Legal Fees and help 4 family fighting 4 freedom


 USD $250,000


 USD $61,990

Campaign created by Rosemarie Westbury

Campaign funds will be received by Rosemarie Westbury

Legal Fees and help 4 family fighting 4 freedom

          First Ammendment, Second Ammendment, fourth Ammendment, Right to Privacy have been ripped away from our peaceful law abiding family. A million people attended January 6th for one purpose, and one purpose only❤ to pray. 

            As soon as Biden became “president”, the FBI began harassing and oppressing the James/Westbury family. This course of conduct was part of the politically charged left’s vindictive plan against Americans who stood by the President during the tumultuous election certification process. The James/Westbury gentlemen are bravely carrying the flag of freedom and democracy to federal court. They need our God-given strength, support, and help.

After being present with thousands of others by the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021, the James/Westburys returned to their home in a quiet town in Minnesota. They had done what the President of the United States requested, with their political activism ending once Pence certified the election. Then, the FBI, under someone’s direction, decided to retaliate.

Initially, the FBI reached out to the Westburys around February 2021 to “talk and ask Jonah Westbury some questions regarding January 6th.” The Westburys knew of the ongoing political battle in the halls of D.C. and decided that the best thing to do was to get an Attorney to speak on their behalf to the FBI. Once they hired an attorney, the FBI not only stopped reaching out, but also went radio silent and did not accept calls or messages from the Westburys or their Attorney.

On April 9, 2021 the FBI obtained a “no-knock warrant” against Jonah Westbury. At 6:30 am the FBI entered the main house with a battering ram and began to clear the house in a close quarter combat style. Clearing the house with fully automatic assault rifles which had combat strobe lights attached to them. They cleared the house room by room. Kicking each door in and pointing these automatic military assault rifles in the face of everyone in the house as they lie in bed in terror. They handcuffed and shackled each member of the house shirtless and barefoot and dragged them outside the house in the middle of a harsh Minnesota late winter.     Jonah rents an apartment attached to the Westbury home that has a separate entrance. Jonah hearing the raucous came out of his apartment. In the initial February 2021 conversation with the FBI; they were informed that Jonah did not live in the main house; but had his own rental unit. Jonah was put in handcuffs and shackles and brought to Minneapolis. He was released the same day.

A few days prior to October 4, 2021, Aaron James and his mother Rosemarie Westbury were at the airport to catch a flight to attend the funeral of the unexpected death of Aaron’s Aunt. However, the FBI, using advanced surveillance technology, knew of the trip and made the TSA question and search the James/Westburys so that they would miss their flight. The family hadn’t realized that there was something wrong until it took over an hour to issue boarding passes, they were issued tickets marked with an “SSFS” on their boarding passes. Unbeknown to the two this is the FBI’s counter terrorism watch list called the selectee list. This was followed by a full body search of person and luggage additional body scans including x-ray and metal detector and swabs for dangerous or prohibited materials. Including being questioned on their travel plans. As well as activation of the security lights and sirens. The process took well over 2 ½ hours. The two travelers missed their flight and were forced to go back home. Knowing that someone or something was messing with their lives. Rosemarie Westbury with no charges brought against her had to endure this humiliating anti-terror screening procedure

Isaac Westbury, the non-violent 19-year-old son who gets random seizures. At 6:00 a.m. on October 4, 2021, was awakened by in excess of twenty-five FBI agents, along with their Armored vehicle equipped with a battering ram, as well as a SWAT team. Using a bull horn and sirens they began shouting orders to the residents of the home, so all the surrounding neighbors were awakened by this gross over-reach. The FBI also began to intimidate the neighbors as they were opening their doors to see what was going on, and to depart for work. The FBI intimidated the neighbors by shining spotlights and yelling at them over the bullhorn and brandishing fully automatic military assault rifles. They screamed at the neighbors to GET BACK IN YOUR HOUSE.  All the residents of the home as they exited were met with flood lights shining in their faces and red dots from lasers attached to fully automatic military assault rifles on their chests The agents seized all electronic devices in the Westbury’s home; later demanding that the James/Westburys get rid of all firearms, ammunition, knives and even to get rid of their antique replica firearms, along with their compound hunting bows.

The FBI dragged Aaron James and the Westbury men, who were in bare feet, stocking feet and flip-flops and half-dressed, out of their home and arrested them. They put them in handcuffs and ankle shackles. A few hours later, in their final act to humiliate and dehumanize these men, the FBI released the James/Westbury men onto the streets of Minneapolis with no phones, no phone call, barefoot and in their pajamas. They were told to return to their home.

The FBI charged Isaac Westbury, age 19, with the catch-all charge of  “Civil Disorder,”  Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon, Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, and the Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings, Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

The middle son, Jonah Westbury, age 26, must, in court, now fight the FBI’s charges of Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building and Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building and Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Capitol Building and Grounds, and Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

Similarly, the oldest son, Aaron James. age 35, has to clear his name of the boilerplate charges of Civil Disorder, Assaulting, Resisting or Impeding Certain Officers Using a Dangerous Weapon, Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds with a Deadly or Dangerous Weapon, Engaging in Physical Violence in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Act of Physical Violence in the Capitol Grounds or Buildings, Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building. These allegations and charges are particularly troublesome because Aaron, a U.S. Navy Veteran who served three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and one tour with the joint operations command seal team 5 counter terrorism operations in the Philippians. Aaron was outside of the capitol attempting to help a citizen on the ground who couldn’t breathe because the capitol hill officers had sprayed him with pepper-mace and caused him to go into respiratory failure, which ultimately led to cardiac arrest. Aaron who was trained as a Fleet Marine Force corpsman “combat medic” was attempting to get to the man to perform CPR and render first aid before he himself was sprayed.

