Pray Steve keeps his leg after tragic accident


 USD $6,000


 USD $1,100

Campaign created by Estelle Redd

Campaign funds will be received by Estelle Redd

Pray Steve keeps his leg after tragic accident

On Sept. 17, tragedy struck the Gallatin household. When Steve changed to his overalls and slipped his gun into his pocket never dreaming that his gun would go off.  As he climbed out of his truck, his gun went off accidentally blowing a large hole in his leg, the damage to his leg was too great, and they flew him up to Eugene, OR, where they rushed him in surgery. The surgeon inserted a steel rod into the leg to hold the shattered bones in place. After many hours of surgery, the surgeon said that there was nothing more he could do. Steve had a 51% chance of losing his leg, depending on whether or not infection set in.

Steve and Lilly (his wife) are two of the most upbeat, loving Christians you would ever want to meet. They would give the shirt off their backs if you needed them to. They are retired and are on a fixed income. 

Please pray that Steve will be able to save his leg. The doctor told Lilly that he couldn't stand on his leg for about 3-6 months or until the leg heals, to keep it elevated so the leg can reduce the swelling. The shot took most of his skin off in chunks, so there are many surgeries ahead for skin grafting ~ Lord willing.

There is a great need to help out in medical costs for our brother in Christ. Steve is a war veteran.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

My prayers are with you Steve and Lilly! Love you both.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

Know that you and your wife are loved very much!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Prayers going up from the Witchers!

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
4 months ago

May God bless you and keep you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

With Scott’s and my love and prayers!


Steve is facing another surgery

November 15th, 2024

Steve and Lilly went to Eugene for his weekly trip ( 1 hr. each way) to Dr office where they clean out the holes on his leg and insert more silver strips. Only this time the Dr. said it's not progressing as well as expected, so they scheduled another surgery on Mon. the 18th ( this coming Monday)at 5:30 AM ( No, that's  not a typo!!!) to remove the dead skin, clean out the wound and stitch it up, hopefully to make the leg heal faster. About 6 months down the road the Dr. said expect a bone graft, even after all that, he still could lose his leg!

Steve and Lilly are exhausted with having to go Eugene weekly, that's a very painful trip for Steve making his leg stay bent like that for at least an hour up and back, never mind all the cleaning out the dead skin and putting in the silver strips! That trip coupled with having to keep his leg dry all the time and the general discomfort, and pain that Steve feels all the time. Lilly takes on all household duties and cooks. Through it all Steve and Lilly praises the Lord, and has the joy of the Lord in their hearts! Please pray for them on the trip to Eugene and Steve's upcoming surgery, that his diabetes doesn't climb off the charts like it did last time. Also, keep praying that Steve will keep his leg.

Update #3

October 19th, 2024

Steve has to go Eugene every week to the wound care center, to remove dead skin and fill up the deep hole with silver strips. It's a painful process and coupled with having his leg bent for 2 hrs. up to Eugene and 2 hrs. back to Grants Pass makes for a long and painful day. The surgeon says, the infection could start with the inside stitches and it could take 3-4 months to work it's way up to the surface and make itself known. The surgeon also said out of the all  gunshot wounds he has dealt with,  everybody lost their leg due to infection, but one. So please pray that Steve is the second one that gets to keep his leg. The surgeon also said that diet is very important. Your prayers are important and very much appreciated by Steve and Lilly.

Steve's First trip to the doctor

October 6th, 2024

Steve and Lilly went to Eugene.     ( about 2 hrs. from their hometown) for Steve's first doctor visit. The surgeon( his assistant ) took a look at it, and said Steve's not out of the woods yet. He said still stay off the leg , which means bedridden for the time being. Please pray that Steve gets to keep his leg. Steve is in quite a bit of pain still. Pray that his pain is manageable, and he is patient with his healing. Steve and Lilly are so grateful for your prayers and support during this trying time. They couldn't imagine what life would be like without God's people praying for them. Steve is in good spirits  and has the attitude, if God deemed it is necessary to lose his leg, God will see him through it through it. He still faces surgery no matter what happens, if he gets to keep his leg skin grafting are in horizon and that means expensive surgery, and the medical bills are piling up without skin graft, so please help Steve and Lilly with medical costs. Thank you!

Steve's update

September 24th, 2024

Steve is home! Steve has a lot of pain, even though he is glad to be home! 

Prayer Requests

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