Monthly Goal:
USD $500
Total Raised:
USD $1,809
Raised this month:
USD $50
Campaign funds will be received by Ed McCray
Rediscovering Walt Disney is a campaign to collect print media, audio, films, artifacts, and other tangible items that document the history of Walt Disney, his creations, and the people who collaborated with him. This information will be preserved online so people can access to the true Walt Disney story that Woke Disney is erasing. Some of the things we'd like to obtain hard copies of are vintage autobiographies of Walt Disney employees and magazine articles that are long out of print and quite expensive to acquire so that we can tell the honest story.
We seek to shine a light on Walt Disney and his numerous contributions to American culture and to create awareness of his many creations.It is our hope that this will cause understanding and appreciation for Walt Disney and his impact on our culture and the world. Like America's Founders, there's been a lot of lies pushed about Walt Disney and what he created. Just as progressives have attempted to destroy America as founded, so too have they sought to do the same with the company Walt co-founded with his brother Roy. We need to know their story before it's successfully erased forever.
We are Rediscovering Walt Disney and his creations & Rescuing, Recovering, Reclaiming, & Restoring his works from Woke Disney.
We have set up a Rumble Channel to chronicle the history of Walt Disney and what happened after he was gone. We are starting a series of video essays that will be posted here soon. Our first series will cover the faith history of Walt Disney through what the religion of Woke Disney truly is. We can only produce the episodes as quickly as resources to purchase historical materials allows. Some of the segments we've put together for these shows include Walt's essays on his Christian faith read in his voice through an AI recreated voice, a segment on Jimmie Dodd & the Mickey Mouse Club being a Christian youth ministry, the Disney child stars, and films like Johnny Appleseed and Fantasia. We have historic materials you won't see elsewhere because we grew up experiencing the real Walt Disney and know what to collect. We're currently working on more segments so we can start posting completed episodes. Please consider contributing to our campaign and help the world rediscover Walt Disney history. Thank you and God bless!
To follow us bookmark
Videos are posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.
#GivingTuesday, #GivingTuesday2024, #GivingTuesday2023, #GivingTwosday, #GivingTwosday2023 #RediscoveringWaltDisney, #FreeUncleRemus
February 4th, 2025
This is the film tie-in version of the novel that the Walt Disney Productions' film The North Avenue Irregulars was based on. The film is about a pastor wanting to shut down the mob in his city but when the men won't step up, it's up to the church ladies to step in and do a man's job.The real life pastor who wrote this novel actually did battle the mob and tried to find a cure for cancer. Although this film was produced over a decade after Walt's passing, it proves how his studio was still making films that adhered to his values that long after Walt was gone.
February 1st, 2025
This 1967 paperback book reprints A.J. Carothers' entire screenplay for The Happiest Millionaire. The back of the book cites the boxing lessons in Bible class that play a prominent role in this musical based on the autobiography My Philadelphia Father by Cordelia Drexel Biddle. The Happiest Millionaire was largely advertised as the final film Walt Disney personally oversaw because it was entirely filmed but not edited when he was alive. Walt always cast Fred MacMurray in the roles he most personally identified with. A Bible-believing, flag-waving, eccentric father struggling with his daughter growing up was a story Walt deeply identified with having two daughters of his own. With Christian faith and family values playing such a prominent role in the film that it was featured in the advertising, it proves how Walt's Christian faith was something he or his company never shied away from even after he'd passed away the previous year. This book was also published by Scholastic which also demonstrates how far they've fallen from the company they used to be as well.
January 30th, 2025
The Small One was a historic featurette made by Walt Disney Productions and released in 1978. Walt Disney obtained the rights to the book The Small One by Charles Tazewell in 1960. Walt's intention was to produce a featurette with his friend Bing Crosby, who was associated with the story because he read it on his radio show for years. An LP of Crosby reading the story was released in 1947 and had narrated the Legend of Sleepy Hollow for Walt's film adaptation around this same time. Walt's version never happened and the project was shelved.