Finally, Robert Westbury, the father, is a 62 year-old who, apart from having had 8 strokes to this day is seen on video praying at the Capitol building demonstrations, was arrested by the FBI and charged with Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds, Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building, Parading, Demonstrating or Picketing in a Capitol Building.

The James/Westbury men’s freedom is in jeopardy as they prepare to head into trial. However, there is much more at stake than just their freedom. OUR freedom hangs in the balance, and, just like many other monumental court cases before this one; things are going to change for the better or worse. We are helping these great Americans who not only did their civic duty, but also have served this nation proudly and honorably in the military and everyday community involvement.

There are people in D.C. selling the illusion of freedom to the neo-liberals, while surreptitiously and menacingly controlling the narrative and the people of this great country. Using intimidation, manipulation via force, and direct systematic oppression, the leftist government keeps coming with a putrid aroma of an early Venezuela or Cuba. This effort, this case, this movement that the James/Westbury gentlemen have embarked on is for God and for Country.

Recent Donations
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

Praying for your family, this is a tragedy what you are going through.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
11 days ago

Good Luck and the Best to you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Tom Francis
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

I hope J-6 becomes a memorial like 9-11. I would say stay strong, but I do not need to say that to you , so I WILL SAY THAT TO YOUR WIFE.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Julie samuelson
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

I pray for your family 3 or 4 times a week. Your family members, in particular, are suffering such an injustice. We must end the so-called Patriot Act, which has become gestapo tactics against our own citizens peacefully protesting, which is their constitutional right.

James Slocum
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Fight on brothers

$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

May God Bless & Guide your Family

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
2 months ago

Our government has persecuted all of the January 6ers. My heart breaks for your family.

Elizabeth Grant
$ 300.00 USD
3 months ago

We are the body supporting each other in times of hardship.

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
4 months ago

Prayers for your family

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

I pray for your family several times a week and met with you in Delano. Department of Injustice going against your Constitutional rights; am praying for true justice.

James Slocum
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Praying for you and all Christians caught up in the J6 persecutions. Hear these words from Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Semper Fi. Praying for you and your family of patriots.

Richard Robinson
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Semper Fi. Even though you were Navy.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying daily for your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Mema in Tampa


Update #37 Continue to endure

August 14th, 2024

As a Nation we are at another crossroad. Will we stand in the face of tyranny,  or will we say ENOUGH. Unfortunately the "powers that be" have ramped up their assault on "we the people" Beloved this is like nothing we have ever experienced. 

We were warned that there would be a strong delusion coming our way. I'm praying people won't succumb to the fakery. 

I listened to Tucker Carlson's most recent interview and was fascinated by his total and utter honesty. The media is steering the narrative....we all know that,  but where oh where are the truthsayers who help us get back on track.🤔 all we like " sheep" have gone astray,  each to his "own way" people doing what's right in their own minds. 

July 13, 2024 there was an attempt on Donald John Trump's's now been a little over a month.... move on, just move on, nothing to see here. Joe Biden has what appears to be full blown dementia...which we've known for years. No problem, sweep it under the rug...nothing to see here. Where are those who represent "we the people" who's in charge 😳

People say, what can we do. Well, we all ask that question. I've been pondering this for some time. I would admonish people to read Mark 14. Pay particular attention to the portion of this chapter where the woman broke the flask of very expensive "nard" she was rebuked by the disciples. Our Lord rebuked them. He said,  Leave her alone " she did what she could" that's the key. Do what you can. Please pray, pray, pray. Write to our beloved J-6 brothers and sisters who are imprisoned. If you are able donate to their givesendgo accounts. Inform people who believe J-6 is done and over,  tell them NO they are proceeding with a vengeance, ready to lock up as many Patriots as possible. 

God has the victory and the devil knows it, he's ramping up his vengeful assaults. Be diligent,  be prepared, get into The Word of God. Don't be deceived. Be wise as a serpent,  gentle as a dove. 

I love you all dearly. May The Lord bless you and keep you, may He make His Face to shine upon you and bring you everlasting peace. 🙏🤺❤️

Trial date is set

June 9th, 2024

After three years of pretrial "supervision" essentially probation, my family has a trial date set for November 18, 2024. I am praying for complete exoneration for all four. Thus far many of our constitutional rights have been trampled. 

FIRST AMENDMENT-The right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for  a redress of grievances.
**Blown to bits.

SECOND AMENDMENT-the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
**We are not to have any "weapons" in our home as contingency of "pretrial release" not even a crossbow.

FOURTH AMENDMENT- The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon "probable cause" the Patriot Act has negated the requirement for "probable cause" in certain circumstances, it allows law enforcement agencies to conduct surveillance and gather information without a warrant or "probable cause." This has been under the guise of combatting terrorism pretending interest in national security, its impact on the Fourth Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures has been profound.
**When the FBI came to our home on April 9, 2021 they came with heavily armed forces to "apprehend" my son Jonah who was charged with 4 misdemeanors. Not only did they break down my front door, they ransacked my home. they confiscated items unrelated to any "crime" that may or may not have been committed. They did not have a list of items or specific area they were to search; I was informed by an FBI agent, that "WE can search anywhere we want on this property" for what? Trump gear, MAGA hats. I tried to reason with them, "My son rents an apartment with a separate entrance", surely the FBI knew that....after all they ARE the FBI after all.

