle is still going. She’s put up such a good fight so far , I’m so proud of her . And we’re so thankful for you all ❤️🩹
May 5th, 2024
Wow . We are so overwhelmed, and thankful for all of your donations , texts , shares kind words of healing and support .
We were not expecting anything but you all have really showed up for us.
With the donations raised so far we’ve been able to get a liver detox , all the herbs and supplements ingredients and things needed to help chelsea with the first step, breaking down gallstones to free up the blocked valve or “duct” to stop the infection from growing .
Chelsea has successfully passed over 200 stones. The doctor told her she had 2 stones and he wanted to remove her gallbladder . We saved her gallbladder.
With your donations we’ve also been able to seek out advice and protocol from a healer / and a holistic dr , and Chelsea has an appointment on the 16th to go in person to a holistic clinic.
Now that the stones have passed , we’re on to healing her liver disease , we are going to pursue other treatments to continue with her healing.
We will be keeping the fundraiser open in hopes to raise enough money for a water machine to aid in her healing journey.
We will keep all updates going , as we couldn’t have done this without your help. We still have a long journey ahead ❤️🩹
May 4th, 2024
Chelsea was called in to do blood work this morning to check her enzyme levels, the doctor called and hour later , Although they didn’t get worse , they got a tiny bit better but they had asked her to come in for another ultrasound to check on everything. From Chelsea :
Dr wanted to admit me, to get the process started of removing my gallbladder. I refused and walked out of the hospital.
With all your help and donations, I'm going to try a few other detoxes, treatments. And alternatives to heal, before opting out for surgery.
Any more donations made will continue to go toward my healing . More opinions and other doctors etc.
If you would like to donate or share know we appreciate you so much
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