USD $25,000
USD $12,563
Campaign funds will be received by Peppercave.com
Updated from 2023 campaign:
After a year+ of steady payment processing with PayPal, they cut me off today. They also cut off my personal account. I have no idea at present how I'll be able to accept payments or how I'll pay certain bills.
I think there's more than just coincidence in cutting me off just before close of business the business-day before the single largest shopping day of the year.
If you can provide support while I attempt to find a new payment processor I'll be eternally grateful.
Donation for order # R016279013
From Honkocaust
R339162556 R562392752 R817258652
Order: R791140819
Appreciate all that you do. Looking forward to showing off PepperCave in the public window display! R106363063
Great work brother, thank you for everything 🙏
Support from Canada
God bless
o/ Order #R891097691
Thank you and God bless
Order number R132283906
Order # R321115063
For order - R015685936
R151299545 Christ is King!
September 28th, 2023
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