In the 1970's a new generation of animators found the story in the Studio archive and it was meant to be a training film led by Disney legend Eric Larson. Don Bluth ended up directing the project instead and it was his directorial debut. A few years later he would abandon Disney and become its greatest rival. The Small One was the first film produced by the new generation of Disney animators and was released with a reissue of Pinocchio. It aired on TV for years before fading into obscurity.
This press release shows demonstrates the high hopes for this project and its Christian themes. It's incorrect in citing Sleeping Beauty as the last film with a choir. That film was The Sword in the Stone in 1963. When The Small One was finally released to DVD and streaming some edits were made to remove some of its original content.
January 29th, 2025
In this June 1956 TV Guide interview, leader of the Mickey Mouse Club Jimmie Dodd discusses his Christian faith and playing hymns for Walt Disney after work. In later interviews, Jimmie's widow said Jimmie would also pray over/with Walt. These sessions led to Walt releasing a few Christian hymn LP records on the Disneyland label with Jimmie performing them. Let this sink in, this interview wasn't in a Christian magazine but mainstream America TV Guide!
January 27th, 2025
January 27th, 2025
January 27th, 2025
January 27th, 2025
January 27th, 2025
Hiawatha is a film Walt Disney tried to make for over 30 years. In a recent discovery I found a 1956 book that includes Walt's version of this story. Based on the Longfellow poem, Walt's film retained the theme that Hiawatha was preparing the pagan American Indians to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. The next few posts are pages from this book.
January 25th, 2025
Walt Disney's 2nd live action film was So Dear To My Heart and was a very personal film for him because he identified with his childhood in rural MO. In all of the marketing the themes of God, prayer, and Americana were prominent including in this 1948 magazine ad that Walt signed his name to. We can debate on the folksy language used to describe God but the point is God and prayer are mention and Walt Disney signed his name to it. Thank you for your contributions to make acquiring hard evidence like this possible so I can post it to be shared.
January 14th, 2025
Here's our latest video of Walt Disney's words recreated in his audio voice with aid of AI. This essay was once celebrated by the company he founded but has since become forgotten.We're still working on our informative shows on What's faith and values.
December 3rd, 2024
This is a magazine cover drawn by Hank Porter that features Mickey and Minnie as pilgrims praying over their dinner with Mickey's nephews Morty and Ferdie. This is not the only such image that was created and approved by Walt Disney when he was alive.
November 19th, 2024
In the 1950's Walt and Roy funded or distributed a handful of films for other producers. The Big Fisherman is a 3 time Oscar nominated Biblical epic that Disney funded to the tune of 6 million dollars.The average live action Disney film at the time only cost a little over 1 million dollars. Walt wanted to make a Biblical epic like his friend and mentor Cecil B. deMille. The Big Fisherman was the book sequel to the Robe, which 20th Century Fox had already made into a film a few years prior. This edition of the book with the film's theatrical poster cited Buena Vista as the distributor of the film. Buena Vista is the distribution arm of Walt Disney Pictures to this day. When the film is cited at all in Disney history it's downplayed or bashed when this wasn't the case. It lost its award nominations to Ben Hur in the year everyone lost to Ben Hur.
November 15th, 2024
We've acquired tis article about the Walt Disney World version of the live Nativity Walt Disney started at Disneyland when he was alive. The live Nativity was a staple at Walt Disney World until Eisner shut it down in 1993/94. This proves it existed and was a major part of the Walt Disney World Christmas experience. This is why we're doing what we do. We're chronicling hard evidence of the purged history of Walt Disney that Woke Disney doesn't want us to see or know about.
November 14th, 2024
This article is about a shrine Walt Disney provided for some nuns. It's very reminiscent of the films Come to the Stable and the Bells of St. Mary's. Al Dempster, who was the artist/designer, was an animation/illustration artist at the studio as well as an imagineer. Walt Disney was not a secular man in any sense of the word. He frequently supported Judaeo-Christian organizations and causes but this has been purged from official Woke Disney history.
