Shane Jenkins' Expenses


 USD $150,000


 USD $76,350

Campaign created by Ann Dolbee

Campaign funds will be received by Ann Dolbee

Shane Jenkins' Expenses

January 6, 2021 will be a day that is always remembered. Shane Jenkins, a man of dignity, respect and honor, went to D.C. to stand in the gap for all of us. He is a father, a son, a brother, a friend. Most of all, he is an American patriot just like you.

Shane has been held without bond since March 5, 2021. It has been two years since he has been able to hug a loved one, hold their hand or even see them. He has missed two of each of his children’s birthdays, two of every holiday and various celebrations. With the help of patriots across the world, Shane has been able to continue to provide for his family through this unjust time. He has also been able to obtain private counsel.

Shane’s story is unique to say the least. He will be the first person to tell you that he had quite a wild past, but he was saved by the grace of God and truly transformed. You know, some people say that they were transformed, but this man was without a shadow of a doubt transformed. He says he was destined to bust the gates of hell wide open when Jesus stepped in and saved him. Since then, he has been on a mission to spread the word of God, love others where they are in life, and use his experiences as learning lessons for others. He is being the hands and feet of Jesus.

As one loved one said, “If you know Shane, you are blessed. He is the most down to Earth, incredible human one could know. He is an inspiration to all he comes in contact with. He has this demeanor about him that one strives to have. He loves each person as they are, encourages them to be the best version of themselves and he breathes life into them every chance he gets. Shane is stronger than the storm and he will prevail through all of this.” Shane says, “Don’t be afraid to stand up or stand alone, no matter the cost. Have the courage to do what is called of you. It doesn’t matter who is right, it matters what is right. Don’t back down. Don’t give in.”

“Shane always puts others before himself. He is honestly the most selfless person I know,” said a close friend. “Since he has been incarcerated, he has become a person of influence not only to the men on the inside, but to the J6 community. I have personally watched him touch so many lives.” One of Shane’s sons said, “He is the strongest individual I know. He is constantly striving to be the best person he can be. Constantly growing. Constantly adapting. I am so proud to call him my dad.”

What happened to the individuals on January 6, 2021 will go down in history, but those individuals will stand up on the right side of history.
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
4 days ago

Thrilled that you are free! Thanks SO much for the update--we love hearing and delighting in the details after this long wait. We hope you can regroup and flourish. We also hope for redress, but cannot count on that, at least for a while. Your strong spirit should serve you well during this at least somewhat challenging time period. You are not forgotten! Condolences on your loss of Ann.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

So happy that you are free. May God bless you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
7 days ago

Grateful for your release into freedom!

John Ignazio Ciambrano
$ 50.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
7 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
7 days ago


$ 100.00 USD
7 days ago

Shane: I am so glad you are breathing the fresh air of freedom. We the People are, too, but our imprisonment has been different and over decades as you know, also. Our Land is getting freer - hold on, keep praying. Every post I make about J6'ers is release them, hold their captors/imprisoners accountable and reimburse them for all they have lost! President Trump is still working towards 2 and 3.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

God in Heaven, send a Legion of Angels to protect and lift the spirit of Shane and all J prisoners. In the name of the Father, the son and The Holy Ghost.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Inaugural Watch parties are being organized all over. One of the actions Most anticipated is...... We have such hope in so many areas, but J6ers' concerns are out front. For all of us it's hard to wait, so we can hardly imagine how it is for you! You are Not forgotten and have been amazingly strong during this ordeal. Can hardly wait for Jan 20th.

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Lord, please give Shane and all J6 political prisoners the strength to carry on. They’ve endured so much. Praying that a restitution and reparation will be forthcoming from this shame ful government, surely one of the ugliest times of this country’s history.

Joan C
$ 8.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Continuing to pray with renewed anticipation for unfair conviction and many other wrongs to be reversed. For all viewers of this, please read the information on the website and send letters asking your U.S. reps and senators to address the many systemic abuses perpetrated on J6ers. I have given them a letter template so it can be an easy process.

Brother in Christ
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Praying for you, your family and all the J6 political prisoners. May God see you through and may we see justice upon our wicked gov! Peace in mind and heart.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Hi, Shane! We met a few times on visitation day at the D.C. Gulag. You've been in my prayers EVERY DAY and often thought of. I've always viewed you as a very tender soul, but wearing the armor of God as you've been dealing with the trials and tribulations throughout your incarceration and still standing strong. Hope to meet you again someday when this is over which we pray is VERY SOON!

Thomas Connolly
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

God bless you and thank you for being a patriot.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Hang in there! the end is near.

Patricia Parke
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago


1,418 Days to Freedom

February 9th, 2025

Hello everyone, Shane Jenkins here, finally breathing the free air outside of those all-too-familiar prison walls. It's been a surreal journey, one that feels like it could fill a lifetime of stories.

Listening to the inauguration on the radio was a mix of joy and uncertainty for me. Every part of me expected something to go wrong, to prevent DJT from taking office again. The conservative pundits, with their divisive talk about who was violent and who wasn't, didn't help ease my mind. But thank God, President Trump didn't let those voices sway him. He stood firm, and for that, I'm grateful.

1418 days is a long sentence, especially those from January 6th. As I tuned into the inauguration, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. We, the J6 community, played our part in getting 47 re-elected, and it cost us dearly. After his speech, President Trump went to speak to another group of supporters, mentioning that some J6 folks would soon have reason to be very happy. My heart raced, especially when at 6:30pm, an officer came to my cell door. "Jenkins, where were you on January 6th?" he asked. I replied, "You know I was at the Capitol!" He said, "Well, get your stuff; you're leaving!" I thought he was joking until he insisted, "I'm serious, pack what you're taking."

I was released in the wee hours of the morning on January 21, 2025 from FCI Terre Haute in Indiana, and since then, life has been a whirlwind. The trauma of what we've been through is real, and the world felt overwhelming at first. That's why I've been quiet; I needed time to adjust. I've been locked out of my accounts, my license expired, my truck's in the shop, and getting an ID is a bureaucratic nightmare. I felt God was slowing me down, teaching me patience. I withdrew for a bit, but then, my mentor's wife reminded me to pray. I hadn't, and once I did, things began to shift.

I've been blessed to see my children, my brother, and his new grandchild. God has been so good. CHARM Prison Ministry welcomed me back with open arms. However, not all news was good; my dear friend Ann, who managed my GiveSendGo, passed away from cancer just a few weeks prior to my release. Her absence at church the next week was deeply felt. 

There's so much more to share, and I hope you'll keep following these updates. Your prayers and financial support mean the world to me as I work to rebuild my life and that of my children. You've all been such a blessing. Thank you for your love and support. 

Your brother, your friend, your fellow follower of Christ,

Shane Jenkins, Former J6 Hostage

Four Years Later

January 7th, 2025

Today I've been greeted with "Happy Patriots Day" or "Happy January 6th," but I have to be honest, I can't help but feel a profound sorrow rather than joy. Let's be clear: there's nothing "happy" about this day. 

Current Reality:

1,583 defendants across America are facing charges related to January 6th, with 239 still languishing in jail cells.

We mourn four souls lost on that fateful day: Ashli Babbitt, Rosanne Boyland, Kevin Greeson, and Benjamin Phillips. Their families continue to seek justice while battling the false narrative continuously pushed.

Five more individuals were driven to take their own lives under the relentless pressure from our federal government.

While our representatives sit in their cushioned seats, celebrating the certification today, they ignore the cries of their constituents who are suffering. They gloat, they politicize, but they do not act to right these wrongs.

Our Demand:

Recognition for the truth and the sacrifices made.

Restoration of rights and freedoms trampled upon.

Reparations for the injustices faced by those who were there for peaceful protest.

Respect for the memory of those we've lost and those still fighting.

This day will not be "happy" until justice is truly served. Until then, we must remain vigilant, we must continue to fight. We cannot allow this day to be whitewashed into something it's not. We stand for truth, we stand for justice, we stand for America.

God speed, Patriots.

Thanksgiving 2024

November 29th, 2024

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Shane Jenkins here, still behind these walls but feeling the warmth of your support like never before. Today, as we celebrate gratitude, I want to express how deeply thankful I am for each one of you. Your letters, your prayers, and your unwavering support have been a beacon of hope in these trying times.

This Thanksgiving, I'm not just thankful for the upcoming freedom that January promises with our President's return, but also for the incredible community we've built. The victory isn’t just political; it's personal. The donations you've contributed have not only sustained me but have also provided for my children. They're doing well, by the way, thanks to each of you.

Speaking of victories, I've reflected a lot on my own life's journey. A Trump pardon would be phenomenal, but remember, I've already received the ultimate pardon from Jesus Christ back in 2016. That's the victory I carry in my heart every day. Being a J6er is a part of my story, but being chosen by God? That's my identity, my purpose.

