Help and Hope for Philip and his family


 USD $5,000


 USD $400

Campaign created by Angel Ball

Campaign funds will be received by Mariya Brown

Help and Hope for Philip and his family

Hey everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to read this. My son Philip, his wife Mariya, and their son David are facing a tough situation. Recently, their car's transmission gave out, and they urgently need a new one. Philip is a disabled Marine veteran and unable to work, and Mariya is his full-time caregiver, also caring for their special needs son, David, who is nonverbal and autistic. They are working on getting VA support for Mariya as a paid caregiver, but right now, they’re in a financial bind.

We're asking for your prayers and, if possible, any financial help you can give. A new car and help catching up on bills would truly make a difference for their family. We know it’s a difficult time for many, but any support, no matter how small, will be deeply appreciated. As Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Your kindness would not only help them get back on their feet but would mean the world to us all. Thank you, and God bless you in Jesus' name!

Love, Angel

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
23 days ago

May God add his Blessing to these funds.

Elvis of Dallas
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Wishing you the best. Folks are having tough times but it’s nice to be able to help someone

Steven Day
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

God bless you

ANN Roda
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago


Help is Urgently Needed

January 21st, 2025

It is so hard to ask for help from others, especially when it’s people we don’t know but here we are…asking for your help. 
The situation hasn’t gotten any better as we have raised very little of our goal money and as there are other, more basic needs right now. Food and pull ups for my grandson who is 8 years old and autistic (non-verbal) but so far has not learned to use the potty. The pull ups alone are so costly and without transportation it is even harder to get him to the needed appointments to qualify for at least some coverage via insurance. 
To those who think a bus is a possibility, it is not because Philip couldn’t do the standing and walking/climbing to get into and out of the bus.  They use Uber and it is also quite costly…when they use money for Uber, that takes away from their food budget and they always struggle to get to the end of the month. 
I am asking that you give what you can, even $5.00 from each person reading this would add up immensely. If you cannot afford to help, trust me we understand. Then we covet your prayers and ask that you share with others who might be able to help. 
As a mom, this breaks my heart so much. If I were in a position to help them myself, I’d have never set up this campaign. We have reached out to different organizations and veterans groups and it seems no one can help…So we are pushing a little harder and asking now for your help. Thank you. 
Prayers and hugs to you all, Angel 

Still works by towards the goal

December 12th, 2024

Hey all,

I just wanted to share that we are still working to raise the money needed to repair Philip and Mariya’s car. This has been a thorn in our sides for a few months now and we are praying that God will raise up some good people who are willing to help! Every little bit counts but right now, they’re having to take Uber/Taxi to get to appointments and other places. Could you please pray on this and then share our campaign? They really need to is help and it would certainly go a long ways towards getting them mobile as a family without paying an arm and a leg for an Uber if Taxi. 

God bless each and every one of you for you prayers and help, Angel (Philip’s mom) 

Update Still works by towards the goal Image
Slowly but surely getting there!

December 3rd, 2024

I trust that many of you had a blessed Thanksgiving and hope this update finds all of you well. 

Today, I am writing to update you that your prayers are needed as both Mariya and Philip are not doing well physically. They’re not feeling well. My prayer is that God will heal both of this illness and pain. I ask that you join me in that prayer. 

That said, we are still actively working to make this car repair happen. Mariya has reached out to a garage who may help out if we can get enough together to pay towards the repairs. They’ve worked with them previously for repairs and were allowed to make payments, which they did and that was back when the car needed to pass inspection. That all went well. After that, we bought parts and a friend fixed the things that needed fixing and all was well until the transmission gave out.

Right now, the car needs a new transmission and possibly new tires and a battery. I know that many are struggling badly and of course, we don’t want anyone going broke to help but if you are in a position to help, would you please consider making a donation to our campaign. We aren’t sure what’s next but we do trust and believe that this will all work out. 

Thank you to all who have helped so far. You are greatly appreciated. My heart hurts for my son and his family. He is a disabled United States Marine but so far no organization we’ve reached out to will help. Believe me we’ve tried. 

Thank you to those who pray and will continue to pray. Please share this campaign and help us gain traction. 

As always, much love to you all, Angel 

Update Slowly but surely getting there! Image
Your help is still needed.

November 27th, 2024

Hi there,

I just wanted to share a quick update. So far, we have raised a very small percentage of what is needed to fix the car and help with other expenses. Philip and Mariya have had to use what money has been raised to use Uber to get to appointments and also to buy some food. If you’re able to help, every little bit counts and we covet your prayers. Thank you to all who have already helped. We love and appreciate you and are so thankful for all of you. 

Love, Angel 

P.S. Please share for us as well. 

Campaign Update #1

October 31st, 2024

Just wanted to share that we are all so grateful for any and all help, including your prayers and shares. This has been a really tough year all the way around. Mariya recently lost her grandmother, who she was very close to and your prayers are coveted for peace and comfort for her and for Philip and David too. Because of the car and financial situation, they were unable to go to Brooklyn to say final goodbyes. 

The car situation is pretty dire right now and this help is truly needed. Thank you to all woh have helped and who will help. Sending lots of love to all of you. God bless you all in Jesus’ name! 

Angel 😇

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.