Help Ryans Fight For Truth


 USD $4,694

Campaign created by Stacy Ograyensek

Campaign funds will be received by Stacy Gorecki

Help Ryans Fight For Truth

 On January 3rd 2022 6:05 pm  The hospital finally succeeded in murder for profit. It was this day, I lost my best friend of 25 years. We Met  at age 15 in a private Christian school. We knew right away our love was special and nothing was coming between us. I was with him 25 years ( over half my life ) married 13 wonderful years, and sadly separated at age 41 by evil greed, as healthcare paychecks were put above human life  

  We had to fight tooth and nail for Ryans legal right to try,  to try a script written for him by a doctor.   After a long battle, we were finally able to give him something many thought would help him .   After the first dose he began to make quick and steady improvements  after only 3 doses, 2 doctors decided to remove it from his care.  No transparency at all was given.  He was just cut off from something showing positive results.   It was a battle to get him back on.    Then after his body began to decline, once again he was removed the medication that was improving him, this time it was too much for his body to handle.   Ryan was dying.  I was losing my best friend, my reason for waking up each day and my joy in life.   25 years together being taken away in just a matter of hours.  We had vacation plans lined up and plans to see every US state at least once,  we had talks of getting a new house built together by summer.  We had big plans him and I.   He was only 41 years old and so much to live for.  He just started his business a year ago and it was just starting for him.  He was so proud of it and all he achieved.  He had so much to live for including me.  Ryan fought in the beginning to keep us together, and I had to go to bat and fight at the end.    After this last medication was restricted from him simply because “its not protocol”.  I watched my husbands body tire out in his long 40 plus day battle, that was sadly coming to a end, I played our wedding dance song “ me and you” in his hospital as i leaned over him stroking his hair, and apologizing for the corruption around us and how hard I tried to save him, telling him the battle is not over, that his death will not be in vain.   I told him “Ryan go home and be with Jesus now, where you can watch over me always and protect me in this next battle” .    All the while I’m thinking, how will i survive without him?  All our travel plans, all our big dreams gone!   My soulmate, my life long partner.  Why is this happening?  We are suppose to grow old together.  I’m suppose to go first so that I’m never left alone.    No one should have to beg and plead for proper health care in a hospital.  No ones human rights should be restricted once you walk through hospital doors.  We are living in scary times indeed.  We are being lied to as a society big time.    The best ( sarcasm ) was when a doctor came in his room and said to me “ i would love to give him this medication that may help him, heck i would give it to my own child if they were in his shoes, but sadly i have to think of my paycheck and livelihood first, my hands are tied due to politics “.    I told that doctor “ over Christmas while you’re with your family, i want you to have visions of me sitting here beside my livelihood sir, a woman beside all she owns begging a doctor to be a doctor and do the right thing and save her husband and i want you to remember what you just told me.  Many come into health care to save lives not make a paycheck but now i know what you stand for sir. May God forgive you “.       As my husbands heart beat slowed, and his blood pressure dropping rapidly.  I held his thumb.   Through life when i held his hand i always wrapped my small hands around his thumb, and in his death i was there holding on to his thumb again and told him how much he meant to me and that our love story was special.    The notebook movie always reminded each other of us and our story ( minus the wealthy parents ) and so i said to him one of my favorite lines …. “ it was real wasn’t it?  You and me, such a long time ago, just a couple of kids, but we really loved each other didn’t we?”     his heart rate came to a end and i fell on his chest and cried so hard.  I kept apologizing to him for everything he had to go through.     I promised him, his death will not be in vain.   I will speak out to teach others and I will hold others accountable.     Thank you for you donation in helping us with this uphill fight to not only give exposure but to fight this all the way we can and help us in our many expenses along the way .

Recent Donations
Scott Smith
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Kimberly Carlson
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Keep going

$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

You & others are in my prayers for justice & know that TRUTH prevails. Dark to light. God will find a way to make this happen. Stay strong & NEVER give up.

$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Stacy, are you interviewing attorneys? There are some free legal research sites online, and you could look to see if there are cases against that hospital and see who the attorneys on them were. I assume you have a detailed timeline written up? Please back up all copies, written notes, documents on your laptop, etc. I will pray for you. What is the Statute of Limitations on your cause of action?

Brian and Tiffany
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you!! Only God can give you the strength to battle this evil!! Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

Paula N
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Keep up the fight Stacy, this needs to get out there because too many people are still blind as to what happened. Our world needs more people like you and may God Bless you in your journey.