In other news, my friend Ann, who has been instrumental in setting up my GiveSendGo, is going through a tough battle with her health. She's fighting with every ounce of strength she has, undergoing treatments that test her limits. Please, take a moment to send prayers and positive vibes her way. She's a warrior, and your support would mean the world to her during this time.

As my own trial here nears its end, I'm trying to imagine what freedom will feel like. It's hard after 45 months, but the thought keeps me pushing forward. This chapter might be closing, but with your support, the next one promises to be brighter.

May this Thanksgiving fill your hearts with joy, peace, and the love of those around you. Enjoy every moment, cherish your loved ones, and remember, there's always a reason to be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

What a Sweet and Wonderful Victory!!!

November 10th, 2024

Greetings to all from Terre Haute, Indiana, AKA Terre Hell. These past few months have been nothing short of nerve-wracking, constantly worrying that something might go wrong—whether a tragedy would derail everything or fraud would overshadow the results. But I stayed up until around 2:30AM when our 47th president gave his victory speech, and at 3:00AM, there I was, tears streaming down my face, doing my happy dance in my 6ft x 10ft cell, with only my cellie and the cockroaches to celebrate with me!

Since March 5, 2021, I’ve been waiting for this. For 44 long months, locked away but holding onto hope. Now, freedom feels closer than ever for me and my fellow J6ers. A new golden age for America is right around the corner. With both the Senate and the House, and a badass president, the future looks brighter than it has in a long time!

I love seeing the support from people like Elon Musk and Dana White. Those epic photos and even the attempts on 47’s life—this ride has been one for the history books. And we lived to see it. Now, the real work begins. We have lives to rebuild and a nation to heal.

To President Donald Trump, congratulations! You are a true warrior, taking hit after hit from the enemy and still moving forward without growing weary. Your quickness to forgive and relentless drive inspire me. I am proud to call you my President and cannot wait for the day I get to shake your hand.

To my friends and loved ones—we’re almost home! God has watched over us, protecting us and our families through these trials. While I am grateful for the lessons this experience has brought, I’m more than ready for it to end. I can't wait to give everyone a Texas-sized hug, to thank you for your love and support, and to celebrate the work ahead of us. Your prayers have kept me strong.

Now, it’s time to see what we can accomplish together through The Real J6 and Stand in the Gap.

See you soon.

God bless,

Shane Jenkins

J6 HOSTAGE #33130-509 (For Now)

Get Out & Vote!

October 31st, 2024

I cast my ballot from federal prison, participating in a process I believe in deeply. Although incarcerated, I’m grateful to be able to engage in our constitutional republic through voting, even from behind bars. Having registered as a DC voter during my 32-month stay in the DC jail, I felt a strong sense of purpose knowing I could have a voice in this pivotal 2024 election.

The right to vote is a significant one, especially for those of us seeking reintegration. We’re citizens and part of this society, with hopes for the future, and it’s only right that we should participate in shaping it. The federal prison population, like so many Americans, overwhelmingly supports Donald J. Trump, a leader who they feel has taken tangible steps for them. Although I don’t expect my vote to change the outcome in DC, it’s about more than one election result—it’s about being part of something larger.

The stakes are high. This election isn’t just about pardons for January 6th or specific policies; it’s about returning power to the people. It’s a call for those in public office to serve us, the American people, with integrity. Politicians must remember they work for us—not for lobbyists, corporate interests, or the military-industrial complex.

I urge each of you to get out and vote. Your participation is vital; our country depends on it now more than ever.

God bless each of you, and God bless America!

Shane Jenkins #33130-509  

J6 Political Hostage

Update Get Out & Vote! Image
Terre Haute update

October 26th, 2024

Hello everyone!

The eagle has landed—or Skullet, whichever you prefer. I’m now in Terre Haute, Indiana. Where exactly that is, I’m still not sure. Maybe Canada? Maybe the North Pole! All I know is that the people here talk funny. ConAir is still a thing and just as unpleasant as ever. For my flights, I was placed back in the dreaded black box. While housed in Oklahoma City, I was in the Special Housing Unit (SHU) due to being labeled a ‘threat to staff and other inmates’ with a ‘Domestic Terrorist (January 6)’ tag placed on me. This is no joke—I have the documents to prove it.

FCI Terre Haute is certainly no gem. It's an old red brick facility, nearly 100 years old and actually condemned. The BOP pays a hefty fine annually to keep it open. The cells were originally built for one man but have been modified to hold two. The water here causes H. Pylori, which can lead to stomach cancer. I’ve read medical records from one of the guys showing this. There are about 300 lawsuits against the BOP regarding this issue, according to word of mouth from inmates, or as I like to call it, “” What I can confirm with my own eyes is a 6' x 10' two-man cell with a serious roach infestation. On my unit, there are 66 cells, 4 phones, 4 showers, and 5 computers intended for 66 people, but now shared by 132 men. I almost forgot to mention there’s no air conditioning. The first few weeks here were in the mid-90s, but it has cooled down since. I’m not complaining, just sharing the reality of BOP life.

On the upside, commissary runs like clockwork here every week. Outside recreation was regular until someone got caught fighting, and another got caught with a knife. Violence is less frequent here compared to other places, which is mildly comforting. When the recreation yard is open, there’s a massive free-weight area that makes the rest of it bearable. The food? I'd rate it a four out of ten, as far as prison food goes—bland, small portions, but the price is right. There is another J6er here, though he wasn’t prosecuted for January 6. His imprisonment stemmed from an investigation unrelated to J6, though it began due to his presence that day.

For those who like to write, my new address is:

Shane Jenkins #33130-509 

FCI Terre Haute 

P.O. Box 33 

Terre Haute, IN 47808 

(Please note: The Real J6 has launched a new greeting card line ensuring the cards meet prison standards and are crafted for those incarcerated. Visit for more details.)

I’ve been receiving books and a wonderful little leather-bound journal with scriptures on each page. I don’t know who has been sending these, but first, thank you so much, whoever you are. Second, please send me a card or letter letting me know what you sent so I can properly thank you. You are too good and too kind to me. Thank you for not forgetting me and for visiting me in prison through your love and acts of kindness.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how far I am from home, and how distant freedom feels—how far home feels. But I am reminded that "whom the Son sets free is free indeed." So, while I may be far from physically free and far from home, mentally and spiritually, I am as free as a bird. I’m working towards physical freedom too. I’m enrolled in a drug program that will guarantee me at least six months in a halfway house, which could put my release around August 2026 at the worst. This doesn’t include my ongoing appeal or account for any potential election results, victories, inauguration, or pardons. I’m covering all my bases. 

Now for a true story from Terre Haute. I sat down at the chow hall table, talking to a gentleman from Wisconsin. We were chatting about Commissary, specifically how they were out of ramen noodles (the staple of prison diets). I started talking in great detail about my idea for a roach trap and how I’d catch all the roaches to make up for the lack of ramen noodles. Now, you don’t have to tell me how gross this topic was, but this is prison! As I’m talking to Mr. Wisconsin, a giant cockroach—or maybe a water bug—crawls up his back and onto his shoulder! Now my topic of conversation doesn’t seem so bad, huh? Right there, in the middle of the chow hall, this giant cockroach is sitting on the man’s shoulder! I half-expected the roach to have an FBI jacket on and for a roach SWAT team to hit me with a flashbang and arrest me for conspiring to murder and eat their roach friends! Instead, there was a lot of squealing, jumping, and running around—then the roach got away. So now I feel like my cell is bugged… literally! If I’m arrested and indicted by the Roach FBI, I’ll be sure to let you all know.

Thanks for reading my update and for putting up with my weird sense of humor. I hope you’re all doing well. May the King's favor shine down on you and your loved ones.

Your friend, 

Shane Jenkins 

J6 Hostage #33130-509 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

December 29th, 2023

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I also wanted to thank you for continuing to support Shane in year three of all this stuff. Because of you, he was able to pay his child support and other expenses that he has. I know he appreciates it very much. Shane has been moved to a place in Louisiana. This will probably be his permanent home for a while. I pray that you are all taking care of yourselves. I pray that 2024 sees many of these people released and back home with their families. 

