Campaign funds will be received by NANCY GANSHORN
Thank you for your consideration in supporting my 'Seeking Truth Always' ministry. I thought you might like to know a little bit about me. First and foremost, I am a Child of God who loves my Lord and Savior with all my heart. I am also a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, and Lifelong Entrepreneur. I am a Patriot who loves my country, which is and always will be, 'One Nation Under God'.
5+ years ago, God put on my heart the following scripture, Luke 8:17, as well as beginning the journey of 'learning the truth' we'd been denied our entire lives.
"There is NOTHING hidden that won't be revealed, and there is NOTHING secret that won't become known and come to LIGHT". Luke 8:17
I prayed the Lord's discernment and guidance in what He was calling me to do, as I was confused. As he guided and directed me, I soon began to learn that what I had been taught from the time I was a child in school and throughout my life about world and national history, the government, the medical and pharmaceutical industries, our financial system, and so much more, were all LIES. Worst of all, God was raising my awareness to the depth of evil in the world being perpetrated against our children and all of humanity. It became abundantly clear to me that God was calling me in obedience to first LEARN for myself what He was bringing to LIGHT and then do my part in helping humanity to AWAKEN to the TRUTHS He was REVEALING, for such a time as this, as His Promise of Luke 8:17 said He would.
Then, in April, 2021, God called me out of retirement to begin this ministry by hosting, as a Citizen Journalist, live video podcasts He put on my heart to call 'Seeking Truth Always'. I've continued full-time research and providing the podcasts, usually 3x weekly, ever since. During my podcasts, I EXPOSE the LIES we've been told our entire lives and REVEAL the TRUTHS God has led me to over the last 5+ years pertaining to the global war of Good vs Evil our world is and has been engaged in now for many, many years.If you are BLESSED in any way by my 'Seeking Truth Always' ministry, and are able to help me meet the ongoing monthly expenses involved for the technology, equipment and/or subscriptions necessary in bringing these podcasts of TRUTH to you, I humbly thank you and truly appreciate your one-time or ongoing monthly donations. If you are unable to donate, I totally understand, and I will still be here to support, educate, encourage and help all I can during these very challenging and difficult times. And, either way, please pray in agreement with me that ALL of humanity will experience, see, and come to KNOW personally the GLORY of God.
As a side note, I want you to know that I have never run ads, nor accepted sponsors to market any product or service, to those who watch my podcasts. 'Seeking Truth Always' has always been a 'labor of love' since God called me to serve in this ministry to do my part in this war of Good vs Evil.
As a senior on a fixed income, if you are able to donate a $5 or more monthly donation, it will definitely help me with the ongoing technology, subscription, and software expenses needed this ministry. I truly appreciate your support, generosity, and kindness.
God bless you.
Thank you for educating myself and others about the truth of what's going on in the world and always sharing the love and faithfulness of God.
"It is my pleasure and honor. To God be the Glory. " By NANCY GANSHORN
Thank you, Nancy, for your years of commitment to Seeking Truth Always. I appreciate all you do.
"You are so very welcome. Thank you, Diane, for you support and encouragement. " By NANCY GANSHORN
Thank you and God Bless you !
"Thank you so much, Pam, and God bless you this day and always. " By NANCY GANSHORN
Nancy, Thank You! You inspire me.
"Thank you so much for you kind words, feedback, and support. I truly appreciate it. God bless you. Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
Hello Nancy, Every episode is a blessing! Thank you for all the research you do! I always look forward to watching your show! May God Bless You with Peace, Joy, Healing, and Prosperity! I pray that 2025 with be your best year yet! Keep up the good work! Love, Cheryl Wells from Massachusetts
"You're very welcome and thank you so much, Cheryl, for your feedback, comment, and support. I am so grateful. God bless you always. Blessings, Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
Hi I can share information from The inside of working in not for profits . There are some kids I’m really worried about . No one in my family is listening to me , I have been all by myself for the last 12 months and reading and learning as much as I can I know jfk and lady Di . I’ve always been intuitive . I’ve defiantly made mistakes but have always afforded my life to trying to help
"Thank you for your feedback and support. I truly appreciate it and am so very grateful. I apologize my reply took so long. I just saw your comment. " By NANCY GANSHORN
Nancy, We appreciate you!! Each Podcast is done with Excellence!! God has anointed you in an awesome way to Speak Truth!! Love & Appreciation, Patti
"I just saw your comment here, Patti. Thank you so much for your feedback, kind words, and support. I truly appreciate it. Blessings, Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
God wanted me to share this with you.
"Thank you so very much for your comment and support. I apologize my reply took so long. I just saw your comment. God bless you. Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
Thank you Nancy!
"You're very welcome. Thank YOU so much for your support. I just saw this comment and apologize for the delay of reply. God bless you, Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
God Bless! ... You are loved and appreciated
"Thank you so much, Pam. I appreciate your kind words and support. I apologize how long it took for this reply. I just saw it. God bless you. Nancy" By NANCY GANSHORN
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