Help the Potcakes of Andros


 USD $5,000


 USD $125

Campaign created by Nancy P

Campaign funds will be received by Andrew Chandler

Help the Potcakes of Andros

Andros Island is a paradise in The Bahamas for many and a life of unimaginable suffering for stray cats and dogs. An island with no vet, currently only several people are helping the strays that are breeding out of control and barely surviving. A few people have been feeding them at their own expense and once in a while they are able to get a puppy/kitten or two off the island to be adopted elsewhere. 5 puppies were just rescued from under someone’s house that were dying because the mother was too starved to feed them. The animals in Andros desperately need your help with food for strays and for a spay/neuter clinic to fix the strays so the suffering can end. These dogs and cats die painful deaths from heart-worm (dogs) starvation or writhing on the side of the highway after being hit. Potcakes of Andros needs to feed, medicate, fix and hopefully adopt out as many as possible. A Bahamian vet has to come over and run the clinic, foreign vets aren’t allowed. Any little bit will help. A heartfelt thank you to you all. We are all God’s children. 🙏💕

Recent Donations
Angela Sheard
$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago


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