Thank you again,


Sentencing Update

October 16th, 2023

Hello, everyone! Shane Jenkins here. Reporting live from behind enemy lines here in the DCDOC Gulag. I hope you all are having a wonderful day today. I was sentenced on 10-6-23 and received 84 months. Or 7 years. 7 is the number for completion. Obviously 7 years is too long, however God is King and He is in control. I have 31 months done already. So that leaves 53 in the worst-case scenario. I will be out well before that. During my sentencing I was given the opportunity to address the court. I did so for about 20 minutes, and let me tell you, it was dead silent the whole time. I got to share my testimony. I shared my past; I shared the things that had me bound for most of my life. I cried; others cried, I'm told. I then got to the good part of the story! Getting saved and my experience at Prison Fellowship, my life at CHARM and the transformational power of Christ! I got to talk about how God took my counterfeit lie of a life and gave me one directly from Him. I shared how He began to repair my relationships and mend my heart. Man! What a crazy thing to get to share Christ in my life with a federal court in DC! Wow. It was well received, and the judge took it into consideration. He also looked really strongly on my support letters, the ones my friends, family, and loved ones wrote. He mentioned them several times before I was sentenced, and they played a part in my sentencing no doubt. I'm so thankful for you all, for praying, for your kind messages and your donations.

I will be filing an appeal. The courts here in relation to the Jan 6ers have a 99.6% conviction rate. My attorneys believe that an appeal is the best way to fight these people. So, it will of course cost more $ and that's where I need everyone's help. We have to pay for the appeal. It’s separate from the defense at trial and my sentencing. So, if you all will please pray and consider helping however you can, I would appreciate it. I will be transferred to a federal prison close to my children, that brings me unbridled joy. I cannot wait to see them. Also, my mailing address will be changing. Please keep up with me at or I will update you here. I would love to get a letter from all of you, a note or a card is fine. This has been an amazing, intense and challenging journey. I am so thankful God has allowed me to go through and grow through this. He truly is on the throne! This fight is not over. Please be bold, be brave. Fight this fight with me, do not cede ground to the enemy. Stand In the Gap for those who are asleep or unable to fight. Be a sentry and a protector. I pray that you all have peace in your hearts, wind at your back and sunlight on your face.

Your friend, your brother in Christ, Shane Jenkins Political Prisoner #377186

Upcoming Sentencing

September 10th, 2023

Hello everyone! Shane Jenkins here reporting live from the Gulag or the DC DOC as it’s formally known. We are political prisoners here no matter what anyone says. If we had done the very same thing but been leftists we likely would never have even been arrested and if we had, the charges would have been lowered or dismissed outright. I'm not complaining just stating facts. This suffering means something on a large scale, especially for this nation. It also means a great deal in my personal life.

I want to share with you a conviction I had the other day in Bible study. I heard the question "why do you love God?" And as that sunk into my spirit I began to search and seek an answer. I liken it to a marriage. You love someone because you love them, but the newness can wear off and then why do you love them? Because you know it’s right? Because you are legally bound to them? Because of your children? Because divorce is expensive? I felt convicted because I wondered do I love God because I know it’s right? Because of all he saved me from? Because of what He can do for me or this world? Or do I love God for who He is? And I just hope you can ponder this as I did. Do you go to church for the social club? To see the Joneses and to try to keep up with them? Or do you go to worship and love our magnificent God for who and what He is?

I'm thankful for what God has and has not done for me. I love Him today for who He is in my life. Thank you for reading my rant.

As my sentencing draws near, I am praying for the words to say in court to come from God. I am not seeking mercy, nor will I apologize to a court that is crushing us and does not care. I want my children and my friends and family to know I love them very much. You all mean a great deal to me, yes, you reading this. Praying, asking God to intercede, supporting us in thought and material. I have a great deal to be thankful for.

The "attitude" of an airplane determines its "altitude" and I believe our attitudes determine our altitude as well. Focus on the things above (the heavens) not the things below (earthly). The more I do that the more I realize all of this is but a blink in eternity. I will hold my head high. I will not bow to my judge or the DOJ\FBI but only to Jesus Christ. We will restore America’s sovereignty. We will place God back on the altar of this nation’s heart. God first; God over everything! We all have a role to play. Don't sit in the stands or on the sidelines! I challenge you all to get in the game! Jesus is the coach! God is the owner! Get out there and run the plays! You are the quarterback! Go Cowboys! Beat those stinking Giants! I am so thankful for you all! Love and Peace beyond all understanding in all of your lives in Jesus' name! Shane Jenkins out!

Stand In the Gap

July 1st, 2023

Greetings everyone! Exciting update! Today 7-1-2023 we officially launched Stand In The Gap. Please check it out at www.StandInTheGap.Foundation to get a look at what we are doing. We are going to make an impact and help a lot of people, and I cannot wait to share the testimonies with you. It is a non-profit, we will be helping Jan6ers and Jan6er families, and in the future, we will be broadening that into the public sphere.

A little about me. My sentencing date has been moved to October 6th. The probation people have set my guidelines at 151-188 months. The prosecution will ask for more and we will ask for less. That's 12.5 to 15.5 years. I'm hopeful. I know God is working through all of this, so if God says 100 years, then I'm content with that. I trust Him implicitly. I do have rough days here and there. I was having a rough patch, and God in His awesome way brought me back to my story, my testimony, and it pulled me out of my pity party. How can I be sad when He has never failed me? When He has pulled me through every situation? I can't! So through this fight He has enabled me to start and now Stand In The Gap. I mean I never would've done any of this if I wasn't here! I never would've hooked up with the amazing people I work with and who make up our team at these organizations. God knows what He is doing. I'm so thankful for every one of you who reads these updates. Your encouragement and prayer means so much to me, to all of us. God bless you all. 

Love, Shane Jenkins

Happy 46th Birthday, Shane!

June 4th, 2023

Hello, everyone! Shane Jenkins here. I'm grateful to share an update with you all. Today is a significant day in my life. Today I turn 46 years young. Quite an accomplishment, I must say for someone who never expected to make it to 21. God has kept me and protected me all these years and what a blessing that is. As you may know, I'm scheduled to be sentenced July 28th. I think that will be moved most likely further to September or October. Well, I am looking at easily 12-15 years in federal prison. How do I feel about that? God’s will is what I pray for in my life. If that's how much time I get, I'm sure if I am walking with the Holy Spirit and trusting God, He will have work for me to do for the kingdom, things for me to learn, and lessons for me to grasp in my life and in my relationship with Him, which is the only thing that matters. Look, we are all "doing time" on this rock. Everything will pass away, this is nothing new, nor will there be anything new under the sun. The only thing that matters is my relationship with my Creator. I'm prepared to follow that to the very end. It is my Rock, it’s what keeps me stable, what gives me peace as our country faces so many challenges, as I face down this DC Court system. The world will give you trouble, but Jesus will give you peace.

Psalm 34:17-22

“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of ALL their troubles.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of the ALL.

He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken.

Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned.

The Lord redeems the life of His servants; NONE of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.”

That is comforting. None of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned. He is the refuge, my shelter, my King, my Father, my God. Thank you all for praying. Please continue to be engaged in this fight for Christians must stand and band together and realize the power that God has bestowed upon them. Divided we fall, united we stand. Do not support companies whose ideology opposes yours. Do not spend your $ with them. Support decent, hard-working, American made products. We have a lot of work to do! We have to get our pastors to stop preaching this politically correct sermon. Jesus came to bring the sword. Don't forget that. God bless you all, Shane J.

Happy Mother's Day!

May 15th, 2023

Hello, everyone. Shane Jenkins here reporting live from the DC Gulag. I want to wish all the moms out there a happy Mother's Day. Thank you so much for your love and for the effort you put into raising all of us! Not an easy job. I have had many mothers in my life and I'm so thankful for all of them, my children's mothers especially. They have gone out of their way especially in this situation to allow me to be involved in my babies' lives and to make them available to me. Thank you.

The last few weeks have been tough. Pete Schwartz getting a little over 14 years was hard to swallow. We have the OathKeepers about to be sentenced also and the DOJ is asking for 20+ years for all of them. OathKeepers, Schwartz, and I all have the same judge. I expect to get 10-15 years also. It's a sad reality. However, God is in control, we must not lose sight of that. He WILL have the final say in all of this. Please don't be discouraged. Be encouraged and count it all joy when we encounter trials! Jesus didn't say this was supposed to be easy! I thought, "Man, once you get saved life is all sunshine and butterflies." Wrong :) It's not the trials and storms that make us, it's how we respond to them. How we embrace them and seek to find God and His will in them that matters. What is God doing in this storm!? A whole bunch! There are very exciting announcements to come from TheRealJ6 and something else I can't divulge YET. Stay tuned. Thank you all so much for your prayers, your love, and support. Shane

Post-Trial Update

April 4th, 2023

Hello, everyone. As many of you may know now, we lost in court. Well I say lost, I was found guilty of all counts on the ten count federal indictment. I am looking at probably between 10-15 years in federal prison. Now I need everyone to understand that I am not low, nor am I depressed. I am more focused and encouraged than I have ever been. I told my son the other day, what may look like a loss in the physical isn't always a loss, and it certainly isn't a loss in the spiritual. Everyone loves comebacks in sports. I love comebacks in real life, and Jesus is the King of comebacks. Know that my hope rests in Christ! He will not let me down. I don't doubt His plan at all. If I have growth to do with Him in prison, then let's go! If He has work for me to do, then let's go! I said a long time ago "Send me. I'll go!" Please understand I know some of my actions were less than righteous on January 6th. God and I have dealt with that, and will continue to deal with my heart. I would never profess to be a saint. I'm a sinner saved, not by anything I've done or could ever do, but ONLY by the blood and sacrifice of Christ and God's beautiful grace. I will not stop fighting for my brothers and sisters here for January 6th. I will continue to confess Christ Risen. And I will always stand in the gap for our countrymen and speak from my heart. I love you all so very much and am so thankful for your prayers, for your support, and your treasure. 

