CAD $45,700
CAD $7,578
Campaign funds will be received by Richard Wintringham
When the Saskatchewan Government chose to implement Mandates during the Covid insanity, I was among those who decided that protesting the draconian measures was imperative. As Martin Luther King Jr. famously proclaimed: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."
I believed that the mandates were not only unjust, but damaging to society through the use of fear and censorship to coerce citizens into compliance.
For two years I spoke out and was targeted by the Government for doing so. I lost my job and received eight separate tickets. Although the base fine was supposed to be $2800 per "offence", the Judges ruling had the latitude to impose larger fines if they so decided.
Although the Justice Center For Constitutional Freedoms did their best representing me in the courts, they failed to overturn the judgements.
As of now I owe $45,700, with varying due dates. What is due right now is $10,500. My very first ticket has actually been sent to a collection agency (Commercial Credit Adjusters) and that one is fir $7000.
I will disclose the paperwork.
Unlike other jurisdictions in Canada, the Judges in Saskatchewan only give credence to Public Health edicts and refuse to consider counterveiling evidence from other scientists, doctors or health professionals.
Please consider helping me out if you believe that protesting against these draconian mandates was the right thing to do. Time has already proven, and will continue to do so, that those of us who spoke out and incurred the wrath of this politicized policy were on the right side of history.
God Bless You and Thank You.
The only way to defeat the Marxists is to stand up to them. Thank you.
Thanks for all you did and for fighting the good fight!!
You are on the right side of history. Good bless you for your courage.
Keep the faith ❤️
Thanks for fighting for us. You’ll both get through this.
Please support those that have sacrificed so much to so many.
Blessings to you for your bravery. I too was cast out of the tribe for standing against Father Fauci and Sister Tam. But time is vindicating us, slowly. I'll keep fighting in the courts until we have justice and healing. Stay strong fellow warriors.
Give’r!! All the crew are behind you.
Keep on trucking and podcasting in 2025!
Regina guy in Alberta. Saw you on Jimmy Dore. Fight the good fight buddy!
Wishing you the best of luck in fighting our evil government.
Donated twice to Freedom convoy. Our country is run by WEF fifth columnists (i.e., traitors to the Canadian people). They belong in prison.
Saw you on The Jimmy Dore Show…love from North Dakota.
Saw you on Jimmy Dore. Keep up the fight
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