Support Juanita a servant and succorer of many


 USD $35,000


 USD $9,145

Campaign created by Juanita's Friends T, PB, C & J

Campaign funds will be received by Juanita Vernon

Support Juanita a servant and succorer of many

ABSTRACT (Short & succinct version for your convenience): 43 year-old single woman in need of financial assistance to pursue more vigorous medical care for chronic illness and complications of mycotoxin toxicity (among other compromising infections). She has suffered behind-the-scenes of many for years while continuing to push on herself to serve the LORD and His people but is encountering rapid deterioration that has debilitated her mentally and physically and has prohibited her going out. She is now a shut-in and without resources to curb the degradation let alone find relief and a rebound. As a loyal servant of the Lord Jesus Christ by practice and reputation, and having served the church with her all, holding nothing back, we, her friends, put her before you with request for a collective effort to serve her as one of Christ’s sickbed loved ones. Firstly, please pray for her and secondly, if you’re able with any amount, there is a diversity of ways to give – through this site or check/money order or Zelle – please email kingskitchen14 @ (no spaces) for more information.


Meet Ms. Juanita Vernon! Shh…this is an effort of her friends seeking intervention for our dear sister in her health crisis and unbeknownst to her. (Be assured that ALL gifts will go directly to Juanita for the use intended and solicited.)

Juanita Vernon is a 43-year-old single woman who has walked with the LORD for some 3 decades, living with and serving multiple families while experiencing the cascading of her own health through chronic illness. We are at a point where we are desperate to slow the regression. The last decade especially has seen Juanita reduced from daily physical activity and attendance at every church service and event to where she is house-bound, unable to go out; unable to partake in the normalcies of life. There are a plethora of issues or symptoms at play that encompass her frail condition; among them, chronic fatigue – think extreme fatigue, the kind that makes one cry involuntarily, constant pain and infection, bodily and mental dysfunction with significant memory loss and cognitive decline. She must maintain a very low profile as public exertion taxes the systems of her body (endocrine and nervous systems) resulting in being put out of commission for a lengthy recovery room bound.

Juanita suffers from the ravages of long-term mold toxicity. She was exposed to various molds and mycotoxins most of her life and it has reached toxic levels beyond what her body can filter and detox efficiently. In a word, it has overcome her. She has described it as, Dying from the inside out. Due to the nature of care needed for mycotoxin detoxification, it generally falls outside of the scope of allopathic medicine and requires a more robust holistic integrative approach. If any reading this appeal suffer from chronic health problems you will readily concur that finding a treatment plan is only half the battle; being able to handle the treatment is quite another thing, and so at this point we are pursuing more experienced, more precise care for Juanita with specialists in mycotoxin detoxification and co-infections. So many avenues have been pursued and come up wanting or that could not be maintained for lack of funding or a full-orbed approach to support her body while detoxing the mycotoxins. In short, we are using pistols in a sniper’s battle. We just do not have the means to go the distance she needs. 

The conclusion is that she is in need of funding, especially as travel is involved to the best specialists available on the East Coast (or further? Whatever is permitted by the Lord as we weigh the cost vs. provision). The needs are many, the cost of the specialist center, labs and further testing, medications, supplements, medical supplies, palliative and corrective care, among others. We do not expect instant results but rather to be able to commit and steadily follow an individualized program for her care with a team of doctors and providers who care and will go the distance with her. Her friends are committed to her on the ground to get her where she needs to go and helping her with determining the avenues to pursue from the resources and information gathered through the years. However, we are seeking the Church at large to collectively come together to support her so that we not fall short of pursuing the best care options through to hopeful relief and recovery over the long-term. The point is critical.

We firstly ask for your prayers. She needs care and means to provide for her with direction from the LORD. He that made her and is able to move Heaven and Earth is on His people’s side and we seek to bring His daughter Juanita to your attention that you might be aware of her need and, Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves in the body. (Hebrews 13:3). We go to Him who is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them, crying Abba, Father! behold, she whom thou lovest is sick. (Heb. 7:25, John 11:3) And so we beseech you all in Christ Jesus to join with us in breaking up the roof to lower this sweet sister to our Lord’s feet. For we know that this shall turn to her salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ. At very least, we pray His grace be manifest and sufficient to uphold her in her service to Him, even in suffering cheerfully according to His will.