$ 35.00 USD
6 months ago

God bless and hope you win!!

Barb K
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Stories like yours and many others make it difficult to trust our medical system at all. I worked in a hospital and it sickens me to see what has happened to our system at the hands of such criminals. God bless you for continuing your fight.

$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

This is a dark time in our United States history. Thank you Stacy for standing strong and saving lives. We will continue to be a voice for our loved ones that were stripped from our lives. I pray your case is heard before the masses and the hospital Covid death protocol ends. #Justice4Lupe #Justice4Ryan Their voices will never be silenced. God wins!

Dianne Rose
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Stacy you are an inspiration…God keep you and give you strength. Honored to help out just a little in quest for justice.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Saw you in a video . . . keep the faith.

Tina A
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Richard and LindZ Gilcrest
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Psalm 94:16-23 Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against the workers of iniquity?Unless the LORD had been my helper, I would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence…They band together against the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.But the LORD has been my stronghold…He will bring upon them their own iniquity and destroy them for their wickedness.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

May The Lord bless the battle against this wickedness.

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Good luck for a successful lawsuit... make them pay!

Thomas Cullen
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

What happened was wrong and needs to stop. My mother died last year age 93. The hospital talked her into taking remdesivir, We tried to stop her. She had been fine for 2 years after the start of Covid. A liberal friend of Her's (a teacher) talked her into getting the injection. A month later she was in the hospital with myocarditis.

Rosalie Schneider
$ 7.00 USD
1 year ago

May God's Light shine on and illuminate the truth, so that justice may be served, and so that peace is restored to Stacy's heart and mind. May true justice and peace prevail on Earth. Amen!

$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

My heart aches hearing your story. Thank you for having the courage to share. Hopefully as this spreads, we will see many more come forward with their similar stories!

Barbara Bailey
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Thank you for trying to inform the public and stop this nightmare.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 years ago

My condolences to Stacy and her and Ryan’s loved ones. May the Lord bring you comfort and strength through this difficult time. May God use Ryan’s death for His glory in the end! 🙏 God bless and protect all (doctors, nurses, lawyers, etc.) who are involved in this and other cases similar to Ryan’s and may justice be served in the end.


Update #2

August 8th, 2024

To update everyone on the process.   I am not backing down in this fight for my husband.   As we have combed through Ryans medical records, it was discovered that Ryan was given lethal amounts of Fentanyl by the hospital the last days of his life.   To go back, after 5 weeks on a ventilator to which I have mentioned that Ryan was forced onto a ventilator while he had a normal 98% oxygen level.  Ryan was unaware that the doctor was pushing for him to go on a vent.  Ryan was communicating with me and telling me that I must of heard the doctor wrong, as they were planning to put him in a step down unit due to him doing so well.  Yet Ryan was indeed vented against consent /need.   Well, after 5 weeks on a ventilator, I found 2 doctors from within the hospital system that were willing to bravely break “protocol” in attempt to save my husband.  They began to administer different drugs that would help him by reducing lung inflammation and combating the infection etc.  Ryan began to improve and continued to make improvements in the right direction.  So much the doctor though another 3-4 more days after 3 successful days on it, that Ryan may be off the vent.  Well sadly on the fourth successful day of treatment other doctors stepped in to revoked it.  They were worried about their jobs if they kept Ryan on anything other than the standard protocol.   They wouldn’t even allow Ryan to stay on a proper dose steroid that he was responding well to.  The doctor fighting for Ryan told the other trying to revoke it. “If you take Ryan off this steroid, you’re going to him”.   Yet the doctor proceeded to do what he had to do for himself over the wellbeing of Ryan, the patient.   So the next plan was to make the “good dr” head of the ICU starting that monday, we just had to get through the weekend and Ryan was for now stable.  The plan was to make “the good dr” head of ICU so that it would be his decision what treatment Ryan got.  Last ditch effort to save him against the rest simply “Following orders”.   Well that night going into monday.  It was actually 3 am that monday January 3rd I got the call from the “good dr” fighting for him with the words “Come down here, I think we are losing Ryan”.   I got down there and took one look from the hallway and said “My God, what did they do to him?”   I turned to the male nurse beside me and said “He looks like someone who OD”.  And he hugged me and apologized for the corruption in the hospital.  