SIXTH AMENDMENT-the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State or district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be confronted with witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor. 
**We have requested a change of venue...many J-6ers have and all have been denied. With all the defendants going before a "jury" trial in Washington DC 100% have been convicted.....doesn't seem very partial to me. what witnesses you may ask....the witnesses are video's no "person" harmed is in our discovery.

EIGHTH AMENDMENT-Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
**As pretrial supervisor comes into my home at a whim, as to the fact that these midwest hunters were demanded to give up any hope of not only enjoying recreation, but also denied the right to put food on the table. They are not allowed to move freely about these United States of America without the "express permission" of their (pretrial supervisor) aka a probation officer

FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT-......No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection the the laws.
**I would dare say we have been denied "equal protection" or for that fact impartiality. Deuteronomy 1:16-17, Deuteronomy 16:18-20, 2 Chronicles 19:5-7, All of these passages point to one thing and one thing only....True justice. (Justice, and only justice, you shall follow.) Judges are given a mandate to refrain from perverting justice, they must not show partiality.

This journey has been the most difficult trials of our lives....but God through all of this, we have seen the hand of God move; time and time again, we don't know the full extent, but we have the hope that is eternal, hope that in all of this we hold dear the promise of our Savior Jesus Christ. Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose."....right now we just don't see it.....

New representation #35

February 14th, 2024

We have new councel and he will be submitting a request for a continuance. We've had a couple really fruitful discussions with new councel. Please continue to pray. God is still on the throne and He will never leave us, never forsake us. 🙏🤺❤️

Trial #34

February 10th, 2024

These four have decided to retain new councel. Status hearing 2/14/2024. Trial was originally continued to 3/4/2024, prior to new councel. Praying the judge will allow for new councel to have adequate time to prepare. Continuance will be requested in the interest of justice. Praying that the judge will be reasonable 

The United States #33

February 10th, 2024

The United States of America 

Isaac Westbury
Aaron James
Robert Westbury
Jonah Westbury

As I looked at this document, it struck me, in a way that I cannot fully explain....the United States of America as the plaintiff. Well what exactly is the (United states) According to Black's Law Dictionary. The term has several meanings. It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in family of nations. It may designate territory over which sovereignty of United states extends, or it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution.  (Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, U.S. Ohio, 324 U.S. 652, 65 S. Ct. 870, 880, 89 L.Ed. 1252)

So I wondered; Does this mean ALL of the states, ALL of the governors, ALL of the people, All of the representatives, united by and under the Constitution coming against this my family?

Well then logically that would mean that "we the people" which includes myself by the way, as well as the defendant are coming against these four (defendants) Well I for one do not agree to come against these four, nor for that matter the majority of those accused for unconstitutional (crimes) concerning January 6th.

What if a multitude of those belonging to "we the people", which can include all magistrates, whether higher or lesser magistrates would unite and request that our names be removed from such egregious unconstitutional allegations against citizens of these (sovereign) collective states, which are united by and under the constitution.

It is my understanding that "All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void: (Marbury vs. Madison. 5 US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, '1803')

The charges stem from (The District of Columbia) which by the way the "Grand Jury" convened to hand out the indictment against these four.

What is the District of Columbia: well again according to  "Blacks Law Dictionary" It is (A territory situated on the Potomac river, and being the seat of government of the United States. It was originally ten miles square, and was composed of portions of Maryland and Virginia ceded by those states to the United States; but in 1846 the tract coming from Virginia was retroceded. Legally it is neither a state nor a territory, but is made subject, by the Constitution, to the exclusive jurisdiction of Congress.) So does that mean that our "representatives" from these United sovereign states are the ones who are actually the plaintiff? Well again, I for one do not agree that my representative in Congress should be complicit in coming against sovereign citizens, with such erroneous unconstitutional allegations. 

Pete Stauber who is our "representative" has stated, to a well trusted source that "The issue of January 6 and those accused is not my business." Well Mr. Stauber, I disagree, you have four citizens in your congressional district who are being accused of various "crimes" being charged by "The United States of America" within the district of Columbia (not a state or territory) Explicitly this (according to the Constitution) is subject to the (exclusive jurisdiction) of Congress, of which sir, you are a member! You sir have an obligation to these four citizens to take an active role in assuring that there is no injustice in this court system, that the allegations are not politically driven, that it is "impartial" and fair. 50% of those accused in the state of Minnesota reside in your congressional district. You Mr. Stauber not only have a duty, but an obligation to be on the forefront of ensuring that these citizens of "The United States" are not being (railroaded) by this tyrannical system.

I admonish all who read this to take a moment and think about what is really going on here. There is truly a bigger picture. It seems as though not only our rights and freedoms are being infringed upon, but our sovereignty. Sovereign citizens in Sovereign states united by and under the Constitution. 

In my humble (just a chubby ol gal from the midwest) opinion, January 6, 2021 was pivitol in many aspects to allowing the infringement of the freedoms of the sovereign citizens of this once great United sovereign states of America. 

Update The United States #33 Image
Reflections #32

January 20th, 2024

As I sit here reflecting on the last three years, fear tries to to envelop me. I must remind myself that the battle belongs to the Lord. James 1:2-3 count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. We covet your prayers during these very trying times.

