USD $4,893
Campaign funds will be received by Josh Young
On August 21st, Josh "Skriptkeeper" Young experienced an unfortunate auto accident for which he was not responsible. As a result, he suffered from two bulging discs, three herniated discs, and one torn disc. Despite the fact that the accident happened while he was on the job, his employer decided to place him on unpaid leave until his doctor clears him to return to work. Recognizing the unfairness of this situation, Josh sought legal counsel to address the unjust treatment he faced at work. However, the legal process is slow-moving, and in the meantime, Josh's financial obligations are rapidly accumulating.
It is important to note that Josh has dedicated countless hours over the past seven years to researching and educating others, selflessly offering his knowledge and expertise without expecting anything in return. Now, during this challenging time, it is our opportunity to come together and show our support for him. Let's rally behind Josh and provide the assistance he needs to overcome this difficult period.
Hope this helps Josh! Smiles1957
Hoping you win your workman comps case. When my husband was alive, we had to fight for his also. TY Skript for doing the good work Patriot.
Skript, You're definitely a man of many talents! I'm grateful the MG SHOW had you on because I'm craving the truth on topics that isn't covered. It's a great balance! Thank you for all the work you have, and continue to do to get the truth out. You're friends in the chat and Kim are wonderful. Have you tried acupuncture? I pole vaulted. The 'top'doctors' told me I had to retire, it healed me. TY
Skript, I believe this is your calling. Hope this helps. Dhal
I was gang stalked by your squad that used guise of Q movement. Your criminal and work as criminal enterprise. You're lucky you didn't get ran over cause the universe wants that for you. You changed a little but you did what you did to me. Gang stalking is serious and you will have to deal with the universe as a result. Next time, will have u sent to the morgue for running criminal enterprise
Praying for you, Josh. Thank you for all you do.
God Bless you Josh. Keep going, you are making a huge difference!
My great father always use to say "little money makes big money" come on guys lets all chip in a little to help Skripter through his challenging times, he deserves our support in everything he does for us to keep us in the loop in a quagmire of this crazy world
i really appreciate all your hard work my dude and I wanna send you money as much as I can.I know it isnt a whole lot,but if enough of us can throw you some bones,itll add up.Ive been following you for minute now.Much love and respect!
Hope this helps you. Happy New Year!
Skripter ~ Happy New Year 2025! You're such a natural in presenting the truth, no one else like you! You have a deep passion, you're a brave warrior and more importantly you are GENUINE with you're unique humour to bring light and laughter. I hope that you do continue doing your shows into the future, you're so very good at it. Marta xo
It's not much but take it with peace in your heart brother, we love you
Keep up the good work, love your style, be successful- we need you !
I wish I could help more. Happy New Year 2025.
Skriptkeeper, wishing you the best.
Merry Christmas Skrippy! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas. Best wishes, Marta xo
Get well. Dhal
Wish I could give you $3000 Script. I'll also be oraying for your injury. God bless you...
Hoping your injuries heal soon. Have a Merry Christmas and God Bless You.
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