USD $15,166
Campaign funds will be received by Jessica Smith
On Saturday morning, February 1st, Joel, Kaylee, and Emmaleigh were involved in a freak ice fishing accident, which left the three of them with some serious burns to their faces and hands. All three are doing well and recovering in Boston currently. As of right now we aren’t fully sure what recovery is going to look like or how long it’s going to take. I wanted to start a fund for them as they will be missing work and will be in Boston for as long as needed. We appreciate anyone who is able to help financially, but if you’re not please keep them in your prayers. We are so thankful for the staff at both Brattleboro and Boston hospitals for their top notch care.
Thank you!
from you neighbors in Cotton Mill Hill, we wish everyone a speedy recovery. Stay strong, healing takes a lot of time and energy for everyone.
We read your story in The Deerfield Valley News and hope you are doing better.
wishing you all the best in your recovery
Send our love and prayers for healing!
Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery ❤️🩹
Wishing your family all a speedy recovery. ❤️🩹
Praying for speedy recovery for all!
Sending love and strength to you all. I love you!
I’m so sorry you sweet girls had to go through this. Praying for you sweet girls
God bless you!
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I wish I could do more.
My God heal, protect and bless you as a family. And may the love of Christ Jesus always enrich your lives. We are praying for and with you. In Christ, Your Neighbours on First Level.
February 11th, 2025
Update from Erica
The toasters are attempting school today 🥹dad and I are staying available and close by if they change their mind, but they seem pretty excited. All of this happened so fast I feel dizzy, happy, sad, scared, and delighted all at the same time. Wish them luck on the first day back!
February 10th, 2025
Update from Erica-
Toaster update!!! We just got back from Boston. The girls continue to heal super well and fast! Kaylee still has to have bandages but I am able to change them. Joel’s bandages came off today but he’s still not fully healed. He and Kaylee go back to Boston next Wednesday for hopefully the last time for a while! What a wild ride this week has been and I am so glad my family is healing great. I’m also so glad that we have such an amazing community that has supported us and been looking forward to our updates. Truly, can’t thank you all enough. Love always, Erica and the toasters
February 8th, 2025
Update from Erica-
No more bandages for Emmy! And no more mittens for Kaylee! Back on Monday for another assessment but the progress these two have made have been absolutely astonishing to not only us, but the doctors and nurses too! So proud of my toasters!
February 7th, 2025
Girls update! Their progress is really night and day! We can’t believe it’s been less than a week and the changes they’ve made! Their hands are still pretty burnt, but we are so glad their faces are coming back!
February 6th, 2025
An update from Erica (mom)-
Appointment update on the girls! They did great today. The doctors see so much progress and healing. We have another appointment on Saturday to hopefully take Emmy’s bandages off for the last time! Kaylee will take a little longer for her hands to heal and will be fitted for splints. Their face swelling has gone down almost completely and now the burns are beginning to peel off. Emmy is not a fan of the peeling especially on her lips, but Kaylees face is coming back just as beautiful as ever. I am so proud of these girls and how they’ve handled this week. And the amount of love and support the have from not only family and friends, but strangers and just good people. I have a good feeling that the updates are only going to get better and better!
February 5th, 2025
I really don’t know how to say thank you enough to everyone who’s helped, prayed and donated. I’ve said it before but I’m in utter awe. I am happy to report that the Shepards are home!! They still have a long road ahead and many trips to Boston to go, but they are well on their way to recovery! This fund is going to help them so much with travel expenses, food, supplement loss of income, medical costs and for that I am so grateful! The last thing they need to be worried about is money, and you all are making sure that doesn’t happen! God is so good, we thank Him for surrounding this family with such amazing people. ❤️
February 3rd, 2025
It’s the update we’ve all been waiting for! The girls are good to be discharged! They’ve been so good eating and drinking that they do not have to be hospitalized anymore! They will be going back in the morning for another change and Joel’s appointment so thankfully they have a hotel room with Grammy and grandpa. Then home tomorrow and Wednesday and back Thursday for another change! Thank you all for the continued support and prayers. So glad this is the news we get to share today! Still a long road ahead but we will get there
February 2nd, 2025
We see BLOWN AWAY by all of your generosity! Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts! This is going to alleviate so much of the financial burden so Erica and Joel can focus on the girls and their recovery. Here is the latest update from Erica on their treatment, along with some photos of the girls (warning- it’s hard to see them like this, but we are grateful for amazing pain management)
“Just had our bandage change and cleaning. Emmaleigh had some new formed blisters that needed to be removed and it was quite traumatic so we are resting now. But girls are brave and strong and got the harder part finished.”
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