#31 Upcoming court//The trial

December 27th, 2023

Our trial date has been set for February 12, 2024. barring any unforeseen miracles, we will be heading to Washington DC to face an unprecedented, overwhelming tyrannical system which currently has a 99.4% conviction rate...statistically impossible. As we go to face the impossible; a David and Goliath moment indeed, I am reminded that there were by some estimates millions who showed up on that day. Many like our family felt compelled, called if you will by a force outside human comprehension. We were called to stand in the gap; to make a declaration that many in this nation will not bow down to, nor kowtow to tyranny. We went to lift up the Name of the One True Leader, The One who is worthy of ALL allegiance. Jesus Son of the Living God. Our Lord was exalted, worshipped, praised and glorified on that day. I am calling on those who profess and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to stand, pray and support not only my family, but all who are facing this political persecution. Scripture tells us that it is The Lord who brings the victory...or defeat. one such time of great victory involved a young man named Jonathan. 1 Samuel 14:6 gives us truth in the face of impossible odds. verse 6 Jonathan said to the young man who carried his armor, "Come let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that The Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder The Lord from saving by many or by few.

We answered the call, I make a declaration as an eye witness that there is a great victory that occurred on January 6, 2021. The hordes of were scattered and given notice that those who trust in idols and worship the evil will be brought to true justice. The enemy of our soul wanted a blood bath on that day, but God intervened. My heart grieves that there were 4 who lost their lives on that day, and we honor them. We honor those who lost their lives following that day, and for all who died by suicide, I hold the DOJ, and this Tyrannical system completely responsible for their deaths. Psalm 94 is very clear. Understand, O dullest of people! Fools, when will you be wise? He who planted the ear, does He not hear? He who formed the eye, does He not see? Can wicked rulers be allied with You, those who frame injustice by statute? They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.. But The Lord has become my stronghold, and My God the rock of my refuge. He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness; The Lord our God will wipe them out. I would admonish those who have been caught up in implementing this tyranny to stand against tyranny, to become one who will not take part in this terrible injustice. At times the lesser magistrate must stand against those who's judgement has been clouded by a lust for power and control. Whether or not people believe in God doesn't matter, for God tells us "I am the Lord, and there is no other." Turn to The Lord and be saved! For The Lord declares 'To Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.'

Someone very dear to me gave the following quote to me in my Christmas card. I hope it blesses and encourages each who read this as much as it has for me. 

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man/woman stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man/woman who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself/herself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he/she fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his/her place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt 1910.

God Bless you!! 

Psalm 124

September 9th, 2023

I am reminded of Martin Niemoller's sentiments following WWII. it begins "first they came for....and I did nothing," "Then they came for.... and I did nothing." And on it went until finally. "And then they came for me, and there was no one left to help me." This was the message given to the Protestant church of Germany. Niemoller was open concerning his own early complicity in the beginning of WWII and his eventual change of heart. His powerful words still resonate today. My dear ones, I believe...and it is becoming more apparent that the Jan 6ers are the forerunners. Then this month September 2023 five pro life patriots were convicted in the current kangaroo court system. Mothers and fathers arrested for standing up for their rights as parents. Now in California children can be removed from a home if a child's parent refuses to "acknowledge" a child's delusion as far as gender is concerned. 

We are living in an insane world.....but God!!

Psalm 124 (as it relates to 2024)

Psalm 124:1 If it had not been The Lord who was on our side--let Israel (God's People) now say--2 if it had not been The Lord who was on our side when people rose up against us, 3 then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; 4 then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; 5 then over us would have gone the raging waters. 6 Blessed be The Lord, who has not given us as prey to their teeth!! 7 we have escaped like a bird from the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we have escaped!! 8 Our help is in the name of The Lord, who made heaven and earth.

Our Lord gave His people a period of grace; it was called "The Trump Era." God used a wonderfully flawed man (Donald J. Trump) to show His people a bit of a reprieve before our current state of affairs. However, it has become quite clear that there will be no human solution to stop this madness.....yet we are compelled, even commanded to stand up and speak out for what is right. Niemoller was a leader in the church and recognized that complacency was stunting and even killing the body the true church.

I watched an interview this morning through Gateway Pundit.  Jim Hoff interviewed one of our most courageous and beloved brothers Isaac Yoder. Isaac stood bold and fearless, a true man of God as he spoke truth in that unjust system which convicted him and sentenced him to a year in prison, almost $1600.00 fine and a year parole for having the audacity to go to DC dressed as one of the most beloved forefathers George Washington. No violence was perpetuated by this young man...NONE. Isaac is a strong believer and his faith and trust in our Lord was so evident. If you have an opportunity to listen to that interview you won't be disappointed. Isaac is a husband and father of three young children and yes it will be difficult for all of them; however Isaac made it clear that the heritage and triumph he is giving to his little ones is by far one of the most incredible gifts he can give to them. They will be able to share with their own children how Grandpa Isaac stood in this very (moment in time) against tyranny, as an innocent man; sent to prison, integrity intact, truth on his lips and the strength of our Lord as his guide. (Truly beloved) The truth is what satan meant for evil God meant for good. My family and I consider it a great honor to stand in the ranks of the likes of Isaac Yoder. 

I am beyond grief stricken that the death toll is still climbing for our Jan 6 community. This murderous tyrannical system has claimed another young life. Non-violent 22 year old Nejourde Meachum died two weeks after he was charged with four misdemeanors. I hold this current pretender in the WH and ALL his minions personally responsible for his death. They should all be convicted. My heart aches. I ask The Lord for mercy, mercy, mercy!!! 

