Help For Arianna's Medical Bills


 USD $200,000


 USD $1,460

Campaign created by Gerri Thames

Help For Arianna's Medical Bills

On December 18, 2024, Arianna experienced an unexpected medical emergency, suffering a massive asthma attack. At 20 years old, she was only diagnosed with asthma  a year and a half ago after being mandated to take the covid vaccine or be prevented from completing her CNA clinicals. After experiencing a seizure and loss of breath, Ari was transported from the hospital in Mt. Vernon, IL, to a hospital in St. Louis. At the time I am writing this, she has been intubated and sedated for 20 days (as of 01/07/25), and on an ECMO machine since 12/27/24, with more procedures coming up. Her parents Wayne and Winter have been staying in St. Louis since, staying by her side during visiting hours. Unfortunately, Arianna does not have adequate medical insurance and the hospital bills have already started coming in. The bill for the first night in the hospital alone came in at a whopping $32,000, and of course there will be costs after all of this for any subsequent rehab she may need. Those of you from Mt. Vernon, IL know this family and their contributions and great value and support to the community.

Arianna graduated from Mt. Vernon Township High School in 2023, and just completed her third semester of college, with the goal of becoming a traveling nurse. When not spending time with friends or family, you can typically find Ari reading a novel. Her passion for helping people extends to her job at an assisted living facility where she prioritizes the well being of her clients. Ari is loved by all that cross her path and the outpouring of well wishes received thus far is a true testament to that.

Once Arianna is released from the hospital, doctors say her road to recovery will be challenging and rehab may last only a week or as long as one year. All proceeds will go directly to Ari's mounting medical bills as well as her other financial obligations. If you find it in your hearts to help, pray for this family in their difficult and stressful time, and give as the Lord leads you to. EVERY gift helps, great or small, and ALL prayers are greatly appreciated, because praying isn't the least we can do, it's the most we can do! 

Recent Donations
Lacey C
$ 50.00 USD
14 days ago

$ 50.00 USD
16 days ago

Irene Pearl
$ 75.00 USD
17 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
17 days ago

Kelly Bernard
$ 30.00 USD
28 days ago

Vicki Conley
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Erin P
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers for your whole family.

Lori Baumert - love you g
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

Vicki Conley
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Rebecca Gruen
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for your beautiful daughter

Ashley Sweeten
$ 75.00 USD
1 month ago

Prayers 🙏

Micki Garrison
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Sending my love and prayers to you and your family!

Jennifer Barnett
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Continued prayers & (((HUGS))) for all. May GOD continue to comfort, heal & strengthen you all.

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

🙏 for Ari and family.

$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Praying for complete healing in Jesus Name!

Edna Valdes Realtor
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Standing in agreement for complete healing and wholeness. 💙


Update #2- 39 Days 01/26/25

January 27th, 2025

First, I want to send my deepest thanks for the outpouring of support that we have received from friends, family, and community. When we first made the decision to post Ari's story, we did so with heavy hearts. 

Her situation was something that no parent should have to witness, but there we were, on this Rollercoaster that had short highs and low lows. 

A day of progress would be followed by days of regression for one reason or another. Due to that, I was not able to keep up with the updates as planned, and for that, I apologize.

Today, I come to you all with very promising news. By the grace and mercy of God, Arianna has taken some tremendous strides in the right direction. She is more awake and alert then she has ever been and even began some physical therapy. As of this morning, she was taken completely off of the vent and will remain off of it until tonight (unless she begins to struggle) this is much to the surprise to her medical and respiratory team. I would like to thank those that have made the trip to St. Louis to see Arianna and for those that have found other ways to show support. Arianna does have access to her phone and would love to continue to hear from you all. When she finally was able to turn her phone on, she had over 120+ messages! So amazing!!! Arianna still has a long road to recovery, but she has been fighting since day 1 and we know she will continue to do so. God bless you all…



Update #1

January 11th, 2025

Thank you so much to all who are praying and who have given so far, you are a true blessing to this family! Ari is making progress, praise God! She was taken off of ECMO on 01/08/25. She is still heavily sedated and intubated, but so far responded well to being off of ECMO. Keep the prayers coming, give as you are able, continue sharing this campaign! 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.