 USD $800
 USD $930
Campaign funds will be received by Bethany Whittington
Hello! My name is Bethany Whittington. I am a member of American Heritage Girls looking to achieve my Stars and Stripes award. This award is the pinnacle of the program including benefiting the community through service.
My project aims to serve The Laurel Center, a local non-profit organization located in Winchester, Virginia that is dedicated to intervention, advocacy, and prevention of sexual and domestic violence. The Laurel Center created a safe housing environment for endangered women and children.
My goal is to renovate a section of garden as well as building two raised garden boxes for residents to enjoy during their stay at The Laurel Center. It is my hope that this project, Lord willing, will impact the community involved with The Laurel Center for many years to come.
With your help we can make this project possible. Each donation is greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to consider!
-Bethany Whittington, Troop 7770, Stars and Stripes Candidate
This is such an awesome project Bethany! Really hoping to catch up with you all this coming week and help out on the workday
Blessings as you complete this project
August 10th, 2024
Hey everyone! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your contributions! Because of you this project is already off the ground, our construction day is already coming soon.
It looks like there will also be three box planters built and installed for on the patio of the adjoined cafe that will be opened soon by The Laurel Center. All the donations collected will still be used to benefit The Laurel Center and fund the project.
Thanks again for blessing me with this opportunity to serve. You guys went above and beyond.
-Bethany Whittington
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