USD $4,500
USD $2,196
Campaign funds will be received by Scott Russell
In June 2022 Scott and Jenny Russell answered God’s clear call to move with their four youngest children from suburban Chicago to Knoxville, Tennessee. Their oldest daughter moved in with them due to serious chronic health issues. She and Jenny suffer from similar health conditions and both are completely homebound.
The family used up what financial resources they had to make the move to Tennessee and have been struggling ever since they arrived to make ends meet on Scott’s income alone. Because of this, many personal needs of the family have been put on hold.
They have two older vehicles, but for the past five months, their family truck has been sitting in the driveway, inoperable, in need of major engine work. This had caused a great struggle for their family, since Scott and their daughters need to have reliable transportation to get to work.
Scott is doing the bulk of the vehicle repairs himself, but the family needs extra funds to complete the needed major engine repairs. These funds will make a truly life-changing difference for their family, and they are so grateful for your generosity. Any additional funds raised would be used to meet long-overdue personal needs for the family.
Thank you for your help and prayers for the Russell family.
For the glory of God!
hope this helps .
Hope this helps .
Numbers 6:24-26 - May you be ever in the Shadow of Peace, knowing Our Heavenly Father supplies ALL your needs!
God bless you all!
The Lord will provide!
We love you, Russell family!!
September 20th, 2024
It turns out our family truck needed more work than we thought. After praying and considering several options, the friend assisting me with the repairs paid the cost for us to purchase a truck very similar to our old one, but four years newer and in good condition. It has a lot of miles on it, but runs great for now and has the exact same engine as our old truck. We are going to take our time rebuilding the old engine and eventually install it into the newer truck we just bought and it will be a solid vehicle for many years.
What a relief! God has provided the solution to an important need through the assistance of so many people.
The fundraiser is ongoing to help repay the money our friend spent to purchase the newer truck. Our family is not on Facebook and not very good with social media, so if anyone has ideas on how to spread this around, we’re wide open for suggestions. God bless you all!
September 4th, 2024
Wanted to share the great things happening related to this campaign and our family's situation overall:
We are SO grateful for your help and we know that the end is in sight here. Thank you all very much!!
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