I am going to be filing an appeal especially due to the lack of impartiality of the jury pool in DC. I will be appealing the change of venue denial as well. I am not sure how long the appeals process will take or when it will begin, but we will see it through to the very end even if it means to the supreme court.

My sentencing is currently scheduled for July 28th. I expect it will be moved to September and beyond. This fight is far from over. I also want to say how thankful I am for the efforts of Dennis Boyle, Blerina Jasari and Andrew Meck, from the Boyle law firm. They were effective and did all I could've asked for and more. They were a blessing to work with and to watch fight for me. The deck is simply stacked against us.

Please go to and sign up for the newsletter and see who is coming and going from the gulag. See what actions you can take to help us all and help yourselves. We are so thankful for you all. May God bless all you do. 

Trial Starts Tomorrow

March 21st, 2023

After over two years in jail in Washington, DC, Shane will be going to trial tomorrow. Please pray that God's will will be done. Please pray for the potential jury members; that they would be objective, and open and willing to hear Shane's testimony, and to make a unbiased decision. Please pray for Shane's attorneys; that God would give them the wisdom to do the very best for Shane. Please pray for Shane; that he would have strength, rest, honor, and dignity. Thank you for all your support and love. 

682 Days in Jail

January 16th, 2023

Hello, everyone. I hope your new year is off to an amazing start! Mine has been pretty terrific, honestly. We have had some victories here in the Gulag. A few months back we started, and one of the things I have so often heard is, "Shane what can we do to help?" So we started a call to action attempting to have people call, email, and write the mayor and the director of the jail. And people were participating and using their agency to help us. Well, about two weeks ago Congressman Troy E. Nehls came to the jail and we apprised him of our situation regarding visits and religious services, which we hadn't received in two years. So all of you, the people who called, emailed, and wrote with Congressman Nehls, made a change in this place! Just this last week we had religious services on Thursday where we read about Joseph being sold into slavery and put in prison and him forgiving his brothers. Then on Friday we had our first day of visitation! Everyone who has prayed for us, donated, written, called, shared our plight, you all deserve the credit! Victories finally! We are so excited! Thank you. We have heard that Kevin McCarthy is saying they are going to release the 14000+ hours of video footage from the capitol that day! That's huge! This is our year, God willing. Things are shifting.

A couple of scriptures I would like to share are John 16:33. Someone sent me this and I've been chewing on it. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." I read those and I think we expect to have trouble in this life, in this world Jesus said "they did it to me, they will do it to you" and now while I'm the first to admit lots of my troubles are self-inflicted and perhaps some of my actions that occurred on January 6th, I will have to talk to Jesus about and I'm OK with that. I know I love God/Jesus and he says that all things work together for good if you love Him. I believe that even if I messed it up! What the devil meant to destroy me, God will use for His glory! So expect trouble. Know that if you love God it works together for the good of those called to his purpose. Got it. I thank God that I get to be here. I thank God that I get to share this journey with you all. That we can talk about the hard times and celebrate the victories as well. One day this will be over. My oldest son turns 23 on Wednesday, and to think I may get to give him a nice big hug in visitation soon warms my heart. My relationship with my children has grown as a result of this, and I'm thankful for it. I pray you all are active and engaged. We need to elect a new RNC chair and get these investigations going. Please go sign up for the newsletter at It’s free. There is content from myself and other men on there. May God bless you all. SJ

Merry Christmas! Day 658 in prison!

December 23rd, 2022

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. I'm so blessed to have people like all of you who support me and allow me into your lives. I pray this season and this celebration time with your families and loved ones is full of peace and joy. I miss my children and my friends. Some more than others :) I'm teasing. I always cherish sharing with you all. I've been blessed by some people who wanted to help me nurture that part of me, so we started it gives a broader insight into who is here with me in the DCDOC and what is going on with us. They have put a lot of work into it and I'm grateful for them. I also sent out an email to anyone who posted a prayer or donated, so if you see something from theRealJ6, that is me. We aren't asking for funding or money; we are strictly bringing awareness to what is going on with the Jan 6ers here in DC with me.


The ministry I'm apart of back home in Houston is called CHARM Prison Ministry. They just had their annual fundraiser breakfast. I'm sad I missed it. They also had a memorial for my friend Mike Savage, who passed away a few months ago. That made me think about how fragile and how temporary this life is. Please cherish those you have around you.


I've been thinking about our veterans a lot. About how they fight for us. How we fight for this kingdom that we are stewards of. But really if we are believers, our kingdom is in heaven. On the one hand, I want to fight harder because well this is all temporary. Then on the other hand, this isn't even my true home.


I know that we, well, let me say I, have been negligent in my duty to our republic. We have been given dominion over this land and we have allowed Satan to steal it all away from us. It’s time for the Politically Correct Christians to move on. We need people who are willing to speak truth in love but firmly. We just love people to the gates of hell right now. Jesus is not on the altar of this nation’s heart. Nor does this government represent a Christian nation. We are stewards of this field called America. I have to be a better laborer for it and for Jesus. I have focused on me and my walk too much. It’s time to go out and till the earth and make disciples. We have an assignment and purpose and have been given dominion. I can't imagine that God isn't going to put some ministry opportunities in our homes while the family is together. Let's be intentional. Let's be mindful of speaking not when we want to but when God provides that opportunity and when He opens that door. My mentor always says, "Let them ask you what is different about you." You don't have to force the gospel on anyone. If your walk is right, they will ask you.


I hope that everyone is warm and safe and has wonderful food, family, and friends this Christmas. I cannot imagine this will go on too much longer. I truly believe God is going to intervene. We shall see. You all bless me and you are my friends.

Your brother in Christ, Shane Jenkins


Day 608 in Prison!

November 3rd, 2022

Good day to my extended family. To the body of Christ, to my friends, supporters, and yes, even to the nay sayers. What a wonderful thing it is to wake up and to wake up on "this side of Jesus!" One of my pastors, Tommie Anderson, preaches "this side of Jesus!" And I love it. I am so blessed to have you all in my life. Your love and kindness is humbling and comes straight from a Father to a son. You are the conduit, the hands and feet of Christ and I cannot ever thank you enough.


I was reading last night before bed, as I often do, and a miner was talking about how often they are underground and how when they come out of that stinky old mine how the stars blow them away and how much they miss them. I then realized I haven't seen the stars or the moon in over 20 months! One of my favorite experiences as a believer was going camping with some people from our Bible study and we were way out in a campground west of San Antonio. And we could see the Milky Way and the stars were so bright. We were singing songs and I really grasped the greatness of God. To see His handy work and be out in it, by a fire, singing to Him was an amazing thing. I cannot wait to be back under the stars. For now I'm here. Other things I haven't had in 20+months. I haven't hugged my babies. I haven't had a bath. I haven't had a steak or brisket! Being from Texas that's hard. My daughter’s birthday is the 14th, and I am happy and so blessed to say thank you to you all, but her gifts and Christmas are taken care of. Only because of you love for the King of kings, am I able to do that. From His abundance into your life and from your life into mine. You made my children's birthdays and Christmas happen. Kaidence turns 16 on the 14th. I can't believe she's so big. I know this is really personal today but I want to let you all know how you have impacted my life and my family’s life. Thank you so much for your prayers, for the encouragement, for the treasure.


We are still headed for trial. The DOJ saw fit to indict me on the 1512 or obstruction of congress. This will give me more points and give me more time, but it is what it is. Like my friend said "if God allows me to go to prison for ten years, He has work for me there and I trust Him." These people can pile on and throw the book at me but this is temporary. My eternity is secure and that is all that matters. We The People are going to win this fight. There may be dark days ahead, but know this, they will not stop us. This is so much greater than me and has implications that will echo for generations to come, and I'm thankful for my tiny role in it all. You give me strength, you give me hope, you are my King, Jesus. Thank you all for loving Him and for loving me. Thank you for praying and for sharing. I enjoy hearing from you. If you want to write feel free.


