Hello, and thank you for supporting the Salinas family through your prayers and financial support.
Anyone who knows Dante understands what a gracious, kind, and thoughtful man he is. He has leaned heavily on his faith, family, and friends during this battle. He has done his best to help provide for his family and their needs through this battle.
Dante has been working extra hard to make ends meet. Dante is a personal trainer and coach who helps people to achieve better health and wellness, which is powerful. He gives without expecting anything in return.
Dante and his family are in real need. Dante and his family have been battling against the Lake County States Attorney for doing what any reasonable officer and God-fearing man would do. This case is unique in its findings, and we, as men and women in Blue, need to stand behind our brother as he battles the big machine of politics.
As the bible states in John 8:31-32 “The Truth Will Set You Free”. With experts' help, we can bring the truth to life and free our brother of this unruly and unbearable charge.
This event is mentally, emotionally, and spiritually straining to a man and his family. It is not in Dante’s nature to sit still, let alone accept help. In law enforcement, we struggle with the unknown, and for the past three years, Dante and his family have been dealing with the unknown, which can quickly destroy someone.
Dante acted in good faith when he responded to an officer needing assistance who stated they were run over by an offender’s vehicle. Dante responded as any reasonable officer would, and now he is left fighting for his freedom and life. The battle he is fighting is an unimaginable situation to be in, and I would hope and pray someone would help during this time.
The goal is to remove the financial stress on the Salinas family.
Dante must now find the financial means to assemble qualified experts and attorneys to defend him adequately.
Please help to give our brother the best opportunity to defend against the charges he is facing.
All donations go directly into a trust account that is owned and operated by Dante’s attorneys. This trust is solely designated for Dante’s legal fees.
Thank you for giving to this family, and may God bless you!