November 12th, 2024
When Walt Disney was alive a rotating Star of Bethlehem was installed on the Matterhorn every Christmas season and lit by Santa Claus in a ceremony. The star rotated and the Wisemen were guided by it to the live Nativity held in Disneyland each year. This cover of Backstage is an image referencing that with the star over the newly constructed Big Thunder Mountain. Backstage was an employee newsletter that the general public was never meant to see but this proves there were once pro Judaeo-Christian values with Walt Disney Productions.We would never see Walt Disney characters dressed as Biblical figures today let alone one of them being depicted by Brer Bear who was once a popular member of the Walt Disney stable of characters. Now he's been purged.
October 17th, 2024
In 1956 Walt Disney wrote this letter for a time capsule buried at Disneyland for 50 years. In it, Walt mentions faith in the future, entertainment, and how the entertainers of the future will revere the entertainers from his time. He also praises Christ in Latin. This is another obscure piece from Walt Disney history that highlights his Judaeo-Christian faith as well as how he'd be appalled by Woke Disney purging his legacy today.
October 14th, 2024
We have obtained a hard copy of this rarely scene publicity photo that was sent out by Walt Disney Productions when people wanted a photo for the Mickey Mouse Club. When it's been used in recent years, the "God Bless" is cropped from the image.
We are trying to acquire more physical evidence documenting the real history of Walt Disney for our Rumble series Rediscovering Walt Disney. We explore who Walt really was and his worldview, what he actually created and why, and how it's been destroyed by Woke Disney. Please consider contributing to our campaign so we can tell this story properly. It has never been documented in one place as we're attempting to do.
October 5th, 2024
I have finally obtained a hard copy of Walt's 1949 faith essay for Guideposts. It features artwork of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck taking their families to church and this is why Woke Disney wants this article oppressed. I've also identified the artist so he receives public credit for the first time. I'm working on a video on this essay of Walt reading this essay via AI.
It would be helpful to receive contributions to acquire some historical artifacts and documentation to include in the long for shows on Walt's faith. These artifacts include LP's, sheet music, photos, etc that prove Walt Disney's Judaeo-Christian faith used to guide everything he created. The artifacts are needed so what's covered can't be refuted. I know there's a lot more important things going on in the world today and what I'm offering is the history of how we got here so we can find our way back. The Walt Disney Company was once a force for good that's been under spiritual warfare for years and now spreads evil through the culture. This distinction also needs to be understood so Walt's testimony isn't tainted by what Woke Disney does today in his name. Thank you.
June 21st, 2024
In 1954 Walt Disney jotted down what he wanted to be included in the Mickey Mouse Club. The third thing on the list is the Parable of the Talents which were told by Jesus. Walt hired a Christian youth pastor named Jimmie Dodd to lead the Mickey Mouse Club and Dodd often quoted Scripture and sang songs about Jesus and Biblical Truths.
June 10th, 2024
This is the 1990 broadcast of the Walt Disney World Independence Day Spectacular. You won't believe this is the same company. Not only does the park do shows celebrating America but the Walt Disney characters recite the Preamble of the US Constitution. Regis and Kathy Lee also do a singing and dancing show celebrating America and there's a sequence celebrating the Berlin Wall coming down. This wasn't a conservative event or a trump rally. This was the Walt Disney Company over three decades ago. Even though Walt had passed away more than 25 years before this, the company still upheld his values.
June 10th, 2024
This is a souvenir VHS tape that was sold at Walt Disney World in the early 1990's that documents how Christmas was celebrated at the time. At least half the video is Christ-centered. You see the live Nativity Walt started at Disneyland that was also done in Florida, the Disney characters singing Christian hymns and more. You won't believe this is the same company. Many of these traditions were dropped in the 1993/94 era as the company went PC. It's important that we document these things so people understand who Walt Disney was and how his company upheld his values decades after he was gone. Woke Disney no longer does this.