Our next court date is set for a status hearing October 26, 2023, then trial date is set for February 12, 2024. My husband and three sons will need much prayer. Please especially keep 21 year old Isaac in your prayers. He and Aaron witnessed and tried to render aid to a dying Roseanne Boyland. A heinous crime was committed that day.....but not by my sons. the death of Roseanne was the complete and total responsibility of the woman L.M. (capitol police). As we watch the Kangaroo court system and complicit judges we cannot help but be concerned. Isaac Yoder had a bench trial; in his mind he felt that there would be at least some chance of justice since a judge should (uphold and apply the law, and shall perform all duties of judicial office fairly and impartially) The judge must be objective and open-minded. NOTHING could be further from the truth is this sham system in DC. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 18 "You shall appoint judges and officers in all your towns that the Lord your God is giving you, according to your tribes, and they shall judge the people with righteous judgement. 19 You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality, and you shall not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and subverts the cause of the righteous. 20 Justice, and only justice, you shall follow, that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your God is giving you."

Justice has been perverted in this once great land. In 2017 more than 200 arrested in DC for attempting to disrupt President Trump's inauguration. The violence was unprecedented fires were started, police were injured in the wake of this horrible violence. The government dropped ALL charges against the rioters. Hundreds of "protesters" gathered outside the White House May of 2020, they surrounded the white house, throwing bricks and bottles, we have been told that some breached the white house, the President's life was threatened. NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING happened to a single one who was there. Yet, a man who was not even in DC on Jan 6 has been thrown in the gulag for 22 YEARS!!! This is insane. Non-violent leader of Oath Keepers given 18 years. Here in Minnesota we all watched as Minneapolis was burned to the ground, looters broke into banks, burned down a police station....where are all the convictions for these acts of violence? Swept under the rug, that's where. We are no longer safe in our homes. The tyrants break in whenever they want. My poor 64 almost 65 year old husband hears the dogs bark as he showers and his immediate thought is...oh no are they coming again? PTSD doesn't come close to describing what our family has and still continues to face every day.

I'm going to call our one FBI agent in particular. His name is Neal. This is a man who professes, Jesus as Lord and Savior. I would admonish him again. One of these fine days you will need to make a decision as to who you serve. Do you serve tyranny and injustice; or do you serve The Lord. No more sitting on the fence. A paycheck and comfy retirement is most definitely not worth marring your relationship with Our Lord. Do what is right, stand for justice. Proverbs 24:11-12.  11 Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. 12 If you say, "Behold, we did not know this,"  does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will He not repay man according to his work?  Make no mistake God does not wink at injustice and tyranny. 

Psalm 123 The Battle belongs to The Lord

September 9th, 2023

For years I've looked at the psalms as it equates to the year. For example psalm 123 gives us insight into the year 2023. Psalm 124 the year 2024.

With 4 short verses psalm 123 pretty much sums up how this year has gone for many of God's people....including us.

Psalm 123:1 To You I (we) lift up my (our) eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens!

2 Behold as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master,  as the eyes of a maidservant to the hand of her mistress,  so our eyes look to The Lord our God,  till He has mercy upon us. 

3 Have mercy upon us   O Lord, have mercy upon us,  for we have had more than enough of contempt.

4 Our soul has had more than enough of the scorn of those who are at ease, of the contempt of the proud. 

God tells us to endure. Yes we must persevere, but to endure through the trials and tribulations speaks of complete and utter dependence on our Lord and Saviour. Waiting and watching. Ever mindful that the battle truly belongs to The Lord. The Lord delights in this. We are His warriors His Hands. I am in awe of the strength that I see in  our J-6 family. I will write more soon. I have much to share,  but family duties are calling. I love each of you more than words can express. Your prayers are palpable ❤️❤️ 🙏🤺❤️

We treasure your prayers 🙏🤺❤️

February 18th, 2023

I want to thank all who continue to keep us in your prayers 🙏🤺❤️. There is a mighty revival taking place....I believe began on January 6, 2021🙏🤺❤️ not just for this nation, but for the whole world. God is faithful beloved ❤️❤️❤️ I witnessed a mighty victory in the spiritual realm J-6. 🙏🤺❤️

Update We treasure your prayers 🙏🤺❤️ Image
Continuing the fight for freedom

February 18th, 2023

I know it's been awhile since I've given an update......with the death of my oldest son Adam David James came a great deal of grief and sorrow. I guess I just needed to be in a place of solitude for a bit. Grief is a strange thing, even with the truest understanding that my son was a strong believer and is now resting in the arms of our Savior, my heart was broken.....almost beyond repair.... but God🙏🤺❤️ God has shown Himself to be faithful and true. 

We continue in this fight against tyranny and a completely unfair " unjustice" system. 

I'm astonished how few people really know what's going on in our nation. How few people know that there were four murders at the January 6th Election Justice Rally in Washington DC. Most know of the agregious murder of Ashli Babbet. But few know of the murder of Roseanne Boyland....two of my sons witnessed her murder. Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greesen. 

Does Congess know...or care about these lives🤔 Does congress have the wherewithall to dig into the true events that happened during this rally🤔 Do we have a nation that has completely given itself over to tyranny, aristocracy and the oligarchy🤔

Continuing the fight for freedom

February 18th, 2023

I know it's been awhile since I've given an update......with the death of my oldest son Adam David James came a great deal of grief and sorrow. I guess I just needed to be in a place of solitude for a bit. Grief is a strange thing, even with the truest understanding that my son was a strong believer and is now resting in the arms of our Savior, my heart was broken.....almost beyond repair.... but God🙏🤺❤️ God has shown Himself to be faithful and true. 