Even so, if you are moved of the LORD to add tangible support to your prayers, we heartily thank you and give glory to God – For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God…Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift! (2 Corinthians 9:5-15). Any amount, one or more times, will be rejoiced in before God. Please feel free to utilize this site – however, please be advised a small portion is reserved to the payment processor for use of credit card (usually 2.7-2.9%), this is customary of any credit card processor and ALL the rest goes directly to Juanita’s bank account. It is of a surprise nature at this time, but if the Lord brings in funds we wish to direct the site to make the first deposit to her bank account at the end of the year (and subsequent times afterward), at which time we will reveal to her what the Lord has done for her and, Lord willing, offer updates to you. If you prefer another method, please avail yourself of sending a check, money order, or Zelle. Mailed donations will be collected and presented to her at the same time as above (cards are welcome too!). To send via mail please email kingskitchen14 @ (no spaces) for instructions.

Thank you for your consideration in helping this godly sister to continue to serve her Lord with gladness as she seeks means she desperately needs, but of which is beyond any one entity to provide, humanly speaking.

NOW, to give you more INFORMATION into who Juanita is and her testimony of commitment to the Lord Jesus:

  • Juanita is the oldest of 11 children and has never shied away from hard work. She has served other families her whole life, desiring her own but resting in His will for her, accepting this “no” or “not yet” answer with a beautifully submissive heart.
  • Juanita currently lives with an elder’s family in her conservative presbyterian church of whom she is greatly blessed and is also able to help support them in their ministry. Her greatest desire is to be able to serve the LORD in whatever capacity He would have her do so. One such dual blessing-service is caring for the toddler in the home. This is a dream come true for Juanita who is Tante Wi to the now bubbling toddler. This little life has added so much joy to Juanita’s life and spirit and one of the main reasons we solicit your help that she might be given strength to continue on in her investment in this eternal soul. Juanita rests every day in rocking the baby and she naps on her lap. The picture above shows this daily occurrence as well as our sickly Juanita being comforted by this gift.
  • Juanita has a servant’s heart and often suffers silently. This results in many folks completely unaware of the extent and extremity of her daily bodily suffering. But she is still pushing herself to be a light to those around her, even witnessing to neighbors, making meals for others in need in the Church, sending out flowers and gifts (some hand-crocheted) to cheer the sick and bereaved, loving on the little one in the home, and being a friend to others. This is a Christ-centered woman who is truly suffering with Christ and bearing her crosses beautifully and exemplarily for His glory, bearing witness to the truth that though her outer man is decaying and perishing, her inner man is being renewed day by day. She is a woman who daily sees and focuses upon the unseen and her life manifests a vision of far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory that awaits her. She is a Christ-like example, giving herself even when she has nothing left to give. She is that widow’s cruse, empty, but continuing to pour out oil to serve and comfort others. She is a true and biblical example of a woman throwing in her two mites, her whole living, her all, spending and being spent for the King.
  • Her close friends have watched her decline and have endeavored to help her as well as we can, but this latest crisis point is faster and bigger than we are able to manage for her. This has included the diminution of her mind and mental acuity to levels of daily error and oversight which at points threaten danger or difficult or devastating results all due to a mind losing its grip. That is why we are putting this appeal out on her behalf. She would never want to burden others with her needs. But we, her friends, are asking for her. She truly needs the help. Would you please consider helping her?
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
4 months ago

Ma She La
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Sent with many prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

a little sparrow
$ 15.00 USD
11 months ago

Psalm 84

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 3000.00 USD
1 year ago

Evan and Julia Mc Kenzie
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 60.00 USD
1 year ago

May the Lord be near to you and give you all that you need also for your physical needs.

a little sparrow
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

Psalm 84

John and Charlene King
$ 1000.00 USD
1 year ago

Sister in Christ
$ 15.00 USD
1 year ago

Many hands make light work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #3

October 31st, 2024

We continue to give God all the glory for how He orchestrates and unfolds providence for us. He is good in all His ways and knows perfectly what we need.

