Supporting Ryan's medical journey


 USD $1,245

Campaign created by Tiffany Green

Campaign funds will be received by Tiffany Green

Supporting Ryan's medical journey

My fiancé Ryan Hunter was in a severe roll over accident on 6/21. He spent 2 weeks in the ICU, he's now in an acute care facility until he is ready for rehab. He had several fractures, 3 fractured ribs, a compressed vertebrae, fractures to both shoulder blades, traumatic brain injury, and more. His recovery process is going to be long, he's had 1 surgery to repair some of the damage to his face, we don't know what other surgeries he might need in the future. Donations will go towards medical expenses, our home, and anything Hunter will need for ongoing care.

Recent Donations
Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
25 days ago

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
2 months ago

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
3 months ago

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

Rachel Reich
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Allen Stinnette
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

Bernhard Vyfvinkel
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Your daily 'mantra' : "I am well and my body heals me at it's own pace".

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you. I try to tell hunter something similar I see him or get a virtual visit. I appreciate your words and donation. 🖤" By Tiffany Green

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
6 months ago

Jeff Lanham
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
6 months ago

May God Bless you Hunter and Tiffany We're praying for a full recovery!

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your donation and prayers, he's definitely working on recovering. 🖤" By Tiffany Green

Jessica Reynolds
$ 15.00 USD
6 months ago

Teresa Donovan
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Thinking of you Tiffany and Ryan.

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much for your donation and thinking of us! It means a lot to me. 🖤" By Tiffany Green


Update #4

September 24th, 2024

Hunter pulled out his feeding tube last sat and now has it down his nose which he's not happy with...he's back on restraints because of how displeased he is by this. It went from mitts to wrist restraints...yes, we've gone back that far. *sigh* the physician ordered a new swallow test to be done this week and for him to have the feeding tube to be directly inserted into his stomach at some point (which hasn't happened).

Hunter also go physical with the nurse that came in to "help" him that sat am. Which we talked about. It's difficult when it's a bit outside of his control, which I explained. Because of the prefrontal cortex being damaged.

I don't know what's causing the violence, I haven't seen it, my sister hasn't seen it. Only the nursing staff and his mother have witnessed this behaviour. I can make all sorts of ponderings as to why this is the case, but the long and the short of what happens while my sister and I visit is we talk to hunter about what we're doing, we wait for a response, we allow him to be a part of whatever we are doing. Sometimes people forget that they are dealing with another human being and not just someone who's broken and needs fixing.

He sat up and "watched" TV for a couple hrs the other day. He was working with pt on standing yesterday am when I talked with the nurse.

There's been talk of moving him to Puyallup this week, but I'm not sure that will be happening given the current state of things. Hopefully we'll be able to get things situated for him soon at an actual rehab facility that will be able to work with him more fully to regain more mobility etc. I'd like him to be closer, but I'll take 30min off my drive.

His previous infection seems to be gone, all of his labs are looking good. 

The apartment is coming along slowly but surely. More and more every week. Gotta get more shelves put up in the livingroom and bedroom, island cabinet for the kitchen, closet shelving for the spare room.....I got garbage/recycle set up so I don't have to figure out taking things to the dump, bedroom has floor space now since going through the bags, couches are almost done being covered so they stay clean, still looking at new pots/pans, plants, etc.

Update #3

August 28th, 2024

I have good news and bad news with this update. So I'll start with the good news...

Hunter has started physical/occupational therapy. He's mod/max assist to sitting up on the side of the bed, and they're working on standing/transferring. He's able to wash his face for the most part by himself, and he's attempting to write. He's steadily working on being able to talk with his trach being capped, but it's a slow process. He gets his "Elvis smile" from the scar tissue built up around where he had to have stitches around his mouth, I feel like had he gotten OT sooner that would not be as difficult to manage currently. He's been upgraded from wrist restraints to mitts.

The bad news...he's got a lung infection MDR-P, it's pretty bad. It's contagious, it's resistant to multiple antibiotics, and it's difficult to get rid of. As of Sunday he was on 2 different antibiotics, yesterday he was moved to a different room because he had a roommate, so he's alone again. He didn't pass his swallow test, but it's just the beginning and the more he starts talking and using those muscles the sooner he'll be able to swallow and get that trach taken out.

He's made some big progress in the last couple weeks since starting therapy, but these latest infections have really kicked his . I'm hoping he bounces back quickly, but I always worry.

I also managed to get us moved downstairs with the help of my family ,a couple friends, and 2 different companies helping with the process. I've also had a friend help me get the apartment set up and organized which has been amazingly helpful. 

Hunter still has a long way to go, but I'm hopeful that he recovers and comes home. 🥰🖤

Update #2

August 2nd, 2024

Hunter is finally getting occupational, physical, and speech therapy! I'm so excited for him to be moving on to these next stages of his healing/recovery journey. It'll be once a week to start. Once he's able to sit in a wheelchair he'll be able to visit the optimaligist. It looks like they've already been working with him on his writing skills a little bit. I told him yesterday during our virtual visit about the rehab facility that's closest to us and he indicated that's where he'd like to go once he's able to. We're starting our move to the bottom unit this week.

Update #1

July 28th, 2024

I was able to spend the night with Hunter(Ryan) this past Fri night. It was really nice being able to have all that time with him. He's opening his eyes for longer periods of time when he does, he's still not really able to see out of them, but he was focusing on his right hand at 1 point(not sure how much he's able to see out if the right eye). Respiratory came in to see him around 9pm capped his trach so he could talk, he said "home Aberdeen" and "I love you", the rest was quiet and wasn't really enough to make sense, but he's definitely trying. We cuddled as best we could in his hospital bed until about midnight, mostly because he wouldn't let me go when I tried to get up, and when I did sleep next to him in the fold out bed we held hands as long as possible. Every time I laughed he went to tickle me, to get me to laugh more. He pulled at his hair because his beard is gone, so we "talked" about the accident for a bit. I told him that he needed to have stitches around his mouth and guided his hand so he could feel where when he showed interest. I told him about the plates/pins that were put in and asked if he wanted me to show him because he was feeling around his face, so I touched where they placed those. I told him the accident was really bad and that he had a lot of injuries that he was recovering from. I told him that I was here and waiting for him to come home along with out dog. I told him not to worry about anything because everything was being taken care of right now as best as can be. I'm sure somewhere he still is worrying. He is trying to communicate using his hands and gestures. He will answer yes/no questions. There was a 2am wake up call on his part that wasn't very pleasant, but I'll take it. He's got fall mats on either side of his bed "just in case". His urine looked good, the 1 iv site he has looked decent and free of dried blood, he's still pulling his catheter off, but I haven't seen him pull on his feeding tube, they also equipped him with a new fancy heart monitor for his random tachycardia(I have my own theories as to why that's happening). Overall the visit was good.

I did tell him that I have a surprise for him, it'll be here this Wed. I'm really excited! He doesn't know anything about it yet. And he'll have to wait a couple weeks until I'm done moving us to the downstairs unit before he gets the surprise.

Prayer Requests

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