USD $3,850
USD $2,372
Campaign funds will be received by Snake River Music Gardens
My name is Manyi John and although I know most of you already know, to those who know me well, it's no surprise that I've always wanted to rescue Children, years before I officially announced it.
I rescued 13 Children from the flood areas of Mbale under the Savannah Rose Rescue Home, where I am working now as Administrator.
I am thrilled to Partner with friends and Volunteers from Canada, USA, UK and some other areas, this really combines my passion for helping helpless Children. This voluntary commitment means a lot to me; as I once was helpless Myself. If it wasn't for Volunteers with big hearts; My story would be a scary one.
I believe every child deserves to have a Family, Education, Medical Care and a good diet; but the sad reality is that not everyone has an easy access to things in life. While I cannot change the whole world; I can make a difference in the lives of these 13 Children under the Savannah Rose Rescue Home; by contributing my time, energy and knowledge. I cook for them, bath them, wash their clothes, walk them to school and teach them how to grow food. I have learned a lot from farming God's way, which I consider this a gift to the poor.
I am asking for your help, we need to raise $3850.00 to purchase our own one acre plot of land, so that we can start farming there. This will reduce food insecurity at the home as currently we have not raised even a dollar for food for these Children. These Children will also learn about farming God's way. I am sure it will help them as they grow up to be men and women.
The Farmland we are trying to purchase will be called "Our Children's Happy Field".
This will encourage the Community Members to come and learn about farming God's Way, as they are ignorant about the better methods of farming. Season to Season the harvest has been very poor in our Community and it should not be; we have a very reliable climate in our area. Uganda, at large, has two rainy seasons every year and details in soil are what defines Uganda to be the Pearl of Africa.
I am quite sure that farming God's way would be the solution, but honestly, I am unable to do this alone!
Every little bit helps, this is how you can support myself and these children I care for :
$50 will help us buy seeds for the first season
$100 will buy garden tools- hoes, rakes, teren rope, panga, trowel, gum boots, gloves
$3700 will the purchase land
Also sharing our campaign to raise these funds, with your families, friends and by spreading the word all over, will increase our chances of reaching our goal.
I will be sharing this Story on my Facebook page called Savannah Rose Rescue Home, also in social media platforms and sending videos and pictures by email or messenger.
Here is my email address: johnravics54@gmail.com
If you would like to reach out to me, I will surely reply in minutes.
I feel this is the Best way I can make a difference and I am sure you will love it too! It's the best experience for these children, that they can ever ask for.
I made it to where I am, because of caring people such as yourselves and I hope you will join me in the next steps.
With Gratitude, Manyi John
Much love and thanks to you, Manyi John!! love, Robin
Use this to purchase the piece of land.
Keep up strong good work hold faith N guided from righteous heart ❤️
You're doing Awesome work as Always John for the Children and for raising funds for the Happy Children's Fields we created. Here is for 2 months of Sponsorship. Keep up the Great work. Love and Hugs to You and the Children. =)
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