Shane Jenkins 377186


1901 E St, SE

Washington DC, 20003


May God bless all you put your hand to! Your friend and brother in Christ. Shane


586 days in Prison!

October 12th, 2022

Happy weekend, patriots and believers. I am so thankful for you all. I need you all to be ready to go vote! Registered, know where to go, who are your candidates and ready to place your vote. I am so thankful and feel like you all are my new extended family. You have no idea how encouraging your thoughts and prayers are. On days I'm down, my friend Ann will send me messages you all post. It is so encouraging knowing people are praying and cheering us on. This week has been a busy one. I was superseded this week with a new felony that carries 20 years in prison. 1512 is the charge "obstruction of congress." Well, I didn't expect them to drop any charges. We also had one of our guys "disappeared". He was taken to the hole, without any disciplinary action. As a pretrial detainee presumed innocent, just taken and dragged out of here and thrown in a cell away from us all. We know this was by order of Deputy Director Patton. So please pray for Jeffrey McKellop. He is our special forces Green Beret and this is what he gets for serving his country faithfully. It is shameful and a disgrace how our government is crushing these men. Robert Gieswein had a small child pass in his family, His name was Wyatt. Please pray for Robert and Wyatt and his family. It breaks my heart to hear that he won't be able to attend the funeral. I share this because this is what we are against. The men here have had parents die since we have been here! These people do not care. Compassion is not in their playbook.


On a brighter note, I was allowed to do an interview on the Cowboy Logic and that went really well. It is a blessing to have some friendly media and people who support us. The vigil outside the jail is still ongoing through the end of the month. It is led by Micki, Ashli Babbitt’s mom. It has been touching to have them out there fighting for us and standing in solidarity. On the 5th, I had been here 19 months and I truly cannot believe it has been that long. I thank you all for standing with us and singing the anthem every night, for considering us worthy of your love and your thoughts and sending treasure and mail our way. You truly have remembered us as if you were in prison with us. Let's use this trial as ammunition to mobilize and engage in our civic duty as a citizen with a new fire. Whether you run for school board or knock on doors for candidates, and approach your pastor about how is our body getting involved with candidates, you have to take action. When we give people our votes they are lent to them to work for us. If they work against us we take those back. We cannot sit on the sidelines any longer. We want to be politically correct and not offend anyone. And we want to love everyone. Well sad to say not everyone goes to heaven. God didn't choose everyone. We have to do a better job of just calling sin sin and saying not in our church, school, community, office building or whatever. So my plea to you all is take a stand and get active. God bless you all! TTYS!

Day 569 in Jail

September 25th, 2022

A message from Shane: 

I get a pamphlet called "The Voice of the Martyrs" and on the cover this week is China, and below China it says, "the privilege of persecution." And, man, it really made me think. I like to say what an honor it is to suffer alongside these men here and it is. But if we are believers, we have to understand that persecution is to be expected. Christ told us that. Not only that but it builds us and it reinforces us and teaches us things. It won't allow me to be stagnant. God is constantly teaching me things in this jail. He is #1! We have several men get sentenced this week. Tim Hale received 48 months , Marshall Neefe got 41 months. The Oath Keepers trial begins Tuesday, so please pray for them. That could be a long 6-8 weeks for them. More trials to come; many are taking plea deals unfortunately. I will not ever take a plea deal. I do not negotiate with terrorists. These people have sought to destroy us. The sad thing is when BLM and Antifa burned cities and killed people and beat police, they were attacking the people of the cities and not the government. The reason the elites are upset is because of the perceived threat that we attacked them. Though untrue, they cannot accept that someone would bring their grievances to their doorstep. So they have set out to crush us. What an honor. This motivates me to seek out corruption and to prune it from this Republic. We, the people of this nation, have trusted and sat back and accepted what "our betters" told us was good and right for us for too long.

We have a book that tells us the way we should walk and the way we should behave. And our nation has not represented that for a long time. With manufactured wars, meddling in other nations' affairs, and who knows what all our agencies have done to us. We know COVID was made political. The lock downs didn't work, there was no science to support them. We know the vaccine was a farce and a hustle. We know they've lied about the harm it has caused people and we now know you are more likely to catch COVID if you're vaxxed and boosted than if you aren't. So what else have these people lied to us about? This persecution has created in me a fiery resolve which I am thankful for. I wouldn't have found it any other way.

There has been a nightly vigil outside the jail for some time now. Ned Lang has played a part in it, as well as Randy and Micki and we are so thankful for them. My son was able to come to the rally they had and attend the vigil. I even got to see my oldest Teyton out the window. First time I've seen him in 20 months. What a blessing. I thank you all for your support. For you love and prayers. For your treasure which I know is hard earned and I can never thank you enough for you donations. People, we are going to win this fight. I'm afraid it is going to get ugly before we do, but do not flinch, do not blink. Stand knowing God goes before us and knowing that He gave us stewardship of this land and sometimes the Shepard has to  stand up for the sheep. May God bless you all. Shane J

546 Days in Jail

September 2nd, 2022

September is upon us, where has the year gone? As I lay in my cell thinking it's been a long road. We are still required to wear a mask outside our cells which causes many of us to stay in our cells even when we have the opportunity to be out. The DOJ continues to use every dirty trick it has in its repertoire. From giving us edited low quality video evidence, withholding evidence, to their stooge sympathizer lawyers some of us end up with who sabotage our cases by taking a knee and withholding evidence and not filing a single motion on our behalf. This truly is a battle of good and evil. It appears as if evil is winning. Many men are about to take plea offers. Pray for them. When faced with an offer of 5 years or the threat of 12-15 years many men make the choice. They want to see their wives and children sooner rather than later and who can blame them? Not me. However there are a handful who will carry on to the end. It does APPEAR evil is winning, but I know the truth. God is fighting for us. We are weakened in our flesh, and tired and need to be held up at times. But we have a good good Father who clears the way for us and leads us to refuge and water, and shelters us from the storm. Some of us will proceed even under the threat of the terrorism enhancement, which in my case would carry 240-360 months or 20-30 years. The truth of what happened is more important than my freedom. The brutality of the MPD and Capitol Police must be exposed. What I witnessed that day was

tragic. Women and elderly people being targeted. People being hit in the head with batons which is a strict no no. It's aggravated assault. Potentially lethal force. People being sprayed, flash banged, and tear gassed for protesting peacefully. Then police forcing people out of the tunnel piling them dangerously on top of each other and throwing a whole pile down the stairs. The piling of people is what I believe led to Roseanne being unconscious and could have killed her or it could have been the female officer of the MPD striking her in the head with a stick as she lay unconscious on the ground. The same female officer who was honored and flown to attend the Super Bowl and awarded all types of honors. Disgraceful. Some of us must go to trial to expose the testimony and lies the officers made in their federal statements which they will likely contradict on the stand like we saw at Mr. Fitzsimmons' trial. So thank you so much for your support and your prayers. We need all the prayers we can get, especially for endurance to see this through. For courage to make the hard choice. We truly love and appreciate you all. I love reading the comments and prayers you all send. Please write if you are inclined. I love hearing from my friends and prayer warriors. You are fighting along side us all. We will prevail if we stay the course. You are wonderful and amazing and I have a huge family now! God bless you all! Shane Jenkins
529 Days in Prison!

August 16th, 2022

A message from Shane:

I want to personally take the time to thank everyone who has supported us with prayer, with words of encouragement and with treasure. You have no idea how it is to read the little quotes that everyone sends. To know someone is offering up prayers on our behalf on my behalf, well, I mean, it's very humbling.

Today my friend Kyle starts his trial. They took him out of here early this morning. I would ask that you all join me in fasting and prayer for him. Marshall Neefe is being sentenced tomorrow, as well, so please keep him lifted up, as well.

We have had our tablets taken , our phones turned off because these people, our jailers, are afraid of Ashli Babbitt's mom and CAPP protesting outside the jail for the last couple of weeks. We can see them from our cells. We flash our cell lights as we sing the anthem, so they can see us. It's been very special to me to write to Micki, Ashli's mom, and to talk with her on the phone. We are all in this together. We are all one big Jan6 family, but we are also citizens of this country and citizens in the Kingdom.

My trial date has been pushed back until March 13th of 2023. 7 months out. Many of the men will be gone to prison or hopefully home by then. The next few months will see some serious changes here and across our nation. We are all excited about the potential for the Red Wave. Its just hard to imagine our elections will go any differently if we haven't gotten rid of voting machines and the mail in ballot issue.