We continue in this fight against tyranny and a completely unfair " unjustice" system. 

I'm astonished how few people really know what's going on in our nation. How few people know that there were four murders at the January 6th Election Justice Rally in Washington DC. Most know of the agregious murder of Ashli Babbet. But few know of the murder of Roseanne Boyland....two of my sons witnessed her murder. Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greesen. 

Does Congess know...or care about these lives🤔 Does congress have the wherewithall to dig into the true events that happened during this rally🤔 Do we have a nation that has completely given itself over to tyranny, aristocracy and the oligarchy🤔

Update Continuing the fight for freedom  Image
Continuing the fight for freedom

February 18th, 2023

I know it's been awhile since I've given an update......with the death of my oldest son Adam David James came a great deal of grief and sorrow. I guess I just needed to be in a place of solitude for a bit. Grief is a strange thing, even with the truest understanding that my son was a strong believer and is now resting in the arms of our Savior, my heart was broken.....almost beyond repair.... but God🙏🤺❤️ God has shown Himself to be faithful and true. 

We continue in this fight against tyranny and a completely unfair " unjustice" system. 

I'm astonished how few people really know what's going on in our nation. How few people know that there were four murders at the January 6th Election Justice Rally in Washington DC. Most know of the agregious murder of Ashli Babbet. But few know of the murder of Roseanne Boyland....two of my sons witnessed her murder. Benjamin Phillips and Kevin Greesen. 

Does Congess know...or care about these lives🤔 Does congress have the wherewithall to dig into the true events that happened during this rally🤔 Do we have a nation that has completely given itself over to tyranny, aristocracy and the oligarchy🤔

Update Continuing the fight for freedom  Image
Still praising God in the midst of chaos

November 12th, 2022

As I reflect on not only the state of my family's lives this past month.....but the state of our nation. The loss of my oldest son,  the turmoil surrounding the mid term "selections" the uncertainty of the economy, it would be easy to lose hope,  to fall into despair, to put the covers over my head and pretend it's all just a horrible nightmare......but God. It is only by the grace of our Lord and Saviour that we are able to endure, we are able to see the Light of Christ in the middle of darkness. Psalm 139:11-12.  11 If I say "surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me" 12 even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

I would encourage anyone who sees this post to read psalm 139. Reflect on this portion of scripture and be encouraged. The enemy will NOT prevail. God has not abandoned His people. 

January 6th was pivotal in the spiritual realm. There was a great victory. A declaration that Jesus Christ is Ruler of ALL nations. We tore down the idols that have been erected in this nation. The battle belongs to The Lord. We trust in Him and Him alone. 

Be encouraged and please continue to pray for our family as we grieve the death of my eldest son Adam David James. Grief is a peculiar kind of sneaks up when you least expect it. 

God bless all who continue to stand in the midst of tyranny. 🙏🤺❤️

Update #23 Praising God in the midst of the storm

October 9th, 2022

The pain and grief that our family is dealing with is beyond anything we have faced thus far in this journey called life......but God. There are wonderful well meaning people who say that " The Lord doesn't give you more than you can handle" well, I beg to differ. We cannot handle this, we cannot possibly muster the strength needed to walk this path set before us. We are all in a place of total reliance on the Strength and Mercy of Our Risen Saviour Jesus Name Above all names....we endure through this trial. We want you all to know what great comfort we have in the love and kindness shown to us by each of you. I am beyond honored to have the privilege of being in The family of God.....God truly does put the lonely in families.

Update #22 Praising God in the midst of the storm

October 8th, 2022

October 5th 2022 brought a victory of sorts for my four champions. After 3 hours in court, we are able to stay with the same attorney. 

Now it is with the heaviest heart that on that same day October 5th 2022 my oldest son Adam David James unexpectedly left us and is walking in glory with our Lord. I don't know how to do this.....but God 🙏🤺❤️ will give us the strength and endurance to go through this horrific trial. 

On this same day my son Gabe's most trusted companion  Flokie (a beautiful black German Shepherd) was hit and killed on October 5th 2022.

Even with all this  I declare  GOD IS ENOUGH!!! With this trial Our Lord is kind and Merciful. 

Please pray for our family as we through this time of extreme grief. 

Update #20 Small Victory

October 1st, 2022

September was here and seemed to be gone in a flash. Aaron remains home on pre-trial supervision. We had a small victory of sorts. 

The judge ordered that "conditions go back to his original order for supervision" Prosecution and Minnesota pre-trial pushed hard to have my Navy boy locked up. Pre-trial Brian James told the judge how "afraid" he was to come back to our home... he requested that the US Marshall come with him, he also wanted the local police to accompany him.🤔 maybe Brian James should consider a different position. If he's "afraid" of 4 Godly men who have NEVER been convicted of a single crime 🧐 Bob a 63 year old multiple stroke victim, Aaron an honorably discharged Navy corpman,  Jonah a young man who would give the shirt off his back to help anyone,  finally Isaac the youngest who is kind, compassionate and filled with The Spirit of God. The judge asked if the US Marshall's have body cams. They don't, but with any interaction between our family and this Brian James we will record. 

All of this nonsense for attending An "Election Justice Rally" 

Court again this next week October 5th for a status hearing. Please dear friends continue to pray.....not just for our family but for ALL who are being subjected to this tyrannical system. Please pray for endurance during these very trying times. Those who are held captive in the gulag are being tortured on a regular basis.😪 when will "we the people" say ENOUGH. 

