Support Quin during her 2nd Cancer dx in 2 years


 USD $23,000


 USD $270

Campaign created by Tracy Beavers

Campaign funds will be received by Myra Boatright

Support Quin during her 2nd Cancer dx in 2 years

In March 2023, Quin received a diagnosis of a rare ovarian cancer, specifically Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor. Encapsulated in a tumor, it is unclear whether her age of 17 or potential medical neglect contributed to the tumor being sliced, drained, and released into her abdomen. Regrettably, despite initial certainty, the tumor was malignant. Within days, the 17-year-old Quin faced the daunting decision of harvesting her eggs for potential future children, coping with a cancer diagnosis, and undergoing rigorous chemotherapy. Quin is a Type I Diabetic, diagnosed at age six, necessitating a comprehensive care team including oncologists and endocrinologists. Quin's family was fortunate to find a supportive team in Bentonville, Arkansas. Throughout this period, Quin endured hair loss, weight loss, and the fear of social isolation. Following a year of being cancer-free, a recent CAT scan on November 21st, 2024, has prompted renewed concern. As you can imagine, the strain on the family emotionally and financially is unsurmountable. I refuse to let them struggle and do this alone the second round. Please take a moment to send encouraging words or make a donation. Nothing is too small.

Recent Donations
Jana Stiegman
$ 100.00 USD
13 days ago

The Hays Family
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

We are praying for healing and that God will supply all your needs through Christ Jesus.

Heather Cook
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for Quin and her family!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago


Update #5 Midnight hospital run and possible med flight

December 10th, 2024

Medical Update on Quin

Early this morning, Quin was admitted to the hospital after experiencing severe weakness and pallor. Her oxygen levels were critically low, and a CT scan revealed that her tumor is compressing her lungs, leading to these complications. She is currently stable but the possibility of a med flight to Little Rock still exists. There, specialized teams are ready to provide the specialized care she needs. When I posted the request for prayer, she was being prepped to go, but the fog caused a delay. I am not sure where that particular possibility stands at this moment.

This was supposed to be the day Quin and Laci had planned to fly to Arizona to celebrate Quin's 1-year cancer-free milestone with friends. Please, continue to uphold Quin, and her family, up in prayer.

If you’re able, consider donating to one of the fundraisers or contributing directly to the Boatrights to support them through this crisis.


Thank you for your love and support.        

Update #4 - resting at home

December 1st, 2024

Sorry for the lack of updates. They spent some time waiting....waiting for labs, waiting for a plan, waiting for another blood transfusion...

Quin has been resting comfortably at home yesterday and today. It’s such a relief to recover in the comfort of your own space. Myra has been making sure she’s staying off her feet and taking it easy.

At this point, there’s no new information to share until they receive the lab results, which they are hoping will be ready next week.

As always, The Boatrights are so grateful for your prayers, donations, encouragement, and kindness. Thank you for being part of this journey.


November 26th, 2024


Prayer request...they bumped her surgery up on the schedule and she is beginning surgery now.  They are removing tumors and placing a port in as chemotherapy is most likely happening this time around, too.

Thank you.

Update #2 - (Almost) Emergency Surgery TOMORROW!

November 25th, 2024

Quin, and her family, are traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas for her emergency surgery tomorrow. Please pray for their travel safety and calm. Life up the medical staff that they would be seeing and doing everything they can to get rid of this cancer and to keep her safely on the way to healing, without complications of any kind. Pray that this cancer is very localized, and very treatable. 

Myra, Quin's mom, has done so much for so many people over the years and this is weighing HEAVILY on her as a mother. I cannot imagine being a mother and dealing with (all her children, not just Quin) T1D diagnosis, peanut allergies & significant food sensitivities, a traumatic brain injury, a very serious accident, personal health issues (some very serious) and the 1st cancer diagnosis, as it is, BUT then to have ANOTHER CANCER DIAGOSIS at the 1 year cancer free follow up.  My heart hurts for her. This is just too much for anyone.

Pray. For everything and please consider helping ease the burden of travel expenses and medical expenses. 

Thank you!

Second Diagnosis

November 23rd, 2024

Quin's 1 year follow up to confirm she is still cancer free threw them a cruel curve ball. During her scan a 3 inch abdominal tumor was found. After reviewing the scans, it has been determined that this cancer. AGAIN! 

ALL of her follow-ups since November of 2023 (when she was declared cancer free) have been fantastic. Scans have all been clear as recently as August. To say this was devastating is an understatement.

Please keep this family, especially Quin, in your prayers. They are still in shock.

If you can, please give. They will be traveling between home and their treatment center that is a several hour drive away. This gets super expensive. Gas, food, hotel stays, and sitters for the younger sibling so her mom can care for adds up quickly! (these expenses, in addition to the medical expenses that weren't covered, cost them well over $40,000.00 out of pocket last year, and put them into a huge amount of debt).

Thank you. I will let you know as we know more.    ~Tracy

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.