We hope to see a 100 seat sweep in congress and the senate. We also hope to see the FBI exposed for their dark deeds. We pray for courage for whistleblowers to step forward from there and expose what they have done to us and to even Mr. Trump. This is not a time to straddle the fence or play it safe. Today we must live with a spirit of courage and know that its not for us; it's for the future of this nation. Is the salvaging of this Republic worth my livelihood? Worth my job? Worth me being banned from social media or my social club or country club? People have to stand! We have to stand and call out darkness where it stands. We have accommodated it too long. We've allowed it to take hold like a vine and now it's trying to strangle us. I am so grateful for the love, for the courage, and for the generosity you have all shown me. I cannot wait to hopefully meet you all, to sing with you all, to pray with you all, to celebrate here, or in eternity. May God bless all of your families and may He show Himself to you in a greater and more evident way than ever before. Your friend and brother in Christ, Shane Jenkins

Day 517 in jail!

August 4th, 2022

Good evening. Thank you all so much for the amazing wave of love, prayers, and donations that Shane received thanks to the article on Gateway Pundit. It was so awesome to see how many people love Shane and are lifting him up in prayer.  Unfortunately, someone in the neighboring pod in the jail was being extorted for money for access to the iPads, and someone got stabbed. Even though this was not in Shane's pod, Shane's pod got the iPads taken away from them, too. This happened on July 12th! Shane has been limited in calls he can make. Most of my communication has been through other people and their loved ones. Please pray that the tablets would be returned soon. Please pray for Shane's mental and physical health. Thank you so much for everything. 

Day 517 in jail!

August 4th, 2022

Good evening. Thank you all so much for the amazing wave of love, prayers, and donations that Shane received thanks to the article on Gateway Pundit. It was so awesome to see how many people love Shane and are lifting him up in prayer.  Unfortunately, someone in the neighboring pod in the jail was being extorted for money for access to the iPads, and someone got stabbed. Even though this was not in Shane's pod, Shane's pod got the iPads taken away from them, too. This happened on July 12th! Shane has been limited in calls he can make. Most of my communication has been through other people and their loved ones. Please pray that the tablets would be returned soon. Please pray for Shane's mental and physical health. Thank you so much for everything. 

Day 517 in jail!

August 4th, 2022

Good evening. Thank you all so much for the amazing wave of love, prayers, and donations that Shane received thanks to the article on Gateway Pundit. It was so awesome to see how many people love Shane and are lifting him up in prayer.  Unfortunately, someone in the neighboring pod in the jail was being extorted for money for access to the iPads, and someone got stabbed. Even though this was not in Shane's pod, Shane's pod got the iPads taken away from them, too. This happened on July 12th! Shane has been limited in calls he can make. Most of my communication has been through other people and their loved ones. Please pray that the tablets would be returned soon. Please pray for Shane's mental and physical health. Thank you so much for everything. 

Day 494 in DC Gulag

July 12th, 2022

Good morning! I hope everyone who sees this is having a good day. As I sit here in the kitchen, I look out on a beautiful green day. The wind is blowing. The sun is shining. I can feel the air conditioning working to cool the house. It is very pleasant. This is a stark contrast to what Shane and his fellow inmates are seeing and feeling everyday. I wanted to let you all know that the AC in the prison was out for a few days last week. While the temperature in DC is more mild than in Texas, the highest high last week was 88 degrees, it was still miserable in the jail. They can't open the windows to get fresh air! They stay inside most of the day. Most of the prisoners stay in their cells for most of the day. Shane didn't know whether or not this was on purpose, but it wouldn't surprise me. As most of you know, they have suffered horrible conditions. Please continue to pray for Shane. Please reach out to your congressmen and senators and governors. Let them know what our fellow Americans are experiencing at the hands of an American prison. Encourage them to visit the DC jail, as is their right as elected officials. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Shane is so appreciative of your donations and your kind words. He always says, "People are so awesome!" #Justice4J6

An Update from Shane for the 4th of July!

July 1st, 2022

Please continue to pray for the men and me here as you celebrate the 4th of July with friends and families. We are still here 16 months later suffering. Just yesterday I succumbed to my anger after watching the Jan 6 committee and their one-sided, bogus narrative and their lies and tricks all to pursue Donald Trump. Meanwhile we suffer and suffocate in these 12x8ft cells, our children go to bed every night without hugs, stories, and kisses from Daddy. The men have a spirit of depression, suicidal thoughts, some have all but given up. Some are taking plea deals and others are awaiting sentencing. These politicians want to present this theatre and ignore the facts and reality and not take an honest look at the events of that day. I guarantee you if we here put on a January 6th presentation, the American public would be appalled and demand our release. Never the less we trust God's timing and await His justice. This will be the 2nd 4th of July watching the fireworks through the bars here in DC with the men. Soon to be followed by gun shots much like last year. I'm so thankful for your love and support, but we NEED prayer warriors to pray for endurance and for men to feel the comfort and the peace only God can provide in this situation. I am so grateful for you prayers, your time, and your treasure. You have helped us purchase everyone an ESV study Bible here. You are having an impact. Please reach out to your officials and enlighten them to our plight. God bless you all! Peace. Happy 4th of July! 

Memorial Day Tribute from Shane

May 30th, 2022

I want to take a moment and honor the fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. Choosing to fight and serve as protectors of our nation and then laying down their lives serving each and every one of us, they deserve a rigid salute. I feel like we are set on squandering our rights that these brave souls have fought and died so valiantly protecting. It is an absolute must that we be engaged in this ongoing fight. My best friend told me "I just can't do politics." This is absolutely the wrong attitude to live. This has overlapped into every aspect of all of our lives. Whether it is gas prices or inflation, it is impacting each and every one of us. We have been given a garden to tend by God and those who came before us and we are the stewards of it. If we allow it to fall into disrepair then that falls on us. We will pay the price. Our children are being groomed and indoctrinated and it has gone on too long.  We are being taxed without representation. These feckless representatives no longer represent our best interests. We sent 40 billion dollars to the Ukraine , the 4th most corrupt nation in the world and that money will go to support their Azov Brigade. Please google who they are. Our plight remains much the same.

My trial has been set for March 13th, 2023. We remain in our cells 19 hours a day. We are still not allowed to see out families unless they are vaccinated and we are too. They deny us communion and religious services unless we are vaccinated. We continue to have peer driven Bible studies when we are able. There are many trials coming up. Please pray for all of our hearts that they would be prepared for whatever verdict the judges and juries come to. We do not expect impartial judges or juries. It is just what the reality is. We are trusting that God is paying attention and that His will is going to be ultimately done. We do not believe this is by any means over if we are all found guilty. We are literally fighting for the heart and soul of this nation. By we I mean you all.  We need a common sense for the people policy.  We must place God back on the altar of our nation's heart.

I cannot express enough the encouragement that your prayers give me and the other men. It is my favorite thing. Obviously I need your help paying for my legal expenses and taking care of my affairs but prayer is the most important. I love hearing from you all. Please continue to write. Shane Jenkins #377186 CTF 1901 E ST, SE Washington DC 20003 You all are such a blessing thank you so much. Now get on the phone, email, and text everyone of your representatives and tell them of our plight and whatever it is that impacts you most in your daily life. This is no time to sit back and be complacent! God Bless!

Day 447 in Prison

May 26th, 2022

Last week Marjorie Taylor-Greene visited the DC Mayor's office and requested to be allowed to tour the DC DOC jail where we are housed. There have been 2 fentanyl deaths and 3 overdoses in the last few weeks. MTG also wanted to be let in to see us. The very next morning at 6AM my compatriots and I were awoken by 40 masked and tactical gear wearing goons or security officers. They then instructed us to strip to nothing and make clear we had no contraband on us or in us. We were then dressed, and handcuffed and sat in the common area. They then proceeded to destroy our cells for the next 45 minutes. It took me two days to get my cell back together. As a pre-trial detainee, not convicted of a single thing, it upsets me to no end to be awaken to be humiliated. I don't want to complain because I have too much to be thankful for. I just wanted everyone to know that this is not over yet. We are still here. We are still standing every single night to sing the Anthem at 9PM EST. We will persevere. We will endure. We lean not on the physical but on Jesus Christ. We walk not as if it's Saturday and Jesus lay dead in His tomb. We walk as if it is Sunday, Resurrection Day, and He is risen! I cannot express how thankful I am for your prayers, your blessings, and your donations. Thank you so much for your support and your treasure. I cannot wait to get out and for all of this to be behind us. We are all growing so much through this time in our Republic. God bless you! (The previous was from Shane. He told me a little of what happened, but not everything. When I said you didn't tell me all that, he said, I've done this before. I feel worse for people who haven't. They shouldn't deal with this." He has said many times that other people don't deserve this. He doesn't either!!! Thank you for all your prayers and donations!) 

Day 433 in prison!

