USD $7,000
USD $880
Campaign funds will be received by Katherine Day
Hello everyone,
My father was hospitalized with a stroke after he was diagnosed with Covid. He also has had massive vomiting fits and a paralyzed vocal chord that may need surgery. He is the only one who works and is able to drive. As a result, he has not been able to work or drive (and he might not be to do so ever again). We are drowning in bills and we still need to buy food and other products including hygiene products and need money for transportation. Any financial help and prayers that you can give is greatly appreciated.
Thank you and God Bless.
* The picture is from my 2019 high school graduation. This was the photo I could find with all of us in it. It was a happier day that day.
Keep getting better, Kevin. Thinking of you and your family.
Prayers coming too!
Prayers coming too!
Kevin i hope you are doing better and your family is alright
Praying for Kevin and his family. May God heal Kevin, guide the doctors and protect the family during this trying season. In Jesus name Amen
Prayers coming too!
Sending you lots of healing energy from Australia. Please wake up soon Kevin.
I can't even express how awful I feel for your family. I hope your dad wakes up and gets to come home to you - we're certainly missing him in ESO right about now.
I have not yet had the pleasure to meet your dad, as I also work at Luxottica. However, I've heard he is a very kind man, with a HUGE heart. As soon as he recovers and is back to work, I'm going to make a point to meet him. I look forward to that day and have faith it will be here soon! Keeping your dad and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
Sending love from luxottica. Your absence is noticed and you are missed.
AKA Master Kirby from game. Get well soon brother!!! We will be here when you get back on your feet. We are missing you and have you in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Much Love you you and your Family!
I'm so sorry to hear this. Your family is in my prayers.
Get better, hope to see you back in the game soon.
Trust in God.
Prayers coming too!
November 22nd, 2024
Its been a while since the last update. He is doing much better now, but still a long road ahead. He is in a different place now, is stable, and doing better in a long-term care facility.
As for the rest of us, we are trying to hold on. Still struggling financially because we are running out of resources. There is a massive amount of strain on everyone. We are grateful for any help that has been given and any help that can be given in the future is appreciated. Keep praying! It is working! :)
September 12th, 2024
A third update: My father is suffering from bed sores that have gotten so severe on his backside and heels – he had to have surgery. He already had a stroke and cardiac arrest back in July. He has not been able to breathe on his own without the aid of a machine yet. We have witnessed him open his eyes, blink when his eyes are closed, move his mouth, respond to movement and voice, he has made audible sounds, and moves his legs and torso at times. He knows when we are there and has tears when we have to leave. Please keep praying for his healing and full recovery and for us. We might not be able to visit him again because we are financially broke right now - trying to keep the house, pay overdue bills, and straighten medical bills out. Please pray for this too. Share this link with others. We are really grateful for any amount of help given. Thank you all so much.
August 18th, 2024
Another update: A lot of stuff has happened. He did move his right hand and foot at least once. He can open and close his eyes now, but it isn't very often that he does so. His pupils are delayed in their reaction to light. He has had a tracheotomy and the peg tube surgery for a feeding tube to be in his stomach. He still has the vent to help him breathe, but he can go 10 minutes without the ventilator before they have to put it back on again. He will need various types of therapy - cognition, physical, occupational, speech, swallowing (when appropriate), walking, and standing. Keep praying to God for a full recovery.
Sadly, the mortgage is now past due and is going up by at least $300 in two months (if we don't lose the house first). The bills are still way past overdue - the water and the electricity especially. We are trying to find work - even if hired, we will not able be paid before August ends.
We want to thank you for your help so far and we thank you for any more help you provide in the future. If you haven't already, please share this link with others.
August 5th, 2024
There were more complications that has happened since the start of this fundraiser. He has suffered from cardiac arrest, but his heart was able to be restarted. He has blood flow to all his body, he can breathe on a breathing vent, and he is on a feeding tube. Due to lack of oxygen to his brain for about 23 minutes, the higher functions of his brain are swollen - that would be in the frontal lobes. He is not conscious at this time. We are happy that he is not brain dead and he can recover with time. Keep praying to God for a full recovery.
The bills and mortgage are way past due. Some of the bills say they may start disconnection in the next day and the mortgage has to be paid. We want to thank you for you're help so far and we thank you for any help you provide in the future.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.