As Juanita continued working with the mold specialist, it became clearer that her body was still too weak to begin the detox process. Something else was needed. She began working with a functional med/chiropractic doctor who confirmed just how depleted her system was. He worked with her for several months trying to get her to a stable place. Seeing that things weren’t progressing as we would hope, he helped confirm that Juanita should look into a doctor who works on healing people at the cellular level - a doctor Juanita had come across months before and felt more and more that this could be the answer. Once everyone was in agreement in pursuing this route, she started with the new doctor - who is able to work virtually with her, which is a huge blessing. They provide a coach who guides her through the 5-month (plus) program of diet, lifestyle changes, and proper supplements, with the crucial oversight of when, how much and how long to rotate detox cycles. She is one month into it, having completed the first phase and is now starting into the actual detox phase. So far, she has not felt much positive change physically, but she remains hopeful that this will provide some relief and real healing. She knows it will take time as her body has been sick for a long time. 

Juanita wants to express how very grateful she is for your continued prayers for her recovery and has been truly overwhelmed at the generosity of the Lord’s people, both far and near, to support and encourage her during this time. May the Lord be pleased to bless all the means to her strengthening and further Kingdom service!

Some ways you can continue to help Juanita:

- Prayer! We can’t ask for this enough. She needs grace for every day.

- Financial support. We did not reach our desired goal, and she still has a long way to go in paying for her care. Please consider posting this on social media and sharing with those you know to get as much support as she can.

Thank you for your support and care!

Update #2

May 23rd, 2024

Update 5/22/24

Thank you to all who have so generously given and are praying for Juanita. She is overwhelmed with gratitude at this provision and praises God for your brotherly love on her behalf.

At present, Juanita is under care of three competent and compassionate medical providers who all agree that she is in rough shape. The course of treatment has become much clearer: it's going to be a long haul and delicate, as it takes almost nothing for her to have setbacks, and we ask your continued prayerful support in means as guided by the Lord. But praise God, we have hope for substantial improvement!

Through your tangible kindnesses, Juanita has been able to purchase some significant home medical devices necessary for her healing, and more are in the pipeline. Her energy is so low that having access to these healing therapies in the home is such an amazing provision!

Please continue to pray that the Lord would bless these means, that He would fetch much glory for Himself not just in the desired end, but also the interim.  

"On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: He hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: But he knoweth the way that I take: When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:9-10

Update #1

February 11th, 2024

Much praise to God to report! Juanita is overwhelmed and supremely grateful in learning of the support she has received and has been able to come under care of a group of doctors in Charleston, SC. The wonderful thing, among others, is that she has been able to do virtual appointments and do tests that are mailed and has only had to go out once to get labs drawn. We have received a lot of encouragement by the thoroughness and expertise of her particular doctor, and he prescribed initial treatments. It was also discovered that Juanita has two active viral infections, including Epstein-Barr Virus. This has been suspected for years, but never caught in active mode in her blood, only large numbers of antibodies which showed increase between lab checks. It's a vicious cycle with this virus and the damage from it alone is extensive. The doctor wants Juanita to undergo IV therapy and after exhausted search and pricing, we have been delighted to find a local provider for this service, not too far from home, a very nice environment and within affordability of the funds raised. We praise the LORD for this - please do praise with us!!! The goal here is to get Juanita's immune system help to battle the viruses and mold - to give her a lift. Currently she has had the lowest level IV and is herxing. We are aligned in assisting her and pursuing several detoxification assistance methods. But she will, Lord willing, receive an infusion every week for the next couple of months. We are scheduling some other therapies out at a distance with hope that these infusions can give her enough lift to be able to leave the house without wiping her out entirely. The household is gathered in for her help and the baby, especially, is feeling the absences of her Tante, when she is unable to move about and is resting in her room. 

Prayer Requests

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