June 10th, 2024
This is a video that used to air on the Disney Channel that was filmed at EPCOT Center in 1987. It aired for many years and you'll be stunned this was the Walt Disney Company. It's like a church service or event. The theme is how many cultures worship Jesus Christ with their cultural traditions.
June 10th, 2024
This is a 1987 video of Walt Disney's Candlelight Processional that was broadcast on the Disney Channel for years. We've written a history of this ceremony in the video description that's worth reading. Even after he'd been gone two decades, the company he'd co-founded with his brother Roy still upheld his Christian values.
June 10th, 2024
This is audio God made available to us and our Rumble page is the only place to see it. It's a miracle we ended up with this. In 1941 Walt Disney gave a radio address about American Constitutional freedoms and even addressed issues of wokeness.
Please consider contributing to our campaign so we can continue sharing the truth on the real Walt Disney. There's more historical artifacts we'd like to acquire to continue sharing this story.
June 10th, 2024
I've been hard at work on assembling historical Walt Disney content to prove what he supported. Below you will find a 1962 episode of his TV show that is steeped with Judaeo-Christian values. One highlight is the Candlelight Processional which was personally started by Walt Disney. There's also a Parade of Nations honoring the birth of Christ with their cultures and traditions. You'll also see things like the Bible at the christening of the Columbia. I've added lots of similar content to the Rumble page.
There are some more vintage Walt Disney artifacts I'd like to acquire to collect the evidence of Walt's Judaeo-Christian, pro American values so please consider contributing to this campaign. It's highly appreciated!
April 30th, 2024
In this essay we debunk the urban legend that Walt Disney was a freemason. Here's the link:
April 27th, 2024
In 1978 Walt Disney Productions released an official book with a 2 disc LP set celebrating 50 years of Mickey Mouse. In the book Walt's 3rd faith essay was excerpted. We have now obtained a hard copy of this book and have been working on a video with AI recreating Walt's voice reading his essay.
April 18th, 2024
Here's a video I created using Walt Disney's 1945 Uncle Remus storybook. It also tells the story about James Baskett and what's been done to his legacy.
Please consider contributing to our campaign so we can continue to make this rare Walt Disney history accessible to all.
Thank you.
April 13th, 2024
We've obtained a copy of one of Jimmie Dodd's Christian LP's he made for Disneyland records. He was a Christian youth pastor that Walt Disney hired to lead the Mickey Mouse Club where he often sang songs about Biblical truths. This is the real reason we believe that the Mickey Mouse Club has been withheld. Woke Disney doesn't want you to see or know this. Below is a photo of the back of the album with information on Dodd so you can see what kind of a man he was. We will upload these songs to our Rumble channel so people can enjoy his praise and worship music again.
April 11th, 2024
Here's the rest of the essay...
April 11th, 2024
We've acquired a hard copy of Walt Disney's 3rd essay on his Judaeo-Christian faith. I'll post it in 2 parts so you can read it.
April 7th, 2024
This is the Title Card as of now. I adapted the card from Steamboat Willie. I hope it educates people when it's posted.
April 5th, 2024
I've been negotiating a deal to buy a collection of Walt Disney film scripts so I can do episodes on each film. In the playlist I broke down Darby O'Gill & the Little People this way. They want $624 for 23 scripts shipped.I have just over $500. The scripts include:
Walt Era:
Pollyanna, That Darn Cat, The Absent-Minded Professor, The Castaways, the Moonspinners, 4 drafts of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Parent Trap, Three Lives of Thomasina, Swiss Family Robinson, Old Yeller, Treasure Island, Mary Poppins.
After Walt:
Freaky Friday, the Black Hole, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Beauty & the Beast, Aladdin, Nightmare Before Christmas, Hocus Pocus, Early draft of Pirates of the Caribbean Curse of the Black Pearl.
