USD $1,750
Campaign funds will be received by Paul Copeland
Hello! Here, i have created a way for people to support me financially, helping me study, grow, and reach those in need. Thank you for considering to give, it is a huge blessing for me to live dependent on the generosity of others. Although you are giving directly to me, my life is not my own, but belongs to the Lord. As you help me financially, you impact the lives of other people, and allow me to reach the communities that the Lord is leading me to. God continues to lead me into who He calls me to be, and how He calls me to live wherever i may go. I trust in His authority over my life, and that His ways lead to life!
Below i have written some information that will give you a better understanding of how you will be supporting me as i continue in my walk with the Lord. If you do decide to support me financially, thank you, you are changing lives!
Living all in for Jesus:
After graduating high school, i joined YWAM in Australia and decided to start living all in for Jesus. Since then I’ve been living out of my suitcase, learning how to love the people around me no matter where i am. Last year i was a part of a sailing school where i learned the basics of sailing, something absolutely foreign to me. Having this new skill i was able to aid in the delivery of the Vaka Hop’e, a traditional sailing canoe that is now being used in the Solomon Islands for all types of ministry. After taking a 3 month bible school last year, it has sparked my love to know and teach God’s word. Seeking after the Lord and learning to abide in Him has completely changed my life, i know i can trust in His goodness, His authority, and His love!
What’s next:
I have been living one step at a time, and now that has lead me back to Gold Coast, Australia. Starting in August, i will be taking a Leadership Internship through Youth With A Mission. The course is a 2 year study/staff program focused on community engagement, discipleship, and empowering youth. I will be a full time volunteer staff member, leading and living with students who come from all around the world to take their Discipleship Training School. The vision of the base is to see young people equipped to bring kingdom transformation wherever they go. Our base values are Know God, Make God known, Walking with people, enjoyment, Culture of risk and family!
The Solomon Islands:
YWAM Gold Coast has a huge heart for the Solomon Islands, and that’s a big reason for why I’ll be heading back there! As part of my course, i will lead teams of students on a 2 month outreach to that nation, where we will learn how to serve, love, and connect with the communities there. We will partner with the local churches to bring life and hope to those who need it.
Surf communities:
The Gold Coast is one of the top surf destinations in the world, and yet has very little christian influence. I have been given the opportunity to lead the Surf Stream for the YWAM base, where i will take students out surfing throughout the week. Our vision is to create community, have fun, and reach people through surfing. Our focus with this ministry is actually not surfing at all, but rather the people within that community, showing them where true life actually is! I am excited to see where the Lord takes this, and for surfers to use their skills for the glory of God!
Financial Needs:
At YWAM no one gets paid, so we all need to raise our own support. I’m looking to partner with people financially who are passionate about missions and want to be a part of what we do here at YWAM Gold Coast. I’ve budgeted it out that i can live on $800 AUD a month here. If you would like to give monthly, or make a one time donation, there is an option to do that on this website. I am still in need of monthly supporters, even the smallest amount goes a long way!
All donations are not tax-deductible, but you will receive a receipt of your transaction.
Please be praying for me as i step into a leadership position for the first time. Pray for our base as it continues to grow. Pray for the students, that the Lord would impact their lives forever through this school.
Thank you! Cheers, Paul Copeland
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Hey Pablo, Look fwd to working with you in your vision for the Solomons. RicHo The Boarders Circle.
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Love ya, Paulie!!!! God is with you!!!!
Stay strong, safe, happy & healthy!! We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
Best of luck on this next stage of your life journey. Have fun! But stay safe and healthy, too!! :-) We love you!! XOXOX, Heather, John & Will
We are so proud of you and your faith based adventures across Australia and the South Pacific. It's been amazing watching your story unfold! I'm excited for your return to that part of the world. As my mother Janell would say, you've got the world by the tail, boy! GO. With much love, Jorgen & Sarah Jensen (and Gretta and Ellie!)
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