May 13th, 2022

Good evening, all. The last update I told you that Shane had a court appearance. He did finally get a trial date. Unfortunately, the trial date is March 13, 2023! The judge did give Shane the choice of changing judges and getting a sooner date, but his judge is about the best choice he can ask for. At first, Shane was really down about all this. He seems better this last week. He has been sleeping better. Please pray that something miraculous would happen. I don't know what that would be, but Shane needs a win! Shane appreciates all you well wishes and donations. When I send him your emails and messages, he always says, "People are so good." Thank you! If you would like to write to Shane directly go to and look for his name or write to another J6er. Thank you!

417 Days in Prison

April 26th, 2022

Good evening, all. Tomorrow Shane has another court appearance. For 417 days the courts have delayed and delayed and delayed. Please pray that SOMETHING will happen. Shane is feeling very discouraged today. We have talked about the fact that sometimes you are in a Saturday...meaning when Jesus was in the tomb and the disciples didn't know what was going on. All they could do was wait. He's very tired of waiting. Pray that he would get on a better sleep schedule. He's gotten into the habit of reading really late and sleeping all day. I think he's trying to avoid people. Shane is usually the one who cheers up everyone else. He's having a hard time doing that lately. Thank you so much for praying! Thank you to those of you who have donated. Shane appreciates it so much. 

Happy Easter! Day 409

April 18th, 2022

Several of you heard Shane on Sandy Rios this week and felt led to donate. Thank you so much! He is always blown away by your generosity. From Shane: To every one of you kind people on GiveSendGo, praying, supporting and sharing your treasure with me, thank you so very much. It is humbling, and I pray it is multiplied in your lives a hundred fold. Easter to me represents how everyday for me should be as a believer. Celebration of the victory through Christ who overcame death and did it for us. Too often I seem to sin and force Christ back on the cross and that's a bad place for any of us to be. With every sin I feel like I'm the one scourging Jesus or nailing His bloodied body to the cross. We cannot walk in that. It is good to recognize, ask for forgiveness, and repent or turn away from it. I can also walk as if Christ is still in the tomb. I cannot imagine the despair of the disciples of witnessing Christ crucified and placed in a tomb. Imagine the loss and the pain. The "what now?" The sadness and uncertainty. I know I walk in this mentality of hopelessness, especially in here from time to time. This defeated attitude or a sad and lost demeanor about myself. When what we\I need to do istrust that if our Master, our King, our Messiah overcame death, then there is no victory that is not His or ours to have. So to me Easter means and represents how I should walk my walk every day, in victory, through Him who conquered death and bore our sins. Right now it may seem He is in the tomb but His plan is so much more than we can see or even understand. Use this time of pain and strife to hone yourself in your Faith. God bless! Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Day 395 in prison!

April 4th, 2022

Ladies and gentlemen,

I want to thank you all so much for your kind words, your prayers, and your donations to Shane! If you would like to write to him, email me and I will give you his address. He is so encouraged by all of you!!! Love, Ann

From Shane:

Donations are greatly appreciated, prayers also. We want people to get actively engaged. Start watching Warroom with Steve Bannon. He gets his audience actively involved. We have so many fights to fight. I personally am calling on people to get involved. It doesn't have to be about January 6th. It can be CRT and sexuality in our schools: the brainwashing and grooming of our children. It can be us still having to wear masks here in the DC Gulag. Vaccine mandates, mask mandates. The immigration problem at our border. The woke ideology in our military and our corporations. Don't support companies that believe differently than you, spend your money selectively. Let them earn your business. If you don't know who your senators, Congress people and representatives are, find out. Call them, share your concerns, email them. They work for you. It is time the American people let these rogue politicians know that they work for us. Medical Tyranny needs to end. We need to get to the bottom of COVID\BIG Pharma\CDC-FDA\NIH-NIAID\Fauci\Collins. If you want your country, you have to fight for it. We tried to bury our heads in our phones or in the sand and this is where it has gotten us. Use you treasure, time and your energy to get engaged and involved. May God bless all you put your hands to. Thank you for your love and support. We will win, I've read the book; God wins in the end! Bless you all!

One Year!

March 5th, 2022

From Shane: "Today marks one year of confinement at the hands of our federal government. Not one haircut, not one visit from family has been allowed due to their policy to deny these basic needs to people who refuse to vaccinate. We are much closer to the truth. We still love this country. We still sing the national anthem every night without fail. We are ever thankful for your help in this fight. Thank you for your prayers and your treasure, which you have kindly shared with us. Please pray for the family of Matthew Perna and all the families impacted by January 6th. We draw closer and closer to God the harder this gets. Please pray for our families and this beautiful nation. God bless."

Day 359 in Jail

February 27th, 2022

From Shane: I want everyone to know how much your support means to me. It is absolutely amazing; it encourages me to no end. I know I need money to take care of things, but the kind words, prayers, and letters mean so much more, honestly! We were saddened to hear one of our brothers committed suicide today rather than go to prison. Julie Kelly has been covering it and it reminds me how serious this battle we are engaged in is. There are always conversations here that I have with the men who have grown weary. Yes, I\'ve heard people talk about suicide. It is absolutely heart breaking. The lack of care and dignity and respect shown to these men is appalling. To be here still 13 months later with NO VISITS or HAIRCUTS. In solitary confinement 22 hours a day. Now we are down to 21 hours a day due to relaxing of the Covid protocols. Please pray for our hearts, for our mental health. Please send a letter or a kind word. You are making an impact. I have court tomorrow at 12:30 PM (EST). I expect them to delay 60 more days. The courts do not want the truth to come out. When the behavior of the police on January 6th is shown, it is going to blow the case to pieces. We were attacked and it is clear. We should be demanding that every video be made public, all CCTV and body cam footage. We pray that any help you give will be multiplied in your lives 100 fold. We cannot wait to be on the other side of this and celebrate the revival of this great nation. Thank you for your support. Shane Jenkins

Shane\'s address is: Shane Jenkins #377186 


1901 E Street, SE

Washington, DC 20003

You can also write to other January 6ers at  

Day 359 in Jail

February 27th, 2022

From Shane: I want everyone to know how much your support means to me. It is absolutely amazing; it encourages me to no end. I know I need money to take care of things, but the kind words, prayers, and letters mean so much more, honestly! We were saddened to hear one of our brothers committed suicide today rather than go to prison. Julie Kelly has been covering it and it reminds me how serious this battle we are engaged in is. There are always conversations here that I have with the men who have grown weary. Yes, I\'ve heard people talk about suicide. It is absolutely heart breaking. The lack of care and dignity and respect shown to these men is appalling. To be here still 13 months later with NO VISITS or HAIRCUTS. In solitary confinement 22 hours a day. Now we are down to 21 hours a day due to relaxing of the Covid protocols. Please pray for our hearts, for our mental health. Please send a letter or a kind word. You are making an impact. I have court tomorrow at 12:30 PM (EST). I expect them to delay 60 more days. The courts do not want the truth to come out. When the behavior of the police on January 6th is shown, it is going to blow the case to pieces. We were attacked and it is clear. We should be demanding that every video be made public, all CCTV and body cam footage. We pray that any help you give will be multiplied in your lives 100 fold. We cannot wait to be on the other side of this and celebrate the revival of this great nation. Thank you for your support. Shane Jenkins

Shane\'s address is: Shane Jenkins #377186 


1901 E Street, SE

Washington, DC 20003

You can also write to other January 6ers at  

Day 349 in jail with out a trial!

February 17th, 2022

Good afternoon. Thank you so much to all of you who have prayed and donated to Shane. He appreciates it so much! There have been some crazy things going on in the jail. Last week the inmates staged a sit-in to protest the horrible treatment and conditions they have had to suffer. The following are a few of the things they have been dealing with: "1. phones: our phones haven\'t worked for two weeks denying us access to our lawyers and families. 2. Evidence: Discovery is here in the jail. People have not gotten it. One particular case has trial beginning 2-28. 3. Visits in person or video: next door people get video visits. We are far from home and have not seen our families in over a year. 4. 22/2: (22 hours in their cells; 2 hours out) we are in solitary confinement. Imagine not guilty in American being held in solitary-cruel and unusual punishment. 5. IGP inmate grievance procedure: This is our vehicle to address problems with treatment and policy violations. These are going unanswered, destroyed, or deleted. So we have no way to address issues. 6. Haircuts/nail clippers: we have not had haircuts in over a year! We get nail clippers once a month sometimes once every two months! 7. mail/correspondence: 72 hour delay for security check on mail is reasonable and policy. Mail is months and weeks behind." After the sit-in, the tablets were taken away from them for 1 week. Shane was able to call me on Sunday, but the phones are spotty at best. He has a status hearing on February 28th. He\'s not sure what time yet. Please pray that the Lord\'s will would be done! Please pray for some progress, whether it\'s an actual trial date or something! Thank you all so much! 