If possible, please pray and give what you can. We want to introduce people to Walt Disney and what's happened to the company he founded with his brother Roy and Ub Iwerks. Only by knowing the history and how Walt created what he did and why can we hope that people with Walt's values will restore it or found new companies of the same values. Thank you and God bless.
April 5th, 2024
Today we created this video with an AI Walt reading the 2nd essay he wrote on prayer in his life. We intend to do more and give voice to Walt's' words so people can rediscover them. Please consider contributing to our cause.
April 3rd, 2024
This was sent to me by someone who wanted it seen by the public. It's a letter Walt Disney wrote in 1956 that was placed in a time capsule at Disneyland and opened in 2006. In it he discusses how he hopes the future of his company, America, humanity, the world, etc will be 50 years in the future. Anyone who claims Walt's principles don't matter, they're wrong. Principles are how you run an organization and they are timeless.
April 3rd, 2024
Someone sent in this photo yesterday of the 1978 LP set of Disney history where the first essay they reprint in the book is one of Walt's essays on his Christian faith. It's official Walt Disney Productions material. The artwork of conductor Mickey Mouse designed for this set became the logo for Walt Disney Records well into the 2000's. I'd love to obtain a hard copy of this set for the archive I'd like to build I'll showcase in a forthcoming podcast.
April 2nd, 2024
A few people have contacted me who worked at Disneyland in the past and I was told that in the early 60 there was a prayer group that met daily before the park opened each day and sometimes Walt attended these meetings in the back before he went to breakfast at Aunt Jemima's.
Another person told me that they were there in the 70's and every inch of that park used to be prayed over. This is the letterhead they sent me. Notice the copyright info on it. Eisner's regime broke these groups up in the 90's.
This is important Walt Disney history that needs shared today.
April 2nd, 2024
Here is the essay Walt Disney wrote for the book How Prayer Helps Me. It so moved his brother Roy that cards of this essay were printed up in the Disney print shop and given to guests. This essay was also included as an insert in a 1970's LP of Walt Disney musical history. What CEO of a major company would write about their prayer life today and Walt wasn't the only one.
Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.
April 2nd, 2024
This was sent in to me today. In the 1970's-90's there was a prayer/Bible study group at Disney Feature Animation. Management broke it up in the 90's by demanding other faiths be included and create conflict. This drawing was done by Glen Keane for the group during the production of the Fox & the Hound. Glen was the lead animator on Ratigan, Fagin, Ariel, Best, Aladdin, Pocahontas, Tarzan, Long John Silver and more. When Glen animated the transformation of the Beast into the Prince he wrote Bible verses on the drawings to keep in mind the Beast was becoming a new creation in Christ. What a great piece of Walt Disney History to share!
Posted for historical purposes. This page is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.
March 31st, 2024
Today I appeared on WDWPRO's Easter show talking about Walt Disney's Judaeo-Christian faith and values. It's not as in depth as the Walt Disney history series I participated in over the last three months but the audience response has been amazing. More than one person posted in the comment section that they were moved to tears. I'm just sharing the truth I grew up with and didn't realize it's a revelation to so many people. Here's the show if you'd like to see it.
Posted for historical purposes. This page is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.
March 31st, 2024
One treasure we would like to find is a copy of Walt Disney's 1949 Guideposts article. While we have the text, the actual article featured artwork of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in a church praying. We would like a hard copy so this aspect of Walt Disney history and who Walt was can't be denied. Revisionist historians claim he hated religion but that's just not true. Evidence like this sets the record straight and can't be denied or refuted.
March 30th, 2024
On our Rumble Channel, Rediscovering Walt Disney, we have added ten minutes of behind the scenes footage from Walt Disney's Song of the South that someone sent in. Besides rediscovering Walt Disney, we also seek to honor Song of the South by getting it put on the National Film Registry in the midst of Woke Disney erasing every aspect of this important film from our culture. In theory this is why the National Film registry exists.
This was the first technicolor feature film made that blended live action with animation throughout.
