USD $50,000
USD $2,984
Saint Anna's Orthodox Church is a special place, filled with God's grace and strong sense of community. We started this small Orthodox Christian mission in July of 2022 and it has blossomed into a growing mission parish as well as a bustling community of Orthodox Christians! In the short history of our mission parish, we have developed a catechesis program, had fifteen (15) Baptisms, two weddings, adult education classes, and three iconography workshops. Also, our young families have had 6 new babies! With this phenomenal growth, we have petitioned to be received into the Eastern Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). For further information on our mission parish, please see our webpage at: https://www.saintannasorthodoxchurchlouisa.com/blank-1
Our vision is to not only build a proper church, but also a fellowship hall, classrooms for adult education and home-schooling cooperative opportunities, and eventually, a fully capable Orthodox Christian school. We are seeing crowds of 45 + worshippers and we are only growing. Because of this blessing, we have run out of room and need to find a bigger property. However, our current building fund does not allow us to seriously pursue the purchase of land or a fixed building that we can afford. As we have many young families and young adults, it has been difficult to raise funds for a new property. However, we will keep trudging along and pray that charity and generosity of others will enable us to achieve our vision. Any support is welcomed and appreciated!
Glory to God Almighty
Christ is Baptized! In the Jordan!
Christ is Baptized!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Christ is Baptized! In the Jordan! May St Theophan and St Gregory of Nyssa bless this mighty Parish!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Please pray for John a sinner.
May the Theotokas and Saint Anna pray to God for us and keep us
Saint Anna’s is our home , Glory to God for Him letting us be counted worthy to be here.
i believe in the mission, God please bless it comes to fruition
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