Thank you to all who have and continue to support our family during this very difficult period in our lives. God Bless  ALL who read this update 🙏🤺❤️

Update #20 Small Victory

October 1st, 2022

September was here and seemed to be gone in a flash. Aaron remains home on pre-trial supervision. We had a small victory of sorts. 

The judge ordered that "conditions go back to his original order for supervision" Prosecution and Minnesota pre-trial pushed hard to have my Navy boy locked up. Pre-trial Brian James told the judge how "afraid" he was to come back to our home... he requested that the US Marshall come with him, he also wanted the local police to accompany him.🤔 maybe Brian James should consider a different position. If he's "afraid" of 4 Godly men who have NEVER been convicted of a single crime 🧐 Bob a 63 year old multiple stroke victim, Aaron an honorably discharged Navy corpman,  Jonah a young man who would give the shirt off his back to help anyone,  finally Isaac the youngest who is kind, compassionate and filled with The Spirit of God. The judge asked if the US Marshall's have body cams. They don't, but with any interaction between our family and this Brian James we will record. 

All of this nonsense for attending An "Election Justice Rally" 

Court again this next week October 5th for a status hearing. Please dear friends continue to pray.....not just for our family but for ALL who are being subjected to this tyrannical system. Please pray for endurance during these very trying times. Those who are held captive in the gulag are being tortured on a regular basis.😪 when will "we the people" say ENOUGH. 

Thank you to all who have and continue to support our family during this very difficult period in our lives. God Bless  ALL who read this update 🙏🤺❤️


August 18th, 2022

We are ever grateful for God's continued grace on our family. Going into this week we were all filled with uncertainty. Although there is still that very real aspect of our lives. We are forever grateful that Aaron is still home. 

There will be another court date on September 12th to further discuss the DA's request for revocation of Aaron's pre-trial release. The judge so far has not been inclined to detain Aaron....that is a HUGE Praise God. Please continue to pray for Judge Contreras that he will hold this office in high esteem; taking his oath of office with the utmost integrity. Deuteronomy 16:18-20 gives a very clear picture of that the duties of a judge should be taken very seriously. 

God bless each and every one who continues to hold us up in prayer 🙏🤺❤️

Update #18 getting the word out

August 10th, 2022

Please please share. My family and I are the forerunners. What's happening to us IS coming to a theater near you. 

The current regime looks like it is now weaponizing the IRS of all things. 🤔 I wonder if they caught wind of average Americans discussing the Boston Tea party. 

The battle belongs to The Lord 🙏🤺❤️

Update #17 Finding hope.

August 7th, 2022

As Aaron continues to find himself facing true government overreach and the threat of incarnation; we find hope first of all in Christ, secondly in an organization called condemned USA.

Our next court date is August 15th. Please pray 🙏🤺❤️

I have the honor of talking with Dinesh D'Suza tomorrow at 11 am. Please tune in to find out updates. 

Update #16 Finding hope.

August 7th, 2022

As Aaron continues to find himself facing true government overreach and the threat of incarnation; we find hope first of all in Christ, secondly in an organization called condemned USA.

Our next court date is August 15th. Please pray 🙏🤺❤️

I have the honor of talking with Dinesh D'Suza tomorrow at 11 am. Please tune in to find out updates. 

Update #15

July 23rd, 2022

We filed our response to the DA and to the honorable Judge Contreras. I believe God will vindicate Aaron James. The charges are frivolous and unwarranted. I continue to pray Deuteronomy 16:18-19. God has demanded that we appoint just judges that will not accept a bribe and will not be partial....but must be impartial. This fight beloved is not just for our little midwest family; but it is for the freedom of all Americans.....maybe it is for the freedom of the entire world. We know that the whole world and all creation belongs to our Lord. King of kings Lord of lords. The Creator of ALL things. 

Beloved we are in a war...but the weapons of our warfare are NOT carnal, but are mighty to the tearing down of strongholds. Hold the line!!! God is the only one who is able to win this battle. We who are on the front lines must remember that as we face this enemy....there are those behind us who we MUST protect. Those who are unable to stand against tyranny, those who are dependent upon us...those who look to the Lord for protection. 

Beloved there is one huge prayer request that I have. There is a 69 year old cancer patient who is on chemo that needs not only your prayers, but your action as well. Pam Hemphill is a citizen journalist who was charged and unfortunately took a plea deal for "picketing and parading" for this horrendous crime judge Royce Lampherth (202-354-3380) Please consider calling his office and voice your outrage at the punishment of a elderly woman who did nothing wrong. he sentenced her to 60 days in federal prison 36 months probation and $500.00 fine. We aught to be SO outraged at this unjust "justice" system. 

Update #12 Current dire situation that our family is facing

July 21st, 2022

As of July 15, 2022 the DOJ has requested the revocation of Aaron James pre-trial release. The phony and unfounded allegations are nothing more that pure intimidation. The DOJ is accusing Aaron of "violating" his terms of pretrial release. 

Aaron has followed all of the pre-trial "supervisors"recommendations including removing from the home a "wooden" 1600 replica musket. Now tyranny is upon us yet again. the "pretrial supervisor from Minnesota" is now saying Aaron has "dangerous weapons" and "refuses dispose of them. The "dangerous weapons" in question are antique civil war era cutlery and sharpening steels with ivory handles. very well could be considered family heirlooms. 

Nowhere in the United States own definition of "firearm, "destructive device" or "other weapon" does it mention cutlery. In fact it prohibits the use of these terms as it relates to the above terms.