Well jump ahead to where we are today.  With Ryans medical charts, we know that 33 doses of fentanyl were administered to Ryan on January 1st 2022. 37 doses on January 2nd 2022.  And on the day he died, 22 doses of fentanyl.   While Ryan was on Propofol for sedation.   These things would hinder a persons ability to breath on their own and would stop ones heart.   And when I got to Ryan his heart was preparing to stop at any moment they told me.    Before Ryans death, leading up to his final hours with me, unknowingly at that time, Ryan was given  500 mcg of fentanyl in less than a hour, followed by a 600 mcg of fentanyl within a hour and 775 mcg of fentanyl in a hour and 4 minutes all in the same day.  

A standard amount of fentanyl that is used in hospitals is 50mcg-100mcg for patients who are going under surgery.   This also typically lasts 4-6 hrs.    Just to compare the amount of Fentanyl that was given to Ryan who previously was stable after being on the correct steroids doses and other medications working for him.   When it was revoked,  Ryan was seen taking a turn for the worse, leading up to his death.   

If someone settles out of court and or works with a contingency attorney.   ( and most contingency attorneys will work to settle out of court ) this then often times comes with a gag order so that the case is not talked about  publicly again. So basically hush money.    If we want to get justice and see this go to trial and make sure that these people responsible are held accountable and make a example out of them to prevent others from doing the same to your loved ones next.  If we want to be able to get this in front of the jury and open the door for more cases to be held and criminal investigations to begin.   We need this to go to trial.  The cost to get a case to trial can range 100 thousand to 300 thousand dollars.   

The system is counting on so many young widows to not be able to afford this type of fight and they want us to simply fade away into the wind or watch our time to file run out.   Then these cases are swept under the rug. Ryan deserves more than that.  Our love story was worth more than money can buy.  I am the only voice for Ryan now today and this fight is to make sure that his sacrifice, his murder was not done so in vain.   We need to see justice brought forward.    I cannot  do this alone.   I need the help of fellow Americans to help me afford to bring this to trial so that it NEVER happens again.   I have a short time to get my case heard.  Please help me help Ryan and so many.  Please give what you can today.  I am begging for help.  Begging God daily to lead me to those who can help me please

Thank you.  

Stacy and Ryan who I know is watching beside the Lord.  

Update #1

March 21st, 2023

   Update March 20, 2023. 

         After several media interviews, public speaking events, and documentaries to air soon. God has finally led me to a set of Christian Attorneys that are ready to take on this fight.  I was praying for weeks asking God to put the right attorney in my path, one that would use the Lord to lead us in this spiritual battle of good vs evil. One that will help us to expose what is done in darkness.   Then I went on the Todd Herman radio show, who has over 4 million listeners nationwide.  A nurse out of California heard my story, and told her attorney about me. He heard my story, and said he cried 5 times listening to it.  He felt God calling him to take action against these hospitals.  After talking with other attorneys, they have found that the liability protection is not quite what they are leading the world to believe.   I contacted him about my case.  Before I could even begin to explain what happened, he asked me if he could pray with me and ask God to watch over me and Ryan in this fight.  To lead the way into battle, that everything we do moving forward be in His timing and for His glory.    

       Through This nightmare, I have continually felt God leading me in this fight against evil.  Every step of the way I prayed.  I prayed asking God to lead me to the right doctor who would do the right thing, and He did.  I asked the Lord to help me get Ryan the right treatment against the resistance and He did, and in the end I was asking God to save Ryan from the wickedness of this earth, and well He did.    While Im here, I will continue to be Ryans voice for him, and fight for Him as we are called to rise up against wickedness and hold the wicked accountable.   All of this fight will cost money and a lot of time.   I have put a lot of money into it, traveling to various states and long distance to speak at rallies, or medical summits to bring awareness.   To help build our army.    We are putting on the armor of God and going into battle.    So please continue to help show support   Any donation helps cover my cost of travel, and any legal fees Ill face in the future   

One can also find our Facebook page :  Ryans Fight For Truth   For current updates   

Here is the link to a trailer to the documentary coming out soon with my husbands story in it

My second interview on the Todd Herman Radio show with the attorneys

My story on the Highwire  My story is after Nurse Sarah tells her story, we both lost our young husbands at the same hospital system.  She at the time was a nurse for the same hospital system that killed her husband. We met through our tragic fight

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