USD $20,000
USD $10,095
Campaign funds will be received by Madeline Thomas
This is by far the most painful thing I've even written. No one WANTS their sin exposed, much less do it voluntarily and publicly...but it's time I pick up my cross and return to Christ's will.
Ever since I was young, really young, I can remember confusion about who I was. Deep emotional pain, spiritual assault, that followed me into adulthood. The pain: Am I a man or a woman?
Growing up I never understood who I was. Despite being adopted into a Christ filled home, a pastor's son, this battle raged within me. Sure I did things like play sports, and definitely enjoyed playing competitive basketball, but I also put on a brave face and pretended to like things. I suffered in silence, never expressing my confusion to anyone. In my late teens I thought to myself "Ask dad." I went towards my father with the intent of asking him "What does it mean to be a man?" I remember it distinctly. I remember the guilt, the shame, the confusion, the fear, and ultimately, my failure to seek Godly counsel. I never asked. I chose to continue to suffer in silence.
As I grew into adulthood, my confusion became anger. Anger towards myself, anger towards God, anger towards those in my life I needed the most. Eventually I decided to "expose" my sin via anonymous email to a pastor I grew up with. His answer was compassionate but distinct...seek God and His will. Despite seeking Godly counsel, that was not what I wanted to hear. In retrospect, I still don't know what I wanted to hear. But what I did know was pain. Deep, soul depth, pain. I later exposed (no quotes this time cause it wasn't anonymously) my pain to a friend of mine. Her advice was the same. My reaction was the same.
I decided to deal with it. To stuff the pain deep down. If I just ignore it, it will go away. Well, as we know, sin doesn't work that way. The great deceiver doesn't work that way either. Eventually one night I broke down. Laying in bed next to my ex-wife I wept. "I hate being a man" was all I could cry out, weeping tears of immense pain. In that moment I was given something more disastrous than I would ever experience again...acceptance. Let me be clear, I in no way blame her, I blame satan 100%, but the acceptance I was given set me on a path that eventually cost me more than I knew I had at the time.
With the blessing I began to explore my sin. Starting first as a casual exploration that later became full blown personal acceptance. This eventually led to more anger within myself. What came next was the dismantling of my life. My ex-wife and I separated and eventually divorced. I later confessed my confusion to family friends. They steered me to a man who has a ministry here in Oklahoma City geared towards the lgbtq community. It's amazing how Christ following people kept telling me the same thing hahaha. I, unfortunately again, made a choice...to ignore what I had been told by Godly counsel.
Shortly there after I went full steam ahead into my sin. I gave up my position in Christ's kingdom for earthly peace. I eventually began a medical transition, some of which is reversible. (Hence the campaign. This world has been so successfully attacked by satan that acceptance and money flow like water. Over the years I have had several surgical procedures. Because the world is so broken, I paid ZERO dollars out of pocket for them. My insurance paid for everything. That is not the case now that I am reversing what I can. )
I, in my sin and pain, decided it was better to forfeit things I had worked so hard for, a career in law enforcement, my family, my ability to lead my son the way Christ wanted me to, my financial security, and my mental health. For 7 years I was convinced this was the path for me, that my sin would make everything "ok." Looking back I see. I see the path and where it lead me. How successful satan was at destroying my life, and how I had accepted it.
Now, 7 years later, I also see Christ. I see His mercy and grace. I have been brought to my knees, and in my repentance, I plan to return to the way he created me. To do this, I need help. A few months ago I was lead to GiveSendGo by the same friend I turned to so many years ago. I am praying, if God leads you, you help me return to His original creation.
The campaign photo I have used is a blend of two pictures. One of me from my late 20's and one from my re-baptism on Nov. 6th, 2023. On that glorious day I was spoken to by God through one of the pastors that baptized me. I was told that my "many, many sins" were forgiven. Not just a simple Christian platitude, but a direct word from God that brought me to tears. That through my re-acceptance of Him my sins have been forgiven. Me, the person who sought so hard to destroy what He created, MY sins were forgiven. How can I keep living the way I want to when He has forgiven me? How can I lead others to Him when my life is actively working against His word?
My campaign has multiple goals / costs to cover. 1) to undue what can be undone medically - unfortunately some of it can't be undone. 2) to cover the legal costs of restoring my name / birth certificate / driver's license, etc. 3) rebuild my wardrobe. (That one seems silly, but ya know...clothes are a good thing. haha) I ask with respect and hope that if the Lord moves you, to please donate to this campaign. I believe the Lord brought me to GiveSendGo for a reason, to return to His will through His church's benevolence.
I have suffered confusion, as well. May God bless you on your road ahead.
Dear Micah, we rejoice in what God is doing in your life. We celebrate your return to your true identity in Christ. We knew you as a boy in Colorado Spring when your dad was our pastor. Your dad was one of the best!
Your public confession touched my heart. It is because of what Jesus did on the cross, for all of us sinners, that we are reconciled to God. He gave his life for us, proving his unconditional love, dying for us while we were yet sinners.
Micah, Jim Gilbert here. Your dad would be sooo proud of what you’re doing, as I’m sure your mom is. If I get out to OKC, I’d love to see you.
your story is beautiful and clearly, painful. But I believe I can hear the peace in your words. I'm praying for you to receive the funds necessary and to have gainful employment and the blessing of Christ centered community. You are loved!
Praying for you and praising God for His work of Reconciliation and Restoration! ❤️
Rejoicing and praying every step!
Praying for you.
What a beautiful story of God’s love and redemption. We love you so much and so proud of you. ❤️❤️❤️
February 21st, 2025
Hello All,
I have news. I spoke with the dr's office today and they have agreed to do what I need at a significantly reduced fee. In order to initiate the booking, I need to either pay a portion in advance or the whole bill in advance. Therefore, I will be withdrawing the funds from this account and into my personal account. I will be submitting for that withdrawal tonight, 2/20.
To be a good steward and to provide full financial transparency, I will be updating this account with a cent for cent accounting. Since it was given for a purpose, it will be used for that purpose.
Thank you all very much.
January 28th, 2025
Hello everyone,
Not sure if email notifications get sent out when updates are published, but…wanted to update this campaign.
I would be lying if I said this detransition was an easy road I am traveling down. Not only does this involve more medical intervention, but the emotional impact is real as well. In trying to “follow my heart” (which i now KNOW is deceitful above all things) I have not only hurt myself, but others close to me. I took away a mother’s son, a sister’s brother, and a son’s father. My son doesn’t remember his father. He was so young when I started down this road that the “me” I am now is the only “me” he knows. He knows what I’m doing, but it’s very difficult for him to process.
I am currently working towards my goal. I have been in contact with the surgeon who did two of my operations and he has agreed to undue what he can. When I last spoke with him, he was VERY confused as to why I would be doing this. I explained the best i could without getting “preachy” and he agreed to help. This surgeon is not a Christian but maybe I could plant a seed when we are finally able to move forward. If you all would, please pray for Dr. Hadeed. Pray he comes to know the Lord. Pray the Lord open his eyes to what he has been doing with and to people. Even if for some reason I am not able to move forward with him as the surgeon, pray for him anyway. He is a nice man. He truly believes he’s helping people. Please pray the Lord opens his eyes.
I am currently halfway towards my goal. I am trying to save what I can myself but I am not a high income earner. My contribution is minimal. Please continue to pray and spread the word. I want to give my son his father back and to bring glory to my Heavenly Father.
Thank you
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