Music is the popular 1946 recording of the Oscar award winning song Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah performed by Johnny Mercer & the Pied Pipers.
Actor James Baskett is the first black actor to win an Oscar and it was for this film! Walt personally lobbied for him to receive this honor, fighting the racists in Hollywood in the process. Baskett died shortly after and his widow said Walt Disney was their friend when they were in need and they'd certainly been in need.
Actor Nick Stewart played Bre'r Bear, started the Ebony Showcase Theater with the earnings from this film. He returned to play Bre'r Bear again in Splash Mountain and remodeled the theater. He said Walt Disney treated all the actors like kings.
Oscar winner Hattie McDaniel plays a major character in this film, first black actress to win an Oscar for Gone with the Wind.
Don't let Woke Disney erase important black history!
Please nominate this historic film on the National Film Registry as Woke Disney purges every aspect of this special film from pop culture.
The form is below.
Posted for historical purposes. This page is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.
March 26th, 2024
This is a publicity photo that would be sent to fans who wrote to the Walt Disney Studios asking for a Mickey Mouse Club photo. It looks like a Sunday School photo. We would like to have a hard copy of this photo and others that were sent out like it so this history can't be denied. We'd also like to have hard copies of Jimmie Dodd's LP's where he sang these hymns and God centered songs he'd written under the Walt Disney label.
March 26th, 2024
This is the sort of artifacts we'd like to collect more of. This is a vintage 1950's article on Jimmie Dodd. He was the man Walt Disney selected to lead the Mickey Mouse Club. Jimmie was a youth pastor and with his wife, Ruth, ran the Hollywood Bible Society. Walt Disney knew who he was when he came to pitch a song about a pencil to him. Walt saw beyond the song he was hearing and knew this was the man to be the face of the Mickey Mouse Club. What Walt didn't know is Jimmie and his wife had been praying God would open a door in his career because he was thinking of giving up acting and going into full time ministry. Both said God answered their prayers by blessing Jimmy with the Mickey Mouse Club as his ministry.
One the Mickey Mouse Club, Jimmie often sang songs about God, Jesus, the Bible, and Biblical values. Many of these songs were released to LP record albums. Walt knew what he was doing and fully supported it. Nothing happened at Disney without Walt's full approval. This is why we believe the real reason behind supressing the Mickey Mouse Club from modern audiences is. Woke Disney doesn't want us to know it was a pro-Judaeo-Christian show. Even the LP albums are downplayed by modern gatekeepers and historians.
Jimmie Dodd was also a mentor and role model for the Mouseketeers. Many of the Mouseketeers commented on it. Walt shepherded his child actors with American and Judaeo-Christian values. Only one of his child actors became a train wreck compared with the parade of Woke Disney actors who've been train wreck after train wreck. Jimmie was a very popular figure everywhere he was sent. He was also sick with blood cancer but he and Ruth believed that God would keep him alive until his mission was done. Just weeks after the Mickey Mouse Club wrapped, Jimmie passed away from his cancer. When his mission was done, God called him home.
These are the true Walt Disney history stories that need to be told.
March 26th, 2024
Here's where I called into Pat Gray Unleashed suggesting we get Song of the South on the National Film Directory as Woke Disney is purging this historic film from every aspect of the culture. In the video description are the details on how we do this. Let's #FREEUNCLEREMUS from the Woke Disney Plantation and honor this great film and all of the talented people who made it.....
March 25th, 2024
We have uploaded footage of the prayer and blessing that was given over Disneyland on opening day by the Rev Glenn D. Puder to the Rediscovering Walt Disney Rumble Channel. You can see it below. Walt Disney said in a 1957 interview: "There’s an American theme behind Disneyland. I believe in emphasizing the story of what made America great and what will keep it great.” in another interview he also said “Disneyland is a sort of monument to the American way of life.” Footage like this shows what Walt Disney meant by this.
March 23rd, 2024
Here are the 12 episodes we've done on rediscovering Walt Disney history
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.