A Christmas message from Shane-Day 294 in prison

December 24th, 2021

I asked Shane what Christmas means to him. This is his answer:
Christmas used to be the child like fascination about what I had under the tree. As I got older and had children it became about them. When I came to know Christ it took on a different meaning all together. We see all the nativity scenes and the birth of Christ is celebrated on Christmas. I think I miss the mark too often in that regard. "Christmas is not about what's under the tree, but about the one who hung on the tree." I think of all the gifts I've ever been given and salvation, eternal life is the best thing ever. The day I accepted Christ He fixed my broken heart. I had a hole in my heart and I tried everything known to man to fill it. From women, to money, to alcohol and drugs and nothing ever made me whole. But on that day , the day Jesus wrecked my life He fixed my heart , He gave me a purpose, gave me my identity, He called me son and I haven't been the same yet! We all have a Jesus shaped hole in our hearts only He can fill. That's the gift I like to think about under that tree. He is the salvager of destinies, the saver of the lost and the best giver of presents ever! So Christmas is a reminder to me of God's greatness, of His kindness and His never ending love for those He calls His children. May everyone have a blessed Christmas. The J-6ers are humbled by your prayers and your blessings and I cannot wait until this is over so we can all get together and celebrate! 
From Ann: Thank you all so much for you generosity! I am blown away by all of the kind words and the financial support you have sent Shane. Because of your generosity, Shane was able to send really good Christmas gifts to his children. Thank you again! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 
Day 282 in Prison

December 12th, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen,
     Shane wanted to pass on this message: "it is an honor to suffer along side my fellow countrymen. These are good men and I'm thankful to God for allowing me to be here. I know that's crazy to say I'm thankful I'm in jail. But I trust God's plan and I believe this story has a good ending! Thank you for praying and for your treasure. We will never stop fighting and we look forward to our day in court for the truth about January 6th to be revealed! Love and Respect! Shane" 
     Thank you all so much who have donated to Shane! He appreciates it so much. With your help he has been able to pay his child support, buy his daughter a birthday present, pay for communication between him and his family, and his truck. It has been a long road already. Shane now has a good lawyer! Shane is excited about him and thinks he is going to do good things for him. Shane does need help to pay for this lawyer. The other lawyer, who was doing nothing, wasn't charging him. You get what you pay for, I guess. There is an actual trial date slated for March 2022. Please pray for his lawyer's preparation, Shane's preparation, and the judge's heart to be softened. 
      You can write to Shane in prison. I'm including the link to the Patriot Mail Project. This is a wonderful project for many of the January 6ers. Shane really likes to get mail. If you are interested in communicating with him via text, email me and I can help you do that.
Thank you, Ann
Day 282 in Prison

December 12th, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen,
     Shane wanted to pass on this message: "it is an honor to suffer along side my fellow countrymen. These are good men and I'm thankful to God for allowing me to be here. I know that's crazy to say I'm thankful I'm in jail. But I trust God's plan and I believe this story has a good ending! Thank you for praying and for your treasure. We will never stop fighting and we look forward to our day in court for the truth about January 6th to be revealed! Love and Respect! Shane" 
     Thank you all so much who have donated to Shane! He appreciates it so much. With your help he has been able to pay his child support, buy his daughter a birthday present, pay for communication between him and his family, and his truck. It has been a long road already. Shane now has a good lawyer! Shane is excited about him and thinks he is going to do good things for him. Shane does need help to pay for this lawyer. The other lawyer, who was doing nothing, wasn't charging him. You get what you pay for, I guess. There is an actual trial date slated for March 2022. Please pray for his lawyer's preparation, Shane's preparation, and the judge's heart to be softened. 
      You can write to Shane in prison. I'm including the link to the Patriot Mail Project. This is a wonderful project for many of the January 6ers. Shane really likes to get mail. If you are interested in communicating with him via text, email me and I can help you do that.
Thank you, Ann
Day 223 in Prison

October 14th, 2021

Today is Shane's 223rd day in prison. In the last few weeks, he had me order Bibles for his fellow inmates. He is participating in a Bible study every night. He says it refreshes him. He knows he needs it. Last week, after paying child support, Shane was down to his last $200. I told Shane that and about an hour later, someone donated $1000! We were both blown away by God's provision! Shane said, "I really don't deserve Papa's love it seems like sometimes, but I know He says I do. It's crazy." Thank you so much, all of you, for your donations. Shane has another hearing coming up November 16th. A new lawyer has joined his team, and Shane is really excited about that! He seems like he is ready to fight. That's what Shane has been waiting for! Please pray for protection around Shane and the other inmates. The guards are still treating them horribly. Some people are being denied medical attention that they desperately need. Please continue to pray for freedom! Thank you!
Day 205 of Shane in prison!

September 26th, 2021

Ladies and gentlemen, 
Today is day 205 of Shane being in prison. He will have his next court appearance in November. Please pray for Shane and his fellow inmates. The guards and people in charge are now trying to starve the guys. The food lately has been the most random junk. Yesterday dinner was two eggs, four bread slices, dressing packs, plain pasta, and  four cookies! Please continue to pray that they would all be released soon! Thank you for all the support and prayer thus far. Shane is always so humbled by your kind words and love. Thank you, Ann
Day 192 of unlawful imprisonment!

September 13th, 2021

Today is day 192 of Shane's imprisonment. Shane's lawyer is back!!! He is alive and well and ready to fight! Shane has a court appearance on Thursday, September 16th, at 11:00 AM eastern time. They will be asking for bond. Please pray for the lawyer and Shane, that they would fight! Please pray that the truth will come out in everyone's case! Please pray for the judge's heart, that he would allow Shane to come home and fight this from the outside. The last few weeks have been hard. Tensions are high in the prison, only made worse by some of the guards trying to instigate arguments and fights. Please pray for a hedge of protection around Shane's mind, body, and spirit! Thank you so much for your donations. With your donations, Shane has been able to pay child support and to help others in prison. Shane always says how humbled he is by your love and donations! If you are interested, research news sources that report the truth. Information has been revealed about one of the deaths at the Capitol. Many people don't understand what Shane and his brothers are fighting for. Thank you! 
Day 175 as a political prisoner

August 27th, 2021

Wednesday Shane had a bond hearing. His lawyer was unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. Shane has a new hearing date, Thursday, September 2nd. The judge seems to be sympathetic. He is fed up with the prosecution's delaying tactics. The judge is the one who rescheduled the court date for 1 week later instead of what the prosecution wanted. Shane's lawyer will likely be absent again for this date. His collegue will be filling in, we hope. She is supposed to be good. Please pray that she shows up, that they have filed all the proper paperwork to represent Shane. Please pray for the judge, that he would be sympathetic to Shane's plight, that he would want to see justice prevail. This week has been hard on Shane and other prisoners and their families. As this drags on, I think people are just tired. Please pray for strenght. Thank you so much to those who have prayed and donated. It means so much to Shane!  
Please pray!

August 23rd, 2021

Shane has a court date Wednesday, August 25th. This is a bond hearing. Please pray that Shane will get released on bond. Pray for grace and mercy. Thank you so much to all of you for donations and prayers. Shane is so humbled by all your love!
Please pray!

August 23rd, 2021

Shane has a court date Wednesday, August 25th. This is a bond hearing. Please pray that Shane will get released on bond. Pray for grace and mercy. Thank you so much to all of you for donations and prayers. Shane is so humbled by all your love!
Looking for the Krahn family!

August 16th, 2021

Shane was so excited to hear from the Krahn family. He would like to be able to talk to you. If you would like to talk to him, please email me on here. Thank you!
Day 163

August 15th, 2021

Today marks 163 days of Shane's lockup. He wanted me to thank everyone for their help. Because of your help, he was able to pay for his daughter's support and his son's medicine. Shane was denied bail, as the judge viewed him as a threat to society. Those of you who know Shane know that couldn't be further from the truth. Shane always tries to help whoever he can in whatever way he can. Twice in a month I've lost people in my family, and Shane has prayed for my family and had other members of his group in prison pray for my family, too. Even though Shane is in a horrible situation, he always has words of encouragement for me. Shane is a good friend to all his friends. He needs help right now to pay for his legal fees and his other personal responsibilities. Thank you for all your prayers and donations. It is appreciated beyond words. I share all your comments with Shane. He is always humbled by the outpouring of love. Thank you!!! 
144 days in prison with no bond hearing!

July 28th, 2021

Thank you so much to those of you who have contributed to Shane's defense fund. He really appreciates you! As of today, Shane has been in the detention center in Washington, D.C. for 144 days. Most of his days are spent in his one-person cell. Shane has not had a bond hearing! He has not been able to have a hair cut or visitors. Shane has retained another attorney. Things are moving VERY slowly. Please pray for Shane and his fellow prisoners. Every little bit helps. Thank you!

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