Now we are forced to seek legal council from yet another source. This agenda is nothing more than a ploy to completely bankrupt those who have stood so bravely for the freedom of this once great nation.

Update #12 Current dire situation that our family is facing

July 21st, 2022

As of July 15, 2022 the DOJ has requested the revocation of Aaron James pre-trial release. The phony and unfounded allegations are nothing more that pure intimidation. The DOJ is accusing Aaron of "violating" his terms of pretrial release. 

Aaron has followed all of the pre-trial "supervisors"recommendations including removing from the home a "wooden" 1600 replica musket. Now tyranny is upon us yet again. the "pretrial supervisor from Minnesota" is now saying Aaron has "dangerous weapons" and "refuses dispose of them. The "dangerous weapons" in question are antique civil war era cutlery and sharpening steels with ivory handles. very well could be considered family heirlooms. 

Nowhere in the United States own definition of "firearm, "destructive device" or "other weapon" does it mention cutlery. In fact it prohibits the use of these terms as it relates to the above terms.

Now we are forced to seek legal council from yet another source. This agenda is nothing more than a ploy to completely bankrupt those who have stood so bravely for the freedom of this once great nation.

Update #12 Current dire situation that our family is facing

July 21st, 2022

As of July 15, 2022 the DOJ has requested the revocation of Aaron James pre-trial release. The phony and unfounded allegations are nothing more that pure intimidation. The DOJ is accusing Aaron of "violating" his terms of pretrial release. 

Aaron has followed all of the pre-trial "supervisors"recommendations including removing from the home a "wooden" 1600 replica musket. Now tyranny is upon us yet again. the "pretrial supervisor from Minnesota" is now saying Aaron has "dangerous weapons" and "refuses dispose of them. The "dangerous weapons" in question are antique civil war era cutlery and sharpening steels with ivory handles. very well could be considered family heirlooms. 

Nowhere in the United States own definition of "firearm, "destructive device" or "other weapon" does it mention cutlery. In fact it prohibits the use of these terms as it relates to the above terms.

Now we are forced to seek legal council from yet another source. This agenda is nothing more than a ploy to completely bankrupt those who have stood so bravely for the freedom of this once great nation.

Update #11

January 29th, 2022

Update #10

January 29th, 2022

Another "status" hearing is set for Monday 1/31/2022 for Bob, Aaron and Isaac. The never ending saga of government overreach continues. The stress is taking a toll on our lives, however God is Faithful in all circumstances. I\'m beyond grateful that my four facing this giant are not sitting in the gulag. I know there are many of our Patriots whose lives have been devastated as they continue to wait in a dark prison cell for justice. We pray for God to intervene 🙏🤺❤

Update #9

January 2nd, 2022

As I reflect on this past year, it is truly with mixed emotions. My heart aches for my family and the battle in which we currently find ourselves. Yet I am so grateful for the strength God is giving to us. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one who stands with us 🇺🇸 ❤️  not only financially but I know much prayer is going up on our behalf 🙏🤺❤ God has won this war....but we must walk out our part in His plan. To God be ALL Glory Honor and Praise 🙏 

Update #6

December 14th, 2021

Please share this far and wide. Remember beloved, God has already won this battle. Ever, Always,  Only Jesus 🙏🤺❤
Update #6

December 14th, 2021

Please share this far and wide. Remember beloved, God has already won this battle. Ever, Always,  Only Jesus 🙏🤺❤
Update #6

December 14th, 2021

Please share this far and wide. Remember beloved, God has already won this battle. Ever, Always,  Only Jesus 🙏🤺❤
Update #5

November 19th, 2021

We are ALL in this together. We are beyond thankful for each one that first and foremost stands with us in prayer. To God be ALL Glory Honor and Praise. God bless each of you who has blessed us financially. We continue to stand for what's Right, what's Good,  what's Holy and what's True. Please pray that we would continue to persevere.....this is not an easy time for this little family. 
Update #2

November 17th, 2021

Gateway pundit will be having a story tomorrow at 10 am. Please Tune in. Thank you to all who stand with us!!
Update #2

November 17th, 2021

Gateway pundit will be having a story tomorrow at 10 am. Please Tune in. Thank you to all who stand with us!!
Update #2

November 17th, 2021

Gateway pundit will be having a story tomorrow at 10 am. Please Tune in. Thank you to all who stand with us!!
Update #1 God is Good!!

October 30th, 2021

Through these perilous times, God has given each of us true peace which surpasses all understanding. 
For all who support us during these trying times, I send my most heartfelt Thanks, and prayers. For those who wish evil upon us, I pray for your eyes to be opened.
​​​​​​My family is in the midst of a trial of epic proportions. To all who read this, please remember that the media lies.
Remember during the burning and looting that took place in major cities across this nation.....they called the burning and looting, the true assault of our brave police officers "mostly peaceful protests" the buildings were going up in flames behind the reporters.

​​​​​​I don't recognize this once great nation. But we will be great again.... we will overcome, and we will be overcomers. God is in control. I love you all....even those who wish evil upon us. ?

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray that the truth will counter the lies of the lamestream media. My sons DID NOT nor would they EVER attack anyone, especially a police officer. ?
  • Please beloved pray for our political hostages....not just my family, but especially those who are being held captive. Pray that The Lord would comfort them, pray they will be released and completely exonerated In Jesus Mighty Name Amen 🙏 🤺❤
  • Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers;but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. - Psalm 1:1-6

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